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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#vultures. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 9. září 2024

Recenze/review - VULTURES - Divine Retribution Unleashed (2024)

VULTURES - Divine Retribution Unleashed
EP 2024, Death in Pieces Records, Onyx Stone Blood

for english please scroll down

Zůstal jsem tu sedět dlouho poté, co se setmělo. Ze stínů začaly vylézat přízraky a v hrobech se začaly dít divné věci. Márnice byla plná mrtvol, o kterých nikdo nevěděl, na co zemřely. Samota duše, samota těla. Jak to bude vypadat, až zemřeme? Potkám konečně své démony? Nad náhrobky se začala vznášet mlha a já potřeboval hudbu, která by doplnila celkovou děsivou atmosféru.

Všem je vám dávno jasné, že starý, prašivý death metal je mojí nedílnou součástí. VULTURES z Indonésie se ihned stali mými častými společníky. Když jsem se toulal tmou, když jsem sestoupil dolů do podzemí. Hrají opravdově, uvěřitelně, surově. 

Jednou se možná proměním v prach, jednou se moje tělo postupně rozpadne. Ale než se tak stane, tak budu tuhle muziku poslouchat. Je totiž po okraj narvaná zlem, špínou, hnisem, starodávnými chorobami. Je to samozřejmě hluboký underground, přesně ve stylu, v jakém to mám nejraději. Skladby jsou napsány s jediným účelem, pohřbít vás zaživa. Riffy jsou ostré tak, že se o ně pořežete, vokál je nasáklý hnisem a motivy zastřené krvavou mlhou. Kývám se do rytmu, kopu další hrob. Máte rádi kapely jako MORTIFERUM, SPECTRAL VOICE, INCANTATION, AUTOPSY, CIANIDE, RIPPIKOULU, CEREMONIUM, KRYPTS, WORM, DISMA? Potom asi víte, o čem píšu. VULTURES umí vytvořit podobně mrtvolnou atmosféru. Mají surový, masivní zvuk (Irvan Naba - mixing, mastering) a krásně morbidní obal (Soni Wisnu Aji). Osobně se mi ale nejvíc líbí rukopis, způsob, jakým kapela hraje. Rád a často jsem zhasínal všechna světla, s chutí jsem se vydával každý večer na hřbitov za městem. Sedával jsem ve stínu starých stromů a nasával atmosféru. "Divine Retribution Unleashed" je albem, které mě přeneslo do záhrobí, do země nekonečných stínů. Viděl jsem na zdech děsivé symboly, které hořely do tmy. Byl a jsem prokletý, zavržený, zničený. Indonésanům se povedla nahrávka, která hoří jasným, černým plamenem. Má v sobě vše, co chci a požaduji po kapelách. Nelze jinak, než vám tuhle smečku doporučit. Mrtvolný, surový, temný, starodávnými chorobami nasáklý death metal ze starých pohřebišť!

Asphyx says:

I stayed sitting there long after dark. Ghosts began to come out of the shadows and strange things began to happen in the graves. The morgue was full of corpses that no one knew what they had died of. Loneliness of the soul, loneliness of the body. What will it look like when we die? Will I finally meet my demons? A mist began to hover over the tombstones and I needed music to add to the overall eerie atmosphere.

You all know that old, dusty death metal is an integral part of me. VULTURES from Indonesia immediately became my frequent companions. When I wandered through the darkness, when I went down to the underground. They play real, believable, raw.

One day I may turn to dust, one day my body will gradually disintegrate. But until that happens, I'm gonna listen to this music. It's filled to the brim with evil, filth, pus, ancient diseases. It's deep underground, of course, just the way I like it best. The songs are written with one purpose, to bury you alive. The riffs are so sharp you'll cut yourself on them, the vocals are soaked in pus and the motifs are obscured by a bloody mist. I sway to the beat, digging another grave. Do you like bands like MORTIFERUM, SPECTRAL VOICE, INCANTATION, AUTOPSY, CIANIDE, RIPPIKOULU, CEREMONIUM, KRYPTS, WORM, DISMA? Then you probably know what I'm writing about. VULTURES can create a similarly deadpan atmosphere. They have a raw, massive sound (Irvan Naba - mixing, mastering) and a beautifully morbid cover (Soni Wisnu Aji). Personally, I like the handwriting, the way the band plays, the most. I happily and often turned off all the lights, with gusto I went to the cemetery outside the city every night. I used to sit in the shade of the old trees and soak up the atmosphere. "Divine Retribution Unleashed" is an album that transported me to the afterlife, to the land of endless shadows. I saw eerie symbols on the walls that burned into the darkness. I was and am cursed, damned, destroyed. The Indonesians have made a record that burns with a bright, black flame. It has everything I want and demand from bands. I can't help but recommend this bunch to you. Dead, raw, dark, ancient disease-soaked death metal from the old burial grounds!

01. An Ode To Death And Destruction 
02. Inevitable Fate 
03. The Splitting Of The Sea 
04. Rain Of Swords 
05. Eternal Sleep 
06. Land Of Gathering

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Indonesia - VULTURES.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Indonesia - VULTURES.

Answered Amar Amrullah (vocals), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hey Jakub. Amar is here answering. Our band is called Vultures. We are from Central Java, Indonesia. This band was formed in early 2023. It was our guitar player’s idea to start an old-school death metal band. His name is Adam. He asked Rama (our bass player), and Rizal (our former drummer) to join this band. They already made some unfinished materials, but they didn’t have a singer. That was the time when Adam asked me to sing in this band. We finished all the materials together in the studio, recorded it, then finally released a 3-track demo called ‚Wreckage‘ in 2023 via the label that I run with my friend, Mortal Blood Records. In our first demo, we were highly influenced by band such as Bolt Thrower, Acephalix, Nihilist, and Cruz. But, in our new EP ‚Divine Retribution Unleashed‘, we try to explore more in the music that we play.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Sadly, before the production of ‚Divine Retribution Unleashed‘, Rizal (our former drummer) had to leave the band due to several reasons. But, we’re glad to have our friend named Romadon to fill the drums. We were really helped by his presence. Almost all the music and its rifffs came out from Adam. Except the intro entitled ‚An Ode to Death and Destruction‘. I asked my friend, Laras, to fill some piano parts on that song.

In 2022/2023, I remember that Adam was really into Bolt Thrower and Autopsy. That was also the time when Autophagy released ‚Bacteriophage‘ which almost at the sime time with Bastard Grave released ,Vortex of Disgust‘. He was so obsessed with these two releases, and these became the blueprint of ‚Divine Retribution Unleashed‘. Bolt Thrower with Autopsy’s rotten and disgusting sounds was the one we tried to build in this EP. We were also so thankful that in the mixing and mastering progress, it was done by our friend, Irvan Naba from Inside the Whale Lab who knew the types of sound that we wanted.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Divine Retribution Unleashed is available on both CDs and Cassettes. 300 copies for the CD and it was relased by Death in Pieces Records exclusive for North American market only. For Indonesian market, we released it both on cassettes and digital platforms via Onyx Stone Blood Records. Not many, since this was done in limited run.

In the near future, there will be 2 re-issues for cassette forms by Iron Fortress Records (USA), and Oldskull Productions (EU). About 50 copies for each.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

All lyrics were done by me. It mostly discusses about events in the past, social phenomenon, and human’s perception as weak creatures of God. Besides that, I also try to figure out about death and destruction that happened long time ago, and the one that may occur in the future. It actually has multiple interpretations, so feel free to anybody to conclude it by themselves.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Our friend, Blood Thrower was the one who was responsible with the artwork and logo. We really love his works. All websites, email, and streaming platforms are always handled by ourselves.

Social Networks? We thought that it’s one of the most important things when you want to start a band. Besides it is important, it also becomes the most fun part. Meeting new and old friends, supporting and being supported, going somewhere you haven’t visited with your band. Perfect.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We are under 2 labels so far. The first one is Death in Pieces Records from Mexico. Firstly, We chose this label because we are interested to release our EP in CDs and want to expand our music to more listeners. Secondly, of course because it could represent our music really well.

The Second one is Onyx Stone Blood Records, from Indonesia. This label introduces our music to wider listeners in Indonesia, and is basically a hardcore/punk/metal record label. We thought that this label is suitable with our background and our interests.

Both of them take care of us really well. Shout out to Death in Pieces and Onyx Stone Blood Records!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Bolt Thrower, Autopsy, Kommand, Frozen Soul, Bastard Grave, and Autophagy!

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Yes, we did. They are Iron Fortress Records (USA), and Oldskull Production (EU). Their responses are nice. Probably by the end of this year, they will release the reissues for our EP Divine Retribution Unleashed.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Not many. Probably about 10 shows, I’m not really sure.

We love both small shows and big shows, but we’d love to say that we prefer to play in a small show simply because it’s more intense.

Best performance? It was at a show called Maxximum Noise Vol. 4. It was our very first show as a band, and that one will always be special.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We are on tour now for our EP‘s promo starting from September until November.

Our biggest plan as a band probably releasing an LP, and sharing the same stage with the band we love someday.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You may conctact us through our email and Instagram page below: / @vulturesdeath

Thanx for the interview.
