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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#reapingflesh. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

úterý 11. července 2023

Recenze/review - REAPING FLESH - Abyss of Existence (2023)

REAPING FLESH - Abyss of Existence
EP 2023, Redefining Darkness Records

for english please scroll down

Nejdříve je nutné označit místo. Vybráno je podle starých spisů. Někde tady by měl být starý hrob. Pohřben je v něm prokletý kacíř. Ve zmrzlé zemi, ve shnilé rakvi. Říkalo se o něm, že žije v podzemí, že umí rozmlouvat s nemrtvými. Popraskané víko a v něm mrtvola, která drží v rukou nové EP italských death metalistů REAPING FLESH. Vložím jen do přehávače a ihned se přenesu po časové ose zpět. Do devadesátých let minulého století. Vychutnávám si morbidní melodie i atmosféru plnou zkažené krve.

Pro tenhle styl musíte věřit v temné síly. Italové na to jdou velmi dobře, uvěřitelně. Mají takový ten prašivý zvuk, který máme my, staří psi tolik rádi. Vše doplňuje stylový obal, na kterém je krásně morbidní motiv v černobílém stylu. Hrob je exhumován a vy si můžete vychutnat chladné a děsivé nálady. 

Stylově lze kapelu zařadit po bok nejen klasických floridských smeček (OBITUARY, MALEVOLENT CREATION, SOLSTICE, MORBID ANGEL, DEATH, MASSACRE, AUTOPSY). Základem jsou ostré riffy, chorobný vokál a zničující bicí. Nezapomíná se ani na melodie, které mě ihned pronikly až do morku kostí. Exhumované tělo i moje zkažená duše jsou již ve značném stádiu rozkladu. Přidávám hlasitost a pomalu přecházím na druhou stranu. Pro mě osobně je tohle jasným důkazem, že se nahrávka povedla. Vidím před sebou starou márnici, ve kterém REAPING FLESH uspořádali právě koncert. Pivo teče proudem a k tanci nás zvou ty nejkrásnější zombie. Deska je jako prach, který proséváš mezi prsty. Přemýšlíš u toho, jestli je možné, že existuje život po smrti. Nevím a neví to ani tihle maniaci, ale určitě nám umožnili nahlédnout na druhou stranu. Songy jsou totiž napsány opravdu velmi uvěřitelně, divoce, s poctivým feelingem. Jestli jste někdy viděli mršinu, pohozenou jen tak u cesty. Její mrtvé oči, její vnitřnosti, vytažené ven, tak určitě víte, o čem píšu a o čem je tahle deska. Je po okraj narvaná dobrou hudbou, kterou ocení všichni prokletí. Je jako mokvající rána, o které jste si mysleli, že se už dávno zahojila. Jenže stačilo několik málo tónů a začala vám znovu hnisat. "Abyss of Existence" se opravdu povedlo. Tvrdím to já, i všichni, kteří rádi tráví svůj čas v absolutní tmě. Na pitevně by mohli vyprávět. Desku jsem poslouchal nejčastěji v noci, to nejlépe vynikly jednotlivé odstíny krve a černoty. Rakev je otevřena a mrtvola v ní se mnou rozmlouvá. Album se jí líbí, stejně jako mě. Nezbývá, než vám tyhle italské maniaky doporučit. Starodávný death metalový hrob, který byl právě exhumován! Hnis, horor, temnota!

Asphyx says:

First you need to mark the place. It is chosen according to the old files. There should be an old grave here somewhere. A cursed heretic is buried there. In the frozen ground, in a rotten coffin. It was said he lived underground, that he could talk to the undead. A cracked lid and a corpse inside, holding the new EP from Italian death metallers REAPING FLESH. I'll just pop it into the player and immediately be transported back along the timeline. To the 1990s. I enjoy the morbid melodies and the atmosphere full of bad blood.

You have to believe in dark forces for this style. The Italians do it very well, believably. They have that dusty sound that us old dogs like so much. It's all complemented by the stylish cover art, which features a beautifully morbid motif in black and white. The grave is exhumed and you can enjoy the cold and eerie mood.

Stylistically, the band can be placed alongside not only the classic Florida packs (OBITUARY, MALEVOLENT CREATION, SOLSTICE, MORBID ANGEL, DEATH, MASSACRE, AUTOPSY). The basis is sharp riffs, sick vocals and devastating drums. Not forgetting the melodies, which immediately penetrated me to the core. Exhumed body and my corrupted soul are already in a considerable stage of decay. I turn up the volume and slowly make my way over to the other side. For me personally, this is a clear proof that the recording was a success. I see in front of me an old morgue in which REAPING FLESH have just held a concert. The beer is flowing and the most beautiful zombies are inviting us to dance. The record is like dust that you sift through your fingers. You wonder if it's possible that there is life after death. I don't know, and neither do these maniacs, but they've certainly given us a glimpse of the other side. The songs are written in a very believable, wild, honest way. If you've ever seen a carcass dumped on the side of the road. Its dead eyes, its guts, pulled out, you know what I'm writing about and what this record is about. It's packed to the brim with good music that all the damned can appreciate. It's like a gaping wound that you thought had long since healed. But it only took a few notes for it to start festering again. "Abyss of Existence" was a real success. I say so, and so does everyone who likes to spend their time in total darkness. They could tell a story in an autopsy room. I listened to recording mostly at night, that's when the various shades of blood and blackness stood out the best. The coffin is open and the corpse inside is talking to me. She likes the album as much as I do. I have no choice but to recommend these Italian maniacs to you. An ancient death metal grave that has just been exhumed! Rot, horror, darkness!

01. Garden Of Grief 
02. Elements Of Life 
03. Lies Of Existence 
04. Self Incarnation 
05. Pit Of Eternity 
06. Fear Without Shape

Andrea - Bass / Vocals
Marco - Guitars
Federico - Drums

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Italy - REAPING FLESH.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Italy - REAPING FLESH.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

We are an old school death metal band based in Milan (Italy). The band started to exist in march 2022: first Marco (Guitar) and Federico (Drums) met and started to work on some rough materials, then Andrea (Bass and Voice) joined the band a few months later. The aim is to play OSDM inspired by bands from Florida, Tampa Bay vibe, that were slaying it in the late 80s/early 90s.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We recorded our first ep, Abyss of Existence,between December 2022 and January 2023, at ADSR Decibel Studio with Carlo Meroni doing all the recordings, mixing and mastering.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Abyss of Existence was released on the 16th of June 2023 by Redefining Darkness Records and on every digital store or streaming platform. Being an EP and our first release, the label wanted to do a first round of 300CDs and 100 Tapes.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I’m (Andrea) the one mostly in charge of all the lyrics. We wanted to talk about the meaning of existence and the role of humankind in this world. Starting from some questions that I had about all this, I’ve decided to underline the music and the atmospheres that the ep has.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Marco, our guitarist, is a tattooist (full time job) who loves to create new designs and has a great understanding of the whole DM “artwork” world. Roh Halus Mu ( ) is the one behind our EP cover. There’s no way to run a band without socials In 2023, to communicate , share all updates, music and to keep in touch with whoever's digging what we are doing with our music. Probably nowadays it’s more important to keep a good flow and the right level of communication on your socials, rather than making really incredible music and not sharing it properly with the outside world.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Redefining Darkness Records, managed by Thomas Haywood, who’s working hard in order to keep underground music loud and alive more than ever. We are very satisfied about our collaboration with him, and we are looking forward for what will be coming in the near future.

Which bands do you idolize and where do you get your inspiration?

We are inspired by old school US death metal acts such as Obituary, Morbid Angel, Death, Autopsy, Massacre, Deicide, Malevolent Creation, etc... Basically all bands that started it and kept it alive till today.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We’ve been really selective on what shows to do as a band, considering that all of us have been in bands for 15+ years, since we’re preferring quality instead of quantity. At the end of July we’ll open for Dying Fetus in Rome, our first show outside of our hometown. To us there’s no preferred stage, a stage is a stage and we always want to perform as best as we can to whoever is in front moshing and listening to us.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We are working on new music for what will be our first record and on planning more shows for this fall/winter. Our aim is one and simple: to play death metal the right way!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?


Thanx for the interview.