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sobota 23. ledna 2021

Recenze/review - BLESSED BY PERVERSION - Remnants of Existence (2020)

BLESSED BY PERVERSION - Remnants of Existence
CD 2020, Iron, Blood and Death Corporation

for english please scroll down

Pokaždé, když zasedli všichni k odpolední modlitbě, začal obcházet městem. Ukrýval se ve sklepeních, byl pohlcený stínem. Zjevil se ve stoce, vylezl z kanálu. Smradlavý, s rozšklebenou tváří. Připomínal démona ze starých časů. Zkažené zuby, zlostný úsměv. Prokletý, kdysi dávno spáchal něco hrozného. Rouhal se k padlým modlám, obětoval Satanovi. Mladou dívku. Stále má před sebou její výraz, jak křičela, když ji prořízl hrdlo.

Smrt bývá někdy hrozná a nelze na ní nikdy zapomenout. Nakonec zemřeme všichni, ale jen někteří z nás mají umožněno nahlédnout na onen svět. Městem obchází sériový vrah. Také cítíte strach, který se vznáší ulicemi? Podobné pocity mám i z druhého dlouhohrajícího alba řeckých BLESSED BY PERVERSION. Je temné, zlé, ošklivé a smrdí sírou.


BLESSED BY PERVERSION se pohybují ve své tvorbě někde mezi americkou death metalovou školou (MONSTROSITY, DEICIDE, MORBID ANGEL) a evropskou (SINISTER, PESTILENCE). Při poslechu se kolem alba vznáší takový ten těžko vysvětlitelný odér smrti, který lze velmi těžko vysvětlit. Pro death metal musíte mít vlohy a také velké srdce. Řekové tohle všechno mají a ještě navíc přidávají velkou porci energie a temnoty. "Remnants of Existence" je jako stará zanícená ráda. Mokvající vřed, ze kterého právě začal vytékat hnis. Deska má důrazný, masivní a hutný zvuk, přesně jak to mám rád. Připočtěte si chorobný vokál, riffy ostré jako sekáček na maso a máte před sebou nahrávku, které musí podlehnout každý opravdový fanoušek ryzího kultu smrti. Deska má v sobě chvění, takový ten heavy efekt, tah na bránu, které jsou zárukou kvality. Občas sice při poslechu před sebou vidím mrtvá těla prokletých, jsem zavřen v opuštěné kobce hluboko pod zemí, ale takové obrazy jsou chtěné a důležité. Bez emocí totiž není dobrý death metal. BLESSED BY PERVERSION letos připomínají rozzuřenou bestii. Krvelačnou a démonickou. Nahráli skvělé album, které zabíjí na potkání, je chladné a spálí vás na popel! Inferno!

Asphyx says:

Each time everyone sat down for the afternoon prayer, he began to walk around the city. He hid in the cellars, engrossed in the shadows. He appeared in the sewer, climbing out of the canal. Stinky, with a grimacing face. He resembled a demon from ancient times. Rotten teeth, angry smile. Cursed, he had long ago done something terrible. He blasphemed the fallen idols, sacrificed to Satan. A young girl. He still has her expression on her face as she screamed why he slit her throat. 

Death is sometimes terrible and can never be forgotten. In the end, we will all die, but only some of us are allowed to see the afterlife. A serial killer is bypassing the city. Do you also feel the fear that floats in the streets? I have similar feelings from the second full-length album of the Greek BLESSED BY PERVERSION. It is dark, evil, ugly and stinks of sulfur.

BLESSED BY PERVERSION move in their work somewhere between the American death metal school (MONSTROSITY, DEICIDE, MORBID ANGEL) and the European one (SINISTER, PESTILENCE). When listening, the album of feeling of death which is very difficult to explain, hovers around the album. For death metal you have to have talents and also a big heart. The Greeks have all this, and they add a great deal of energy and darkness. "Remnants of Existence" is like an old passionate love. A soaking ulcer from which pus had just begun to flow. The record has a strong, massive and dense sound, exactly as I like it. Add to the sick vocals, riffs as sharp as a meat cleaver, and you have a recording in front of you that every true fan of the pure cult of death must succumb to. The album has vibrations in it, such a heavy effect, a pull on the gate, which are a guarantee of quality. Sometimes, while listening in front of me, I see the dead bodies of the cursed, I am locked in an abandoned dungeon deep underground, but such images are wanted and important. Death metal is not good without emotions. BLESSED BY PERVERSION this year is reminiscent of an angry beast. Bleeding and demonic. They recorded a great album that kills rats, it's cold and burns you to ashes! Hell!

1. Descending to the Catacombs
2. Gallery of Bones
3. Atonement Refused
4. Among the Tombs of Absent Gods
5. Caverns of Torture
6. Within Monumental Chaos

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Greece - BLESSED BY PERVERSION.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Greece - BLESSED BY PERVERSION.

Answered vocalist Andreas, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

Our band is called "Blessed By Perversion" and was created in mid 2010 inspired by death metal and extreme music. We independently released our first EP called "Destroy the Image of God", in 2012. After many gigs and the addition of a new member, we were ready to record our first full length album "Between Roots and Darkness", which is an old school feeling death metal album with a lot of melodic parts. The album was released in 2016 via "Razed Soul Productions" and received great reviews from metal sites and magazines from around the world. With our new drummer and with more consistency than ever, we released in December 2020 our second complete studio album called "Remnants of Existence" via the Mexican label "Iron, Blood and Death Corporation". Faithfull to our original sound, we deliver a heavier and more mature work with great potential for the future! 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

The album was recorded in November 2019 at "Mothstudio Productions" in Kantza, in the area where we live. John Tsiakopoulos was in charge of the recording as well as the mixing. The mastering was done in "Loud Monster Mastering" by Marios Methenitis. The process of the new album began four years after the release of the previous one, because it took us a long time to get the composition of our tracks to the desired result. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

It was released in 500 copies in CD format (digipack), as well as in digital format on Bandcamp by our label, "Iron, Blood and Death Corporation". A goal for the near future, is to release our album in vinyl format, as well! 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

In previous releases the lyrics were written by me (Andreas). In this album, besides me, Manolis Kouelo as well as Kostas Foutris, the two guitarists, wrote some of the tracks. The lyrics reflect many and different images. Our main purpose was the reader to travel into the scenes through them. The songs deal with a future dystopian reality world as well as the inner independence of each person. 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

The logo was a created by Kostas Foutris, the band's (lead) guitarist, as I said before. Kostas also deals with the band's graphics, the album’s artwork and layout, the design and the stylistic part of many of our sites, such as Bandcamp. As an active band in 2021 we also deal with social media, not to an excessive degree, but as long as it takes to have a normal contact with the world. In the days we live in, these things are mandatory if you want to promote properly your work, your live performances and in general your actions as an artist. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

The label that we chose to release our album is called "Iron, Blood and Death Corporation". It’s located in Mexico and is owned by Antonio. We chose this label because after a lot of research we came to the conclusion that is the right one to fulfill our goals. We are very satisfied so far because it represents us in the best possible way and cares about the future of the band. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

We wouldn’t say we idolize any particular bands. We listen to a lot of music, a lot of non metal stuff included, but we can also be inspired by any other form of art (cinema, literature etc). 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We contacted with some labels, which we think there is no reason to be named. We received a good response by the most of them, but we had to choose the one with the best proposals. 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We have played over 20 gigs over the years and the most of them took place in clubs. Some of our best moments were in 2014 in Thessaloniki, in 2015 in Heraklion Crete and our last gig just before the pandemic in Athens. The open-air festivals are far better than clubs, for sure! 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

We always want our targets to be realistic and can be achieved in the near future, so our target for the time being is to play a nice gig or maybe a tour outside of our country, at the end of this difficult situation of course. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

Our fans can contact us via our Facebook / Instagram profiles and our email:

Instagram: @blessedbyperversion

You can also order our new album and see our full catalogue at Bandcamp: 

Thanx for the interview.

sledujte nás na sociálních sítích - follow us on the social media: 




pondělí 28. prosince 2020

Recenze/review - ABYSSUS - Relics of the Past (2020)

ABYSSUS - Relics of the Past
CD 2020, Death in Pieces Records

for english please scroll down

Jako každý starý hrobník moc dobře vím, že jsou mezi hrobkami velké rozdíly. Některé jsou prozářené vzpomínkami a spočinutím. Je v nich klid a můžete v klidu rozjímat. Ta s nápisem ABYSSUS nad vchodem je ale plná stínů. Pokaždé, když do ní vstoupím, tak mě obestře divný pocit. Mám strach, protože z koutů se ozývá zlý šepot a slyším, že rakve se hýbají. Nedávno jsem tam dokonce zaslechl i bolestivý nářek. V téhle kobce dlí něco zlého a ošklivého. Chvilku mi trvalo, než jsem přišel na to, že je prokletá.

Prokletí starým death metalem jsou i řečtí ABYSSUS. Kapela, která od roku 2011 hraje takový ten prašivý kov, který se kdysi drtil na přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých let. Cituje se z omšelých zaprášených knih. Nutno také podotknout, že atmosféra je velmi podmanivá.


"Relics of the Past" ale není jen obyčejným klonem, výkřikem do tmy. Naopak, já si tuhle smršť a zlámané kosti ve stylu POSSESSED, HELLHAMMER, OBITUARY, BOLT THROWER, ASPHYX, ENTOMBED neskutečně užívám. U podobných desek je hrozně důležitá opravdovost, nadšení, s jakou se kapela do své práce pustí a ABYSSUS jsou jedním slovem výborní. Občas sice trošku popustí uzdu fantazii a skladby jsou příliš dlouhé, ale to se dá odpustit. Stejně nakonec člověka strhne černá energie, navíc má EP na sobě opravdovou, nefalšovanou patinu starých časů. Tohle se podle mě nedá naučit, muzikanti musí mít vlohy v sobě. Musí sedět také zvuk, obal a u "Relics of the Past" je vše na svých místech. Kosti jsou vyrovnány v dřevěných rakvích a mě tak nic nebrání v tom, abych si užil všechny rozmluvy s nemrtvými. Staří hrobníci mi mohou potvrdit, že řečtí maniaci jsou velmi vhodní pro časté exhumace hrobů, které se stávají poslední dobou častým jevem nejen na našem hřbitově. Je to dobře, protože si myslím, že prastaré death metalové řemeslo by nemělo uhynout na úbytě. Pokud zde budou smečky jako ABYSSUS, tak o to strach nemám. Také slyšíte ten podivný šepot? To jsou ozvěny ze záhrobí způsobené poslechem alba. Budiž tma! Prašivý smrtící kov a atmosférou márnic!


Kapela ABYSSUS hraje smrdutý, starý a plesnivý death metal. A hraje jej velmi dobře. Ze skladeb je cítit takový ten hnilobný zápach, kteří my staří metalisté potřebujeme k tomu, abychom si desku zařadili do svých sbírek. Ulice jsou dávno prázdné a obchází jimi strach. Myslím, že jsem zde správně. 

Pokud bychom měli novinku "Relics of the Past" popsat jedním slovem, museli bychom říci - plesnivá. Je postavená na pevných základech, které kdysi vystavěly kapely typu POSSESSED, HELLHAMMER, OBITUARY, BOLT THROWER, ASPHYX, ENTOMBED, MASTER, slyšet ale můžete velkou spoustu dalších vlivů. Je to jedno, hlavní je výsledek a ten je vynikající. Album se velmi dobře poslouchá a jestli máte rádi starou metalovou školu, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Odměněni budete opravdu syrovým a drsným zážitkem. Album je velmi dobře ošetřeno i po formální stránce, zvuk je náležitě prašivý, na obal je radost pohledět a songům nechybí dynamika a drive. ABYSSUS jsou svým způsobem poctivě ortodoxní, uvěřitelní. Sbírám při poslechu roztrhaná těla, nakládám je na vozík a těším se na hřbitov. Ulicemi obchází bestie a nezná slitování. Stejně jako nová deska těchto šílenců. Tohle je death metal ze staré školy, u kterého shnijete zaživa. U téhle nahrávky je radost zemřít! Album syrové jako ruka mrtvoly!

Asphyx says:

The band ABYSSUS plays stinking, old and mouldy death metal. And they plays it very well. From the songs you can feel the rotting odour that we old metallers need to put the album to our collections. The streets are long time empty and fearful to circumvent. I think I'm right here.

If we had to describe the new album "Relics of the Past" in one word, we would have to say - mouldy. It is built on solid foundations that were once built by bands like POSSESSED, HELLHAMMER, OBITUARY, BOLT THROWER, ASPHYX, ENTOMBED, MASTER, but you can hear a lot of other influences. But it does not matter, the main result is excellent. The album is very good listenable and if you like a old death metal school, do not hesitate a minute. You will be rewarded with a really raw and rough experience. The album is very well treated from a formal point of view, the sound is dull, the cover is a pleasure to look at and the songs don‘t miss dynamics and drive. ABYSSUS are in some ways honestly orthodox, believable. I collect torn bodies while listening, load them on a trolley and look forward to the cemetery. The beast walks through the streets and don‘t have mercy. Like the new album of these madmen. This is old school death metal that make you rot alive. It's a pleasure to die with this record! Album is raw as a corpse hand!

1. In the League with Evil
2. Relics of the Past
3. Aggressor (Hellhammer cover)
4. Death Metal (Possessed cover)
5. Condemned System (Terrorizer cover)

Kostas Analytis - Vocals
Panos Gkourmpaliotis - Guitars
Christos Liakos - Guitars
Kostas Ragiadakos - Bass
Jan Westermann - Drums

Recenze/review - CURSED BLOOD - Taker Of Life (2020)

CURSED BLOOD - Taker Of Life
CD 2020, War Anthem Records

for english please scroll down

Našel jsem ve sklepě krabici plnou zlámaných kostí. Přemýšlel jsem, jak se tam vzala? Komu patřily? Odpovědí mi byla temná chodba, která vedla až na nedaleký hřbitov. Vydal jsem se podzemím a poslouchal jen samou surovou a ošklivou hudbu. Už dlouho mi pomáhá přežít, pokaždé, když vylezu na světlo. Vstupuji do staré, zdánlivě opuštěné márnice a na prvním náhrobku vidím nápis CURSED BLOOD. Otevírám víko z mramoru a místo shnilého těla se na mě vyhrne syrový death metal ušpiněný jako ruka mrtvoly.

Debutové album řeckých CURSED BLOOD připomíná krabici zlámaných kostí, o jejichž původu můžeme vést dlouhé diskuze. Důležité ale je, že se zde hraje pravý undergroundový smrtící kov, který je doslova nasáklý zkaženou krví. Kapela je ale ovlivněna i thrashem, grindem, hardcore. Zkrátka a jednoduše, koktejl smrti jak se patří.

"Taker Of Life" je nahrávkou, která musela vzniknout v těch nejtemnějších koutech Hádovy říše. Vše je ohlodáno na dřeň, kapela útočí přímo, bez jakýchkoliv vytáček a zbytečností. Skladby jsou velmi dobře napsány. Během poslechu se kolem mě vznáší ponurá a tajemná atmosféra. Jakoby se v jednom kotli v pekle potkali zástupci švédské scény (DISMEMBER, GRAVE) s členy hardcore a crustu. Vše je zalito rozžhavenou lávou a podáváno spolu se syrovým masem na podnose z lidských lebek. CURSED BLOOD jsou zároveň také takovým morbidním osvěžením mezi zástupy ostatních, naklonovaných kapel současnosti. Úplně před sebou vidím malý klub na periferii našeho města. Hodně alkoholu, testosteron a na pódiu řádí Řekové. Když jejich prvotinu poslouchám, mám hroznou chuť podobný koncert zažít. Naživo to musí být masakr. Zatím si srovnám kosti na hromadu, přidám volume a budu se těšit na další skladbu. "Taker Of Life" jsou pro mě velkým překvapením, kapelou, jejíž hudba mi koluje v žilách. Takhle nějak si představuji záhrobí. Album má neskutečný drive a energii. A jako bonus vás spálí na popel! Totální masakr v márnici, který se opravdu povedl! 

Asphyx says:

I found a box full of broken bones in the basement. I was wondering how the box got there? Who did they belong to? The answer was a dark corridor that led to a nearby cemetery. I went under the ground and listened to the raw and ugly music. It has been helping me survive for a long time, every time I come out into the light. I enter the old, seemingly abandoned morgue and see the inscription CURSED BLOOD on the first tombstone. I open the marble lid and instead of a rotten body, raw death metal soiled like a corpse's hand reaches me. 

The debut album of the Greek CURSED BLOOD is reminiscent of a box of broken bones, the origin of which we can have long discussions about. But the important thing is that real underground deadly metal is played here, which is literally soaked in rotten blood. But the band is also influenced by thrash, grind, hardcore. Simply put a cocktail of death as it should be.

"Taker Of Life" is a record that must have been made in the darkest corners of the Serpent Empire. Everything is gnawed to bone marrow and the band attacks directly, without any twists and turns all warnings. The songs are very well written. As I listen, a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere hovers above me. It is as if representatives of the Swedish scene (DISMEMBER, GRAVE) met with members of the hardcore and crust in a hellish cauldron. Everything is filled with hot lava and served together with raw meat on a tray of human skulls. CURSED BLOOD is a morbid refreshment among the crowds of other, cloned bands of today. I see a small club on the outskirts of our city right in front of me. Lots of alcohol, testosterone and the Greeks are doing havoc on the stage. When I listen to their first film, I have a terrible desire to experience a similar concert. It must be a massacre when seen alive. In the meantime, I'll line up the bones, pump up the volume, and look forward to the next song. "Taker Of Life" is a big surprise for me, a band whose music circulates in my veins. This is how I imagine the graveyard. The album has incredible drive and energy. And as a bonus, they will burn you to ashes! A total massacre in a morgue that really worked!

1. The World of Madness (2:24)
2. Silent Era (3:35)
3. Taker of Life (5:30)
4. Nailed (2:40)
5. Thorns & Nails (3:24)
6. Backlash Rampage (4:01)

středa 9. prosince 2020

Recenze/review - SOULSKINNER - Seven Bowls of Wrath (2020)

SOULSKINNER - Seven Bowls of Wrath
CD 2020, Xtreem Music

for english please scroll down

Umíráme a znovu se rodíme. Jsme jen zrnkem písku ve vesmíru a někdy nám chybí pokora. Zrovna teď mi připadá, že jsem v jakémsi mezičase. Stojím v obrovském chrámu, někde v podzemí a našlapuji tiše. Nechci narušit temnou a chladnou atmosféru. Nechci ještě odejít na druhou stranu. Stejně jako každý jsem provedl za svůj život spoustu špatných věcí, ale způsobil i mnoho úsměvů. Přiznám se, že poslední soud jsem si představoval trošku jinak. Vše je ohlodané na kost a tak pomíjivé. Můj život je najednou jen krátkým filmem, který nikoho nezajímá. Jsou ale věci, na které jsem nesmírně hrdý. Hudba, Bože i Satane, ta mě provázela pořád.

Třeba teď, když už vím, že brzy bude konec, poslouchám novou desku řeckých death metalistů SOULSKINNER. Kapelu znám již dlouho a nikdy mě nezklamala. Je dobré mít určité jistoty, záchytné body, na které je spolehnutí. Novinka "Seven Bowls of Wrath" na mě působí jako loučení se světem živých a pozvánka na onen svět. Je testamentem pravého a ryzího death metalu. 

SOULSKINNER jsou mými průvodci v podzemí a musím rovnou napsat, že jejich muzika je přesně podle mého gusta. Potkávají se v ní vlivy ASPHYX, BOLT THROWER, GOREFEST, CARCASS, AUTOPSY a dalších. Řekové na to jdou ale přeci jen trošku jinak. Dokázali předložit nejen ostré a destruktivní skladby, ale nebojí se výletů až někam k doom a black metalu. Songy v sobě mají velký kus melancholie, jsou zahaleny do mlhy, která je upletená z černých myšlenek. Mám pocit, že mě něco hlodá uvnitř. Přímo v břiše. Nějaká choroba, nemoc, nevím, ale spustí se to pokaždé, když poslouchám "Seven Bowls of Wrath". Kapela do mě otiskla své černé nálady, zavřela za mnou dveře do pekla a spolu se teď procházíme mezi stíny. Líbí se mi obal od Juanjo Castellana, který je doslova uhrančivý i mrazivý zvuk a produkce (Bill Zobolas - Recording, Mixing, Achilleas Kalantzis - Mastering). Toulám se rád a často nekonečnými chodbami hluboko pod zemí. S chutí objevuji další zkaženou, plesnivou a záhadnou hudbu. SOULSKINNER letos vydali desku, která je oparem nad čerstvě exhumovaným hrobem, vzpomínkou na bolest. Má v sobě doslova magickou přitažlivost. Mysteriózní death metal s ledem v srdci! Vynikající!

Asphyx says:

We die and we are born again. We are just a grain of sand in space and sometimes we have a lack of humility. Right now, it seems to me that I'm in a kind of time. I am standing in a huge temple, somewhere underground, treading quietly. I don't want to disturb the dark and cold atmosphere. I don't want to go to the other side yet. Like everyone, I've done a lot of bad things in my life, but I've caused also a lot of smiles. I admit that I imagined the Last Judgment a little differently. Everything is gnawed to the bone and so fleeting. My life is suddenly just a short film that nobody cares about. But there are things I am extremely proud of. Music, God and Satan, always accompanied me. 

For example, now I know it will be over soon, I'm listening to a new album by Greek death metallers SOULSKINNER. I've known the band for a long time and they never let me down. It is good to have certain certainties, clues you can rely on. The new album "Seven Bowls of Wrath" seems to me like a farewell to the world of the living and an invitation to the afterlife. It is a testament to real and pure death metal.

SOULSKINNER are my guides in the underground and I have to write straight away that their music is exactly to my taste. The influences of ASPHYX, BOLT THROWER, GOREFEST, CARCASS, AUTOPSY and others meet here. But the Greeks do it a little differently. They were able to present not only sharp and destructive songs, but they are not afraid of trips to doom and black metal. The songs have a great deal of melancholy in them, they are shrouded in a mist that is knitted from black thoughts. I feel like something is gnawing inside me. Right in the abdomen. Probabaly some disease, I don't know, but it starts every time I listen to "Seven Bowls of Wrath". The band imprinted their black moods on me, closed the door to hell behind me, and now we walk among the shadows together. I like the cover by Juanjo Castellan, which is literally enchanting and chilling sound and production (Bill Zobolas - Recording, Mixing, Achilleas Kalantzis - Mastering). I wander like and often through endless corridors deep underground. I like to discover other spoiled, mouldy and mysterious music. This year, SOULSKINNER released an album that is a haze over a freshly exhumed grave, a memory of pain. It literally has a magical appeal. Mysterious death metal with ice in the heart! Excellent!


"The Principles Of Truth" 
"Regeneration Of The Soul"
"Primitive Light"
"Seven Bowls Of Wrath"
"Angel Of Darkness"
"The Destroyer Of Worlds"
"The Death Seal"

MARIOS- Vocals
BILL-Guitars, Bass

úterý 8. prosince 2020

A few questions - interview with death/thrash metal band from Greece - DEATHCRAEFT.

A few questions - interview with death/thrash metal band from Greece - DEATHCRAEFT.

Recenze/review - DEATHCRAEFT - On Human Devolution (2020):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

Hi, first of all we'd like to thank you for reviewing our debut album and for your good words. Deathcraeft was founded in 2016 and the style that mostly characterizes would be all-metal crossover, trying to borrow elements form various styles of metal. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

The album was recorded at Infinite Loop music studio - run by our guitarist and founding member Kostas Kalampokas - and is located in Ioannina, Greece. In charge was Kostas who did all the rec. engineering and mixing. The mastering was done by Peter In de Betou in Sweden. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

Due to the pandemic and the situation in general - where doing concerts is out of the question - we released it in a limited number of Cds available through Also, it was released digitally on all major streaming platforms (iTunes, Spotify, Amazon music etc). Our future plans include realeasing it on vinyl. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

The lyrics were written by our guitarist Kostas who also composed all the music. It is a concept album that uses as a background for the story the Cthulhu Mythos created by writer H.P.Lovecraft, but mainly the lyrics have to do with sociopolitical issues humanity is facing throughout its existence. 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

The logo was created by Kostas and recently we had the chance of perfecting it with the help of graphic designer Giannis Nakos from Remedy Art Design who has worked with many metal bands. The social networks are very importand nowdays to promote a band. But, it takes a lot of time because there is much stuff out there - we are still learning and hoping to get better. It is a valuable tool to communicate with the fans. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

It is self-released because to get a good label behind you, you need to establish yourself first – draw their attention. So, we decided to self-release it and when we have our next album ready start searching for a label to represent us. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

We started listening to metal in the 80's so bands from that era are number one for us. These bands include Testament, Megadeth, Forbidden, Helloween, Death and in general bands that produced great music back then. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We send it to one or two – didn't get a response and lost interest. When a band is new we have to do the hard work ourselves and if we do it right, the labels will follow. 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

The line-up was completed only recently and during the pandemic, so we didn't have the chance to play live yet, but we are very eager to, when things get better. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

Just play metal music, have the chance to play in concerts and meet people who love listening to metal. Our next step is start writing the next album. I believe we will be ready to get into the studio during Spring of 2021. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

Fans can visit our Deathcraeft account on facebook, YouTube, Spotify and bandcamp and soon we will have our official website up and running. 

Thanx for the interview. 

Thank you for the support!

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pátek 13. listopadu 2020

Recenze/review - OBSECRATION - Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead (2020)

OBSECRATION - Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead
CD 2020, Witching Hour Productions 

for english please scroll down

Je brzy k ránu a já nemůžu spát. Probuzen z děsivých snů se obléknu a vydám na cestu. Opustím město a mé kroky směřují na kopec, o kterém se říká, že se na něm popravovalo. Potkávám rozšklebené tváře v kápích. Nejdřív nemohu rozlišit, kdo je živý a kdo už dávno překročil řeku Styx. Smrt je cítit všude kolem, do kostí se mi vkrádá chlad. Nekonečná mlha, pomalu nalézám rezavé dveře do podsvětí. Po celou dobu mě provází nová deska řeckých OBSECRATION.

Bájné příšery, svět podle páně H.P. Lovercrafta, Necromonicon, jsem zde správně. V záhrobí, s pravým, ryzím a prašivým death thrash metalem. Kapela datuje svůj vznik do devadesátých let minulého století a jejich muzika byla vždy uvěřitelná, temná a studená. Jako čerstvě otevřený hrob. Letošní deska "Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead" není výjimkou. Je neméně shnilá a mokvající. 

OBSECRATION hrají staroškolský death thrash metal, který je opředený pavučinami. Poslech připomíná exhumaci dávno opuštěného hrobu. I na novince dostanete riffy jak vystřižené ze základních učebnic prašivého metalu. Odhodlání, nadšení pro záhrobní věci, nic z toho kapele rozhodně nechybí. Řekové jsou po právu nazýváni legendou, mají svůj vlastní výraz, rukopis, dokáží vám vypálit cejch na kůži. Novinka nechá vzpomenout na kapely jako POSSESSED, MASTER, OPPROBRIUM, MALEVOLENT CREATION, DEICIDE, ale i KREATOR, SEPULTURU. Zkrátka a jednoduše, nemrtví se opravdu pobouzejí a novou desku si užívají spolu s námi. Album je 47 a půl minuty dlouhé, jedná se tedy o opus smrti, který je nutné poslouchat v klidu a temnotě. Navíc má potřebný feeling a drive. Spousta zajímavých momentů vás doslova přiková ke zdi. Mám rád klasické pohřby do země, zástupy pozůstalých a "Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead" je nahrávkou, která vám usnadní přechod na onen svět. Řekové hrají od srdce, songy mají hnilobnou atmosféru. Těším se na další noc, na novou noční můru, která mě dovede až na pradávné pohřebiště. Na jednom náhrobku je jméno kapely a mě nezbývá nic jiného, než přidat hlasitost. Smrt má jak známo mnoho podob a OBSECRATION dokáží znázornit tu pravou, ryzí, prašivou. Rakve praskají, skvělý zásek!

Asphyx says:

It's early in the morning and I can't sleep. Awakened from terrifying dreams, I get dressed and set out on a journey. I leave the city and my steps lead to the hill, where people have been executed. I meet grimaced faces in hoods. At first I can't tell who's alive and who's crossed the Styx River a long time ago. Death can be felt all around me, cold is creeping into my bones. Endless fog, I'm slowly finding a rusty door to the underworld. The new Greek OBSECRATION record accompanies me all the time. 

Mythical monsters, the world according to Mr. H.P. Lovercraft, Necromonicon, I'm right here. In the grave, with real, pure and dusty death thrash metal. The band dates back to the 1990s and their music has always been believable, dark and cold. Like a freshly opened grave. This year's album "Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead" is no exception. It is no less rotten and wet.

OBSECRATION play old school death thrash metal, which is entwined with cobwebs. The listening is reminiscent of the exhumation of a long-abandoned grave. Even on the new album, you will receive riffs as cut from basic textbooks of dusty metal. Determination, enthusiasm for graveyard things, nothing is missing here. The Greeks are rightly called a legend, they have their own expression, signature, they can burn a mark on your skin. The new album will let you remember bands such as POSSESSED, MASTER, OPPROBRIUM, MALEVOLENT CREATION, DEICIDE, but also KREATOR, SEPULTURA. In short and simply, the undead really wake up and enjoy the new record with us. The album is 47 and a half minutes long, so it is an opus of death, which must be listened to in peace and darkness. In addition, it has the necessary feeling and drive. Lots of interesting moments will literally pin you to the wall. I love classic funerals in the country, crowds of survivors, and "Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead" is a recording that will make it easier for you to go to the afterlife. The Greeks play from the heart, the songs have a rotting atmosphere. I'm looking forward to another night, a new nightmare that will take me to an ancient burial ground. On one tombstone is the name of the band and I have no choice, I have to add volume. Death is known to take many forms, and OBSECRATION can represent the real, pure, dusty one. Coffins burst, great matter!

01. Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead (Intro)
02. Beyond The Nightmarish Passage At The Skeletons Valley
03. Recollections For The Great Unknown (Hyperborea Pt. III)
04. Shadows ...
05. The Powers Of Darkness
06. The Cry Of Those Who Rejected Life
07. Incest, Brutality & The Abuse (Avoriaz Pt. I & Pt. II)
08. Circle Of The Nemesis (Avoriaz Pt. III)
09. ... At The Bonds Of Lucifer
10. When The Sky Turns Dark
11. Chaotic Threat

C. Dead V. - Vocals.
Drakhon - Bass.
Ungod - Drums/Guitars.