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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemblack metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pátek 20. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - OLD FOREST - Graveside (2024)

OLD FOREST - Graveside
CD 2024, Soulseller Records

for english please scroll down

Už dávno vím, že nepatřím do tohoto podivného světa. Toulám se ulicemi a sleduji mrtvé tváře prokletých. Pochodují v nekonečných zástupech. Rodí se a umírají a zůstává po nich jenom krvavá stopa. Bez svědomí, bez síly a energie. Potřebuji něco, k čemu se mohu vracet. Jistotu, která mě uklidní a nechá spočinout. Jako asi každý, kdo poslouchá podobnou muziku, mám rád staré, zdánlivě opuštěné hřbitovy. V black metalu jsem si vždy velmi vybíral, ne všechny kapely mě dokázaly oslovit. Britské OLD FOREST mám ale rád od konce devadesátých let minulého století.

Tihle bardi totiž vždy dokázali vytvořit podmanivě mlhavou atmosféru. Mám ve své sbírce několik nahrávek a když jsem se poprvé setkal s letošní novinkou "Graveside", venku zrovna pršelo. Přízraky dávno ovládly ulice a mraky se dotýkaly země. Ideální počasí pro poslech této desky. Nebudu vás dlouho napínat. Pokud máte rádi klasický, syrový a chladný black metal, jste zde správně. Album se povedlo po všech stránkách. Koneckonců, posuďte sami. 

Ne, už dávno nejsem ve svém temném pokoji. Sedím na hřbitově, kývám se spokojeně do rytmu a čekám na démony, až se probudí. Ostré riffy mi pronikají pomalu do krve, pohupuji se do rytmu, nechávám krvavý déšť, aby mě promočil na kost. V skladbách naleznete velké množství zajímavých momentů. Potkáte staré krvelačné vampýry, vlkodlaky i upíry. OLD FOREST patří mezi vyvolené, mezi ty, kterým jejich hudbu bezezbytku věřím. Zavřený v márnici si čtu o démonech, prohrabuji se ve starých spisech a přes den uléhám do chladné rakve. Mám rád hudbu, která ve mě dokáže probudit emoce. A "Graveside" je albem, které je záhadné, temné i děsivé, majestátní i zemité. Jedná se nejen o poctivě odvedenou práci, co se týká zvuku, obalu i celkového provedení, ale hlavně o motivy, které vás přenesou mezi pískovcové náhrobky. Britové hrají postaru, tradičně, klasicky (ve své hudbě odkazují na smečky jako EMPEROR, SATYRICON, DIMMU BORGIR, GEHENNA), ale zároveň jsou zajímaví a dokáží i překvapit. Těším se každý večer, až se setmí a ochladí. Ve tmě a samotě vynikne nová nahrávka nejvíce. Dostala se mi pomalu do krve a zanechala po sobě černé kousky ledu v žilách. Pokud máte tento styl rádi, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Atmosféra je velmi podmanivá a připomíná mi staré hororové filmy. Bojíte se rádi? Máte noční můry? Potom přidejte hlasitost. Už dávno vím, že nepatřím do tohoto podivného světa. Toulám se ulicemi a sleduji mrtvé tváře prokletých. Pochodují v nekonečných zástupech. Rodí se a umírají a zůstává po nich jenom krvavá stopa. Bez svědomí, bez síly a energie. Potřebuji něco, k čemu se mohu vracet. Teď už je mi jasné, že se "Graveside" dostalo i do mých snů. Klasický, tradiční black metal s hororovou atmosférou! Potkáte duše prokletých! 

Asphyx says:

I've known for a long time that I don't belong in this strange world. I wander the streets and watch the dead faces of the damned. They march in endless processions. They are born and die, leaving only a trail of blood. No conscience, no strength, no energy. I need something to come back to. Something to reassure me and let me rest. Like anyone who listens to music like this, I like old, seemingly abandoned cemeteries. I've always been very selective in black metal, not all bands have been able to appeal to me. But I've liked British OLD FOREST since the late 1990s.

These bards have always managed to create a hauntingly hazy atmosphere. I have several records in my collection and when I first encountered this year's new release "Graveside", it was raining outside. Phantoms had long since taken over the streets and clouds were touching the ground. Perfect weather for listening to this record. I won't keep you in suspense for long. If you like classic, raw and cold black metal, you've come to the right place. The album is a success in every aspect. After all, judge for yourself. 

No, I'm not in my dark room anymore. I'm sitting in the graveyard, swaying contentedly to the beat, waiting for the demons to wake up. The sharp riffs seep slowly into my blood, I sway to the beat, letting the bloody rain soak me to the bone. There are plenty of interesting moments in the songs. You meet old bloodthirsty vampires, werewolves and vampires. OLD FOREST is one of the chosen ones, one of the ones I trust their music implicitly. Locked in a morgue, I read about demons, dig through old writings and lie down in a cold coffin during the day. I like music that can stir my emotions. And "Graveside" is an album that is mysterious, dark and terrifying, majestic and earthy. It's not only a job honestly done in terms of sound, cover art and overall performance, but most importantly, the themes that transport you among the sandstone tombstones. The Brits play old-fashioned, traditional, classic (they reference packs like EMPEROR, SATYRICON, DIMMU BORGIR, GEHENNA in their music), but they are also interesting and can surprise. I look forward to every night when it gets dark and cool. In the darkness and solitude the new record stands out the most. It slowly got into my blood and left black chunks of ice in my veins. If you like this style, don't hesitate a moment. The atmosphere is very captivating and reminds me of old horror movies. Do you like to be scared? Do you have nightmares? Then turn up the volume. I've known for a long time that I don't belong in this strange world. I wander the streets and watch the dead faces of the damned. They march in endless processions. They are born and die, leaving only a trail of blood. No conscience, no strength, no energy. I need something to come back to. Now it's clear that "Graveside" has made it into my dreams. Classic, traditional black metal with a horror atmosphere! You will meet the souls of the damned!

1. Curse of Wampyr
2. Witch Spawn
3. Solstice Sacrifice
4. Interment of Ashes
5. Decrepit Melancholy
6. Halfway Human
7 .Soil of the Martyrs
8. Forgotten Graves

Old Forest Lineup:
Kobold – Drums, Vocals, Keyboards
Beleth – Guitars, Bass

čtvrtek 19. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - PURGATORIAL - Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls (2024)

PURGATORIAL - Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls
CD 2024, These Hands Melt

for english please scroll down

Říznutí nožem do tmy. Strach a bolest, otištěné do chladných zdí. Další z děsivých snů, které se stále vrací. Potkáváš v nich přízraky toužící po krvi. Najednou, když posloucháš nové album britských maniaků PURGATORIAL, jsi zcela mimo tento zkažený svět. Už dávno si vstoupil za oponu, do nekonečných močálů nicoty. Jsou kapely, které mě osloví již při prvním poslechu.

Nevěděl jsem o této skupině vůbec nic. K jejich letošnímu debutovému albu jsem přistupoval hezky postaru. Sedl jsem si v temném pokoji, postupně přidával hlasitost a nechal jsem na sebe novou desku "Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls" působit. Bylo zcela přirozené, že se kolem začali procházet démoni, že jsem několikrát potkal vlastní smrt. Riffy jsou velmi ostré, vokál chorobně naléhavý a bicí drtivé. Stačí jenom zaplatit převozníkovi vlastním svědomím a nechat se převést přes řeku Styx. 

Kapela si dala velký pozor na celkové provedení. Novinka je zvukově velmi dobře ošetřená. Ze skladeb doslova mrazí v kostech (Kris Mayers - recording, mixing, Neil Schneider - mastering). Zaujal mě i obal od italského autora Tryfara, jinak také člena kapely TRYFAR. Stylově lze potom nalézt v hudbě odkazy jak na starý, surový death metal, tak i chlad a zimu severských black metalových klasiků. Celou nahrávkou se vznáší takový zvláštní neklid, krvavě doomová aura, chcete-li. PURGATORIAL na to jdou opravdově, uvěřitelně a nové album mě baví opravdu poslouchat. Líbí se mi, že mají svůj vlastní výraz, rukopis, že je poznáte během několika prvních tónů. Jasně, není to nic nového, ani převratného, ale rozhodně se nejedná jenom o dobře odvedené řemeslo. Naopak, skladby hoří jasným plamenem, tepají pod povrchem. Nejdříve se kolem mě plazily jako jedovatí hadi, aby mě postupně uhranuly a zcela pohltily. Už jste někdy navštívili dávno opuštěné pohřebiště nebo místa, kde byly prováděny krvavé obětní rituály? Ani nemusíte, z "Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls" mám totiž velmi podobné dojmy. Jedná se o hudbu, která je zahraná od srdce, s jasnými a zřetelnými motivy, se spoustou do šedých barev zahalených nálad, s drsností, která vás rozdrásá do krve. Pro mě osobně, se jedná o velké překvapení a příslib do budoucna. Britové totiž dokáží být suroví i vznešení, majestátní i záhadní. Nová deska je jako nějaká starodávná mantra, jako zaříkávání, které vás nakonec uhrane a prokleje. Říznutí nožem do tmy. Strach a bolest, otištěné do chladných zdí. Další z děsivých snů, které se stále vrací. Potkáváš v nich přízraky toužící po krvi. Mlhavý a temný black death metalový rituál! Démoni se vrátili! Záhadné ozvěny z onoho světa! 

Asphyx says:

A knife cut in the dark. Fear and pain imprinted on cold walls. Another of the terrifying dreams that keep coming back. In them, you meet ghosts out for blood. Suddenly, listening to the new album from British maniacs PURGATORIAL, you're completely out of this wicked world. You've long since stepped behind the curtain, into the endless swamps of nothingness. There are bands that speak to me at the first listen.

I didn't know anything about this band. I approached their debut album this year in a very old-fashioned way. I sat down in a dark room, gradually turned up the volume and let the new album "Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls" work its magic on me. It was only natural that demons started to walk around, that I met my own death a few times. The riffs are very sharp, the vocals are morbidly urgent and the drums are crushing. All you have to do is pay the ferryman with your own conscience and let yourself be ferried across the River Styx.

The band paid great attention to the overall performance. The novelty is very well treated sonically. The songs literally chill your bones (Kris Mayers - recording, mixing, Neil Schneider - mastering). I was also intrigued by the cover artwork by Italian author Tryfar, otherwise also a member of the band TRYFAR. Stylistically, then, one can find in the music references to both old, raw death metal, as well as the coldness and coldness of Nordic black metal classics. There is a strange uneasiness floating through the whole record, a bloody doom aura, if you will. PURGATORIAL go at it in a real, believable way and I really enjoy listening to the new album. I like that they have their own expression, their own signature, that you get to know them within the first few notes. Sure, it's nothing new or groundbreaking, but it's definitely not just good craftsmanship. On the contrary, the songs burn with a bright flame, beating beneath the surface. At first they slithered around me like venomous snakes, only to gradually enchant and completely consume me. Have you ever visited long-abandoned burial grounds or sites where blood sacrificial rituals were performed? You don't have to, because I got a very similar impression from "Fading Whispers of Voidbound Souls". This is music that is played from the heart, with clear and distinct themes, with lots of moods shrouded in grey colours, with a harshness that will tear you to blood. For me personally, this is a great surprise and a promise for the future. For the British can be both brutal and sublime, majestic and mysterious. The new record is like an ancient mantra, an incantation that will eventually sweep you away and curse you. A knife cut in the dark. Fear and pain imprinted on cold walls. Another of the terrifying dreams that keep coming back. In them, you meet ghosts out for blood. A misty and dark black death metal ritual! The demons have returned! Mysterious echoes from the other world!

1. Harvesting Nightmares
2. Blind Fervour
3. The False Ones
4. Wings Of Wax Melting
5. Pelagic
6. Always Watching
7. Call Of The Void
8. Doomed To Repeat

Kris Mayers - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Ryan Eastham - Guitars
Neil Schneider - drums

středa 18. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - STABWOUND - As Humanity Dies (2024)

STABWOUND - As Humanity Dies
CD 2024, Iron, Blood and Death Corporation

for english please scroll down

Vlastně ani nevím, proč jsem chodil na hřbitov každý den. Moji předci už dávno hnili ve studené zemi a náhrobky byly nakloněny do stran. Jakoby mě neustále něco do těchto prokletých míst přitahovalo. Jakási vyšší síla, temnota, touha po záhadách. Nějak podvědomě jsem cítil, vnímal celým tělem, že jednou potkám přízraky. Duše zemřelých, toulajících se navěky mezi naším a oním světem. Poslouchal jsem u toho debutové dlouhohrající album francouzských tmářů STAWBOUND

Stačilo mi několik prvních tónů a věděl jsem, že se jedná přesně o druh muziky, která koluje i v mých žilách. Sedával jsem na studených lavičkách, kýval se do rytmu a vychutnával si jednotlivé mrazivé melodie. Líbí se mi, že si kapela dala záležet na formálních věcech, jako je zvuk (Camile Giraudeau) i obal (Costin Chioreanu). Všichni odvedli profesionální práci a vy se tak můžete soustředit na hudbu samotnou. Ta je velmi podmanivá, návyková, záhadná a nebál bych se napsat magická. 

Syrový, tradiční death metal se zde potkává s chladným black metalem a v některých momentech i doomovými náladami. Skladby se mi pomalu dostávají pod kůži i do podvědomí. Mám to nastavené tak, že nechávám na sebe novou muziku jen tak působit. Pokaždé si nové, neznámé album několikrát poslechu a potom se rozhodnu, jestli budu o kapele psát. STAWBOUND si mě získali nejen svým přístupem, ale také nadšením a schopností navodit záhadnou a velmi temnou atmosféru. Jsem během poslechu opravdu na hřbitově, pomalu se stmívá a já čekám, co se stane. Také cítíte z hudby napětí, takový ten drive, pradávnou sílu a energii? Já ano, Francouzi jsou pro mě opravdoví, uvěřitelní, hrají si s jednotlivými melodiemi jako šelma se svojí kořistí. Zasekli do mě svůj dráp a ihned jsem je zařadil do nejposlouchanějších nahrávek měsíce. Líbí se mi jejich rukopis, výraz. Zkrátka a dobře, kapela přistupuje ke své hudbě velmi poctivě, s velkou porcí talentu. Ne, pánové nevymýšlejí nic nového, ani převratného, ale novinka rozhodně není jenom dobrým řemeslem. Naopak, je v ní něco navíc, jakýsi punc kvality. A také, což je pro mě velmi důležité, se velmi dobře poslouchá a rád se k ní vracím. V některých momentech si s touhle smečkou zavzpomínáte na kapely jako BOLT THROWER, AUTOPSY, CELTIC FROST. Těmi se nechali, dle mého skromného úsudku, tihle maniaci volně inspirovat. Vlastně ani nevím, proč jsem chodil na hřbitov každý den. Moji předci už dávno hnili ve studené zemi a náhrobky byly nakloněny do stran. Jakoby mě neustále něco do těchto prokletých míst přitahovalo. Ano, bylo to tohle album. Starosvětský, tajemný a záhadný death metal s temně podmanivou black doomovou atmosférou! 

Asphyx says:

Actually, I don't even know why I went to the cemetery every day. My ancestors had long since rotted in the cold ground and the tombstones were tilted sideways. It's as if something kept drawing me to these cursed places. A higher power, a darkness, a longing for mystery. Somehow, subconsciously, I felt, sensed with my whole body, that one day I would meet ghosts. The souls of the dead, wandering forever between this world and the next. I was listening to the debut long-playing album of French obscurantists STAWBOUND

The first few notes were enough for me to know that this is exactly the kind of music that runs through my veins. I sat on the cold benches, swaying to the rhythm and enjoying each chilling melody. I like that the band took care with formal things like the sound (Camile Giraudeau) and the cover art (Costin Chioreanu). They all did a professional job so you can focus on the music itself. It is very captivating, addictive, mysterious and I wouldn't be afraid to write magical. 

Raw, traditional death metal meets cold black metal and in some moments even doom moods. The songs are slowly getting under my skin and into my subconscious. I have it set in such a way that I just let new music affect me. Every time I listen to a new, unfamiliar album a few times and then decide if I'm going to write about the band. STAWBOUND won me over not only with their attitude, but also with their enthusiasm and ability to evoke a mysterious and very dark atmosphere. I'm really in a graveyard while listening, it's slowly getting dark and I'm waiting to see what happens. Do you also feel a tension from the music, a kind of drive, an ancient power and energy? I do, for me the French are real, believable, they play with each melody like a beast with its prey. They stuck their claw into me and I immediately put them in my most listened to records of the month. I like their handwriting, their expression. In short, the band approaches their music very honestly, with a great deal of talent. No, the gentlemen are not inventing anything new or groundbreaking, but the novelty is definitely not just good craft. On the contrary, there is something extra in it, a kind of quality stamp. And also, which is very important for me, it is very easy to listen to and I like to come back to it. At some moments with this pack you remember bands like BOLT THROWER, AUTOPSY, CELTIC FROST. In my humble opinion, these maniacs were freely inspired by them. Actually, I don't know why I went to the cemetery every day. My ancestors had long since rotted in the cold ground and the tombstones were tilted sideways. It was as if something kept drawing me to these cursed places. Yes, it was this album. Old world, mysterious and enigmatic death metal with a darkly captivating black doom atmosphere!

01. Dies Irae - Intro 
02. Thorns 
03. Devoured 
04. Filth 
05. As Humanity Dies 
06. Angel Of Lust 
07. The Aftermath 
08. Steel Coffin 
09. Slashed 
10. Death Assembly

A few questions - interview with death metal band from France - STABWOUND.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from France - STABWOUND.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hail, we are Stabwound from Normandy, France. The band was founded in 2006 when I bought a guitar and an amp and started writing songs with my High School buddy Yoann. We play Raw Death Metal which is a mix of thrash death and doom/blackened more atmospheric elements.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The drums where recorded in a professional studios while all the guitars, bass and vocals where recorded in our home studio.

It was a difficult process as we started with a different line up, then COVID happen and I had to re record every guitar tracks when we got the project back on track after the pandemic.

Finally Camille Giraudeau (dodheimsgard/doedsmagheird) did the mixing and the mastering. Needless to say he did an awsome job at it, making our album sound like old school extreme metal with 2024 quality! This guy is a genius!

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

We released 200 CDs and 100 LP with our label France Black Death and Grind.

Another 200cd will be released via Iron Blood and Death corporation, our Mexican label.

Both versions are available online !

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I (Jeremy) write all the lyrics. I see songs as sonic movies, each part of a song being small „scenes“. Thus I like to write song that tell stories, sotries about ancient lovecraftian horrors, war, slasher movies type of tales or more vagues and open lyrics that people can interpret more freely.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo was created a while back by Greg from Visual Injuries.

The amazingly beautiful artwork was drawn by Costin Chioreanu who is such a talented artist. He meAde a name for himself with his esoteric, dreamlike landscape that come from his mind. Check out his other work for many famous bands, you will dig it!!

We try to be active on social media, especially YouTube and Facebook.

These are really important for us as you will find everything you need to know, see and listen about us!

@stabwoundoff on YouTube

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We chose to work with two labels to have more impact.

We are still fairly underground so having small but professional label both in France and in Mexico is greatly appreciated.

They do thing the old school way but are very supportive.

Thanks Yann, Cyrille, Yoann and Antonio!!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

I listen to suite a broad range of metal bands but the one iIdoloze are:

Iron maiden, Candlemass, Slayer, My dying Bride, Bolt Thrower, Celtic Frost and Tryptikon, Mayhem… those are the band that shaped my song writing the most!!

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Well I tried all the big names, they never answered so I went to the one who where actually interested and contacted us…

It’s a shame that the big names only selected already established bands. So all in all the small bands have to do everything by themselve first before being picked by a big label.

Anyway, we don’t really care as our labels help us as much as they can and we are doing our best to grow as a band.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Oh damn, I think I lost track of all the gigs we played since 2008….

I love the small bar gigs because they are raw and in your face, ear splitting volume, proximity with the audience… I love that

Festival gigs are also awesome cause you play on bigger stages in front of a more diverse audience.

Live performances is one of our strong point and each show is a battle to conquer the audience. When you come to see us be sure we will give everything we have to kick your ass hard. So yeah the next gig will always be our best!

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We want to establish Stabwound as a great Death Metal band. We strive to keep the flame of real, raw, aggressive and true metal alive.

We don’t care about money, about faking performance on tik tok, cheating in the studio or live to sound bigger.

What you ear on the album is what you get, straight, dark and catchy Death Metal. We don’t want to be innovators, we love true metal and we want to keep it alive in a world where social media, looks, gimmicks, or the size of the boobs of your lead singer, have more importance than the integrity of your music.

We believe in passion, honesty and integrity. That’s what metal is about for us and that’s what we will always do.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can contact us on our facebook page, instagram and Youtube.

I answer every comment on Facebook so don’t hesitate to say hello ther too!

We would love to play on Poland by the way, so if you are a promoter we will be more than happy to come destroy your stage at a festival !!!

Thanx for the interview.

úterý 17. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - CAMOS - Hide From The Light (2024)

CAMOS - Hide From The Light
CD 2024, Murder Records

for english please scroll down

Pokaždé, když jdu kolem kostela v našem městě, tak mám hroznou chuť vtrhnout dovnitř, obrátit všechny kříže směrem dolů a znovu zapálit pekelný oheň. Nikdy to neudělám, raději zmizím do své studené kobky a poslouchám tam muziku, která je mému srdci vlastní. Mám rád starý prašivý black metal, vyrůstal jsem i na klasickém heavy metalu. Patřím ke generaci opravdových fanoušků, kteří to ještě nevzdali. Je to prokletí na celý život. Hudba, ve svém extrémním stylu, mi koluje v žilách již více než 35 let.

Brazilské maniaky CAMOS jsem si pro sebe objevil již v roce 2009, když se mi dostala do rukou jejich debutová nahrávka "Kaim 666". Líbila se mi atmosféra, rukopis kapely i zvuk. Nové album pokračuje tam, kde minule pánové přestali. Je pro mě velmi příjemné se vrátit po časové ose zpět a vychutnat si melodie, které se mi jako ostré hřeby dostávají postupně do hlavy. Novinka je majestátní, ale i surová, je v ní velké množství temné energie. Přesně takhle to mám rád, jdu si otevřít další pivo. 

Pokud jste jako já vyrůstali na kapelách jako MERCYFUL FATE, CELTIC FROST, MASTER´S HAMMER, ALICE COOPER, a samozřejmě VENOM i MOTORHEAD, potom by se vám mohlo líbit i druhé dlouhohrající album téhle smečky. Je po okraj narvané zajímavými melodiemi, hoří uvnitř a je ukováno z té nejkvalitnější oceli. Venku se zrovna setmělo a vypadá to, že bude brzy sněžit. Místo toho se spustí z nebe krvavý déšť. CAMOS jsou opravdoví, reální, uvěřitelní a dokáží napsat velmi podmanivé skladby. Cítím z melodií nadšení, takový ten feeling tradičních kapel, který se nedá naučit. Musíte jej mít v sobě. Brazilce bych chtěl někdy vidět naživo, musí to být ďábelská jízda na splašeném koni. Navíc se celým albem jako nějaký jedovatý had vine taková zvláštní nálada, která mě přitahuje. Jakoby někde v pozadí tepal ostrý neklid. Byl zrovna pátek a měl jsem kupodivu zase jednou volno v práci. Dobře jsem se vyspal a potřeboval jsem nějakou hudbu, kterou si narvu pod tlakem do hlavy. Jsem moc rád, že jsem potkal desku "Hide From The Light". Obsahuje v sobě totiž vše, co po dobré hudbě chci a vyžaduji. Vypil jsem několik piv, navštívil místní hřbitov a nechal do sebe nasáknout atmosféru celého alba. Stalo se na nějaký čas mojí součástí a už dnes, když píšu tato slova, vím, že se k němu budu rád a často vracet. Pokaždé, když jdu kolem kostela v našem městě, tak mám hroznou chuť vtrhnout dovnitř, obrátit všechny kříže směrem dolů a znovu zapálit pekelný oheň. Nikdy to neudělám, raději zmizím do své studené kobky a poslouchám tam muziku, která je mému srdci vlastní. Někdy mám pocit, že mi k životu stačí jen syrové maso, nějaké to pivo a podobné nahrávky. Pekelné black heavy metalové album, ukované z té nejkvalitnější oceli! Temnota, chlad a rouhání!

Asphyx says:

Every time I walk past the church in our town, I have a terrible urge to rush in, turn all the crosses upside down and relight the hellfire. I never do, preferring to disappear into my cold dungeon and listen to the music that is my own heart. I like old dusty black metal, I grew up on classic heavy metal too. I belong to a generation of true fans who haven't given up yet. It's a curse for life. Music, in its extreme style, has been running through my veins for over 35 years.

I discovered Brazilian maniacs CAMOS for myself back in 2009 when I got my hands on their debut record "Kaim 666". I liked the atmosphere, the handwriting of the band and the sound. The new album continues where the gentlemen left off last time. It's very pleasant for me to go back along the timeline and enjoy the melodies that gradually get into my head like sharp spikes. The new album is majestic but also raw, there is a great deal of dark energy. Just the way I like it, I'm off to crack open another beer. 

If you, like me, grew up listening to bands like MERCYFUL FATE, CELTIC FROST, MASTER'S HAMMER, ALICE COOPER, and of course VENOM and MOTORHEAD, then you might like the second full-length album from this pack. It's packed to the brim with interesting tunes, burning inside and forged from the finest steel. It's just got dark outside and it looks like it's going to snow soon. Instead, it's gonna rain blood from the sky. CAMOS are genuine, real, believable and can write very compelling songs. I can feel the enthusiasm in the tunes, that feeling of traditional bands that can't be taught. You have to have it in you. I'd like to see the Brazilians live sometime, it must be a hell of a ride. Plus, there's a strange mood that winds through the whole album like some kind of poisonous snake, which attracts me. It's as if there's a sharp restlessness throbbing somewhere in the background. It was a Friday and I had, strangely enough, one more day off work. I had slept well and needed some music to cram into my head under pressure. I'm so glad I met "Hide From The Light". It contains everything I want and demand from good music. I drank a few beers, visited the local cemetery and let the atmosphere of the whole album soak into me. It became a part of me for a while and even now, as I write these words, I know I will revisit it happily and often. Every time I walk past the church in our town, I have a terrible urge to rush in, turn all the crosses upside down and relight the hellfire. I never do, preferring to disappear into my cold dungeon and listen to the music that is my own heart. Sometimes I feel like all I need to live is raw meat, some of that beer and records like that. A hell of a black heavy metal album, forged from the finest steel! Darkness, coldness and blasphemy!

Camos’s Hide from the Light Tracklist:
01 - Hide From The Light [3:50]
02 - Desert Devil [3:46]
03 - Run To Kill [3:36]
04 - When Love Ends In Blood [4:31]
05 - Lord Of Flies [4:01]
06 - The Devil's Concubine [5:26]
07 - Waiting Your Command [3:48]
08 - Riding To Hell [3:53]
09 - Hopeless [4:35]
10 - Swimming With The Sharks [5:46]

Camos Line-up:
Sucoth Benoth: Vocals
Caos: Guitars
Ulysses Freire: Bass
Cj Dubiella: Drums

Special Guests:
Aly Fioren: Guitar and Keyboards
Tenebrae Aarseth: Backing Vocals

středa 11. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - VALDAUDR - Du Skal Frykte (2024)

VALDAUDR - Du Skal Frykte
CD 2024, Soulseller Records

for english please scroll down

Zbyla tu jenom zaschlá krev. Bolest, otisknutá do starého kamení. Jsem hluboko v lesích, uprostřed nekonečné prázdnoty a hledám vlastní démony. Jsou ukryti v temných koutech, v podzemí, v hudbě, kterou právě poslouchám. Norské VALDAUDR jsem si oblíbil již v roce 2021, když vydali svoje debutové album "Drapsdalen" (recenze je odkazována dole pod článkem). Novinka navazuje tam, kde kapela minule přestala. Na starých obětních místech, na pohřebištích, ukrytých ve tmě. 

Jakoby do hudby byla otištěna bolest, takový ten pradávný chlad, které máme všichni u black metalových kapel z Norska rádi. Jedná se samozřejmě o starosvětskou, nihilistickou nahrávku, která splňuje všechny požadavky. Má poctivý zvuk, spoustu zajímavých momentů a hlavně krvavě mrazivou atmosféru. 

Když "Du Skal Frykte" poslouchám, tak se opravdu procházím v nekonečných lesích. Dívám se na řeku plnou děsivých mrtvol. Při nové desce se probouzejí přízraky, čekají ve stínu na svůj okamžik. Prokousnou vám hrdlo a převedou vás na druhou stranu, do země nekonečné bolesti a strachu. Skladby jsou napsány velmi zkušeně, s elegancí starých mistrů. Stylově lze tuhle smečku přirovnat k tomu, co na svých deskách hrají kapely jako MARDUK, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE. Zkrátka a dobře, dostanete velmi chutnou porci klasického, ortodoxního rouhání. Nenechte se ale mýlit, novinka není jenom obyčejnou kopií. Naopak, pánové vložili do songů velké množství svých nápadů a invence. Navíc se album opravdu velmi dobře poslouchá. Ostré, syrové riffy, chorobný vokál, pochmurná a divoká atmosféra. Vždycky jsem měl rád kapely, které hrají opravdově, uvěřitelně, od srdce. A VALDAUDR tohle všechno umí na výbornou. Jedná se přesně o takovou tu desku, kterou raději poslouchám, než abych o ní psal. Moje slova jednoduše nestačí. Kolem se totiž vznáší velké množství do černých barev naladěných nálad. Nejlépe uděláte, pokud zhasnete všechna světla, otevřete okno a necháte mráz, aby k vám vstoupil. Najednou nebudete sedět ve svém pokoji u reproduktorů, ale ocitnete se daleko na severu, v lesích, ve kterých je tak lehké zabloudit, stát se šelmou nebo obětí. Norové přicházejí z muzikou, která je ohlodaná na kost. S poctivou porcí ryzí, démonické muziky. Zbyla tu jenom zaschlá krev. Bolest, otisknutá do starého kamení. Jsem hluboko v lesích, uprostřed nekonečné prázdnoty a hledám vlastní démony. Jsou ukryti v temných koutech, v podzemí, v hudbě, kterou právě poslouchám. Nahrubo nasekaná black thrash metalová tma! Pradávné rituály znovu ožívají a démoni vystupují ze stínu!

Asphyx says:

All that's left is dried blood. Pain imprinted on old stone. I'm deep in the woods, in the middle of an endless void, searching for my own demons. They're hidden in dark corners, underground, in the music I'm listening to. I took a liking to Norway's VALDAUDR back in 2021, when they released their debut album "Drapsdalen" (review linked at the bottom of the article). The new album picks up where the band left off last time. In old sacrificial places, in burial grounds, hidden in the dark. 

It's as if pain has been imprinted into the music, that ancient coldness we all love in black metal bands from Norway. This is of course an old world, nihilistic record that ticks all the boxes. It has an honest sound, lots of interesting moments and most importantly a blood-chilling atmosphere. 

When I listen to "Du Skal Frykte" I really do walk in the endless woods. I'm looking at a river full of creepy corpses. With the new record, the ghosts wake up, waiting in the shadows for their moment. They will rip through your throat and take you to the other side, to a land of endless pain and fear. The songs are written with great skill, with the elegance of the old masters. Stylistically, this pack can be compared to what bands like MARDUK, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE play on their records. In short, you get a very tasty portion of classic, orthodox blasphemy. Don't be mistaken though, the new stuff is not just a simple copy. On the contrary, the gentlemen put a lot of their own ideas and inventiveness into the songs. Moreover, the album is really very easy to listen to. Sharp, raw riffs, sick vocals, gloomy and wild atmosphere. I've always liked bands that play real, believable, from the heart. And VALDAUDR do all that perfectly. This is exactly the kind of record I prefer to listen to rather than write about. My words are simply not enough. There is a lot of black moods floating around. The best thing to do is to turn off all the lights, open the window and let the frost in. Suddenly, you are not sitting in your room with the speakers, but far up north, in the woods where it is so easy to get lost, to become a beast or a victim. The Norwegians come with music that is gnawed to the bone. With a fair portion of pure, demonic music. All that's left is dried blood. Pain imprinted on old stones. I'm deep in the woods, in the middle of an endless void, searching for my own demons. They're hidden in dark corners, underground, in the music I'm listening to. Coarsely chopped black thrash metal darkness! Ancient rituals come to life again and demons emerge from the shadows!

Recenze/review - VALDAUDR - Drapsdalen (2021):

1. ...Og Jages Bort Fra Verden
2. Den Moerke Tronen
3. Herren Hoester Liv
4. Straffen For Dem Som Lokker Til Frafall
5. De Som Fortaeres Av Lengsel
6. Tilgi Dem Ikke
7. Hans Klamme Haand Glipper Taket

Vald - Vocals and Lyrics
Død - Guitar and Bass
Rune Nesse - Drums

pondělí 9. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - NECROFERUM - Visions from the Necrorealm (2024)

NECROFERUM - Visions from the Necrorealm
EP 2024, Nuclear Winter Records

for english please scroll down

Každou noc po popravě přišly zástupy lidí, čekajících na kus oběšeného. Stačilo oblečení nebo ustřižené vlasy. Všichni toužili po prokletí. Dodnes je tohle místo, vysoko nad městem, prokleté. Jakoby z okolních stromů sálala nenávist. Všichni ti vrazi, kteří zde byli popraveni, po sobě nechali krvavou stopu. Málokdo ale ví, že je nedaleko i hřbitov, plný obrácených křížů. Na podobném místě muselo vznikat i debutové EP maniaků NECROFERUM z Kostariky.

Ti nám letos přinášejí mlhavé ozvěny ze záhrobí, ze starých pohřebišť. Jako prostředek si k tomu vzali hnilobou zapáchající death metal, ušpiněný black i doom metalovými náladami. Jedná se o smečku, složenou ze samých zkušených muzikantů (MORTUAL). Novinku jsem poslouchal nejčastěji pozdě v noci, když ve venku ochladilo na bod mrazu a ulicemi se začaly toulat přízraky. V těchto bezbožných chvílích vynikla její síla nejvíce.

Je to spíše děsivý obřad s hororovou atmosférou, než jenom obyčejná nahrávka. Líbí se mi přístup, jakým tihle maniaci ke své hudbě přistupují. Je velmi uvěřitelný, opravdový, reálný. Jsem při poslechu opravdu hluboko v podzemí, nasávám pach rozkládajících se mrtvol. Přemýšlím, proč byly pohřbeny právě zde, na místě, které nemá zrovna dobrou pověst. Povedl se zvuk (recorded, produced, mixed and mastered the EP at Hell’s Pit Studio), stylový je i obal (Martydoom Illustrations). Pánové si dali na formálních věcech hodně záležet a vy si tak můžete naplno vychutnat podmanivě šedou mlhu, která se vznáší kolem jako děsivé svědomí. Všichni dlouholetí fanoušci tohoto stylu víme, že záhrobí existuje, že nejlepší desky bývají ty, do kterých se otisknou stíny prokletých. NECROFERUM se povedlo do skladeb narvat velké množství černé energie, takové té zahnívající špíny, kterou máme my, staří death metaloví psi tolik rádi. Přál bych si snad jenom jediné, aby kapela co nejdříve přišla s dlouhohrajícím albem. Jejich tvorba by si totiž zasloužila větší prostor. Jestliže má být EP "Visions from the Necrorealm" takovou morbidní ochutnávkou věcí, které budou následovat, tak se těším už teď. Skladby jsou totiž velmi dobře napsány, mají v sobě drive a sílu, temnou energii. Jako dlouholetý strážce podsvětí budu sledovat dráhu téhle smečky pečlivě i v budoucnu. To vám klidně podepíšu vlastní krví. Každou noc po popravě přišly zástupy lidí, čekajících na kus oběšeného. Stačilo oblečení nebo ustřižené vlasy. Všichni toužili po prokletí. Dodnes je tohle místo, vysoko nad městem, prokleté. Jakoby z okolních stromů sálala nenávist. Všichni ti vrazi, kteří zde byli popraveni, po sobě nechali krvavou stopu. Stejně jako tahle smečka. Temný, syrový death metal, zahalený do hnisavé mlhy! Morbidní rituál opravdové, kruté smrti!

Asphyx says:

Every night after the execution, there were crowds of people waiting for a piece of the hanged man. All it took was clothes or cut hair. They all wanted to be cursed. To this day, this place, high above the city, is cursed. It's as if hatred radiates from the surrounding trees. All the murderers who were executed here left a trail of blood. But few know that there's a cemetery nearby, full of inverted crosses. The debut EP of Costa Rican maniacs NECROFERUM must have been made in a similar place.

This year they bring us hazy echoes from beyond the grave, from old burial grounds. As a means to do so they took rotten smelling death metal, stained with black and doom metal moods. This is a pack, composed of all experienced musicians (MORTUAL). I listened to the new album mostly late at night, when it got cold to the point of freezing outside and ghosts started to roam the streets. It was in these unholy moments that its power stood out the most.

It's more of an eerie ceremony with a horror atmosphere than just a simple recording. I like the way these maniacs approach their music. It's very believable, real, real. I'm really deep underground listening to it, taking in the smell of decomposing corpses. I wonder why they were buried here, in a place that doesn't exactly have a good reputation. The sound is great (recorded, produced, mixed and mastered the EP at Hell's Pit Studio), the cover art is stylish (Martydoom Illustrations). The gents have put a lot of thought into the formal stuff, so you can fully enjoy the captivating grey fog that hovers around like an eerie conscience. All of us longtime fans of this style know that the afterlife exists, that the best records tend to be the ones that imprint the shadows of the damned. NECROFERUM have managed to cram a lot of black energy into their songs, the kind of rotting filth that we old death metal dogs love so much. I wish only one thing, that the band would come out with a full-length album as soon as possible. Their work deserves more space. If the "Visions from the Necrorealm" EP is to be such a morbid taste of things to come, I'm looking forward to it now. The songs are very well written, they have drive and power, dark energy. As a longtime guardian of the underworld, I'll be following the trajectory of this pack closely in the future. I'll sign it in my own blood. Every night after the execution, there were crowds of people waiting for a piece of the hanged man. All it took was clothes or cut hair. They all wanted to be cursed. To this day, this place, high above the city, is cursed. It's as if hatred radiates from the surrounding trees. All the murderers who were executed here left a trail of blood. Just like this pack. Dark, raw death metal, shrouded in a festering fog! A morbid ritual of true, cruel death!

01. Visions from the Necrorealm 
02. Trascending from Spectral Fumes 
03. Profound Illusions of a Pathological Subconscious 
04. Malignant Echoes of Non-existence

sobota 7. prosince 2024

Interview - NEKUS - A mysterious, dark and cold death doom metal ritual!

Interview with doom death metal band from Germany - NEKUS.

Answered Entity I, thank you!

Recenze/review - NEKUS - Death Apophenia (2024):

Ave NEKUS! It's been a while since your label Sentient Ruin Laboratories sent me an album to review. And immediately with "Death Apophenia" you got to the imaginary top of my personal doom death metal chart. The first time I encountered the new album was in the cold weather, when it got very cold. It was very pleasant for me to just listen, read and let the time pass. How was the album made and how do you think it differs from the previous album "Sepulchral Divination”?

Entity I: Hi Jakub, This album is different because we add a second guitarist in the band and the songwriting is more aggressive and atmospheric from the debut album.

Let's go back in history a bit. NEKUS was formed in 2018. The band is composed of all experienced musicians. It's not easy to start again nowadays. How did you guys get together in the first place and why did you choose doom death metal? Your initial work was more black metal…

Entity I: Yes the band formed in 2018 and we work as a duo, Entity III join us short before the recording of the first EP. Since day 1 we wanted play a doom death with some black element.. probably the first ep sound more black because we recorded by ourself and in general have more raw sound.

The new stuff has that cool, clear sound that I really like. Where did you record and who produced the album? I would be interested to know how you worked together, how you got together and why him? What kind of feelings did you leave the studio with?

Entity I: we use the same place that we used for putridarium album, a private house that we build up as studio for live recording. we recorded first live and after we overdub the guitars. The recording, mixing and mastering was again done by Chris (Cyphx-Audio). With Chris i collaborate since Into Coffin last 2 release.. we know each other very well and is become quite easy work together.

When I look at the cover, it reminds me terribly of a scene from an old cemetery in my town, the catacombs. Beautiful work. Who's the artist and why did you choose this particular motif?

Entity I: The Cover is a Small details coming from a photo made from one of us.

What are your lyrics about? Where do you get inspiration for them? And what are the lyrics on the new album about?

Entity I : Conceptional inspiration comes mostly from ancient Greek or in general mediterranean concepts of Death. Nekus don’t have lyrics just texts that we use for explain the logic behind the album and the reason of the title. Entity III is the one behind the intellectual side of this project for this album.

NEKUS are a band that when I listen to them I immediately know who they are. You have your own unmistakable signature, expression. A strange dark mood that has a very urgent effect on me. How do you explain that? Do you have a secret formula, a recipe? How do you create new material? I'm talking about the process now.

Entity I: the music is concentrate to bring a dark and evil feeling.. when i play this songs i fall in a trance where the whispering and chanting are getting out without any control.. i just feel it. That’s why i record this music live, where every musician can play using the feeling and not thinking.

The songwriting process of this album is coming from my work at home and in a later point arrange by the other band members. It take me just some hours write some of the songs.. right moment and right mental feeling and riffs coming out with no difficulty, again my lack of music theory help me to be free and write everything my mind want.

Do nature, the outside world, cemeteries influence you in any way? Every time I hear your band I think that you can put such a special mood, melancholy into your songs. A lot of times I took the album to the woods near us, just outside the city, and it felt like I was somewhere in the beyond.

Entity I: probably more woods that cemetery but you need to be in the right mood for listen this kind of music, for me is the best therapy for survive in this sick world.

Compared to Germany, the Czech Republic is a small country. We have a lot of metal bands here too, but definitely not as many as you guys. I wonder why you have so many dark bands? And I'm not talking about the mainstream, but the underground. How do you explain that? By the way, I recently interviewed the guitarist and vocalist Giona from PUTRIDARIUM and he said that there are maybe only ten people in Marbug who play/listen to death metal. It seems to me that I meet more and more bands from Germany.

Entity I: I’m not the biggest fan of German underground or metal scene, yes there are a lot of band.. evil band or dark… much less… the most pf the black metal band are just “poser” and in death metal there are for sure some good and cool bands (check Morsch if you like darkness death doom) but not more than from other country (The Italian dark sound). About Marburg (again) yes we are like 4/5 people paying in 4/5 bands ahahah

How do you perceive your scene? Gigs, fans, labels? There are quite a lot of gigs here, but only some of them are well attended. Plus I feel like the young fans are already listening to something a bit different.

Entity I: Nekus are a solitary entity that is quite difficult to put in a scene… death or Black shows are well attended but most of the time is difficult to understand if the people are there for the music and to support the artist or just for the party. metal culture will never die but for sure is not living is best moment and the young generation are missing every year more and more.

I personally find "Death Apophenia" to be such a polished stylistic gem, but it can also appeal to fans outside of doom death metal. The album is raw, but it also has a lot of memorable melodies. Where do you want to take the band? What is your goal? Someone is attracted by big festivals, someone wants a famous label. What are your dreams?

Entity I: thanks for the compliment. we like play live so we will always say yes at the most of possibility to play festival or small shows are all well welcome. the goal is probably bring uncomfortable feeling to the public is listening to us. i don’’t have big dreams, i just wanna be free to transfer the obscurity inside me in music.

How did you get into music in the first place? Who was your role model? First gig? First gig as a musician? How about some wild experiences, readers are always interested in that:)).

Entity I: i got into music thanks at Iron Maiden when i was 9 years old.. there start my travel with music, role model Steve Harris for the first years as metalhead eheh… first gig was back in italy when i was probably 17 years old with a shitty cover band ( i was playing bass). wild experience… good question probably one of them is getting arrested the same day of my first concert ahah

I'd be interested in your relationship to music. What does it mean to you? Is it a hobby? A lifestyle?

Entity I: Music is everything, i can’t image a day of my life without, i listen everyday a lot of music and i buy records any times i can. buy physical and fuck off Spotify and all digital platforms!

What are NEKUS planning in the near future?

Entity I: there are some shows on plan and a split… so beware!

Thank you very much for the interview, I appreciate it. You probably have an idea of what I'm going to do. Sure, I'll head out into the woods, and I'll take your new album "Death Apophenia" with me. It's excellent! I wish it sells well and that you are happy in your personal lives.

Entity I: Thanks to you for this interview and welcome into darkness!
