Ave TEMPLE OF DECAY! On September 20, 2024 your second album "Anti Deus" will be released by Godz ov War Productions and Black Death Production. As the title suggests, it is a blast of honest black metal, death metal. When you left the studio, what were your feelings? Please introduce to the fans a little bit the new album and actually the band.
Ave Jakub. First of all, thank you for your interest in Temple of Decay and for supporting the underground metal scene. Temple of Decay is a solo project that was created in 2019. Since then, I have released in 2020 mini album Last Manifestation of Life and a full album Rigor Mortis in 2022 This year also, in September, the second full album Anti Deus was released. As for Anti Deus, I completed the material in the late summer of 2023. Due to reasons beyond my control, it was released a bit later. As for my feelings about this material, some time has passed since I finished it, so I've cooled off a bit, haha. At this point, I would probably change and improve a few things, etc. But overall, I am very satisfied with the final result.
You're a band, a one-man project called Mortt. How did TEMPLE OF DECAY come about? I guess a good pub and a lot of beer or a visit to a cemetery? When and how did you first get the idea to start playing death/black metal?
Haha, I definitely drank a lot of beer while the idea of creating the project came about. But seriously, I can't hide the fact that the name was inspired by a certain band from Sweden. Hail Mighty Marduk!! As for the idea, the inspiration to play death and black metal started a long time ago. I was involved in several death and black metal bands in the past. Unfortunately, they all came to an end naturally. Unfortunately, I had to wait a bit to finally realize what I had wanted to bring to light for some time. But now I’m finally here and can bring my sick visions and projects to life.
I admit that your new album "Anti Deus" got me on my ass. What I really like about it is that you are not only orthodox and real, but you don't forget about cold and dark melodies. How do you actually compose and create new songs?
My main intention with the music is to knock you in the face or the ass—call it what you want However, I’m not sure about using the term 'orthodox' in relation to myself, as I am open to generally most music genres. But I definitely believe in the principle that when I am creating and expecting from other artists, black and death metal should convey a negative message. There’s no room for mercy here! When it comes to the process of creating melodies and song structures, I do a lot of improvising with ideas. The „COLD“ you mentioned comes naturally, there's no calculation or anything like that involved. But I also fully realize that it’s not something groundbreaking. It’s just me, nothing more nothing less.
What really caught my attention on the new album is the very raw and "dusty" sound. Where did you record the album, mix it, who is signed under the production?
Anti Deus, like my previous materials, was created and mostly recorded at Terror Studio. It’s my home cave that was created specifically for the purpose of crafting black art. The mixing and mastering, if you can call it that, haha, is also my work. It’s great to hear that you liked.
I was also interested in the album cover. If I understand correctly, there's a demon on it. The cover is elaborate, a bit mysterious, but it fits the music perfectly. What is this theme supposed to represent? Who is the author and how did you get together and why this particular theme?
You’re right, there’s a demon on the cover, haha, created by the demon himself Qras from Mental Porn. Piotr is responsible for all the covers and layouts of Temple of Decay. I don’t think he needs much more introduction, as he has done some really incredible work. As for the cover of Anti Deus, it was created a bit differently this time, as it didn’t use computer graphics; instead, Piotr created it by hand. Creating the sketch and everything else. As you said, the cover fits the music very well and carries a strong message.Anti God! Anti Deus!
In your lyrics you deal with dark fantasy, anti-religion, death. What are they about on the new record? What is the main theme and idea behind "Anti Deus"? Where do you get inspiration for the lyrics?
I think the lyrics of ToD are not something complicated or intricate. The message is simple but powerful, which is why I believe the Polish lyrics this time complement and emphasize the essence of this material. I’m even more surprised that people who don’t know Polish can still feel the message and sincerity of this music. In general, the lyrics are very anti-clerical and anti-Christian. The hatred I feel towards this institution and the restrictions it imposes is the main inspiration behind the existence of Tod. Stupidity fuels my hatred!!
I can't help but ask. You play a metal style that's extreme. You live in Poland. How are black death metal bands perceived by the general public? Do you have any problems with that? Do you get any space on TV, in newspapers? How is life in your country influenced by Christianity, religions in general?
I can’t say too much about Poland at the moment since I spend most of my time in Dublin, Ireland. However, a lot has definitely changed over the years. I think Poland is slowly moving away from stereotypes; there is definitely more tolerance for certain things. However, we are still very far behind other countries in Europe. I'm speaking generally about culture and music. Unfortunately, the church and the state are still the biggest plunderers. As I mentioned, everything is slowly changing, but I wouldn't want metal to be everywhere and for everyone. I personally prefer metal to remain underground, inaccessible to everyone and dangerous for a certain group of people.
TEMPLE OF DECAY have only been on the scene for a while. How far do you want to go? Big festivals, long tours? Are you just a project or do you want to be a regular band that will work classically? Are you even considering a live show? I think it could be interesting.
As for how long I will continue with Tod, you will definitely hear something new. However, to be honest, there’s a lack of time and the right people, which rules out the possibility of concerts for now. I really enjoy being a studio project, but I don’t rule out performing live in the future.Time will tell.
Do you use modern technology? Everything has changed over the years - technology, sound, recording studios, we have the internet, downloading music. How have these changes affected the way TEMPLE OF DECAY operates? Have you had to adapt a lot?
Yes, I use and take advantage of technology. It’s thanks to this that I can realize myself as a solo project. It has its pros and cons. When it comes to the internet, downloading, etc., I miss the times when there was less of it and more attention was given to one thing. Today, there’s definitely too much for my old head, ha,ha. But in reality, there’s probably nothing to complain about.
I have the feeling lately that as far as extreme styles are concerned, it's really alive in Poland. Especially death and black metal bands are great! I've been coming to review new records, doing interviews and I feel that your scene is very strong. But that's my perspective as a person who lives outside Poland. What is your opinion? What about gigs, promoters, clubs, extreme metal music shops?
Absolutely, you’re right—the Polish black and death metal scene is one of the strongest in the world. I take pride in how incredibly our scene is developing. When it comes to concerts, festivals, and the promotion of this music, I think it’s really good. If you’re looking for something, you can easily find it. We have a few good labels and decent distribution. I think it’s not bad at all. But it can always be better.
Thank you very much for the interview and I wish not only the new album great sales. I wish you all the best in your personal lives as well. May the power be with you! TEMPLE OF DECAY!
Thank Jakub, and I wish you all
the best as well.Cheers.
Recenze/review - TEMPLE OF DECAY - Anti Deus (2024):
Ave TEMPLE OF DECAY! 20. září 2024 vám vyšlo u Godz ov War Productions a Black Death Production vaše druhé album „Anti Deus“. Jak už sám název napovídá, jedná se o smršť poctivého blacku, death metalu. Když si šel ze studia, jaké jsi měl pocity? Představ prosím fanouškům trošku nové album a vlastně i kapelu.
Ave Jakub! Především vám děkujeme za váš zájem o Temple of Decay a za podporu undergroundové metalové scény. Temple of Decay je sólový projekt, který vznikl v roce 2019. Od té doby jsem vydal v roce 2020 minialbum Last Manifestation of Life a v roce 2022 plné album Rigor Mortis Letos, v září vyšlo také druhé plné album Anti Deus. Co se týče Anti Deus, materiál jsem dokončil na konci léta 2023. Z důvodů, které jsem nemohl ovlivnit, bylo vydáno o něco později. Co se týče mých pocitů z tohoto materiálu, od jeho dokončení už uběhl nějaký čas, takže jsem trochu vychladl, haha. V tuto chvíli bych asi pár věcí změnil a vylepšil atd. Ale celkově jsem s konečným výsledkem velmi spokojen.
Jste kapela, projekt jednoho muže, který si říká Mortt. Jak vlastně vznikli TEMPLE OF DECAY? Tipuji nějakou dobrou hospodu a spoustu piva nebo návštěva hřbitova? Kdy a jak tě poprvé napadlo začít hrát death/black metal?
Haha, rozhodně jsem vypil hodně piva, když vznikl nápad vytvořit projekt. Ale vážně, nemůžu zastírat, že název byl inspirován jistou kapelou ze Švédska. Zdrávas mocný Marduk!! Co se týče nápadu, inspirace hrát death a black metal začala už dávno. V minulosti jsem se podílel na několika death a black metalových kapelách. Bohužel všechny přirozeně skončily. Bohužel jsem si musel chvíli počkat, abych si konečně uvědomil, co jsem chtěl už nějakou dobu vynést na světlo. Ale teď jsem konečně tady a mohu uvést své nemocné vize a projekty k životu.
Přiznám se, že mě tvoje novinka „Anti Deus“ posadila na zadek. Mně se na ní hrozně líbí, že jsi nejen ortodoxní a opravdoví, ale nezapomínáte ani na studené a temné melodie. Jak vlastně skládáš a tvoříš nové skladby?
Mým hlavním záměrem v hudbě je nakopnout vás do obličeje nebo do zadku - říkejte si tomu, jak chcete. Nejsem si však jistý, zda mám používat termín „ortodoxní“ ve vztahu k sobě, protože jsem otevřený obecně většině hudebních žánrů. Rozhodně ale věřím v zásadu, že když tvořím a očekávám od jiných umělců, black a death metal by měl nést negativní poselství. Tady není místo pro slitování! Pokud jde o proces tvorby melodií a struktury písní, hodně improvizuji s nápady. Ta „ZIMA“, kterou jsi zmínil, přichází přirozeně, není v tom žádný kalkul nebo něco podobného. Ale zároveň si plně uvědomuji, že to není nic převratného. Jsem to prostě já, nic víc nic míň.
Na novince mě zaujal opravdu hodně syrový a „prašivý“ zvuk. Kde jsi desku nahrával, mixoval, kdo je podepsán pod produkcí?
Anti Deus, stejně jako mé předchozí materiály, vznikl a byl z větší části nahrán ve studiu Terror. Je to moje domácí jeskyně, která byla vytvořena speciálně za účelem tvorby černého umění. Mix a mastering, pokud se tomu tak dá říkat, haha, je také moje práce. Je skvělé slyšet, že se vám líbilo.
Zaujal mě i obal desky. Jestli to dobře chápu, tak je na něm démon. Cover je propracovaný, trošku tajemný, ale perfektně se hodí k hudbě. Co má tento námět vyjadřovat? Kdo je autorem a jak jste se dali dohromady a proč právě tenhle motiv?
Máš pravdu, na obálce je démon, haha, vytvořený samotným démonem Qrasem z Mental Porn. Piotr je zodpovědný za všechny obálky a rozvržení Temple of Decay. Myslím, že ho není třeba více představovat, protože odvedl opravdu neuvěřitelnou práci. Co se týče obálky Anti Deus, ta byla tentokrát vytvořena trochu jinak, protože na ni nebyla použita počítačová grafika; místo toho ji Piotr vytvořil ručně. Náčrtek a všeho ostatní. Jak jsi řekl, obal se k hudbě velmi dobře hodí a nese silné poselství. Anti God! Anti Deus!
Ve svých textech se zaobíráš temnou fantazií, antináboženstvím, smrtí. O čem jsou na nové nahrávce? Jaké je hlavní téma a myšlenka „Anti Deus“? Kde pro texty bereš inspiraci?
Myslím, že texty ToD nejsou nic složitého nebo komplikovaného. Poselství je jednoduché, ale silné, a proto si myslím, že polské texty tentokrát doplňují a zdůrazňují podstatu tohoto materiálu. O to víc mě překvapuje, že i lidé, kteří polsky neumějí, dokážou vnímat poselství a upřímnost této hudby. Obecně jsou texty velmi antiklerikální a protikřesťanské. Nenávist, kterou cítím vůči této instituci a omezením, která zavádí, je hlavní inspirací pro existenci alba Tod. Hloupost živí mou nenávist!!!
Nedá mi to a musím se zeptat. Hraješ metalový styl, který je extrémní. Žiješ v Polsku. Jak jsou black death metalové metalové kapely vnímány běžnou veřejností? Nemáš s tím nějaké problémy? Dostaneš prostor třeba v televizi, v novinách? Jak je vůbec život ve vaší zemi ovlivněn křesťanstvím, náboženstvími?
O Polsku toho momentálně nemohu moc říct, protože většinu času trávím v irském Dublinu. Za ta léta se toho ale určitě hodně změnilo. Myslím, že Polsko se pomalu vzdaluje od stereotypů, rozhodně je tam větší tolerance k určitým věcem. Stále jsme však velmi pozadu za ostatními zeměmi v Evropě. Mluvím obecně o kultuře a hudbě. Církev a stát jsou bohužel stále největšími drancovníky. Jak už jsem zmínil, všechno se pomalu mění, ale nechtěl bych, aby metal byl všude a pro všechny. Osobně bych byl radši, kdyby metal zůstal undergroundem, nedostupným pro všechny a nebezpečným pro určitou skupinu lidí.
TEMPLE OF DECAY jsou na scéně teprve chvíli. Kam až se chceš posunout? Na velké festivaly, na dlouhé turné? Jsi jenom projektem nebo chceš být regulérní kapelou, která bude klasicky fungovat? Uvažuješ vůbec o živé prezentaci? Myslím si, že by to mohlo být zajímavé.
Co se týče toho, jak dlouho budu s Todem pokračovat, určitě uslyšíte něco nového. Abych však byl upřímný, chybí čas a ti správní lidé, což prozatím vylučuje možnost koncertů. Opravdu mě baví být studiovým projektem, ale do budoucna nevylučuji živé vystupování, to ukáže čas.
Využíváš moderní technologie? Za poslední roky se změnilo všechno – technologie, zvuk, nahrávací studia, máme internet, stahování hudby. Jak se tyto změny promítly do fungování TEMPLE OF DECAY? Musel si se hodně přizpůsobit?
Ano, používám a využívám technologie. Díky tomu se mohu realizovat jako sólový projekt. Má to své klady i zápory. Co se týče internetu, stahování atd. chybí mi doby, kdy toho bylo méně a více pozornosti se věnovalo jedné věci. Dnes je toho na mou starou hlavu rozhodně moc, ha,ha. Ale ve skutečnosti si asi není na co stěžovat.
Mám poslední dobou pocit, že co se týká extrémních stylů, tak to u vás v Polsku opravdu žije. Obzvlášť death a black metalové kapely jsou skvělé! Chodí mi na recenzi nové desky, dělám rozhovory a mám pocit, že je vaše scéna velmi silná. To je ale můj pohled člověka, který žije mimo Polsko. Jaký je tvůj názor? Co třeba koncerty, promotéři, kluby, obchody s extrémní metalovou hudbou?
Rozhodně máš pravdu - polská black a death metalová scéna je jednou z nejsilnějších na světě. Jsem hrdý na to, jak neuvěřitelně se naše scéna vyvíjí. Co se týče koncertů, festivalů a propagace této hudby, myslím, že je to opravdu dobré. Když něco hledáte, snadno to najdete. Máme několik dobrých vydavatelství a slušnou distribuci. Myslím, že to není vůbec špatné. Ale vždycky to může být lepší.
Děkuji moc za rozhovor a přeji nejen novému albu skvělou prodejnost. Přeji vám vše dobré i v osobních životech. Ať vás provází síla! TEMPLE OF DECAY!
Děkuji Jakube a také ti přeji vše nejlepší. Na zdraví!
Recenze/review - TEMPLE OF DECAY - Anti Deus (2024):
Další ráno, co se probudím a nevím, jestli jsem mrtvý nebo ne. Šílená kocovina, vnitřnosti v jednom ohni a mozek chce vyskočit z hlavy ven. Skládám dohromady střípky včerejšího dne. Odpoledne jsem potkal kamaráda, zašli jsme na pár piv. Nějak se to zvrtlo a skončili jsme na hřbitově. Pozvali nás na hostinu a my netušili, jestli jsou ještě živí. Podávalo se syrové maso, které vonělo sladce. Zapíjeli jsme to zkaženou krví. Tančili jsme za zvuků nové desky švédských REPUKED, to si pamatuji přesně. Říkal jsem si, že si ji musím pustit znovu.
Švédské zombie se vracejí po čtyřech letech. Jedna z mých velmi oblíbených kapel nahrála další opravdu dobré album. To vám potvrdím já, i všichni, co stále pevně věří v severský death metal, punk i crust. Zapínám znovu play, dávám si svoje první ranní (polední) pivo a volám kamarádovi. Kde jsme to jenom včera skončili? Hej kámo, mám pro tebe jednu skvělou desku. A i panáka něčeho ostrého, samozřejmě.
Zvuk mě řeže jako čerstvě nabroušený skalpel (Nico Elgstrand - mixing). Obal ve mě evokuje motivy z videokazet z osmdesátých let minulého století (Necromaniac). Jsou to ale hlavně morbidní a perverzní death metalové nápady, volně inspirované kapelami jako AUTOPSY, PUNGENT STENCH, ABSCESS, REPUGNANT, IMPETIGO, které mě doslova přikovaly k reproduktorům. Novinka je plná zajímavých motivů, neotřelých nápadů a takového toho metalového šílenství, které mám u téhle kapely tolik rád. Hej brácho, věřím jim každý riff, každou melodii, každý úder bicích. Jedná se o poctivý materiál z těch nejhnusnějších piteven, z márnic. Je ukovaný z té nejkvalitnější švédské oceli, je zahrán od srdce, opravdově, uvěřitelně. Když si to vezmu kolem a kolem, tak REPUKED sice nepřinášejí nic nového, ale hrají tak, že jim to žeru jako shnilou návnadu. Osobně potřebuji podobné smečky, na které je spolehnutí, k tomu, abych přežil v dnešním divném světě. Raději se vždy zavřu do márnice, než abych sledoval večerní zprávy. Přidávám postupně hlasitost a odpadává mi maso od kostí. Možná jsem starý pes, ale tahle hudba je i můj život. Těším se každý den, až vypadnu z práce, ukážu fuck off všem těm lžím a přetvářce, dám si pár piv a pustím si pořádně nahlas "Club Squirting Blood". Tady je totiž ještě vše syrové, reálné. Zapínám znovu play a ocitám se v jednom starém hororovém filmu. Potom se už jenom probudím a nevím, jestli jsem mrtvý nebo ne. Šílená kocovina, vnitřnosti v jednom ohni a mozek chce vyskočit z hlavy ven. Skládám dohromady střípky včerejšího dne. Odpoledne jsem potkal kamaráda, zašli jsme na pár piv. Nějak se to zvrtlo a skončili jsme na hřbitově. Pozvali nás na hostinu a my netušili, jestli jsou ještě živí. Hnisavá, morbidní a perversní old school death metalová hostina! Podáváno je shnilé maso, zkažená krev a hudba, která vám poláme všechny kosti v těle!
Asphyx says:
Another morning I wake up and I don't know if I'm dead or not. Crazy hangover, my insides are on fire and my brain wants to jump out of my head. I'm piecing together the pieces of yesterday. I met a friend this afternoon, we went out for a few beers. Things went wrong and we ended up in a cemetery. They invited us to a feast and we had no idea if they were still alive. They served raw meat that smelled sweet. We washed it down with spoiled blood. We danced to the new Swedish REPUKED record, I remember exactly. I thought, I'll have to listen to it again.
Swedish zombies are back after four years. One of my very favorite bands has recorded another really good album. I, and everyone who still firmly believes in Nordic death metal, punk and crust, will confirm that. I turn the play back on, have my first beer of the morning (noon) and call my friend. Where were we just yesterday? Hey buddy, I got a great record for you. And a shot of something spicy, of course.
The sound cuts me like a freshly sharpened scalpel (Nico Elgstrand - mixing). The cover evokes in me motifs from video tapes from the 1980s (Necromaniac). But it's mainly morbid and perverse death metal ideas, loosely inspired by bands like AUTOPSY, PUNGENT STENCH, ABSCESS, REPUGNANT, IMPETIGO, that literally had me glued to the speakers. The new album is full of interesting themes, fresh ideas and that metal madness that I love so much about this band. Hey bro, I trust them with every riff, every melody, every drum beat. This is honest stuff from the most disgusting morgues, from the morgues. It's forged from the finest Swedish steel, it's played from the heart, real, believable. All things considered, REPUKED may not bring anything new to the table, but they play in a way that makes me eat it up like rotten bait. Personally, I need a pack like that, that I can rely on, to survive in today's weird world. I'd always rather lock myself in the morgue than watch the evening news. I turn up the volume gradually and the flesh falls off my bones. I may be an old dog, but this music is my life. I look forward every day to getting off work, showing the fuck off to all the lies and pretense, having a few beers and turning up the volume on "Club Squirting Blood". Because here, everything is still raw, real. I put it back on and I find myself in an old horror movie. Then I just wake up and I don't know if I'm dead or not. Crazy hangover, my insides on fire and my brain wants to jump out of my head. I'm piecing together the pieces of yesterday. I met a friend this afternoon, we went out for a few beers. Things went wrong and we ended up in a cemetery. They invited us to a feast and we had no idea if they were still alive. A festering, morbid and perverse old school death metal feast! Rotten flesh, corrupted blood and music that will break every bone in your body!
Prach prokletých, smíchaný s krví démonů. Když jsem se poprvé napil, cítil jsem, jak mi tenhle jed proniká pomalu do žil. Stejně jako nové EP "Lust for Death" londýnských tmářů DECREPID. Kapely, která je pro mě přesnou definicí toho, co mám na záhrobním death metalu tolik rád. Riffy jsou ostré, vokál nasáklý chorobami a rytmus bicích mi láme kosti v těle. Skladby v sobě mají navíc takový ten hnisavý smrad, který máme my, staří hrobníci tolik rádi.
Kapelu není nutné našim čtenářům představovat. Odkazy na recenzi, rozhovor i report z koncertu naleznete dole pod dnešní recenzí. Pojďme ale k novince, která je takovým hnilobným pokračováním věcí minulých. Kapela opět dokazuje, že je ve skvělé formě. Koneckonců, posuďte sami.
Jako bych seděl ve starých katakombách a rovnal na hromadu kosti prokletých. Pokaždé, když mi přivezou nový náklad, pokaždé, když se setkám s podobnou hudbou, nemůžu zůstat v klidu. Mám death metal už dávno zakódovaný v genech a stále vyhledávám podobné morbidní kousky, jako je nové EP a rvu si je do hlavy pod tlakem. Beru do rukou kladivo a mezi jednotlivými skladbami se ozývá zlověstné praskání. Lebky se smějí do ticha a novinka "Lust for Death" pokaždé přiláká i krvavé stíny. Brána do pekla byla znovu otevřena a hroby jsou exhumovány. Pro mě je to jasný důkaz toho, že se tahle nahrávka povedla. Není to jenom prašivý zvuk (Danny Price - mastering, mixing, producer) a povedený obal (Jenglot Hitam), ale hlavně chladně temné a řezající nápady, které vás pohřbí zaživa. Zkrátka a dobře, pokud jste fanoušci třeba takových INCANTATION, IMMOLATION, MONSTROSITY, BOLT THROWER, DISMEMBER, SUFFOCATION, nelze jinak, než vám novinku doporučit. S mým názorem souhlasí i všichni nemrtví, kteří se během poslechu pokaždé potácejí kolem. Odpadává jim maso od kostí a užívají si všechny ty krásně pochmurné motivy. DECREPID jsou jako buldozer, který odkrývá hromadný hrob. Prach prokletých, smíchaný s krví démonů. Když jsem se poprvé napil, cítil jsem, jak mi tenhle jed proniká pomalu do žil. Způsobil mi zástavu srdce a začal jsem hnít zevnitř. Troufám si tvrdit, že pro opravdové fanoušky smrti je tohle album doslova povinností. To vám klidně podepíšu vlastní krví. Hnilobou nasáklý, mokvající, prašivý death metal, který smrdí jako rozkládající se mršina! Tma a chlad se potkávají se zlobou!
Asphyx says:
The dust of the damned, mixed with the blood of demons. When I first drank, I felt this poison slowly seep into my veins. Just like the new EP "Lust for Death" by London darkies DECREPID. A band that for me is the exact definition of what I love so much about death metal. The riffs are sharp, the vocals are soaked with disease and the drum beat breaks the bones in my body. The songs also have that putrid stench that we old grave diggers love so much.
The band needs no introduction to our readers. Links to the review, interview and concert report can be found below today's review. But let's get to the new stuff, which is such a rotten continuation of things past. The band proves once again that they are in great shape. After all, judge for yourself.
It's like sitting in the old catacombs, straightening the bones of the damned in a pile. Every time they bring me a new load, every time I encounter music like this, I can't stay still. Death metal has been encoded in my genes for a long time, and I still seek out morbid cuts like the new EP and rip into my head under pressure. I pick up the hammer and there is an ominous crackle between each track. The skulls laugh into silence and the new track "Lust for Death" draws blood shadows every time. The gates to hell have been reopened and the graves are being exhumed. For me, it's clear proof that this record is a success. It's not just the dusty sound (Danny Price - mastering, mixing, producer) and the hilarious cover art (Jenglot Hitam), it's the cold dark and cutting ideas that will bury you alive. In short, if you're a fan of the likes of INCANTATION, IMMOLATION, MONSTROSITY, BOLT THROWER, DISMEMBER, SUFFOCATION, we can't but recommend this new release. All the undead who stumble around every time while listening to it agree with my opinion. They're dropping the flesh from their bones and enjoying all the beautifully sombre themes. DECREPID are like a bulldozer uncovering a mass grave. The dust of the damned mixed with the blood of demons. When I took my first sip, I could feel this poison slowly seeping into my veins. It caused my heart to stop and I began to rot from the inside. I dare say that for true death fans, this album is literally a must. I'll sign it with my own blood. Rotting, oozing, mangy death metal that smells like decomposing carrion! Darkness and coldness meet anger!
CD 2024, Godz ov War Productions, Ancient Dead Productions
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Během života se chytáme naděje na posmrtný život, na rozhřešení, na nekonečný klid. Jenže, co když je to úplně jinak? Co když se dostaneme jenom do jiné dimenze a budeme v ní navěky trpět. Všechna bolest bude násobena tím, jak jsme ubližovali jiným, jak jsme se nechali pohltit temnotou. Jsou nahrávky, které mě dokáží donutit k podobným úvahám. Když jsem zjistil, že na debutové nahrávce polských death metalistů DEAMONOLITH je pouze jedna, přes 35 minut dlouhá skladba, byl jsem trošku skeptický.
Je velkou pravdou, že tohle album chce klid a zhasnutá světla. Také určitou porci fantazie a vstřícnost pro nové, neotřelé věci. Základem je zde surový death metal, přidávány jsou potom progresivní prvky, thrash metal, ale třeba i saxofon, piano nebo ženský zpěv. Už při prvním poslechu jsem věděl, že s touhle hudbou chci trávit dlouhý čas. Od začátku do konce se v ní totiž neustále něco děje a vzduchem se vznáší takový ten zvláštní neklid, který mám u muziky tolik rád.
Kapela je složena ze samých zkušených muzikantů, kteří za sebou mají spoustu zajímavých počinů. Líbí se mi, že je v hudbě narvaná velká spousta emocí. DEAMONOLITH dokáží být suroví a nekompromisní, potom náhle změní směr a zažijete atmosférické plochy, lehké chvění, neklid. Skladba je rozdělena do šesti segmentů, které ale drží kompaktně pohromadě. Co se týká texů, tak ty pojednávají o kolapsu a konci lidské rasy, o nicotě, o prázdnotě, o spáse. Rozhodně stojí za prostudování. Nejdříve jsem si myslel, že si kapela vzala příliš velké sousto, ale opak je pravdou. Neustále se něco děje, byl jsem doslova přikovaný k reproduktoru. Zajímavé je, že se i po delší době k "The Monolithic Cult of Death" rád a často vracím. Jenom musím být odpočinutý. Poslech je pro mě náročný, protože se musím pečlivě soustředit a rád objevuji spolu s kapelou další a další nová temná zákoutí. Nejlépe bych asi novinku přirovnal k vichřici, která se probudila někde hluboko v podzemí. Smršť riffů útočí s velkým tlakem, melodie se mi dostávají až do morku kostí, jsem trhán na kusy. Nadechnu se jen občas, když je před další bouří. Jako bych doopravdy zemřel a procházel se ve světě za oponou. Zapomenout nesmím ani na masivní a dobře čitelný zvuk i zajímavý obal, který mi připomíná symboly, vytesané nad vchodem starých chrámů. Během života se chytáme naděje na posmrtný život, na rozhřešení, na nekonečný klid. Jenže, co když je to úplně jinak? Co když se dostaneme jenom do jiné dimenze a budeme v ní navěky trpět. Možná ale jenom shnijeme v chladné zemi. Netuším. Co ale moc dobře vím je, že nové album se povedlo po všech stránkách. Doporučuji všem, kteří mají otevřenou mysl. Experimentální, progresivní death metal, temné příběhy z onoho světa! Neklidná definice zla!
Asphyx says:
Throughout life we grasp at the hope of an afterlife, of absolution, of infinite peace. But what if it's completely different? What if we just get to another dimension and suffer in it forever. All the pain will be multiplied by how we hurt others, how we let the darkness consume us. There are recordings that can make me think like that. When I found out that the debut record of Polish death metallers DEAMONOLITH has only one song, over 35 minutes long, I was a bit skeptical.
It's very true that this album wants peace and lights out. Also, a certain amount of imagination and openness for new, novel things. The basis here is raw death metal, then progressive elements are added, thrash metal, but also saxophone, piano or female vocals. I knew from the first listen that I wanted to spend a long time with this music. From the beginning to the end, something is always happening and there is that special restlessness in the air that I like so much in music.
The band is composed of experienced musicians who have done many interesting things. I like that there is a lot of emotion packed into the music. DEAMONOLITH can be raw and uncompromising, then suddenly change direction and you experience atmospheric surfaces, slight tremors, restlessness. The track is divided into six segments, but they stick together compactly. As for the lyrics, they deal with the collapse and end of the human race, with nothingness, with emptiness, with salvation. Definitely worth studying. At first I thought the band took too big a bite, but the opposite is true. Something was constantly happening, I was literally riveted to the speaker. Interestingly, even after a long time, I still like to come back to "The Monolithic Cult of Death" often. I just need to be relaxed. Listening is challenging for me, because I have to concentrate carefully and I like to discover more and more new dark corners together with the band. I guess the best way to compare the novelty is to a storm that has awakened somewhere deep underground. The whirlwind of riffs attacks with great pressure, the melodies get to my bones, I am torn to pieces. I only catch my breath occasionally when it's before the next storm. It's like I've really died and I'm walking in the world behind the curtain. I mustn't forget the massive and easy-to-read sound and the interesting cover art, which reminds me of the symbols carved above the entrance of ancient temples. Throughout life we grasp at the hope of an afterlife, of absolution, of infinite peace. But what if it's completely different? What if we just get to another dimension and suffer in it forever. But maybe we'll just rot in the cold earth. I don't know. What I do know is that the new album is a success in every way. I recommend it to anyone with an open mind. Experimental, progressive death metal, dark stories from the other world! A restless definition of evil!
tracklist: 01. The Monolithic Cult of Death
Major • Guitars
Desecrate • Drums & Dark Ambients
Sunrise • Guitars & Classical Guitar
Lukas • Bass
Kobuch • Vocals
• Guest musicians:
- saxophone by Łukasz Wypych
- piano appearance in the opening intro by Magdalena Sienkiel
- piano appearance in the interlude by Sebastian Świciak
- male clean vocals and choirs by Michał "Xaay" Loranc
CRUCIFIXION RITUAL - Desecration of the Archangels
CD 2024, Invictus Productions
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Někdy, když je opravdu velmi temná noc, tak najdu na náhrobcích ráno ohlodané kosti. Jsou na nich ještě kusy zahnívajícího masa. Nejdříve jsem tomu nevěnoval příliš pozornosti, ale potom jsem začal mít podezření, že zde dochází k hanobení hrobů. O tom, že se v noci toulají po hřbitově přízraky, toužící po krvi, vím dávno. Koneckonců, jinak bych nedělal hrobníka. Temnotě, black a death metalu, se věnuji již dlouhé roky. Mám rád podobné nahrávky, jako je ta od CRUCIFIXION RITUAL. Je po okraj narvaná rouháním, šílenstvím, zkaženou krví, je plná démonických riffů a zvířecího vokálu.
Válka s nebem byla vyhlášena již na předchozí demonahrávce "Gouging the Eyes of Angelic Purity" z roku 2021. Doporučuji poslouchat chronologicky, potom lépe pochopíte zlo, které se rodí v záhrobí. Letošní EP "Desecration of the Archangels" je ďábelským pokračováním. Existuje jenom špína, hniloba a krutá smrt. Tahle hudba je ještě zkaženější, hnusnější a šílenější, než samotné peklo. Poslouchejte hodně nahlas.
Pro pochopení téhle nahrávky je nutné se vydat po časové ose zpět. Hluboko do podzemí, do míst, na kterých jsou pochováni padlí kněží. Obraťte všechny kříže směrem dolů a naplivejte do svěcené vody. Představte si kostel, který je navenek krásným chrámem všech věřících. Všechny ty lži, faleš i rozhřešení se odrážejí od chladných zdí. Dějí se tu ale i hnusné a ošklivé věci, které bublají pod povrchem jako zkažená krev. CRUCIFIXION RITUAL na to jdou ostře, divoce, nekompromisně. Nečekejte žádné povrchní a naleštěné melodie, ani plastovou produkci. Dostanete jenom hnilobu, utrpení a bolest. Skladby, po okraj narvané ďábelským rouháním, jsou spíše rezavými hřeby, které vám jednou zatlučou do rakve. Pokud vás tedy nespálí na popel a nenechají potom sežrat prasaty. Máte rádi kapely jako BLASPHEMY, ARCHGOAT, REVENGE, PROCLAMATION, MORBOSIDAD, MYSTIFIER, BESTIAL WARLUST? Potom by se vám mohla líbit i tahle nahrávka. Poslouchat novou desku je jako si číst ve starých archívech. Hluboko pod zemí, daleko od současného zvráceného světa. Zde, v chladu a absolutní tmě, vynikne nové album nejvíce. Zkrátka a dobře, pokud máte rádi primitivní, živočišný, neurvalý a prašivý odér čerstvě se rozkládajících mrtvol prokletých, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Budete určitě spokojeni. Pokud ne, tak se pokřižujte a utíkejte pryč. Někdy, když je opravdu velmi temná noc, tak najdu na náhrobcích ráno ohlodané kosti. Jsou na nich ještě kusy zahnívajícího masa. Bestiální, ďábelské, nihilistické black death metalové rouhání! Absolutní blasfemie, totální tma!
Asphyx says:
Sometimes, when it's a very dark night, I find gnawed bones on gravestones in the morning. There are still pieces of rotting flesh on them. At first I didn't pay much attention, but then I began to suspect that there was grave desecration. I've known for a long time that ghosts roam the cemetery at night, hungry for blood. After all, I wouldn't be a gravedigger otherwise. I've been into dark, black and death metal for many years. I like records like the one by CRUCIFIXION RITUAL. It's filled to the brim with blasphemy, madness, corrupted blood, it's full of demonic riffs and animalistic vocals.
The war with heaven was already declared on the previous demo "Gouging the Eyes of Angelic Purity" from 2021. I recommend listening chronologically, then you will better understand the evil that is born in the afterlife. This year's EP "Desecration of the Archangels" is an evil sequel. There is only filth, rot and cruel death. This music is even more corrupt, vile and insane than hell itself. Listen very loudly.
To understand this recording, it is necessary to go back in time. Deep underground, to the places where fallen priests are buried. Turn all the crosses upside down and spit into the holy water. Imagine a church that is outwardly a beautiful temple to all the faithful. All the lies, falsehoods and absolutions bouncing off the cold walls. But there are also ugly and nasty things going on, bubbling under the surface like corrupted blood. CRUCIFIXION RITUAL go at it sharply, fiercely, uncompromisingly. Don't expect any superficial and polished melodies or plastic production. All you get is rot, suffering and pain. The songs, packed to the brim with diabolical blasphemy, are more like rusty nails that will one day be hammered into your coffin. Unless they burn you to ashes and then let the pigs eat you. Do you like bands like BLASPHEMY, ARCHGOAT, REVENGE, PROCLAMATION, MORBOSIDAD, MYSTIFIER, BESTIAL WARLUST? Then you might also like this record. Listening to the new record is like reading through old archives. Deep underground, far away from today's twisted world. Here, in the cold and absolute darkness, the new album stands out the most. In short, if you like the primitive, animalistic, uncouth and dusty odour of the freshly decomposing corpses of the damned, then don't hesitate a moment. You will be satisfied. If not, cross yourselves and run away. Sometimes, on a really dark night, I find gnawed bones on gravestones in the morning. There are still pieces of rotting flesh on them. Bestial, diabolical, nihilistic black death metal desecration! Absolute blasphemy, total darkness!
Ave WITCHTRAP! Greetings to Colombia, hope you are well! I am, because I just got back from work where I spent the whole day listening to your new album "Hungry as the Beast". I'm working on the computer and my headphones were still in my ears. I'm literally fascinated by the energy I feel from the record. I don't think you can tell me the recipe for where it comes from, but I'm sure you'd be happy to describe how the new record was made? Has the way WITCHTRAP composes changed in any way compared to past albums?
W/ Hey Jakub, I’m glad you like our last album “Hungry As The Beast” and let our music gets blow your brain in pieces by the energy we spread on it. There's not actually a recipe or so, we just want to do the music we like inspired by the great music form 70's and early 80's and let play it at 78 RPM with enough fury and anger as we can. About the About the recordings session it was totally differentc in comparisson to the previous albums. I mean, in the past albums, Eps and so, we always had all material written and composed, but this time we only had some guitar riffs and guitar structures. So, we took them to make a sketch with no idea what would be the drums, bass, solos, and lyrics and we started to compose every arrangement on each song during or while we were starting to record them. We thought that it was the right time for the band to have a new album out, due to the good things we realize it was happening with the feedback from fans and live performance about the band. So, we took this idea to begin the recording sessions, besides we were thinking that it would be like great bands like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden made it in early 80's when they rented the studio without any idea what to record. And let me tell you something, this experience was absolutely enriching and full or leaning for us. Now we know we know each other as we have been for more than 20 years together making Metal from the heart and the feeling we have at the heart of the band.
Personally, there's one thing I like most about "Hungry as the Beast" and that's the melodies. Clear, distinct, relying on interesting riffs, the songs gradually graduate, they have drive and power. To me, these are the things that make good music great. I wonder how you know when a song is finished? Who has the final say? And then how do you feel about their live presentation? Does there have to be chemistry between you and then the fans? Do you also have ideas that you then scrap?
W/ Well, it’s kinda hard tough, basically all is based only on we (B. A. Ripper and me) each contribute with 50% on the album music, for example on this “Hungry As The Beast“ each put 4 songs, once we share the riffs and guitar structure, we start to make arregements and a writting lyrics after the music is fixed and done, but the song ends when Ripper & me think the structure is done including arregments, about production and mixing it takes what it derserves until it sounds great for us, we try to make that our music sound like each isntruments sound clear but enouhg rough and the take has gotten the essence we wanted in our music,you know, not over produced at all but enough clear as 80's or 90's was for the listeners and fans.
By the other hand, performance it’s other thing different, we wnat to give a lot of energy and make our fans enjoy the show, leaving on their faces a big smile and satisfaction with the good fury and desplicent evil show we do at stage, you know fans and the band must have a sinergy on live performance just like a love relationship, I absolutely agree chemistry its a fact between band and fans.
I know a lot of bands that have lyrics to songs just to sing something. What I always liked about WITCHTRAP is that they have an idea, a meaning, an opinion. How do they come about? When does the inspiration come and how do you fit them into the music? Personally, I think writing lyrics is an insanely difficult discipline and on the new album "Hungry as the Beast" in particular, they're great. I often think to myself, yeah, that's exactly right, that's how I feel too.
W/ When we write a song, we first create the main riffs, and depending on what those riffs make us feel we start to have the ideas for the lyrics.
On our early records, writing lyrics was difficult because our English was lacking, and most of those where constructed with dictionary language. However, with time we got better at it.
It can be a hard process and it will alway require a new level of dextertity and mastery, because you shouldn’t just write for the sake of having a rain of words to fill the song, it needs to be artistic.
On „Hungry as the Beast“ we tried our best to give to the lyrics that poetry touch, and the results were very satisfying. One thing that inspired us and led us to create those type of lyrics was studying those created by excelent lyricists such as Rob Halford and Ronnie J. Dio.
You're from Medellin. I found out that 90% of Colombians are Roman Catholic. Wikipedia even states that 21% of Catholics have witnessed an exorcism. Here in the Czech Republic, where we are almost all atheists, this is almost incomprehensible. How has the Church influenced you? Have you ever been banned from concerts? How is black thrash metal perceived by the mainstream society?
W/ I think all Colombians are catholic indeed hahaha. I have never knew about an exorcism or so, you know google has a lot of bullshit on the web.
Well, in someway the fact that I have stidied in the primary and high school in a catholic college, was a point of growing up in kinda way rebel against to that religious statement, I rmember I use to be against all the bible teachings and in the high school, I have to validate at the end of each scholler year about that matter year after year, so those Incoherentic theories written in that book mades me question agsint the teacher at 9th grade, that's why I was fired from that school hahahaha. So at the same time I was got hocked into Metal and realize the Metal music, it was according of the plenty ideas I had in my mind against religion since some time ago. In 80‘s and 90’s the society wasn’t the real problem although it was too, but specially in some part of our family , and the cops that persecuted metalheads all days, and later the stupid factories' manners, that it was impossible for a Metalhead to find a job due to our way of dressing and long hair.
Our scene we use to hung out in some corners and parks of the city to share and home taping and trading the few records of Metal, or talking about how society, religion and politics were against the people and us, this shit that made us feel kind of agry and feel a lot of rage and courage, I think that’s the real fact that made us stay stronger into Metal.
Today, things has changed, in one way now we aren’t like a drugs addicts from their point of view, anyway they see to us like a good people that only enjoy extreme music, although still a small part of the society keeps all tha crappy shit against us, but being honest in early years it was a real pain in the ass for each metalhead here in Colombia.
A long time ago, when I was still in primary school, a friend of mine once drew the logos of metal bands in a notebook. It was during socialism and I was in detention because of it. Still, it was a beautiful time, you were young and discovering new bands at the turn of the eighties and nineties. VENOM came to me then and then of course our TÖRR. How did you experience your beginnings? Can you tell our readers a little bit about how albums were recorded in your country back then and what it was like in Colombia? Please reminisce.
W/ oh man those years were amazing and wonderful times for sure, I remember how hard was to find a Venom, Sodom, Slayer, even Metallica or Iron Maiden record to do a home taping, you know Colombia isn’t the Rock’n’Roll culture at all, here is Vallenatos, Cumbias, Salsa, and all that crapy music that I actually hate so much, this shit sounds in everywhere, in the downtown streets, the buses, the taxis, the neighbor in their high speakers on high volume, it’s absolutely boring and frustating, So, for example: in the whole city were like 4 or 5 copies maybe less of each album that some maniac got it beacuse their families traveled to USA and brought some copy of any Metal band, and that record could run around the whole scene to each one can do a home recording. So we used to trade records for some few time or days to spread the voice of any good great album or Ep when it arrived to the scene.
About how we recorded our own albums of bands from Ultra Metal I mean bands such as Parabellum, Astaroth, Reencarnacion and Danger amog others, actually it was a pain in the ass for all of them even to us, we use to handcrafted our drumkits and even to build our own distortion pedals with some friends that has some few electronic knowledge done by our self and beleive me or not in some cases we built our onw guitar as well same as we did with the drumkits, about the studios were so expensive to pay but some of those bands tried to find economical resuerses to pay these recordings, unfortunately in Colombia at the recording studios the sound enginneers of that time had nothing of knowlege how to record Metal and that's why those bands sounded like raw and nasty, so it was as it was done, and all this stuff has his enchantment and high value not only for us as patrimonium of our music even for international undeground scene as well.
I keep telling everyone and it's clear that once upon a time there was rock and heavy metal and then thrash and black metal. Without the basics there is no evolution. Staying in the past, what musicians actually brought you to music? Is there anyone you still admire today that you'd like to meet and thank for inspiring you?
W/ Acutally I‘ve hung out with couple of Metal icons such as Schmier, Mantas, Abbadon, Katon, Dolan, Tom Angel Ripper and they are so humble and kind to me and really nice guys for sure, total respect and I really love these guys. But about the musicians I would like to hang out for at least to share a beer are passed away: Lemmy, Cliff, Wendy Orlean Williams and Dio. Maybe In Hell I will meet them, if there is a existance after life.
I always take each band as a whole. Not just their music, but their performance, how they treat their fans. Honestly, a band can play like gods, but then I come to a show and they're arrogant and a few slaps and that's it for me. What I've always loved about WITCHTRAP is that you guys are civil, laid back, heartfelt, go-getters. How do you perceive the fans? It seems to me (from what I've seen of the videos) that you enjoy every show immensely. Am I right?
W/ Fuck Off Rock Star attitude, first of all we consider to each one of us as just a Metal fan, we love to go to metal clubs or bars, we go to Metal gigs and festivals to see emerging and local bands and fo course some of the greatest bands we love, so having said this, we think we are just like you or each Metalhead overthere is, we buy physical stuff vinyls, CDs and tapes, and we know we are exactly as a Metalhead that listen and enjoy of our music. So, being among the Metal crowd that come to see us, to share some words, to drink some beers and talking about Metal and so, that 'is one of my favorites times. I mean, when I have had while I'm touring or playing, it's absolutely amazing to feel the love from them to our music but at same time we (they and me) are starting a new frienship, that's something I love to the core even all members in Witchtrap do on every gig.
A band it's something, beacuse the fans give all their support to the music that they do. So the fans deserve to be as closer to them, no matter what happens, fans are everything. I mean, thje fans are loving the music you create for satisfying your self, that's more than enough to understand that the fans are the bigest thing happens to an artist.
How do you perceive contemporary metal? Do you have any favourite bands? I don't know about you, but lately it seems like everyone is playing faster and faster, crazier, more incomprehensible. You stand under the stage, nod your head for a while, what great musicians they are, and then you don't remember anything. Then he goes home and prefers to listen to good old Saxon.
W/ Yeah, Yeah, I like some good bands from nowadays indeed and specially bands from my country they are still trying to keep the real feeling in Metal alive.
I have some similar thoughts about that, although I would like to add something more, the real problem is the trend nowadays is create music with high levels of techninsim, You know, the drummers are playing hihg metronome bits on blastbeats but the groove have been lost in some way, I think they seems being competing betweem them of whom is playng faster to uncrest other musicians, I find this boring and stupid to be honest, I think they are satisfaying their egos and it goes against the musicality, the feeling or the groove in Metal, that's why there so great bands and musicians, but there aren't great songs.
You're a memory now. Times have changed a lot since the '80s. You're kind of a legendary band, you have a lot of fans, you get invited to gigs. Still, there's a lot that's different. Nowadays you have the internet, new technologies, a lot of people listen to music in the style - download, listen and then either forget or delete. How do you look to the future? Will metal be just for old people anymore? And how do you see the changes as a musician? And where is WITCHTRAP heading at the moment?
W/ Certainly, we don't know what is gonna happen, but in our way to see the movement, probably the Metal scene will turn slowly to only local bands and all the bands while the time is running will stop of touring around the world, but maybe only if a new band with enough charisma to make to all of us and the scene around the world rejoin, just like the early days, besides with no the intervention of main stream labels trends, then the Metal scen will raise again, like a New Renaissement.
About WITCHTRAP, you know we're not pretencious at all, we just will keep doing what we do since the begining, although right now we have found our mature about how keep doing as we wanted to sound and create our music. So, new material of course, it will come and try to spread and playing in other countries as much as we can to all the die hard Witchtrapmaniacs and new Metalheads that hans't still listen to our music that we know there are thousands, this way they can take their chace to hear the Metal noise from Colombia.
I'm sure you still have some dreams, goals, milestones you want to achieve as a band. Can you reveal them to us? You're black thrash veterans, you're recording great albums, you can still hear the enthusiasm for the music. You tour, you play festivals. Is there anything else missing from the puzzle?
W/ Nah(no), there is no missing nothing, we are living our dream, we have gotten more than we ever thought in our lives about having a band, we have even played in many countries, more than many bands in South America have done, this is something that we infintely appreciate deep inside in our minds and heart. Our music is listened by some underground maniacs all around the world, we know they are not a million, but they are truely Headbangers and it means all. So, if the success of being recognized come to our band, it's welcome for sure, but is not our main target, we are gonna keep doing as it goes and it is perfect for us.
We're coming to the end, so I'd like to try a more philosophical question. How would you define the style called black thrash metal? What is this music for you and why did you choose this style?
W/ To tag a band or giving a style it’s a big mistake that many of us into Metal do, but if can define Black Thrash Metal, I think it could be like this: Speed music, Catchy riffing, Aggressive voice, Evil lyrics, and No trendy music, Keep it as classic as it was done 40 years ago.
About WITCHTRAP we play Witching Metal.
If you would merge in a boiling cauldron a band with the following characteristics: NWOBHM together some Punk and Satanic lyrism then you would have Witching Metal, we are not Black Thrash Metal, we are Witching Metal.
What is WITCHTRAP going to do in the next few months?
W/ We have been palning some locals shows and showing to the witchtrapmaniacs our recent album “Hungry As The beast“ besides we have being looking for some tours in South America, US and probably Europe ofr next year 2025, we will see what happens. And of course we are conmposing new song, you know, this madness never stops.
Thank you very much for the interview. You don't even know what it means to me. A boyhood dream come true. I wish you many more great ideas, sold out records, sold out shows and may your private lives prosper as well. See you at the concert! WITCHTRAP RULES!
W/ hey Bro, we are tottaly thankful on you to provide us this space to show something about our band and we have been doing throuhg the years. So, belive me this means a lot to us as well, having in mind our words will runs throught the Metaheads overthre in ou country and area because of you, that’s fucking awesome.
Thank you for your good Metal wishes and of course we will meet again.
Stay Evil, Stay Ugly, Stay Metal.
Hugo “Witchhammer“ Uribe & WITCHTRAP
Recenze/review - WITCHTRAP - Hungry as the Beast (2024):