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neděle 21. února 2021

A few questions - interview with death grind band from Japan - MORTIFY.

A few questions - interview with death grind band from Japan - MORTIFY.

Answered vocalist Adam, thank you!

Recenze/review - MORTIFY - Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement (2021):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Cheers for the interview. We are a 3 piece from Tokyo Japan. Tak is on guitar but it is easy to mistake his axe for a grinding buzzsawwwwwww. Ryo bashes the coffins into dust. And I am Adam - mucous dripper and toe clipper thief. We play death/grind with the help of HM-2, bags filled with rancid and soggy dog food and buzzsaws turned to maximum speed. Some have compared our sound to old school Swedish death metal meets Swedish grindcore ala Regurgitate.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Ryo handled and has handled everything of ours since the inception of the band. We do everything in house as far as recording and mixing and mastering, so we are all very grabby hands on with the sound and final product. Most of the recordings are done at our dungeons of doom (living room).

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

I believe Obliteration Records pressed 1000 CDs for the Japanese release. Headsplit in the US pressed 100 or 200 tapes as well. There are a few other versions being discussed at the moment too.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I handle all of the family friendly lyrical content for the band. Lyrics are usually influenced by things such as boogers that grow on butts, smegma filled apple pies, dogs that can bring back the dead, mucous burgers and pools filled with ooze. You know..the standard.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Our ghoul friend Suzy based in Sweden made our logo and she really did a great job I think. Of course social media is important for any band to use at this point. It has indeed caused an overload of the senses, and it’s harder to weed out the awful from the disgusting. But many people rely on these mediums for information about shows and projects and releases so we must get in line with the other fecal booger zombies and do the same.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We chose Obliteration Records naturally because Naru from Butcher ABC is a true ooze sucking, lava eating, zit popping maniac!!! He understands our vision and always takes care of his fellow fiends. Cheers to Butcher ABC! We have also been lucky to work with many many other killer labels who have believed in Mortify and the message of drinking sewage sausage juice at night.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We all have many inspirations but I think we can all agree on bands like Impetigo, Agathocles, Pungent Stench, Carnage, Dismember, Warsore, Regurgitate.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We have not sent any press packets or zit pies to any labels. Thankfully all of the labels have sent us correspondence via letter attached to maggot filled backpack attached to pigeon dog.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We have played a lot of shows over the past 4 years being a band ranging from small club shows, studio shows and bigger festivals in Tokyo. We will play anywhere for any size crowd, as long as the maniacs are ready to DIE FOR THE SAWWWW!

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Right now we have our new ep out entitled “Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement” We will promote that for a while. And we are currently wrapping up everything for the upcoming split 7 inch with H.A.R.M. on 625. Hail Max Ward! As for the band, we really want to play in Europe once this virus has gone back to its cold dark tomb.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can find us on FaceBook and Twitter and bandcamp. Just search “mortify 666 Tokyo grindcore Buzzsaw zombie brain sauce phlegm in rectum Sweden worship metal”.

Thanx for the interview.

Hey my friend, thanks for the interview and kind words. Thanks for all the sicko grind and death metal maniacs around the globe repping Mortify. We appreciate it and hope to see you in person. Hail hail hail and spill (the toxic gastric juices).

Recenze/review - MORTIFY - Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement (2021):

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sobota 20. února 2021

Recenze/review - MORTIFY - Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement (2021)

MORTIFY - Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement
CD 2021, Obliteration Records

for english please scroll down

Když jsem vstoupil do pokoje, nejdřív jsem si myslel, že na posteli leží velká figurína. Bělostná, s voskovým nádechem. Jenže to nebyla pravda. Jednalo se o postupně zahnívající tělo ve značném stádiu rozkladu. Nechápal jsem, kde se vzalo tolik červů, tolik strachu, tolik bolesti. Připomínalo obrovský kokon, ze kterého se musí každou chvíli vylíhnout smrtihlav. Jak může někdo něco takového udělat? Za svůj život jsem toho viděl už spoustu, ale zde mě fascinovala a šokovala preciznost a brutalita. 

V podobném hororovém snímku se ocitnete i při poslechu nové desky japonských death grinderů MORTIFY. Určitě znáte ten pocit, když vytahujete z břicha mokvající střeva. Směs krve, černé zkažené hmoty, hnisu a nenávisti. Japonci jsou přesně takoví. Nekompromisní, šílení, zběsilí, jako patolog utržený ze řetězu. Smrt číhá na každém rohu, v každé skladbě. Stačí jen přijmout fakt, že u téhle hudby všichni zemřeme. Masakr!

MORTIFY ctí všechny důležité aspekty death metalu a grindu. Jejich nová deska je potom okořeněna a nasměřována na sever, ke švédskému chřestění kostí (označení z promo materiálů Swedish HM-2 Buzzsaw Grindcore je přesnou definicí). Určitě jste někdy viděli otevřenou zlomeninu. Na obrázku zaujme každého, ale v realitě si připočtěte několik litrů krve, nářek, špínu a bolest. Oběť propadá panice. "Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement" je hudbou do malých, zaplivaných, začouzených klubů, na periferii města. Je upřímnou a syrovou výpovědí. Samozřejmě, odkazy třeba takových NASUM, ROTTEN SOUND, NAPALM DEATH, PUNGET STENCH, GENERAL SURGERY, DEAD, EXHUMED a mnoha dalších, jsou slyšet z každé skladby. Ale od toho je potřeba se v současné době oprostit. Nemyslím si, že by někdo v několika dalších letech přišel se zcela novou muzikou. V metalu rozhodně ne. Soustřeďme se raději na energii, tlak, tmu, na pestrou paletu morbidních pocitů, které umí MORTIFY předat. Album je jako kus syrového, už značně zapáchajícího masa, které vám někdo hodí do ruky. Jedná se o masakr, který musí chutnat každému příznivci pravého, ryzího death metalu, grindu a hromadných hrobů někde na severu Evropy. U "Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement" se vám uškvaří mozek v lebce! 


Nemoci zkažené krve, hnijící kosti. Rozkládající se tělo, smrtelný pohled a lebka pukající velkým tlakem. Mám pocit, že se rozpadnu na tisíc kousků. V bolestech a křečích. Jakoby mi do hlavy někdo postupně zabodával ostré rezavé hřeby. Pomalu a přesně, aby zasáhl všechna citlivá místa.

Přesně takové pocity mám i z nového alba japonských death/grind šílenců MORTIFY. Je přesně tím divokým a maniakálním kouskem extrémní hudby, která vás bez upozornění přišpendlí na zeď. Energie, síla, hnis a špína. To jsou hlavní atributy novinky "Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement".

Umírat lze mnohými způsoby, ale smrt předváděná na albu "Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement" se zdá být nejvíce bolestivá. MORTIFY ve své tvorbě odkazují na takové smečky jako jsou NASUM, ROTTEN SOUND, NAPALM DEATH, PUNGET STENCH, GENERAL SURGERY, DEAD, EXHUMED. Hniloba je zde kombinována s tlakem a výsledkem je nahrávka, která působí jako třaskavina té nejvyšší kvality. Novinka je jako kus plesnivého masa, které vám někdo hodí přímo do obličeje. Při poslechu se dusím, lapám po dechu a těším se na každý další zabijácký riff. Jsem rád drcen a rozmělňován. Líbí se mi i temnota, která jednotlivými skladbami prostupuje jako nějaká zlá choroba. MORTIFY zkrátka moc dobře vědí, jak na mě. Umí vytvořit absolutně zběsilou atmosféru, vyvolat postupný tlak na moji hlavu. Smrt je zase tak blízko! Swedish HM-2 Buzzsaw Grindcore album, které vás rozemele na prach! 

Asphyx says:

Diseases of spoiled blood, rotting bones. A decaying body, deadly look and a skull cracking with a great pressure. I have a feeling that I will fall into thousands of pieces. In pain and cramps. It feels like someone has been slowly putting sharp rusty nails into my head. Slowly and accurately, to hit all sensitive places.

I have those exact feelings when I listen to the new album by Japenese death/grind madmen MORTIFY. It is the wild and maniacal piece of extreme music which will nail you on a wall with no warnings. Energy, power, pus and dirt. These are the main attributes of the novel "Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement".

You can die in many ways but the death on the album "Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement" seems to be even more painful. MORTIFY´s music refers to bands like NASUM, ROTTEN SOUND, NAPALM DEATH, PUNGET STENCH, GENERAL SURGERY, DEAD, EXHUMED. The rotation here is combined with pressure and the result is an album which feels like a bomb of the highest quality. The new album is like a piece of mouldy flesh which hit you right in the face. When I listen to this album I cannot breath and I am looking forward to another killing riff. I like to be smashed and crushed. I like the darkness which goes through each song just like a bad disease. MORTIFY really know what I like. They can create totally furious atmosphere, bring a pressure on my head. The death is again very close! Swedish HM-2 Buzzsaw Grindcore which will grind you to dust! 

01. Flesh Creep
02. Musty Trudge
03. Organ Terror
04. Obelisk Of Suffering
05. 100 Rats
06. No Survivors
07. No! (Agathocles Cover)
08. Grabby Hands
09. Brain Gurgler
10. Adhesives
11. Mangy Mutts
12. Smells Of Barfs
13. Deviant

*Adam-Gastric Juice
*Ryo-Grave Supplier

středa 21. října 2020

Recenze/review - BLOOD CARNIVAL - Blood Awakening (2020)

BLOOD CARNIVAL - Blood Awakening
CD 2020, Bloodcurdling Enterprise

for english please scroll down

Ruce měl celé od krve, ale usmíval se. Tahle pitva se opravdu povedla. Nejdříve rozřízl tělo od krku až dolů. Vytáhl vnitřnosti. Pořádně zkontroloval shnilá střeva. Nařízl lebku a byl překvapen, jaký je uvnitř tlak. Tenhle člověk musel poslouchat jenom pravý, ryzí a nefalšovaný brutální death metal. Měl pravdu, nebožák měl na boku vytetovaný nápis japonské kapely BLOOD CARNIVAL. Pokračoval dál, oddělil maso od kostí, vše hezky vyskládal na sterilní stůl. Co na tom, že pitvaný ještě žil? 

Historie kapely BLOOD CARNIVAL sahá až do let 1997 - 2004 (v roce 1999 vydali svoje první demo "Death Blaster", kdy pánové působili na scéně poprvé. Potom si dali na dlouhé roky pauzu, aby se vrátili s dalším demonahrávkou (2017). Bestie spala mnoho let, aby se letos probudila a hodila mezi nás jako kus syrového masa smrtí nasáklou desku "Blood Awakening", která si mě ihned získala svým tradičním přístupem, surovým zvukem i temnotou.


"Blood Awakening" je albem ze stejných piteven jako SUFFOCATION, DEEDS OF FLESH, CANNIBAL CORPSE. Jedná se o takovou brutálně death metalovou klasiku, velmi dobře zahranou, s poctivě chladnou atmosférou. Deska si mě ihned přetvořila k obraz svému, líbí se mi motivy skladeb, riffy mě bolí a drásají, jakoby mě někdo opravdu řezal skalpelem do živého masa. Je slyšet, že jsou BLOOD CARNIVAL zkušenými patology, kteří ale zároveň neztratili vášeň pro pitvy. Mám pro podobně znějící brutální death metal staré školy velkou slabost. Líbí se mi, jak je nahrávka drsná, surová, bez jakýchkoliv zbytečností. Nenašel jsem vlastně žádné slabé místo, i když je samozřejmě jasné, že podobných smeček naleznete všude velké množství, Japonci mě dokázali přitáhnout k přehrávači, udržet moji pozornost. Vytřeli se mnou podlahu, vymáchali mi ksicht v krvi. Pokud máte v oblibě pestrou paletu morbidních nálad, tak rozhodně neváhejte. Tady se pitvá zaživa! Jednou jsem viděl film, ve kterém oběť zavázali do obrovského pytle. Potom do ní mlátili palicemi, dokud nevypustila duši. Můj pocit z "Blood Awakening" je hodně podobný. Brutalita, tma a smrad rozkládajícího těla! Totální masakr!

Asphyx says:

His hands were covered in blood, but he was smiling. This autopsy was successful. First, he slit the body from the neck to the bottom. He pulled out his entrails. He checked the rotten intestines properly. He cut the skull and was surprised at the pressure inside. This man only had to listen to real, pure and unadulterated brutal death metal. He was right, because this dead man had a tattoo of the Japanese band BLOOD CARNIVAL tattooed on his side. He continued, separating the meat from the bones, putting everything nicely on a sterile table. But this dead man was still alive! 

The history of the band BLOOD CARNIVAL dates back to 1997 - 2004 (they released their first demo "Death Blaster" in 1999, when the gentlemen performed on the scene for the first time. Then they took a break for many years to return with another demo (2017). This beast slept for many years to wake up this year and throw front of us album "Blood Awakening" soaked in death like a piece of raw meat This album immediately got me by traditional approach, raw sound and darkness.

"Blood Awakening" is an album from the same autopsies as SUFFOCATION, DEEDS OF FLESH, CANNIBAL CORPSE. It is such a brutally death metal classic, very well played, with an honestly cool atmosphere. The record immediately transformed me into its own image, I like the motifs of the songs, the riffs hurt and scratch me, as if someone really cut me with a scalpel into live meat. It can be heard that BLOOD CARNIVAL are experienced pathologists who have not lost their passion for autopsies. I have a great weakness for similarly sounding old school brutal death metal. I like how rough, raw the recording is, without any unnecessary things. I didn't actually find any weak points, although of course it's clear that you can find a lot of similar bands everywhere, the Japanese were able to draw me to the player, to keep my attention. They wiped the floor with me, rinsing my face in my blood. If you like a varied palette of morbid moods, then don't hesitate. Autopsy is alive here! I once saw a movie in which the victim was tied to a huge bag. Then they beat him with sticks until he released his soul. My feeling about "Blood Awakening" is very similar. Brutality, darkness and the stench of a decomposing body! Total massacre!

01. Cardiac Arrhythmia
02. Moment Of Murder
03. Ritual Of Resurrection
04. Pathological Laboratory
05. Death Blow
06. Hell Apocalypse
07. Self Awareness And Self Consciousness
08. Artificial Intelligence Killer
09. Unbearable Difficulty

Guitar.Vocal - MASAKI YANO

úterý 15. září 2020

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Japan - FROSTVORE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Japan - FROSTVORE.

Answered Satoshi, thank you!

Recenze/review - FROSTVORE - Drowned By Blood (2020):

Recenze/review - FROSTVORE - Drowned By Blood (2020)

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

Satoshi: thanks for the interview and greetings from Japan! we are Frostvore that founded in 2012. in the past we called Frostbite, but we decided to change our band name before releasing 1st album because Testimony advised us to be more unique name. 

Frostvore consists of 4 members (20 - 29 years old) and plays buzzsaw oldschool death metal. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

Satoshi: we consider to make albums since we released Scavenger of Human Dignity (2013). but every member start to working and it was hard to secure time to making music. Finally it takes over 5 years to make album. 

I produced almost songs (some songs were created by Shigenori (Drums)) and I arranged recording/mastering. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

Satoshi: CD copy is 400, LP is 300(Black 150/splatteded Red 150). you can get from Testimony’s bandcamp or Base (Japanese online shop platform). 

Also you can listen by Spotify and Amazon music.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Satoshi: Shigenori created almost lyric (I only make 1 song). After finished making songs, we decided album concept as below. 

„A man who possessed by evil spirits slaighter all while losing his ego, and builds a pile of corpses.“ 

This concept was inspired from Gogiga Gagagigo of Yu Gi Oh!. Description of Gogiga Gagagigo is below fyr. 

„His Soul long-silence collapsed, his body recklessly continues omward. Driven by a lust for more power. He no longer remembles his former self...“ 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

Satoshi: Taro(Guitar) created our logo and we ordered Kentaro Imamura to make artwork. 

I got to know Kentaro’s another artwork through twitter and it was impressed very much then I send message to him. Anyway i think SNS is important to spread/collect information in this digital age. We uses Facebook/Instagram/Twitter to promote our music. 

Also I consider artwork is very very important! Amazing artwork promises great musics and vice versa. (every Dan Seagrave’s artwork albums are awesome, right?!)

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

Satoshi: I already like Testimony Records’s bands (The Dead Goats, Horrified, Carnal Tomb) and i think our album is suitable for Testimony, then i sent mail them. 

We’re very surprised that many webzine and blog make an articles of our album reveiw! And album is releaed without fails, we‘re grateful for Mr.Dennis of Testimony very much!! 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

Satoshi: of course we love swedish death metal, but each member have diffelent taste. 

Some member likes melodical death metal (Dissection, late Dismember) and some likes hardcore style death metal (Autopsy, Bolt Thrower). So I tried to combine 2 element (melodic/hardcore) into songs. 

You can check our playlist on Spotify what we inspired. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

Satoshi: yes many... but no one replied except Testimony, 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

Satoshi: we only played 1 shows several years ago. I have experience to play shows many times as another band or tribute band. Unfortunatelly i have never played at festival that I desired. Maybe as many people know, many Japanese shows have silence (I remember that Meshuggah said to audience during interval that people are quiet like church) 

I think Japanese audience is shy or watch shows seriously so i would be anxious during playing because there is no reaction and jeeing from the audience. So i would like to play at festival since we must get many reaction during playing.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

Satoshi: under the COVID situation we can’t play cocnert in Japan, and currently I’m in Vietnam for a while because of my business. 

So i consider to make next album or EP. That is the our next target. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

Satoshi: feel free to send us message by Facebook/Twitter/Instagram 

Thanx for the interview.

středa 19. srpna 2020

Recenze/review - FROSTVORE - Drowned By Blood (2020)

FROSTVORE - Drowned By Blood
CD 2020, Testimony Records

for english please scroll down

Vypadá to na přímý zásah. Sekera zaseknutá rovnou do hlavy. Chudák, ani moc netrpěl. Další má zpřelámané všechny kosti v těle. Jiný je zasažen snětí. Exhumace starých hrobů bývá vždy stejně zajímavá, jak dobrý old school death metal. Smrdí podobnou plesnivinou, je také chladný, temný a probouzí šílené noční můry. Přišla mi na recenzi prvotina japonských maniaků FROSTVORE, kteří mají, stejně jako já, rádi švédský smrtící kov.
Do nečisté hry vás uvede již obal od Kenro Imamury, který je rudý, jako krev i riffy, které se mi ihned zadřeli hluboko do mozku. Pánové neobjevují nic nového, ale v podzemí se pohybují s elegancí starých mistrů. Mají velmi dobrý, mokvající zvuk a skladby doslova hoří v rukou. 

Kosti jsou lámány v podobných rytmech, jako to dělávají a dělají kapely typu ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTRAILS, INTERMENT. Pohřbívá se zaživa, tráví se dlouhé hodiny v márnicích, rozmlouvá se s nemrtvými, nasává se hnilobná atmosféra. FROSTVORE moc dobře pochopili, o čem je švédský death metal. Navíc přidávají kuse sebe samého. Kapela není vlastně ničím výjimečná, ale rozhodně se nejedná jen o dobře odvedené řemeslo. Songy žhnou a chladí zároveň, zombie tančí s kusy čerstvého masa v čelistech. Návštěva těchto katakomb se mi moc líbí, užívám si ji a když zavřu oči, tak jsem znovu v devadesátých letech minulého století. Vzduchem létají staré kosti, hroby jsou exhumovány a prokletí pohřbíváni za hřbitovní zeď. "Drowned By Blood" je albem, které má potřebnou sílu a tlak. Valí se kupředu jako lavina a nezná žádné slitování. Beru do ruky lopatu a vydávám se na hřbitov. Kdo bude další na řadě? Švédský old school death metal z Japonska, který vás vyvrhne zaživa! Márnice je otevřena, stačí jen vstoupit!

Asphyx says:

It looks like a direct hit. Ax stuck straight in the head. Poor man, he didn't suffer much. Another man has broken all the bones in his body. Next one is affected by scabies. Exhumation of old graves is always as interesting as good old school death metal. It stinks of similar mold, it is also cold, dark and it awakens crazy nightmares. I received a debut album of Japanese maniacs FROSTVORE for the review. They like so as I the Swedish death metal.

The cover art made by Kenro Imamura, which is red like blood, will bring you into the unclean game. Additionally, riffs immediately seeped deep into my brain. Gentlemen do not discover anything new, but they are moving in underground with the elegance of old masters. They have a very good, moist sound and the songs literally burn in your hands.

Bones are broken in similar rhythms as bands like ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTRAILS, INTERMENT did it and still doing it. There is everything buried alive, as if you spent long hours in the morgue, talking to the undead, and soaking up the rotting atmosphere. FROSTVORE understood very well what Swedish death metal all is about. In addition, they added pieces of themselves into their music. The band isn't really anything special, but it's definitely not just a well-done craft. The songs are glowing and cooling at the same time, the zombies are dancing with pieces of fresh meat in their jaws. I really like visiting these old catacombs, I enjoy it every time and when I close my eyes, I am back in the 1990s. Old bones fly in the air, graves are exhumed and the cursed men are buried behind the cemetery wall. "Drowned By Blood" is an album that has the necessary strength and pressure. It goes forward like an avalanche and knows no mercy. I pick up a shovel and head for the cemetery. Who will be the next? Swedish old school death metal from Japan, which will thrown you out alive! The morgue is open, just enter!

1. Abandoned (0:59)
2. Blackfield (3:43)
3. Path To Your Tomb (3:20)
4. Extreme Cold Torture (4:00)
5. Drowned By Blood (4:15)
6. The Reaper (3:36)
7. Eroded Mind (3:53)
8. Lake Of Vein (4:17)
9. Unholy Mountain (4:44)

Satoshi Fukuda - Guitar & Vocals
Taro Ikemoto - Guitar
Natsumi Yatabe - Bass
Shigenori Tamura - Drums