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pondělí 1. března 2021

Recenze/review - CELESTIAL SANCTUARY - Soul Diminished (2021)

CD 2021, Redefining Darkness Records

for english please scroll down

Už když jsem otevřel první rakev, přišlo mi něco divné. Většinou se ozývá katakombami tichý jedovatý šepot nemrtvých, ale tentokrát nic. Absolutní prázdnota. Sundám víko a pochopím. Nebožtík je v pozici, ve které musel hodně trpět. Chvíli přemýšlím a potom mi to dojde. Byl pohřben zaživa. Svědčí o tom škrábance na vnitřní straně rakve, ruce, rozsekané a poničené. Také tvář, ve které se zračí neskutečná bolest. Je mnoho způsobů smrti, koneckonců, o té je death metal, ale tenhle patří k nejhroznějším.

CELESTIAL SANCTUARY jsou kapelou, která mě ihned přesvědčila na svoji stranu. Prašivý, plesnivý death metal. Jakoby někdo ťukal zvenku na moji rakev. Slyším tichý pomstychtivý smích. Začíná boj o vzduch, panika a také riffy, které pronikají i přes pevné dubové dřevo. Najednou jsem jen kusem masa, odsouzeným na porážku. Takhle se má hrát death metal!


"Soul Diminished" je jako kdybych vstoupil do obrovské staré márnice, kde jsou na zdech napsána jména slavných death metalových kapel z devadesátých let (BOLT THROWER, MORGOTH, MASSACRE, JUNGLE ROT a mnoho dalších). Hutný zvuk mě smete do podzemí. Riffy bolí, pálí a žhnou, vokál je správně neurvalý. Nemám s deskou absolutně žádný problém. Naopak, skvěle se poslouchá, má v sobě drive a sílu, pradávnou jiskru, tlak a energii. CELESTIAL SANCTUARY jsou řádnými členy nové vlny britského death metalu a také velkým příslibem do budoucna. Valí se jako lavina, jsou rozjetým buldozerem, který zahrabává staré hromadné hroby. Spousta exhumací v poslední době svědčí o tom, že pohřby zaživa nebyly žádnou výjimkou. U "Soul Diminished" budete v rukou prosévat popel z vlastního nebohého těla. Myslíte, že to není možné? Tak to jste ještě nikdy neslyšeli pravý, nefalšovaný a ryzí death metal. Užívám si morbidní atmosféru, nasávám nasládlý pach smrti. Těla se postupně rozkládají, mrtvolný klid je narušen hudbou. Jsem nadmíru spokojený. Old school British death metal! Rakve jsou otevřeny, peklo čeká!


CELESTIAL SANCTUARY jsou death metalová skupina z Velké Británie, která uctívá hudbu takových veličin jako jsou BOLT THROWER, MORGOTH, MASSACRE, JUNGLE ROT. Jejich dlouhohrající prvotina "Soul Diminished" je hodně krvavou vstupenkou do záhrobí. Nutno říci, že hodně vydařenou.

Na CELESTIAL SANCTUARY se mi nejvíc asi líbí odhodlání, schopnost složit zapamatovatelnou skladbu, která vás rozloží jako mrtvolu ze starých časů. Britové hrají dle dávných postupů, ale činí tak zkušeně a dodávají do skladeb svoji vlastní invenci. Mají jasnou vizi - zničit vás, postupně, jako choroba. Připomínají posly z devadesátých let, kteří přišli exhumováni znovu na tento svět, aby šířili slávu jediného pravého death metalu. Album pravděpodobně neosloví dnešní zmlsané strávníky a obdivovatele technických ekvilibristik, ale spíše fanoušky, kteří pamatují ještě klasické hanobení hrobů. S "Soul Diminished" jsem uléhal rád a často do své dřevěné rakve. Užíval jsem si studené melodie, prašivý zvuk i sílu záhrobí. Stali se mými věrnými průvodci v zemi stínů. Plesnivý death metal, který řeže jako rezavý nůž!

Asphyx says:

CELESTIAL SANCTUARY is a death metal band from United Kingdom which worship music of the famous bands like BOLT THROWER, MORGOTH, MASSACRE, JUNGLE ROT. Their long-played first album "Soul Diminished" is a very bloody ticket to the beyond world. And I have to say that this ticket is very good.

What I like the most about CELESTIAL SANCTUARY is their determination, the ability to compose a memorable song that will break you up like a corpse from the ancient times. Those British´s play music according to old practices but they do it very good and their songs have their own invention. They have a clear vision – to destroy you, gradually, like a disease. They feel like messengers from the 90s who came exhumed again to this world to spread the fame of the one and only real death metal. This album will probably not appeal to today´s spoiled consumers and admirers of technical equalizers but rather fans who remember the classic defamation of graves. I really like to go to sleep with "Soul Diminished" into my wooden coffin. I enjoyed the cold melodies, ashy sound and also the power of the world beyond. They became my faithful guides in the world of shadows. A mouldy death metal which cuts like a rusty knife!

1. Rid the Gormless
2. Soul Diminished
3. Relentless Savagery
4. Wretched Habits
5. Suffer Your Sentience
6. Mass Extinction
7. Yearn for the Rot
8. Endless Chasm
9. Formless Entity

Celestial Sanctuary is:

pátek 15. ledna 2021

Recenze/review - MORDHAU - Immaculate Massacre (2020)

MORDHAU - Immaculate Massacre
CD 2020, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

Přemýšleli jste někdy o tom, co se dělá s těly, které nemají žádné pozůstalé? U nás na hřbitově to chodí tak, že se chvíli skladují v márnici a když se jich nashromáždí víc, tak vezmu motorovou pilu a zbytek vám je asi jasný. Mrtvých je moc a místa málo, to je pravidlo každého starého hrobníka. Kosti praskají, lebky pukají a já poslouchám novou desku britských MORDHAU. Přemýšlím, co měli mrtví za život a postupně přidávám hlasitost. Riffy řežou stejně jako motorová pila, atmosféra je hodně podobná.

Mám rád death metalové podsvětí, protože v něm mohu stále, i po více než třiceti letech, objevovat nové kapely. MORDHAU patří k vyvoleným. Líbí se mi zvuk nahrávky, vnitřní pnutí, které ze skladeb cítím i odhodlání, které je slyšet z každého tónu. Navíc je album poctivě chladné, stejně jako mlhavá rána na hřbitově. 


Britové hrají podobným způsobem, jako to dělávaly a dělají kapely typu DISMEMBER, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, ENTOMBED, NIHILIST, CARNAGE. Povedlo se jim hudbou znázornit pravou, ryzí smrt ze Švédska. Chřestí se pytlem plným kostí, vokál se občas blíží až black metalu. Budete strženi do víru studených melodií. MORDHAU sice čerpají je starých osvědčených zdrojů a nepřinášejí do katakomb nic nového, ale nahrávka se velmi dobře poslouchá, rád a s chutí se k ní vracím a užívám si ji. Obzvláště ve chvílích, kdy jsem donucen porcovat opuštěná těla. "Immaculate Massacre" je mým průvodcem záhrobím. Potkáváme spolu duše zemřelých, jsme navěky prokleti a uvrženi do nekonečné tmy. Mám v oblibě desky, ze kterých cítím emoce, odhodlání, touhu ničit. Toulám se starými katakombami, rád a často exhumuji opuštěné hroby a přemýšlím, kdy nastane i můj čas. Ještě je brzy, ale zatím se mohu připravit. Z desky žhnou starodávné vibrace z devadesátých let. Je pro mě kusem zkaženého masa, podávaném na víku od rakve. Masakr v márnici. MORDHAU se mohou s klidem pyšnit ochrannou známkou kvality - old school swedish death metal! Zabijácké album!

Asphyx says:

Have you ever wondered what is done with bodies that have no survivors? In our cemetery, it's like they are stored in the morgue for a while, and when more of them accumulate, I take a chainsaw and the rest is probably clear to you. There are too many dead and few places, that is the rule of every old gravedigger. The bones crack, the skulls pop and I listen to a new record of British MORDHAU. I wonder what the dead had for their lives and gradually add volume. Riffs are cut just like a chainsaw, the atmosphere is very similar. 

I like the death metal underworld because I can still discover new bands in it, even after more than thirty years. MORDHAU belongs to the chosen ones. I like the sound of the recording, the inner tension that I feel from the songs and the determination that can be heard from every tone. In addition, the album is honestly cold, as is a foggy blow in the cemetery.

The British play in a similar way as bands like DISMEMBER, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, ENTOMBED, NIHILIST, CARNAGE do. They managed to depict the music, the real, pure death from Sweden. Asparagus with a sack full of bones, vocals sometimes approaching black metal. You will be drawn into a whirlwind of cold melodies. Although MORDHAU draws on them from old proven sources and does not bring anything new to the catacombs, the recording very well listens, I like to return to it with pleasure and enjoy it. Especially when I'm forced to slice abandoned bodies. "Immaculate Massacre" is my guide to the grave. We meet the souls of the dead together, we are cursed forever and cast into endless darkness. I like records from which I feel emotions, determination, the desire to destroy. I roam the old catacombs, gladly and often exhume abandoned graves and wonder when my time will come. It's still early, but I can get ready for now. Ancient vibrations from the 1990s glow from the record. It's a piece of rotten meat for me, served on the coffin lid. Morgue massacre. MORDHAU can easily boast a trademark of quality - old school Swedish death metal! Killer album!

01. Temporal Insanity (04:18)
02. Bereft of Rotting Flesh (05:10)
03. Pig Society (06:53)
04. Born of Celestial Blood (07:03)
05. Where Sunlight Goes To Die (03:52)
06. Cascade of Flames (05:23)
07. Immaculate Massacre (05:24)

A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - MORDHAU.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - MORDHAU.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

Hi! We are Mordhau from Nottingham in the UK. The band was formed in March-April 2017. We play dirty, noisy, metal with an obvious nods to Swedish Death Metal. The band consists of: 

Matty - Vocals 

Sean and Jamie - Guitars 

Brett - Bass 

Nick - Drums 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

We recorded the album between January and March of 2020 at the Moot Group Headquarters in Nottingham, England. We were ably assisted by the Mighty Johnny Carter and his engineer of Doom, Andy Jones. The album was produced, mixed and mastered all at the Moot Group HQ. With their assistance, we were able to hone our sound and create something we are really very proud of. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

We're are on our first run, so initialy there was a release of just 100 CD’s, which have now mostly all been sold. The album has also been released on Bandcamp and should now be available on all major streaming platforms. When we get to the point of being able to gig again, there will be another run of CD’s. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Lyrical duties were undertaken by myself (Matty) and for me mostly the songs represent a thought process that helps me personally deal with the world around me. To that effect, I tend to write about death and what comes after, the potential of the void, Time, how it remains constant despite who perceives it or how, and generally what I perceive to be evils within society, in light of which we're powerless to do much but scream about. This album particularly features no running themes, but we have spoken as a band about a running concept and that might be something we see worked in on a future release. 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

Our logo was designed and executed by the great Gary Ronaldson of Bite Radius Designs. A friend of Jamie's, he went on to design an album cover based on an idea that we gave to him in a mash-up of word soup and daydreams. Clearly he understood as the products themselves, logo & album cover, came out exactly as we imagined. We are ever grateful! 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

We ended up choosing to self-release this album. Releasing a DIY album and seeing how far we could take it was something we all agreed we wanted to do, and now here it is! To be fair, it's very much what we know. As far as we could see, we'd already recorded the album, commissioned the artwork, printed the CD - what we really wanted to do was a big release show, a decent tour on that album and to attract some interest in our future that way, but the world said no due to covid. Things don't always go as planned but we're very happy with the response we've had despite what direction we've chosen. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? Like with most bands, we get inspiration from a lot of great bands! 

To mention a few, in completely random order Carcass, Deathspell Omega, Emptiness, Satyricon, Darkthrone, The Monolith Deathcult, YOB, Akercocke, Black Sabbath, Zeppelin, At The Gates, The Haunted, Dismember, Entombed, Gorefest... The list could go on and on but collectively, we listen and are inspired by lots of bands from lots of different rock/metal genres from all over the world. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We all agreed that we wanted to a self release for our debut release, so had no real urge or desire to send to record labels. We have been approached by a few Indy labels since, with some interesting propositions... We may do something with those guys in the near future... 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We have only played 17 gigs so far! 2020 was set to be the year that we toured our album Immaculate Massacre. We had plenty of gigs already lined up.... But ... everyone knows what happened to live music in 2020.... As for gig preferences, we would love to do a festival! Close, intimate gigs are where we are currently at! 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

Our immediate plan is to gig and promote the album! We were ready to hit the road back in Jan 2020. As soon as we can, we will be playing live again. Long term, we already have a lot of new material kicking around that we want to start working on, as soon as that’s done.... a follow up album! Then... who knows? 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

We are active on most social media platforms, so feel free to message us there. Just search Mordhau or Mordhau_band and you can’t go wrong! 

Or you can email us directly at: 

úterý 29. prosince 2020

Recenze/review - VACUOUS - Katabasis (2020)

VACUOUS - Katabasis
EP 2020, digital Bandcamp, cassette

for english please scroll down

Musel jsem se ještě chvilku dívat. Trošku se za to stydím, ale ne moc. Zvědavost zase jednou zvítězila. Spadl do obrovské drtičky kostí. Nejdříve mu to ustřihlo nohy. Kdybyste viděli jeho vyděšený pohled. Byl hodně překvapený a doslova ječel bolestí. Pak mu to zamotalo ruce. Stala se z něj jenom loutka s krví v obličeji. Ani nevím, kdo se mu chtěl pomstít. Možná všichni, kterým celý život ubližoval. Vždyť to byly jen malé bezbranné děti. Ne, přiznám se, nebylo mi ho líto. Boží mlýny zase jednou spustily.

Vypadá to, že londýnské podsvětí je pořádně prolezlé death metalem. Důkazem jsou VACUOUS. Kapela, která po jednom demu (také vydané letos) přichází s novým EP "Katabasis". Pokud máte jako já rádi pocit, že vám někdo drtí kosti, tak neváhejte, tohle je špinavá a nechutná odpověď na všechny zlé lidské činy. 


"Katabasis" je deskou, která má neskutečně podmanivou atmosféru. Kapela se ve svých textech zaobírá horory, smrtí a prázdnotou, která v mnohých zůstává. Představte si postavy od krve, motající se v roztodivných kruzích. Jsou to duše těch, kteří byli za svého života prokletí, zlí a rádi někomu ubližovali. Nemohou přejít na druhou stranu. Smrt pro ně byla malým trestem, ať už byla jakkoliv krutá. Stejně jako oni. K těmto představám a pochmurným obrazům hudba VACUOUS krásně sedne. Pánové se inspirovali třeba u takových NEKROVAULT, COSMOVORE, AUTOPSY, INCANTATION, CIANIDE. Songy vás opravdu rozdrtí velkou silou, jsou podmanivé, přitažlivé. Mohou za to i zvuk a obal, ale hlavně morbidní hudba. Mám rád podobné kousky shnilého masa, s chutí a rád nasávám nálady, které opravdu bolí. Death metal by měl být takový. Nasáklý nenávistí, s dobrým vokalistou, s muzikanty, kteří věří tomu, co hrají. Britové jsou naplno oddáni stínům. Z téhle drtičky kostí jen tak neuniknete! Nezbyde nic jiného, než posbírat zbytky a pořádně přidat volume. VACUOUS mě stáhli do hlubokých močálů, ze kterých není úniku. Pravé, ryzí, nefalšované peklo!


Hudba mě stahuje do močálu stále víc a víc. Podobným způsobem, jako to umí kapely typu NEKROVAULT, COSMOVORE, AUTOPSY, INCANTATION, CIANIDE. MORTIFERUM na "Katabasis" dokazují, že se umí v záhrobí pohybovat s přehledem starým death metalových mistrů. Tento styl byl vždy hlavně o atmosféře, o chladných melodiích, o chorobném vokálu. Britové mají velký cit pro záhrobní věci člověka a opravdu dokáží vytvořit nálady podobné snad opravdu jen starým hřbitovním rituálům. Po formální stránce je také vše v pořádku - zvuk pálí a žhne, zároveň mrazí. Obal plně vystihuje to, co se na desce odehrává. "Katabasis" je dílem, u kterého vím, že si ho s absolutní jistotou vezmu na svoji další cestu do bažin zapomnění. Je totiž dokonalou esencí toho, co mám na tamto stylu rád. Je plné hniloby, smutku, drásavých pasáží a pradávných chorob. Bažiny mě nakonec také pohltí, stejně jako každého, kdo do nich vstoupí. Tohle album budu poslouchat stále dál. Je totiž dokonalé! Temně mokvající death metalový počin, u kterého se rozpadnete v prach! Vynikající!

Asphyx says:

Music drags me into the swamp more and more. In a similar way as bands like NEKROVAULT, COSMOVORE, AUTOPSY, INCANTATION, CIANIDE. MORTIFERUM on "Katabasis" they proves that they can move in the graveyard with an overview of old death metal masters. This style has always been about atmosphere, cool tunes, sick vocals. British have a great sense of the grave things and really can create moods, perhaps similar to old cemetery rituals. Formally, everything is also fine - the sound burns and glows, and freezes at the same time. The cover fully captures what is happening on the album. "Katabasis" is an album which I will certainly take with me on my next trip to the swamp of oblivion. It is the perfect essence of what I like about that style. It is full of rot, sadness, harrowing passages and ancient diseases. The swamps will eventually engulf me as well as anyone who enters them. I will continue to listen to this album. It is perfect! A dark-blowing death metal album that breaks you down into dust! Excellent!

1. Katabasis
2. Unmarked Grave
3. Fermentation
4. Voluntary Immurement
5. Blood Eagle

Michael B - Guitars
Damiano S - Bass
Jo Chen - Drums / Vocals

A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - VACUOUS.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - VACUOUS.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

Hello! We are Vacuous and we are a death metal band from London, UK. We officially formed in January 2020. For the past year, the band has been myself (Michael/guitars), Jo (drums/vocals) and Damiano (bass). We all met through mutual acquaintances in the music scene. We each have very different musical backgrounds, from punk to grind to more traditional metal, but we had enough in common to work together and found that death metal gives us enough artistic freedom to mix and incorporate these different elements, while still remaining coherent. We recorded a demo quite early on to solidify these different influences and used that as a basis for moving forward. 


Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

Katabasis was written and recorded entirely during the lockdown period earlier this year. Luckily, we each had the equipment to record our parts independently and send them back and forth until we were happy with it. Obviously, a real studio would have been nice but this gave us the luxury to really take our time.The guitars ended up getting re-amped by Tom Dring (Corrupt Moral Altar) and it was then mixed and mastered by Ben Jones, an engineer based in Leeds. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

The initial pressing was on CD and cassette via the label F H E D, who are based in Cardiff. I can’t remember the numbers off the top of my head, but it’s fairly limited, which is fine. There will be a repress in early 2021, but I can’t announce that quite yet.


Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Jo handles vocals and de facto, the lyrics. There’s an element of improvisation to the vocals, given that they’re used as an additional instrument as much as anything else. The overall concept of Katabasis is the exploration of the „depths“, whether it be a physical descent into an oppressive underworld, or into one’s own psyche...The songs tie in to this overall idea. There’s an element of horror and maybe even sci-fi to it, but we also want it to feel quite real and harrowing. 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

The logo was designed by an artist called Rotting Earth, based in the US, who specialises in abstract death metal visuals. We got some additional help with layouts etc.. from my partner, who is a professional graphic designer. Aesthetics are definitely important to us – it’s the first contact most people will have with your music and they will absolutely judge you by it. We wanted to go with cold, dark imagery that tied in with the overall theme of the EP and matched the serious tone of the music. One thing we agreed on was avoiding the stereotypical violent imagery which is generally associated with death metal and has been completely overdone but can be frankly quite cartoonish at times. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

The EP was released via F H E D, a one man label based in Cardiff. I know Jim, who runs it, from years back and he approached me after we put out our first demo and asked about doing a cassette release. Working with someone you know and trust is really helpful at our level so we decided to go with him again for the EP. We’ve had other labels contact us since then, so we will see what our options are when we record a follow up to Katabasis, but right now we are happy with our current arrangement. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

We all have very different influences but here are some of mine: Autopsy, Incantation, Zhrine, Dead Congregation, Deathspell Omega, Bölzer, Spectral Voice, Demilich, Paradise Lost, Napalm Death, Converge, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Crowbar, Infester..... 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We’ve worked exclusively with F H E D for Katabasis. As I mentioned, a few other labels have been in touch since we released the EP, which is nice to see and really flattering. So hopefully, we will have some different options to choose from on our next release. 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

Unfortunately zero! Covid has ruined any chances we had of playing live this year so that will hopefully be for next year. Hard to say, but we’ll definitely want to start with small shows. As a fan, those are the types of shows I prefer anyway. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

We’ll hopefully do some more recording in the first half of 2021. Our plan is to release a split with another UK death metal band and then work on another EP or full length. As I mentioned, we also look forward to making our debut as a live band, once Covid restrictions have been lifted. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

All our music and merch can be found on

We are also on Instagram and Facebook: 

We are also on Spotify and all those other streaming platforms! 

Thanx for the interview. 

Thanks for the questions! I come to the Czech Republic every summer to attend Brutal Assault, so hopefully see you there one day! Cheers! 

čtvrtek 17. prosince 2020

Recenze/review - GAMA BOMB - Sea Savage (2020)

GAMA BOMB - Sea Savage 
CD 2020, Prosthetic Records

for english please scroll down

Hej námořníku, nemáš nějakej rum? Nebuď lakomej a poděl se taky. Že máš málo, mořskej vlku? Dobře nevadí a co nějakou hudbu? Co jste poslouchali na moři, když jste sbírali tuny odpadků po prasatech, co si říkají lidé? Nové GAMA BOMB? Fakt, ty zrovna jedu taky. Hele a v jaký dimenzi je ostrov, na kterým pořád řádí Bud Spencer a Terence Hill? Cože? Mám jít do pekla a neotravovat? Dobře, tak já jdu radši pryč, abych nedostal do huby. Tady to je dneska samej drsnej chlápek.

Každou chvíli mi chodí na recenze nějaký thrash metal. Všichni pořád proti něčemu bojují. Proti vládě, proti plastům, masu, cukru, mužům i ženám, proti všemu. Často se zapomíná na to, že tenhle styl býval také zábava. Netvrdil bych vám to, kdybych si to nepamatoval. U "Sea Savage" se neskutečně bavím. Nadsázka, vtípky, ale také skvělá svěží a zajímavá muzika. Nevím, jak to pánové dělají, ale již dlouho patří mezi mé nejoblíbenější skupiny žánru.


Stopaři a hledači podobností označí "Sea Savage" za hudbu plnou odkazů na kapely jako JUDAS PRIEST, ACCEPT, KING DIAMOND, MOTORHEAD, IRON MAIDEN, OVERKILL a spoustu dalších. Ono je to v závěru tak nějak jedno, hlavní je, že mám chuť tančit. Jasně, já to neumím a tak předvádím jen tanec opilého námořníka, kterej začíná mít celej tenhle zkaženej svět v prdeli a jediné, co často zbývá, tak je si z něj dělat legraci. Líbí se mi zvuk desky (Zack Ohren), miluju ty jedovatý vokály, King Konga z obalu chci mít na tričku, ale hlavně - usmívám se a to i po delší společně strávené době. Na albu je spousta zajímavých momentů a když říkám zajímavých, tak opravdu skvělých. Ona je nahrávka tak trošku i takovým plivnutím do ksichtu všem dnešním pozérům, novodobým google facebook fanouškům, je v ní revolta, rebelie, ale i obrovská porce zábavy. O pokoře, která často mnohým chybí, ani nemluvím. To vše je potom postavené na pevných hudebních základech. GAMA BOMB jsou letos ještě lepší než minule, jsou jako parta zkouřených námořníků, kteří byli dlouho na moři a přijeli se pořádně bavit. Pokud máte fantazii, máte rádi ryzí a opravdový thrash a heavy metal, buďte vítáni. Tady se hraje první liga. Hergot, můžete mi někdo konečně nalít ten rum? Jo a mimochodem, za Buda Spencera a Terence Hilla palec nahoru. Miloval jsem je jako dítě a mám je rád dodnes! Dobře, tak já to řeknu na plnou hubu. Tohle je nejlepší thrash metalová deska roku! A je to!

Asphyx says:

Hey sailor, don't you have some rum? Don't be greedy and share. You don't have not enough, sea wolf? Ok. Have it your way... and what about some music? What did you listen to at sea while collecting tons of garbage from pigs that called themselves people? New GAMA BOMB? No way, I'm getting there to. Hey, what's in the dimension of the island where Bud Spencer and Terence Hill are still doing their things? What? I should go to hell and not bother you? Okay, so I'd better go away otherwise you punch me in the mouth. Everybody is a tough guy today. 

Every single while I receive some trash metal to review. Everyone is still fighting against something. Against the government, against plastics, meat, sugar, men and women, against everything. It is often forgotten that this style used to be fun as well. I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't remember. I'm having a lot of fun with "Sea Savage". Exaggeration, jokes, but also great fresh and interesting music. I don't know how these gentlemen do it, but they long been one of my favourite bands in the genre.

Trackers and simulators will label "Sea Savage" as music full of references to bands such as JUDAS PRIEST, ACCEPT, KING DIAMOND, MOTORHEAD, IRON MAIDEN, OVERKILL and many more. It doesn't matter anyway, the main thing is that I feel like dancing. Okay I don't know how so I try to dance as a drunken sailor only who has only began to disregard this entire and rotten world and the only thing that remains is to make fun of it. Like the sound of the record (Zack Ohren), I love the poisonous vocals and I wish to have King Kong from the cover on my T-shirt, but most importantly - I'm smiling, even after a long time spent together. The album offers a lot of interesting moments and when I say interesting I mean really great ones. The recording is a bit of a spit in the face of all today's posers, modern google facebook fans, there is a revolt, rebellion, but also a huge portion of fun. I am not even talking about being humble, which is a virtue which many of the clowns lack today. All this is built on solid musical foundations. GAMA BOMB is even better this year than last time, they are like a bunch of high sailors who have been at sea for a long time and have come to have a lot of fun. If you have imagination, you like pure and real thrash and heavy metal, you are welcome. The first league is played here. Goddammit, can anyone pour me some rum? Yeah, and by the way, thumbs up for Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. I loved them as a child and I love them to this day! Okay, so I'll put it bluntly. This is the best thrash metal record of the year! There you go I've done it!

Recenze/review - GAMA BOMB - Speed Between the Lines (2018):

1. Judo Killer
2. Sea Savage
3. Miami Supercops
4. She’s Not My Mother, Todd
5. Ironblood
6. Lords of the Hellfire Club
7. Sheer Khan
8. Rusty Jaw
9. Monsterizer
10. Ready, Steady, Goat!
11. Electric Pentacle
12. Gone Haywire

Joe McGuigan - Bass, Vocals
Philly Byrne - Vocals
Domo Dixon - Guitars (lead)
John Roche - Guitars (rhythm)

úterý 15. prosince 2020

Recenze/review - SODOMIZED CADAVER - Morbid Tales of Mutilation (2020)

SODOMIZED CADAVER - Morbid Tales of Mutilation
CD 2020, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

V místnosti bez oken, v šeru, na špinavé podlaze, leží dívka s rozpáraným břichem. Další oběť na periferii. Chudí nikoho nezajímají, městem obchází šílený vrah. Lidé se bojí po setmění vycházet ven. Někteří mají strach, jiní jsou fascinováni brutalitou. Internet a sociální sítě se plní dohady a pomluvami. Kdo uloví krvavější fotku? Tichá ulice, pára nad kanály, od stěny se odlepí stín a během několika okamžiků ti proříznete hrdlo. Tichý výkřik se ještě několik okamžiků vznáší mezi domy. 

Viděl jsem nedávno jeden temný, krvavý horor a vzpomněl si i na novou desku britských SODOMIZED CADAVER. Má úplně stejnou atmosféru, je nasáklá podobnou špínou, bolestí, strachem a máte při poslechu pocit, že vám někdo jde po krku. Klasický death metal zahraný s krutostí a brutalitou.

SODOMIZED CADAVER splňují mé nejvyšší požadavky na poctivou stylovou desku. Mají nekompromisní, surový a syrový zvuk. Riffy sekají jako čerstvě nabroušená sekyra a vokál připomíná řev bestie. Po skladbách zůstává jenom tratoliště krve, rozdrcená lebka, rozpárané břicho. Britové přistupují k death metalu tradičně a dokázali do nahrávky propašovat tlak, energii, chlad i temnotu. Pohybují se někde na pomezí MORBID ANGEL a SUFFOCATION, jsou razantní, divocí, šílení, bestiální. Nálady jsou zde velmi podobné těm nejkrvavějším hororům. Představte si dům na kraji města, ohraničený policejní páskou. Dav čumilů, pláč pozůstalých. Jak může někdo být schopný takového ohavného činu? Vstupujete dovnitř a v uších vám zní "Morbid Tales of Mutilation". Ohledávači mrtvol odešli teprve před chvílí, zůstala jen bolest, utrpení, pach smrti a skvělý death metal. Album lze doporučit všem, kteří mají rádi opravdové hudební smrtící masakry. Z kapely je cítit touha ničit, rozsekat vás na malé kousky. Myslím, že se jim to povedlo opět na výbornou. Nakonec se stejně všichni sejdeme na patologii. Krvavá, brutální deska s absolutně morbidním výrazem! 

Asphyx says:

In a room without windows, in the dim light, on a dirty floor, lies a girl with a ripped belly. Another victim on the periphery. Nobody cares about the poor, a mad killer goes around the city. People are afraid to go out after dark. Some are afraid, others are fascinated by brutality. The Internet and social networks are filled with conjecture and slander. Who catches a bloodier photo? A quiet street, steam above the canals, a shadow will peel off the wall and in a few moments, you will cut your throat. A silent cry hovers between the houses for a few more moments. 

I recently saw a dark, bloody horror movie and I remembered a new record by the British SODOMIZED CADAVER. It has the same atmosphere, it is soaked with similar dirt, pain, fear and you feel like someone is walking down your throat when you listen. Classic death metal played with cruelty and brutality..

SODOMIZED CADAVER meet my highest requirements for an honest stylish board. They have an uncompromising, raw and raw sound. The riffs cut like a freshly sharpened axe, and the vocals resemble the roar of a beast. After the songs, only the pool of blood remains the crushed skull, the torn belly. The British approach death metal traditionally and were able to smuggle pressure, energy, coldness and darkness into the recording. They move somewhere on the border of MORBID ANGEL and SUFFOCATION, they are violent, wild, crazy, bestial. The moods here are very similar to the bloodiest horror movies. Imagine a house on the outskirts of the city, bordered by police tape. The crowd of snoops, cries of the bereaved. How can anyone be capable of such an abominable act? You step inside and "Morbid Tales of Mutilation" sounds in your ears. The corpse seekers left just a moment ago, leaving only pain, suffering, the smell of death and great death metal. The album can be recommended to anyone who likes real musical deadly massacres. There is a desire to destroy from the band, to cut you into small pieces. I think they did great again. In the end, we all get together for pathology anyway. Bloody, brutal record with a morbid expression!