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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#puteraeon. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

středa 6. března 2024

Recenze/review - PUTERAEON - Quindecennial Horror (2024)

PUTERAEON - Quindecennial Horror
EP 2024, Emanzipation Productions

for english please scroll down

Pradávná fascinace smrtí. Hluboko ukrytá temnota, která je v každém z nás. Záleží jen na příležitosti a pudu sebezáchovy. Vozí nám sem každý den několik mrtvých. Každý se tváří úplně jinak. Někdo odešel vyděšený a s neskutečnou bolestí na tváři. Jiný jakoby se usmíval a v klidu usnul. Říká se, že jaký si žil život, tak také zemřeš. Jsou ale výjimky. Zlí a prokletí lidé, monstra, která dokáží škodit i dlouho po smrti. Vracejí se jako nemrtví, jako temné přízraky. I o těch je nové EP PUTERAEON

Včera mi zavolali, že našli v lesích opuštěný dům. V něm děsivý sklep, plný mrtvol. Vstoupil jsem dovnitř a ponořil se do tmy, do bolesti. Atmosféra byla velmi podobná,  jako na "Quindecennial Horror". Ještě ho nechytili, prý zmizel ve tmě. Bestie, krvelačná šelma v lidské podobě. Poslouchám dál a stávám se obětí. Tahle nahrávka řeže tou správnou stranou nože. 

Téhle smečce se věnuji od jejich počátků (recenze a rozhovory jsou odkazovány dole pod článkem). Protože je opravdová, true a ortodoxní. Stále nese vlajku starého, prašivého death metalu hrdě vztyčenou. Letos pánové pokračují ve své morbidní práci. Líbí se mi, že se zaobírají typicky stylovými tématy. Zombie, Cthulhu mýty, horory. Vše zamíchané v poctivém a jedovatém koktejlu. Základem je samozřejmě švédská klasika (DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, ENTOMBED), přidávány jsou potom zahnívající kusy nahrubo nasekaného masa a tmy. Pánové chřestí pytlem plným kostí a dělají to zkušeně a s nadšením. O zvuk se postaral Dan Swanö, což je jako vždy záruka kvality. Fanoušek pohřbů do země dostane přesně to, co potřebuje. Temnotu, chlad, ozvěny z těch nejhlubších katakomb. Společná setkání s PUTERAEON mi připomínají pradávné rituály smrti, pořádané kdysi v devadesátých letech minulého století na mnohých severských hřbitovech. Bylo mi opět velkou ctí potkat ty nejkrásnější zombie, potřást si rukou s přízraky i s nemrtvými. Démoni moc dobře vědí, o čem píšu. Dejte mi někdo kladivo, dneska bude dlouhá noc. Dům v lesích je plný mrtvol a pochybuji, že tohle způsobil člověk. Stejně jako hudba, má tohle místo neskutečně mrtvolnou atmosféru. Nezbývá mi opět nic jiného, než  označit nové EP vysokou známkou kvality. Pradávná fascinace smrtí. Hluboko ukrytá temnota, která je v každém z nás. Záleží jen na příležitosti a pudu sebezáchovy. Ryzí old school death metal! Vysoce kvalitní, ušlechtilá švédská ocel!

Asphyx says:

An ancient fascination with death. The deep hidden darkness that is in all of us. It's just a matter of opportunity and self-preservation. They bring us a few dead every day. Each with a completely different face. Someone left terrified and with incredible pain on their face. Another seems to smile and sleep peacefully. They say that as you lived your life, so shall you die. But there are exceptions. Evil and cursed people, monsters who can do harm long after death. They come back as the undead, as dark phantoms. The new PUTERAEON EP is about them too. 

Yesterday I got a call that they found an abandoned house in the woods. A creepy basement full of dead bodies. I went inside and plunged into darkness, into pain. The atmosphere was very similar to "Quindecennial Horror". They haven't caught him yet, they say he disappeared in the dark. A beast, a bloodthirsty beast in human form. I keep listening and I become a victim. This record cuts with the right side of the knife.

I've been following this pack since their early days (reviews and interviews are linked below the article). Because it is real, true and orthodox. They still carry the flag of old, grimy death metal proudly flying. This year the gentlemen continue their morbid work. I like the fact that they deal with typical stylistic themes. Zombies, Cthulhu myths, horror. All mixed up in an honest and poisonous cocktail. The base is of course the Swedish classics (DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, ENTOMBED), then rotting chunks of roughly chopped meat and darkness are added. The gentlemen rattle a bag full of bones and do it with experience and enthusiasm. Dan Swanö has taken care of the sound, which as always is a guarantee of quality. A fan of in-ground funerals gets exactly what they need. Darkness, cold, echoes from the deepest catacombs. The common encounters with PUTERAEON remind me of the ancient death rituals once held in many Nordic cemeteries in the 1990s. It was again a great honour to meet the most beautiful zombies, to shake hands with the ghosts and the undead. The demons know very well what I write about. Somebody get me a hammer, it's gonna be a long night. The house in the woods is full of corpses, and I doubt this is man-made. Like the music, this place has an incredibly deadpan atmosphere. Again, I have no choice but to give the new EP a high mark for quality. An ancient fascination with death. The deep hidden darkness that is in all of us. It's just a matter of opportunity and the instinct for self-preservation. Pure old school death metal! High-quality, noble Swedish steel!

The Plague
Whispers of the Dead
Dead Once More
Storms Over Devil’s Reef

Daniel Vandija - bass
Anders Malmström - drums
Jonas Lindblood - vocals, guitars
Rune Foss - guitars

sobota 13. ledna 2024

News - PUTERAEON release new official video - Graverobber!

Swedish death metal band PUTERAEON release today the official video of "Graverobber", their new song which is also out now as a digital single an all streaming services.

Technically however, "Graverobber" isn't exactly a brand new composition, as it was initially written for Puteraeon's second demo, back in 2008. However, the Swedes re-recorded it and submitted the final result to the authoritative talents of Dan Swanö, of Bloodbath and Edge Of Sanity fame, for a mixing and mastering which completely re-animated it, Herbert West style. “Graverobber” is a sick dive into the mind of a graverobber. And is still a vital and twisted death metal tune; a real bonecrusher.

"Graverobber" is out now as a digital single and official video. The video can be seen below or via one of our official media partners for its premiered, listed also below.

Now celebrating their 15th anniversary as a band, Swedish horror death metal stalwarts PUTERAEON don’t show any signs of slowing down or exploring new musical paths. Instead, they remain firmly in their bonecrushing Lovecraft-inspired death metal approach.

Coherent with this vision, the quartet looked back at their demos and debut album and re-recorded some of their old songs for this digital EP that celebrates a decade and a half of Chtulhian terror music, with the sound being mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö of Bloodbath and Edge Of Sanity fame. Five songs were chosen, from the first one Puteraeon ever written (“The Plague”, from their 2008 demo “Fascination For Mutilation” demo), until “Storm Over Devil’s Reef”, the opening track from the band’s 2011 debut album, with its rumbling intro and blasting velocity.

“Whispers Of The Dead”, “Graverobber” (both from the second demo “The Requiem, released back in 2008), as well as “Dead Once More” (from the Re-Animator-inspired 2009 demo “The Extraordinary Work Of Herbert West”) complete “Quindecennial Horror”, with Puteraeon staring firmly at the abyss, while the abyss stares back at them.

“Quindecennial Horror” will be released in digital format via Emanzipation Productions on March 8th, 2024.

Daniel Vandija - bass
Anders Malmström - drums
Jonas Lindblood - vocals, guitars
Rune Foss - guitars

Digital single:

Digital EP:

Official site
Apple Music

