Někdy se ocitnu ve stavu, kdy začnu hledat svoje krvavé kořeny. Většinou se zavřu do svého pokoje, zhasnu všechna světla a otevřu okna do tmy. Nové EP norských MALTUKA jsem dostal na recenzi jednoho chladného večera. Nečetl jsem promo materiály, ani jsem si o kapele nic nezjišťoval. Nechal jsem na sebe hudbu jen tak působit. Po několika společných setkáních a vypitých pivech jsem zjistil, že jsme jedné krve. Já i tahle smečka.
Líbí se mi přístup, s jakým pánové k tomuto stylu přistupují. Melodie jsou velmi ostré, hlas jedovatý, riffy naléhavé a u bicích vám vylétne mozek z hlavy. Ten den jsem nespal, ale jen si rval nové EP pod tlakem opakovaně do hlavy. Hergot, tahle hudba hoří jasným černým plamenem a smrdí sírou.
Novinka je neučesaná, syrová, po okraj narvaná takovou tou starodávnou patinou, kterou mám u kapel tolik rád. Netuším, jestli jste někdy potkali na ulici smečku prašivých psů, kteří touží po jediném - roztrhat vás na kusy. Tak ani nemusíte, Norové totiž působí úplně stejně. Uvěřitelně, opravdově. Hudba na mě útočila takovým tím poctivým, neurvalým způsobem. Dovedu si představit koncert v malém klubu, někde na periférii. I když už jsem starý pes, rád bych si skočil z pódia, to je jasná věc. Co se týká stylu, jaký nám tihle gentlemani předkládají, tak je ovlivněn kapelami jako SODOM, SLAYER, NUCLEAR ASSAULT, ale i třeba IMMORTAL. Osobně se mi potom líbí, že tahle smečka přistupuje k hudbě přeci jen trošku jinak, než ostatní. V současné době můžete všude potkat velkou spoustu různých retro skupin bez duše. MALTUKA na to jdou po svém, nebojí se říznout do živého. Chladné a temné melodie se zde potkávají se surovostí. Přesně takhle to mám rád. Norové se snaží o svůj vlastní rukopis a nutnou rovnou dodat, že se jim to daří na výbornou. Novinka mě opravdu baví poslouchat. Má v sobě totiž něco přitažlivého, co mě nutí se neustále vracet. Jestliže mě většina o hodně slavnějších jmen v současnosti už moc neoslovuje, k "Black Rite" se budu rád vracet. A to nejen ve chvílích, když budu mít nostalgickou náladu. Mimochodem, zvuk mě opravdu baví a s chutí se dívám i na motiv na obalu (Kim Diaz Holm (Sólstafir, Vreid)). Zkrátka a dobře, pokud jste na stejné vlně jako já, neváhejte ani chvilku. Už aby tu bylo dlouhohrající album. Těším se už teď! Ostrý, temný thrash metal, u kterého objevíte své vlastní krvavé kořeny! Černý plamen byl zažehnut!
Asphyx says:
Sometimes I find myself in a state where I start looking for my bloody roots. I usually lock myself in my room, turn off all the lights and open the windows to the darkness. I was given the new EP from Norway's MALTUKA to review one chilly evening. I hadn't read the promo materials or done any research on the band. I just let the music affect me. After a few meetings and a few beers together, I found out that we are of the same blood. Me and this pack.
I like the approach the gentlemen take to this style. The melodies are very sharp, the voice is venomous, the riffs are urgent and the drums will blow your brains out. I didn't sleep that day, I just ripped the new EP repeatedly in my head under pressure. Damn, this music burns with a bright black flame and smells like brimstone.
The new stuff is unpolished, raw, packed to the brim with that old patina I like so much in bands. I don't know if you've ever met a pack of mangy dogs on the street who want only one thing - to tear you apart. You don't have to, because the Norwegians look exactly the same. Believable, real. The music attacked me in that honest, uncouth way. I can imagine a gig in a small club, somewhere on the outskirts. Even though I'm an old dog, I'd like to jump off the stage, that's for sure. As for the style these gentlemen present us, it is influenced by bands like SODOM, SLAYER, NUCLEAR ASSAULT, but also IMMORTAL. Personally, I like the fact that this pack approaches music a bit differently than the others. Nowadays you can find a lot of different retro bands without soul everywhere. MALTUKA are doing it their own way, they are not afraid to cut into the live. Cold and dark melodies meet rawness here. That's how I like it. The Norwegians are trying to make their own signature and I have to say that they succeed in doing it perfectly. I really enjoy listening to this new album. It has something appealing that keeps me coming back. If most of the much more famous names these days don't appeal to me much anymore, I'll keep coming back to "Black Rite". And not just when I'm in a nostalgic mood. By the way, I really enjoy the sound and I also look with relish at the motif on the cover (Kim Diaz Holm (Sólstafir, Vreid)). In short, if you're on the same wavelength as me, don't hesitate a moment. I wish there was a full-length album already. I'm already looking forward to it! Sharp, dark thrash metal where you will discover your own bloody roots! The black flame has been ignited!
Měl jsem pocit, že jsem ho zahlédl ve stínu. Pokaždé jenom prošel kolem. Moc lidí mi ale nevěřilo. Jenže já jsem věděl své. Pokaždé, když je mi těžko na duši, tak se vydám na cestu do podsvětí. Moc dobře vím, o čem píšu. Jsem starý pes, který na podobné hudbě kdysi vyrůstal. Můžu vám tedy garantovat, že démona jsem opravdu viděl. Držel v ruce novou desku finských black thrash metalistů URN. Kapely, která má za sebou velmi dlouhou a hudebně zajímavou historii. Co se týká data založení, tak byste museli hledat až v roce 1994. První demo potom spatřilo světlo světa tři roky potom.
Máte tedy jistotu, že zde máte co do činění se starými bardy, kteří moc dobře vědí, co a jak chtějí hrát. Umí být divocí, nespoutaní, prašiví a stále dokáží kousnout tak, že se vám zastaví a zmrzne krev v těle. Nové album "Demon Steel" je toho jasným důkazem. Doporučuji poslouchat v chladu, naprosté tmě a hlavně pořádně nahlas. Tahle muzika smrdí sírou!
Jakoby mě někdo zavřel do staré kobky s kapelami jako DESTROYER 666, NIFELHEIM, DESASTER, POWER FROM HELL, HELLHAMMER, CELTIC FROST, SARCÓFAGO. Tak si alespoň při společných seancích s novou deskou připadám. Jedná se přesně o takový ten surový black thrash metal, který je pokrytý pavučinami a starodávnou, poctivou patinou. Kříže jsou obráceny směrem dolů, svěcená voda je plná zkažené krve a kněz konečně přiznal, že v žádného boha nevěří. Satan sedí na svém trůnu, usmívá se a démoni tančí do rytmu se všemi prokletými. Patřím samozřejmě mezi ně. Jasně, nejedná se o nic nového, ani převratného, ale to zde ani není účelem. Dostanete hudbu, která je ukována v pekelném ohni z těch nejkvalitnějších surovin. Berte a nechte být, nic jiného mezi tím neexistuje. Co se týká formálních věcí, jako je zvuk a obal, tak je vše v absolutním pořádku. Skladby v sobě obsahují poctivý drive, nahrubo nasekanou tmu i zlo, které se ukrývá hluboko i ve vašem podvědomí. Finové jej vytáhli na povrch, smíchali s prachem z hrobů a narvali jej do nás pod tlakem. Na URN je zkrátka a dobře spolehnutí. Novým albem jenom potvrzují svoji pozici v záhrobí a právem nosí titul legenda. Nemám vlastně žádných námitek a album "Demon Steel" si neskutečně užívám. A to hlavně v noci, když se ulicemi toulají přízraky a zvou mě na nedaleký hřbitov. Tohle je pozvánka, která se nedá odmítnout. Tohle je poctivá, klasická a tradiční muzika, zahraná od srdce. Black thrash metalový útok z pekla, který vás spálí na popel! Nové album smrdí sírou, vztekem a nenávistí! Démoni číhají v temnotě!
Asphyx says:
I thought I saw him in the shadows. He just walked by each time. But not many people believed me. But I knew my own. Every time my soul is heavy, I take a trip to the underworld. I know exactly what I'm writing about. I'm an old dog who grew up on music like this. So I can guarantee you that I have seen a demon. He was holding the new album by Finnish black thrash metallers URN. A band with a very long and musically interesting history. As for the date of foundation, you would have to look back to 1994. The first demo saw the light of day three years later.
So you can be sure that you are dealing with old bards who know very well what and how they want to play. They can be wild, unbridled, mangy and still manage to bite so hard that your blood stops and freezes in your body. The new album "Demon Steel" is a clear proof of that. I recommend listening to it in the cold, complete darkness and especially really loud. This music stinks of brimstone!
It's like someone locked me in an old dungeon with bands like DESTROYER 666, NIFELHEIM, DESASTER, POWER FROM HELL, HELLHAMMER, CELTIC FROST, SARCÓFAGO. At least that's how I feel during our sessions with the new album. This is exactly the kind of raw black thrash metal that is covered in cobwebs and an old, honest patina. The crosses are upside down, the holy water is full of tainted blood, and the priest has finally admitted that he doesn't believe in any god. Satan sits on his throne, smiling, and the demons dance in rhythm with all the damned. I'm one of them, of course. Sure, it's nothing new or groundbreaking, but that's not even the point here. You get music that is forged in hellfire from the finest ingredients. Take it and leave it, there is nothing else in between. As far as formal things like sound and packaging go, everything is absolutely fine. The tracks contain honest drive, rough-hewn darkness and evil that hides deep even in your subconscious. The Finns have brought it to the surface, mixed it with grave dust and shoved it down our throats under pressure. URN can be relied upon, in short. With their new album they only confirm their position in the beyond and rightfully carry the title of legend. I actually have no complaints and I enjoy the album "Demon Steel" immensely. Especially at night, when ghosts wander the streets and invite me to a nearby cemetery. This is an invitation that can't be refused. This is honest, classical and traditional music, played from the heart. A black thrash metal assault from hell that will burn you to the ground! The new album reeks of brimstone, rage and hate! Demons lurk in the darkness!
Pamatuji si, že v ulicích se válela mlha a smog. Probudil jsem se brzy a moje holka ještě spala. Jako student jsem neměl moc peněz a tak jsem si ten den odpustil oběd i večerní pivo. Čekal jsem, až otevřou obchod s CD. S papírem v ruce, na kterém jsem měl napsaná jména, která si mám poslechnout. Ani vlastně nevím, kdo mi tenkrát, v roce 1998 dal tip na německé WARHAMMER. Nebo jsem se spletl a chtěl jsem koupit HELLHAMMER?
Už nevím detaily, ale CD "The Winter of Our Discontent" mám ve své sbírce dodnes. Je už sice hodně pokryté prachem, ale faktem je, že když vystupovala kapela v roce 2016 s mými oblíbenci MASTER v Praze, tak jsem hrozil pěstí v první řadě pod pódiem. Kruh se tak uzavřel a já mám hudbu téhle smečky navždy zapsanou ve svém podvědomí. A to, prosím pěkně, pořádně ostrým nožem.
Letošní album "Total Maniac" bylo vydáno jako pocta k výročí úmrtí Volkera "Irona Lungse" Frerichse. Jsem ze staré školy a když jsem jej potkal po koncertě, tak jsme prohodili pár slov a do mé paměti se zapsalo i setkání a byl to pro mě skvělý zážitek. Nicméně, smrt, ta stará kurva zase jednou zaúřadovala a tak je pro mě novinka takovou skvělou vzpomínkou, poctou, kterou jsem musel mít ihned ve své sbírce. Death metal, thrash, black metal, ale i třeba doom, tohle všechno smíchané v jeden jedovatý koktejl. Samozřejmě s náležitě prašivým a shnilým zvukem. Riffy ohlodané na kost, melodie, které se vám zadřou pod kůži. Některé skladby jsou notoricky známé, mají v sobě hitový potenciál, jiné jsem si musel trošku osvěžit v paměti. Kritici, kteří jsou dnes na každém kroku, sice budou mluvit o tribute revivalu, ale to mi je tak nějak jedno. Vždycky jsem u hudby obdivoval hlavně nadšení, upřímnost, opravdovost. A tenhle výlet do doby, kdy se ještě pozéři polévali pivem a byli terčem vtipů, se mi moc líbí. Když si to vezmu kolem a kolem, tak bude nová deska hlavně sběratelským artefaktem ve sbírce všech pravověrných fanoušků. Asi vás, pokud čtete moje stránky, nepřekvapí, že se řadím hrdě mezi ně. Ono totiž, krev jen tak nevyměníte. Na téhle hudbě jsem vyrůstal a jiný už nebudu. Zkrátka a dobře, líbí se mi zvuk (mastering (by Obscured by Evil)), líbí se mi i obal, jsem prostě nadšený. WARHAMMER jsou navždy zapsáni i v mých vzpomínkách. A bude tomu tak až do konce mých dní. Tyhle songy jsou totiž nejen dobře zahrané, ale mají v sobě i potřebný drive a pradávnou sílu. V ulicích se zase válí mlha a smog. Je mi zima a svět kolem je ještě víc černý než dřív. Přidávám pomalu hlasitost, až na samou hranu bolesti...Absolutní definice starého, na kost ohlodaného black thrash death metalu! Povinnost pro všechny nekromaniaky!
Asphyx says:
I remember the fog and smog rolling in the streets. I woke up early and my girlfriend was still asleep. As a student, I didn't have much money, so I skipped lunch that day and the evening beer. I waited for the CD store to open. With a paper in my hand, on which I had written the names to listen to. I don't even know who tipped me off to German WARHAMMER back in 1998. Or was I mistaken and wanted to buy HELLHAMMER?
I don't know the details anymore, but I still have the CD "The Winter of Our Discontent" in my collection to this day. It's pretty much covered in dust now, but the fact is that when the band performed with my favorites MASTER in Prague in 2016, I threatened with my fist in the front row under the stage. The circle has come full circle and I have the music of this pack forever etched in my subconscious. And that, please, with a really sharp knife.
This year's album "Total Maniac" was released as a tribute to the anniversary of the death of Volker "Iron Lungs" Frerichs. I'm from the old school and when I met him after the concert, we exchanged a few words and the encounter is etched in my memory and it was a great experience. However, death, that old bitch, has once again taken over and so the novelty is such a great memory for me, a tribute that I had to have in my collection immediately. Death metal, thrash, black metal, but also doom, all mixed into one poisonous cocktail. Of course, with a properly filthy and rotten sound. Riffs gnawed to the bone, melodies that get under your skin. Some of the tracks are notorious and have hit potential, others I had to refresh my memory a bit. The critics who are all over the place these days will talk about tribute revival, but I kind of don't care. What I've always admired about music is the enthusiasm, the sincerity, the genuineness. And I really like this trip to the time when posers were still pouring beer on themselves and being the butt of jokes. All things considered, the new album will be a collector's item in the collection of all true fans. It probably won't surprise you, if you read my site, that I proudly count myself among them. You can't just change blood. This is the music I grew up on, and I won't be any different. Long story short, I like the sound (mastering (by Obscured by Evil)), I like the cover art, I'm just excited. WARHAMMER are forever etched in my memories. And will be until the end of my days. These songs are not only well played, but they have the necessary drive and ancient power. The fog and smog are rolling in the streets again. I'm cold and the world around me is even blacker than before. I slowly turn up the volume until I reach the very edge of pain... The absolute definition of old, gnawed-to-the-bone black thrash death metal! A must for all necromaniacs!
Report, photos, video - TRENDKILLER FESTIVAL VOL. 0 - MASTER, WARHAMMER, DEATHRITE, DOOMAS - club Modrá Vopice, Prague - 7. 5. 2016:
Už jsem to nějaký čas cítil v kostech. Měl bych poděkovat všem padlým bohům. Zapálit svíce za to, že vše dopadlo dobře. Moc o svých soukromých věcech nepíšu, ale věřte mi, že poslední půlrok byl završením tří let, které byly velmi náročné. Ne, ze mě si dělat srandu, že jsem šedivý, nemůžete. Snažil jsem se být silný, stát manželce po boku a všechno s ní vydržet. Povedlo se. Zázraky se dějí a moderní lékařská věda dokáže divy. Jsem moc rád, že jsem nezůstal na všechno sám. Já potřebuji pro psaní klid, zázemí, jistotu, svůj kout, kam se můžu vracet. Vím moc dobře, že píšu postaru, vyrůstal jsem v době, kdy se to tak dělalo. Nejsem jako fanoušci s placatými čepicemi, co nezažili tištěné časopisy. Možná působím už jako Metuzalix, jako fosílie, co se občas moc vykecává, nesleduje moderní trendy a je určitě zkostnatělý. Jiný nebudu, ale to vy už dávno víte...
Jsem jako starý dinosaurus, jako ten, který plánuje koncerty dlouho dopředu, protože se vždycky připije a druhý den má kocovinu, bolí ho celé tělo a nadává si, proč se už na to nevybodne. Nojo, ale když ono to nejde. Když nemůžu a nikam se dlouho nedostanu, začnou mi koncerty chybět. Hodně si vybírám a LUCIFERICON jsem ještě neviděl. POWER FROM HELL také ne a protože mám obě kapely moc rád, nahlásil jsem si v pátek volno, koupil si vstupenku i jízdenky na vlak a někdy kolem čtvrté odpoledne jsem již do sebe ládoval jedno pivo za druhým (tentokrát s Jardou na Čerňáku, kterému tímto děkuji za skvělou společnost, byla to paráda!). Jasně, už to není jako kdysi, když nás jezdívalo na metal třeba padesát, ale zvykl jsem si. A vlastně to i chápu. Každý máme spoustu povinností, všechno se zdražilo, už jsme víc unavení. Zatím to ale jde. Možná mi už je padesát, ale takhle před koncertem jsem pořád ten vtipný mladík s jiskrou v oku. Aspoň si to myslím. Moc nežeru sám sebe, nemám takovej ten současnej, do sebe zahleděnej, feeling ze sociálních sítí, ale pořád dobrý.
A tak jsem se zase jednou snažil zastavit otáčení zeměkoule, zpomalit konec starých časů. Všechno se mění, ale jsou jistoty, kterých je možné se chytit. Mí kamarádi i kamarádky, kterým tímto moc děkuji. Mám tyhle rozplavby před koncerty moc rád, vždycky se ujistím, že nejsem na světě se svým pohledem na život sám, že jsou pořád někde dobré duše, které se umí usmívat. Díky vám jsem překonal spoustu překážek. Pokecáme, dopijeme a jdeme pomalu do klubu. Nebyl jsem tu již poměrně dlouho, ale vím, že bude vše v pořádku. A také je, přivítejte ztraceného syna domů. Pro mě je tahle dřevěná kůlna chrám se spoustou skvělých vzpomínek. Spoustu jsem si jich měl doplnit i tenhle večer. Mám náladu tak akorát, jsem blahosklonný a těším se na první rituál.
LUCIFERICON - jestli někdo umí svojí hudbou znázornit absolutní tmu, krvavou mlhu a pomalou smrt na oltáři, tak jsou to právě tihle Nizozemci. Ocitl jsem se mimo klub i naši dimenzi. Byl jsem na starém hřbitově, v hrobce padlého kněze. Zrovna jsme s kapelou exhumovali jeho rakev. Tohle byla přesná definice toho, co mám na death metalu tolik rád. Síla se zde potkávala s absolutní tmou, s takovým tím jedovatým zlem, které čeká ve stínu, aby vám prokouslo hrdlo. Pánové hráli velmi přesvědčivě a povedlo se jim mě vtáhnout do jejich nečisté hry. Pro mě osobně se jednalo o takový ten druh vystoupení, u kterého jsem se stal morbidním básníkem. Navíc jsem si splnil sen. Mám s kapelou i rozhovor a potvrdil jsem si tak i naživo, že tahle smečka, když se vydá na lov, tak po ní zůstává pěkně dlouhá krvavá stopa. Netuším, jestli jste si někdy četli ve starých okultních knihách, ale tenhle koncert měl v sobě úplně stejnou děsivou auru. Pod pódiem jsem byl já, doslova uhranutý, i zástup nemrtvých, kteří se kývali spokojeně do rytmu. Vynikající temný a zlovolný obřad!
If anyone can depict absolute darkness, bloody fog and slow death on the altar with their music, it is these Dutchmen. I found myself outside the club and our dimension. I was in an old cemetery, in the tomb of a fallen priest. We were just exhuming his coffin with the band. This was the very definition of what I love about death metal. Power meets absolute darkness, the kind of poisonous evil that waits in the shadows to bite your throat. The gentlemen played very convincingly and managed to draw me into their dirty game. For me personally, it was the kind of performance that made me a morbid poet. Moreover, I had fulfilled a dream. I got to interview the band as well, and it confirmed for me live that this pack, when they go hunting, leaves a pretty long trail of blood. I don't know if you've ever read about it in old occult books, but this show had the same eerie aura about it. There was me under the stage, literally mesmerized, and a crowd of undead swaying contentedly to the beat. A deliciously dark and sinister ceremony!
POWER FROM HELL - zákon akce a reakce funguje na sto procent. U těchto brazilských psů tomu tak alespoň bylo. Představte si hrobku, ve které dlouhé roky spí prokletí. Jednoho dne, léta páně 2025, ve čtvrtek 13. března, se rozhodli vrátit na svět, aby nás spálili na popel. Brazilcům se to povedlo na výbornou. Kombinace starosvětského blacku, thrashe, speedu, na mě fungovala od začátku do konce. Jestliže mi cestou na koncert hlavou vířila spousta vzpomínek, tak přibyly další. Tohle bylo jako se nechat zavřít spolu s VENOM, BULLDOZER, SODOM a VULCANO do starých plesnivých katakomb. Pánové mají metal v krvi a bylo to hodně znát. Vystoupení totiž působilo opravdově, upřímně, řezalo a bylo zahrané od srdce. Víka od rakví nadskakovala a kosti praskaly tlakem. Jednalo se o velmi přesvědčivý a skvěle zahraný výlet do časů, kdy se hudba posílala poštou na kazetách. Moc nevím, co dodat, zážitek to byl totiž nepřenositelný. Měl jsem pocit, že mě muzika řeže hluboko ve vnitřnostech i v hlavě. Absolutní black/thrash/speed metalové tsunami!
The law of action and reaction works 100%. At least it was so with these Brazilian dogs. Imagine a tomb where a curse has been sleeping for years. One day, in the summer of our Lord 2025, on Thursday, March 13, they decided to return to the world to burn us to ashes. The Brazilians have succeeded admirably. The combination of old world black rock, thrash, speed, worked for me from start to finish. If I had a lot of memories swirling around in my head on the way to the concert, more were added. This was like being locked in the moldy old catacombs with VENOM, BULLDOZER, SODOM and VULCANO. The gentlemen have metal in their blood and it was very evident. The performance felt real, sincere, cutting and was played from the heart. The coffin lids were bouncing and the bones were cracking with pressure. It was a very convincing and well played trip back to the days when music was sent by post on cassette tapes. I don't really know what to add, for the experience was non-transferable. I felt like the music was cutting deep into my guts and head. An absolute black/thrash/speed metal tsunami!
Zvuk byl v pořádku, organizace také a co se týká návštěvnosti, tak začínám mít pocit, že chodím už jen na koncerty, na které přijde něco kolem 30 - 40 lidí. No co, aspoň nebyly fronty na pivo.
To už je konec? Ptám se a pomalu se vracím z temnoty na zem do reality. Dám si ještě pivo a potom nasadím automat. Musím se nějak dostat na tramvaj, sednout na vlak, usnout, probudit se v Plzni a také chytit noční MHD. I když jsem sportovec celý svůj život a má fyzička je považována lékaři za velmi dobrou, takhle po padesátce je to docela výzva. Držím tempo, přemlouvám hlavu, aby neusnula. Jsem robot, co spustil program se souřadnicemi směrem přímo domů, do postele. Jsem moc rád, že jsem se přemluvil, abych vyrazil. Mám spoustu nových zážitků, budoucích vzpomínek. A také pocit, že nepatřím do starého železa. Navíc jsem moc rád, že jsem poděkoval všem padlým bohům a zapálil svíce za život. Jdu spát. Už fakt nemůžu. Moc vám děkuji za dlouhodobou přízeň. Bez vaší podpory by to nešlo. Každý, kdo hraje na nějaký nástroj, maluje obrazy nebo píše, to musí pro někoho dělat. Já mám to štěstí, že mí čtenáři jsou nejen věrní, ale je na ně i spoleh (navíc je vás čím dál tím víc). Načerpal jsem spoustu energie a síly do dalších dní! Díky moc všem za to!
Je to pořád dokola. Chudí nemají žádná práva, svět se točí stále stejně. Přetvářka a klam, války a bolest, krásné reklamy, život a smrt. Na thrash metalu se mi vždycky líbila taková ta rebelie, odpor ke zkaženým hodnotám. Kdysi dávno, v dobách mého mládí jsem objevil na jedné burze s kazetami kapelu HIRAX. Byl jsem hodně překvapený, že má na svém kontě již několik nahrávek. Postupně jsem si všechny sehnal a založil jsem si sbírku poctivého thrash metalu. HIRAX stále hrají, vydávají nová alba. Pořád mají ve svém středu legendárního zpěváka Katona W. de Pena. Ten je také hlavním poznávacím znamením téhle smečky.
Nebudu vás dále unavovat výletem do starých dobrých časů. Takhle legendární kapela má na svém kontě samozřejmě spoustu dobrých i horších nahrávek. Letos se pánové vrátili ve velkém stylu a působí jako politi mrtvou vodou. Je to jízda od začátku do konce. Opravdu si připadám, jako bych v post apokalyptickém světě řídil auto, které je na stylovém obalu. Jsem tak trošku Šíleným Maxem. A z reproduktorů si pouštím pořádně nahlas "Faster Than Death". Kolem nás hoří celý svět!
Staří fanoušci jako já ocení uvěřitelnost a sílu, kterou v sobě stále tahle smečka má. Mladí se obléknou, jako jsme se kdysi oblékali my a vyrazí s kazeťákem do ulic. Nebo ne? Doba se změnila, sociální sítě a lidská hloupost všechno zkurvili, jenom HIRAX zůstávají. Stále silní, ostří, s perfektním zvukem, s nápady, jak vystřiženými z thrash heavy metalového pravěku. Tahle smečka na to má nárok a narovinu - všichni to po nich chceme a kdyby změnili směr, do smrti bychom jim to neodpustili. Jasně, že HIRAX znějí jako HIRAX. Zaplať Satan za to. Potřebuji alespoň nějaký pevný bod ve vesmíru, kapely, na které je spolehnutí. Skladby řežou, pálí, mají v sobě velké množství nakumulované energie a tlaku. Co chceš víc, kámo? Já jsem spokojený i když je jasné, že v mém případě působí určitě i nostalgie. Necelých 22 minut hrubozrnného, divokého thrash metalu, s parádním ostrým zvukem, s obalem, který ve mě evokuje spoustu vzpomínek. Co si víc přát? Snad jenom, aby tahle legenda přijela i k nám do města a pořádně nám nakopala zadky. Stále ještě někdy udělám tu chybu, že se podívám na zprávy, pořád mě to nedá a věřím lidem. Když ale vidím ty zástupy hloupých, pochodujících jak ovce na porážku, mám sto chutí jim pustit tuhle desku přímo do ksichtu. Probuďte se! Na "Faster Than Death" naleznete to nejlepší, co tahle kapela umí. Možná jsme odsouzeni k pomalé dlouhé smrti. Než se tak ale stane, budu podobná alba stále poslouchat a podporovat. Hoří totiž jasným plamenem, jsou opravdová, upřímná, syrová. Jako život samotný. Thrash speed metalová jízda spáleným světem! Ostré, nekompromisní, divoké album, u kterého vypustíte duši z těla!
Asphyx says:
It goes on and on. The poor have no rights, the world keeps spinning the same way. Pretence and deceit, wars and pain, beautiful advertisements, life and death. What I always liked about thrash metal was the rebellion, the resistance to corrupt values. A long time ago, in the days of my youth, I discovered a band called HIRAX at a tape exchange. I was very surprised to find that they already had several records to their credit. Gradually I got all of them and started a collection of honest thrash metal. HIRAX are still playing, releasing new albums. They still have the legendary singer Cato W. de Pena in their midst. He is also the main trademark of this pack.
I won't bore you further with a trip to the good old days. Of course, a band this legendary has a lot of good and worse recordings to its credit. This year the gentlemen are back in style and look like a dead water politician. It's a ride from start to finish. I really do feel like I'm driving a car in a post apocalyptic world that's on a stylish cover. I'm a bit of a Mad Max. And I'm blasting "Faster Than Death" out of the speakers really loud. The whole world is on fire around us!
Old fans like me will appreciate the believability and strength this pack still has. The young will dress like we used to and hit the streets with a tape recorder. Don't they? Times have changed, social networks and human stupidity have fucked everything up, only HIRAX remain. Still strong, sharp, with a perfect sound, with ideas cut out of thrash heavy metal lore. This pack has it coming and let's face it - we all want them to, and if they changed direction, we wouldn't forgive them for the rest of our lives. Of course HIRAX sound like HIRAX. Pay Satan for that. I need at least some fixed point in the universe, bands that can be counted on. The songs cut, they burn, they have a lot of accumulated energy and pressure. What more do you want, buddy? I'm happy, although it's clear that nostalgia is definitely at work in my case. Less than 22 minutes of coarse-grained, ferocious thrash metal, with a cool, sharp sound, and a cover that evokes a lot of memories in me. What more could you ask for? Only that this legend comes to our town and kicks our asses. I still sometimes make the mistake of looking at the news, I still don't give a shit and trust people. But when I see those crowds of stupid, marching like sheep to the slaughter, I feel like dropping this record right in their faces. Wake up! "Faster Than Death" is the best this band has to offer. Maybe we're doomed to a slow, long death. But until that happens, I'll keep listening to and supporting albums like this. Because they burn with a bright flame, they are real, honest, raw. Like life itself. A thrash speed metal ride through a burnt world! Sharp, uncompromising, ferocious album that will make you let your soul out!
Někdy mívám děsivé sny o tom, jak se procházím mezi troskami našeho města. Spálená země, mrtvoly v ulicích, krev a nenávist. Žádné zpomalené záběry z války, žádné pečlivě nafocené snímky. Naopak, jenom smrad, bolest a utrpení. Ležím v zákopech a slyším samotnou Smrt, jak chodí kolem mě. V rukou mám zbraň z pečlivě ukované oceli. Je přes čtyřicet let stará, stejně jako italští maniaci NECRODEATH. Kapela, která používá úplně stejně zbraně jako já. Surový death metal, temný black metal i ostrý thrash. Další album v řadě, stále zahrané s velkou silou a nadšením.
Žádná válka nejde v závěru vyhrát, přesto si myslím, že lze italské bardy hrdě nazývat legendou. Jestliže jsou někteří jejich spolubojovníci dávno už jen svým bývalým stínem, NECRODEATH stále řežou tou správnou stranou nože. Důkazem budiž nové album "Arimortis", které je ostré jako břitva.
Je to stále neutuchající schopnost napsat dobrou skladbu, je to vždy vynikající zvuk, jsou to zajímavé nápady, ale i pokaždé podmanivá atmosféra - tohle všechno mám na NECRODEATH rád. Navíc, a na to se občas zapomíná, se nové songy opravdu velmi dobře poslouchají. Stačilo několik společných setkání a pamatuji si jednotlivé motivy, pochmurné pasáže i nakumulovaný vztek, který je riffech i vokálu obsažen. Jasně, je to stále hudba, kterou všichni známe, lze v ní vystopovat odkazy třeba takových SODOM, KREATOR, PROTECTOR, SLAYER, SARCÓFAGO, POSSESSED, AURA NOIR, NIFELHEIM, DESASTER, DESTROYER 666, VENOM, ale to se mi právě líbí. Italové měli vždy svůj jasný a nezaměnitelný rukopis, výraz. Dokáží být ostří a nekompromisní, ale nezapomínají ani na chlad a temnotu. Změny tempa, různé melodické linky, zpěvák musí snídat hřebíky, tohle všechno tvoří dohromady celek, který musí vyhovovat nejen všem starým metalovým psům, ale i každému, kdo má rád poctivou a upřímnou muziku zahranou od srdce. Je vám asi jasné, že jsem fanoušek kapely od jejich počátků a jako takový musím smeknout a poklonit se až k zemi. Zachovat si i po tolika letech drive, sílu, schopnost zabíjet hudbou, je úctyhodné."Arimortis" je nahrávkou, která se povedla po všech stránkách. Jsou v ní obsaženy jen ty nejkvalitnější ingredience. Svět kolem nás hoří a na NECRODEATH je stále spolehnutí. Někdy mívám děsivé sny o tom, jak se procházím mezi troskami našeho města. Spálená země, mrtvoly v ulicích, krev a nenávist. Žádné zpomalené záběry z války, žádné pečlivě nafocené snímky. Naopak, jenom smrad, bolest a utrpení. Ležím v zákopech a slyším samotnou Smrt, jak chodí kolem mě. Black thrash death metal ukovaný z té nekvalitnější oceli! Surový, temný útok, po kterém zůstává jenom spálená země!
Asphyx says:
Sometimes I have terrifying dreams of walking among the ruins of our city. Scorched earth, dead bodies in the streets, blood and hatred. No slow motion shots of the war, no carefully shot images. On the contrary, only the stench, the pain and the suffering. I'm lying in the trenches and I can hear Death himself walking around me. In my hands is a weapon of carefully forged steel. It's over forty years old, just like the Italian maniacs NECRODEATH. A band that uses the same weapons as I do. Raw death metal, dark black metal, sharp thrash. Another album in a row, still played with great power and enthusiasm.
No war can be won in the end, yet I think we can proudly call the Italian bards a legend. If some of their comrades-in-arms have long been a shadow of their former selves, NECRODEATH still cut with the right side of the knife. The proof is the razor-sharp new album "Arimortis".
It's the ever-elusive ability to write a good song, it's the always excellent sound, it's the interesting ideas, and it's the captivating atmosphere every time - all of these things I love about NECRODEATH. Plus, and this is sometimes forgotten, the new songs are really very easy to listen to. Just a few sessions together and I remember the individual motifs, the somber passages and the accumulated anger that is contained in the riffs and vocals. Sure, it's still the music we all know, you can trace in it references to the likes of SODOM, KREATOR, PROTECTOR, SLAYER, SARCÓFAGO, POSSESSED, AURA NOIR, NIFELHEIM, DESASTER, DESTROYER 666, VENOM, but that's what I like. The Italians have always had their clear and unmistakable signature, expression. They can be sharp and uncompromising, but they don't forget the coldness and darkness. Changes of tempo, different melodic lines, the singer has to eat nails, all this makes together a whole that must suit not only all old metal dogs, but also anyone who likes honest and sincere music played from the heart. It's probably obvious to you that I've been a fan of the band since their early days, and as such I have to bow my head and take a bow all the way down. To retain the drive, the power, the ability to kill with music after so many years is impressive. "Arimortis" is a record that succeeds in every aspect. It contains only the finest ingredients. The world around us is on fire and NECRODEATH can still be relied upon. Sometimes I have scary dreams about walking among the ruins of our city. Scorched earth, dead bodies in the streets, blood and hatred. No slow motion shots of the war, no carefully shot images. On the contrary, only the stench, the pain and the suffering. I'm lying in the trenches and I can hear Death himself walking around me. Black thrash death metal forged from the lowest quality steel! A raw, dark attack that leaves nothing but scorched earth!
1. Ave NECROMANIAC! Hello to the underground. I hope all is well with you. It should be, you have a great debut album. I have to admit, it drove me up the wall. It's dark and energetic, and it cuts with a knife edge! It's very telling that you've done a great job and have a great deal of talent. How do you feel about the new record compared to your previous EP and demos? Where did you want to go and how do you think all your releases differ from each other?
Ave maniac! This is Sadistik Fornicator (Guitarmageddon) answering your questions. First, thanks for your kind words about our debut album and for giving us a platform to promote our sinister art. To answer your question, while our morbid vision and main sources of inspiration have always been the same from day one, there are slight variations in all our studio recordings due to us becoming better players and songwriters throughout the years in between each new release. And also, due to strengthening our chemistry as musicians after so many years of playing together as a band. This slow development helped us mature our sound and songwriting skills to the required standards needed to write and record a magnum opus that's bound to leave a strong black mark on listeners and make its decaying presence felt within the international underground Metal milieu. That was always our aim, and we were aware we would have never been able to achieve this if we had tried to speed things up instead of taking as many years as needed. I strongly believe new bands should earn their stripes, so to speak, before releasing an album. Hence why we spent a long time honing our craft and only put out two demos and an EP before we even considered we were ready to record an LP. We could have released a full-length back when we started but if we had done that, then no one would remember it now as it wouldn't have been that impressive. Great achievements take time and shouldn't be rushed, or as the saying goes, "Rome was not built in a day!".
2. "Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable" has all the attributes of good Death, Black and Thrash Metal. For me personally, it is a record that I love to come back to. How was it made? How do you compose new NECROMANIAC material?
True evil has no boundaries or genre constraints! I always decompose the music in my dungeon and later exhume it with The One (Basstard Tremblings) and V. Pestilencia (Apocalyptic Drumonitions) at the rehearsal crypt. Once we have a song finished, C. Howler (Throat Possessions) works on the lyrics and vocal patterns, and based on the particular vibe that the song gives him he chooses which specific subjects to write about and we build it up from there. Lastly, we complete the final touches by adding synths, samples, effects and additional instruments when recording at the studio to help create an atmosphere that resonates deeply with the lyrical subjects that the song in question is about. It's a slow process since we do take our time to always try and craft each song to perfection, but usually, everything falls eventually into place naturally and organically. We know instinctively if something doesn't feel right, and if that is the case, the song gets reworked as many times as needed until we're fully satisfied with the final command. We always write with the aim that the full release in question that we're working on at the time needs to be varied, flow well and feel cohesive as a whole, both musically and lyrically. This is the main reason why we always take our time with all of our releases. We don't write "X" amount of songs and slap them together on a record like a lot of other bands do. Each recording has to feel like one long musical piece that takes you on a dark journey into the unknown, so a lot of riffs or sometimes even whole sections get discarded and/or fully reworked during the songwriting sessions if we feel that they disrupt the flow of the release in question. A corpse always takes its time to rot, therefore you can't rush the decomposition process!
3. Who was hired for the sound and mix? I have to confirm that it literally kills! It makes me turn up the volume on the hi-fi tower. You have a sound that is harsh, raw, dark and animalistic at the same time. How did you achieve it? What studio did you record in and how did it all work?
You're right, the record sounds amazing and the end result went above and beyond any of my already sky-high expectations. I must admit I most definitely felt like a mad scientist gone even madder by the time we were adding the finishing touches to this magnum opus of ancient morbidity. So much so, that I needed a break from playing any music altogether for a few months afterwards as I was completely drained, both physically and mentally. But anyway, regardless of the stress suffered after staring far too deep into the abyss on and off for over 8 months, in my humble opinion, we were very lucky to be able to work with three of the best and most passionate engineers and producers in the current underground metal milieu. They were crazy and patient enough to take the time to follow our sorcerous vision and experiment while spending countless hours working their asses off to get the album to sound exactly like we wanted it. Our brother Am, who also plays in the local bands Grave Miasma and Eihort engineered and recorded all the vocals, synths, samples, and additional instruments at Morbisound Studios here in London. He also engineered, recorded, mixed, and mastered the last promotional demo that we released before we commenced the album recording sessions, and which secured the record deal with Invictus Productions in Europe and The Ajna Offensive in North America. Shauny Cadogan engineered and recorded all the guitars, bass, and drum tracks plus the choir on "Caput Draconis" at Sound Training - Studio One in Dublin, Ireland. He also mixed the whole album and did an immensely incredible job, as mixing this beast was no easy task considering all the different instruments and layers that we recorded. Last, but not least, Greg Chandler mastered it at Priory Recording Studio in Birmingham, UK. He also did an amazingly outstanding job and managed to keep all the dynamics created by the different layers and instruments used intact without losing any of the punch. Another thing worthy of mention is that all the basic guitars, bass and drum tracks were recorded live and then we overdubbed any mistakes made separately. Absolutely no click tracks, guide tracks or drum triggers were used during the recording, which is why the album sounds like a real band jamming together, not a studio project.
4. An integral part and kind of an extra bonus for fans today is the CD. You released it on Invictus Productions and it comes with a morbid medieval cover. Who is the author? How did you choose the motif and how does it relate to the music on the release?
I'd say vinyl is a much better format but I like CDs too (and tapes also, although I prefer that format for demos). The album is actually a co-release between Invictus Productions in Europe in conspiracy with The Ajna Offensive in North America. As for the artwork, we used 2 engravings (both from the 17th century). The one shown on the cover is entitled "Aeson decrepitvs fit ivnior opera Medeae", and it's taken from the book "Bellissimum Ovidii Theatrum". A sequence of pictures illustrating Metamorphoses of Ovid. It was engraved by Johann Wilhelm Baur and published in 1685. The scene depicts the sorceress Medea in the foreground, casting spells and draining the blood of her husband’s father, Aeson, to rejuvenate his body with her special brew boiling in a cauldron where one of two winged demons seen flying above it is urinating. Two altars can also be seen burning with sacrifices - including a black sheep. Medea also summoned the moon, represented by the goddess Diana, who was identified by the crescent moon on her head. The other engraving shown on the insert is entitled "Saul spricht mit Samuels Geist bei der Hexe von Endor", and it was engraved by Gabriel Ehinger in 1675. This scene depicts Saul consulting the Witch of Endor to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel with the wish to receive advice on defeating the Philistines. However, the spirit summoned delivered a prophecy of doom, and Israel's army was defeated in battle the morning after. We thought both engravings would fit perfectly with the themes of witchcraft, divination of the dead and macabre maledictions permeating the album's lyrics.
5. I've been roaming the underworld for over thirty years and I go to London often for music as a matter of course. I think we have similar moods and tastes when it comes to Metal. I like your bands a lot and follow your scene very closely. I might even be a little envious, we only have a few Death/Black Thrash metal packs here that are worthwhile. How do you explain why Underground Metal is so successful in your country? How do you perceive your scene, fans, and labels?
I think as an outsider you're perceiving it quite differently from how it actually is in reality! Considering how big this ancient metropolis is, there's only a very small handful of bands in the London underground metal scene that are worth listening to, and while we all enjoy varying degrees of international success (some more than others), the reality is that locally only a very small handful of dedicated maniacs support us, so we try and support one another as much as we can if there's mutual respect and admiration for each other's music.
6. You play Death/Black/Thrash Metal influenced by the old school. Nowadays a band can't avoid the obligatory comparisons, but I would like to know how the idea to start NECROMANIAC came about, who are your role models, and how far you want to take your band. Are you tempted by big festivals abroad, for example, and are you willing to tour with a more famous pack?
We play Morbid Metal, which is a much broader and less specific-genre-confined term. The idea to form NECROMANIAC was primarily born out of the necessity to express myself through art, but also due to the lack of bands playing the type of music that I wanted to hear. I don't have any particular role models as any true artist always follows his own individual path, but if you're asking about my influences, I am for the most part still inspired by the same old ancient cults that I've been worshipping since my formative years (although admittedly I discovered some of the ones I mention here later in life). I'm talking about legendary Metal acts such as Bathory, Hellhammer, Absu, Samael, Slaughter, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost, Venom, Nifelheim, Treblinka, Blasphemy, Sarcófago, Grotesque, Tormentor, Infernäl Mäjesty, Vulcano, Mortuary Drape, Slayer, Massacra, Pentagram (Chile), Vomitor, Imperator, Poison (Germany), Kat, Face Of Evil, Beherit, Tiamat, Protector, Repulsion, Holy Death, Mutilator, Necrodeath, Morbid, Sodom, Necrophiliac (Spain), Mystifier, Varathron, Mayhem, Sepultura, Master’s Hammer, Sadistik Exekution, Merciless, Burzum, Ancient Rites, Root, Hobbs' Angel Of Death, Mercyful Fate, Death SS, Black Hole, etc. The darkest works of these bands were a huge influence on the creation of NECROMANIAC; and without their output and legacy, our outlook on music in general just would not be the same. But also, some of our strongest influences come from different sources outside of the music realm too. Thus, we take inspiration from all that is born of iniquity and exudes the sulphurous stench of death and darkness; be it either drawn from personal experiences, ancient manuscripts, visual art, or literary form. We are fascinated by the inherent Devilry emanating from clandestine practices of sorcery and divination of the dead which are used as gateways to enter otherworldly spiritual planes outside of the physical realm. Our lyrics deal mainly with necromantical themes portraying the most sinister aspects of Death and the esoteric mysticism which can be found in all the folktales, myths, and rituals from different cultures all over the world which have been surrounding it throughout the centuries. Occult beliefs and practices are an integral part of our morbid coven that you'll find unequivocally permeated all over our concepts. Thus, we feel they are just as important as our music, and should be experienced as a whole along with the artwork and visual aesthetics of the band to get the full picture of our sinister art. Regarding the last part of your question, we intend to take this band as far as possible, but it will always be on our own terms, no one else's. There's just no way we will ever compromise that. We have zero interest in sharing any gig or festival bills with bands that we don't feel any affinity whatsoever with. This has been of utmost importance to us since day one and it shall remain that way until the very end. We will never sacrifice our artistic integrity as a means to try and gain more popularity. Our party, our rules...
7. When I started my site seven years ago, I had a vision of trying to support bands that I thought weren't as visible. Let the world know about them. I think I've been pretty successful, at least by the response. How do you approach promotion? Do you leave it up to the label or do you send out CDs yourself for various reviews? I buy albums that I really enjoy, for example. What about you? Are you also a fan who likes to support your colleagues often? Do you go to concerts? Do you party?
No, we also do a lot of online promotion and network internationally with many other bands, labels, 'zines, promoters, and underground metal maniacs. If you want your band to be known internationally then you should do some of the legwork yourself, just like it used to be back in the day, the only difference is we don't communicate via snail mail anymore. We certainly don't send out any CDs for review (who does that in 2025 anyway?), but I have done trades with many bands, labels and zine editors. And yes, we all buy music, go to concerts and party occasionally.
8. On the one hand, a band starting today has a lot of opportunities to make their presence known, but on the other hand, there are a huge number of bands and fans get lost in them. A lot of people are just downloading MP3s from the internet and spitting venomous spittle on Facebook instead of going to a gig. How does modern technology affect you as NECROMANIAC? What do you think about downloading music, google metal, streaming music, etc.?
That's an interesting question. However, it is an outdated one as no one downloads music from the internet anymore, everyone streams these days. But anyway, I don't think the state of the underground metal scene or whatever digital platforms are being used more popularly to promote music should dictate or affect how you choose to conduct your business and present your work to the public. Ultimately, if your music is strong enough people will find it one way or the other. But of course, while the state of things is always far from perfect, everything has a positive and a negative side to it. If you're smart enough to figure things out and see through the fake plastic veil, you'll use whatever tools you have to your advantage without falling into all the trappings that could turn you into one of the many scene clowns that everyone is laughing about behind their backs. Unfortunately, a lot of artists these days become slaves to social media platforms and end up ruining their public image by coming across as being extremely insecure, deluded, narcissistic, or just plain desperate for likes, adulation, and celebrity-like status. Since we have no desire or need whatsoever for any of those meaningless things to be a focal point in our lives, we prefer to spend most of our spare time honing our art and networking internationally with like-minded individuals, rather than whoring ourselves on social media platforms to massage our egos and feed the neverending hunger of the algorithm beast.
9. I like to ask musicians what Death/Black Thrash metal means to them. How would they define it, is it more of a philosophy and lifestyle for them or just relaxation? What does it mean to you? How do you perceive and experience it?
Well, things have certainly changed a lot in these modern times, and while those genres used to be 100% underground and part of the DIY scene where bands and fans networked internationally and exchanged music and ideas purely out of passion, a lot of people commercialized it and in turn ended up sacrificing its pure essence in the process. This is the main reason why we decided to describe our music as MORBID METAL, since we wanted to distance ourselves from a lot of modern Black and Death Metal bands whom we cannot feel any affinity whatsoever with due to their profuse lack of authenticity and complete disregard and unawareness of the genres' history and traditions. The foundations and viewpoints that the ancient bands professed during the early gestation periods of those genres were built upon passion, dedication, attitude, solemnity, maniacal conviction, and most importantly, a strong desire to stand out from each other by forging and following their own individual paths. This was magnificently exemplified by some of the 1st generation Black Metal bands hailing from your country like Master's Hammer, Root, Törr, Amon, Crux, Tudor, Avenger, Necrocock and Valenta demos, etc. Unfortunately, the number of acts who take the time to create something unique and meaningful these days is far lower than those who are more concerned about getting instant gratification via social media likes gained through blatantly plagiarising someone else's art or chasing underground trends. Also, as I'm confident you must already know, "Morbid Metal" is the name of a song by the legendary Swiss band SAMAEL included on their debut album "Worship Him". Therefore, we not only felt the term was apt and self-explanatory of the macabre overtones we convey within our music, visual aesthetics, and lyrical concepts; but we also decided to use it to show our deepest veneration for the early works of the old Swiss masters.
10. Finally, a classic but important question. What is NECROMANIAC planning in the coming months? Where can we see you in concert and what about a tour in Europe?
Only Death is certain! For now, we are booked to play a show in Tilburg, Holland, on the 20th of September with Tormentor, Concrete Winds, Misotheist, Ultra Silvam, Necrowretch, and Bad Omen amongst more to be announced. Such an event will undoubtedly be a very special ceremony for those in attendance, so we're looking forward to bringing our MORBID METAL to the Netherlands for the first time and desecrating the stage once again... Death approaches!
11. Thank you very much for the interview. I wish your new album a lot of success and may the ranks of your fans expand as much as possible. I look forward to seeing you live somewhere and may you do well both musically and on a personal level. I'm going to go and shove "Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable" into my head again!
Thanks again for your support and interest in NECROMANIAC. May the arcane mysticism contained within the very essence of our black art mark your damned soul with the unmistakable stench of Death and darkness until the very end of times! To all the Morbid Metal disciples who wish to stay up to date regarding all band-related news, live desecrations, and forthcoming releases you can follow us on Facebook and Bandcamp. Serious and dedicated Czech promoters are encouraged to contact us, we'd love to come and defile your beautiful country! A new band from the Czech Republic I'd personally like to share the stage with is Bahratal! MORBID METAL TO THE DEATH!