Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#pharmacist. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#pharmacist. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

úterý 9. listopadu 2021

Recenze/review - PHARMACIST - Carnal Pollution (2021)

PHARMACIST - Carnal Pollution
EP 2021, Black Hole Productions

for english please scroll down

Zpočátku to vypadalo jako nevinná hra. Jenže znáte to, příležitost dělá zloděje. Chladná pitevna, mrtvá těla v různém stádiu rozkladu. Učíme se pitvat, ale nestačí nám to. Posloucháme totiž death grind core muziku a k té patří naložené orgány ve formaldehydu jako k mrtvému zimník. Dlouhá nemocniční chodba, mám pocit, že ještě trošku žije. Nevadí, alespoň bude dnes větší zábava. Chromová ocel, skalpel ostrý jako slova hlavního operátora, mučitele.

Dějí se na světě hnusné věci. Většinou nad nimi přivíráme víčka, ale když vám je někdo odřízne a postaví vás před krutou realitu, tak nemáte jinou možnost, než poslouchat. Japonsko. Kapela s příznačným názvem PHARMACIST. Nic nového v márnici, ale zase na druhou stranu, dnes už stejně nic jiného nevymyslíte. Záleží jen na vzorech, které následujete. V hudbě to platí stonásobně. Je vám doufám jasné, že na patologii také. 

Zazní tu odkazy na staré dobré CARCASS, české PATHOLOGIST, GENERAL SURGERY, DEAD, EXHUMED, REGURGITATE. Zvuk je v nejlepším pořádku, obal stylový a na to, že kapela hraje jen pár let, je nové EP exkluzivním výletem do zvráceného světa šílených patologů. Trošku vtipné je, že mě novinka baví poslouchat víc, než některé desky zmíněných vzorů. Tady zkrátka cáká krev na všechny strany, těla se vzpínají v divoké křeči. Možná to bude mým věkem nebo čím dál tím menší chutí sledovat různá progresivní uskupení, která jsou nudná jako obyčejná smrt ve spánku. Od hudby chci něco jiného. Tlak, energii, temnotu a chlad. Tohle přeci k death metalu, gore i grindu patří odnepaměti. PHARMACIST umí říznout tou správnou stranou nože a to přímo do živé tkáně. Viděl jsem za svůj život spoustu zlého a pořád si myslím, že je lepší, když se o špatných věcech hraje a zpívá, než když se provádějí doopravdy. Také je nespornou pravdou, že je na ně potřeba pořád upozorňovat. "Carnal Pollution" je velmi zdařilou stylovkou, kterou budou milovníci žánru milovat a ostatní nenávidět. A tak je to správně, tak to má být. Nechutná, mokvající, veřejná death grind core pitva, která se opravdu povedla. Pacient zemřel!

Asphyx says:

It's a chainsaw massacre, and the feelings of the new record can only be compared to perhaps the most disgusting horror movies. Sharp riffs slashing you into small pieces of totally useless meat, unmistakable vocal, and the wild rage of the drums. After each next listening, the album gets more intense. Massacre!

At a time when serial killers can become celebrities, PHARMACIST is no longer shocking by their music; it would be a mistake to talk only about the excellent craft. For me personally, the most important is pressure, energy, excellent sound, classic cover art. Then also a strange dark spark, thanks to which the band can still ignite a black fire. It is quite possible that even in your city a lot of nasty things are happening after becoming dark. Unfortunately, we will not change them, but in order to not completely go crazy from today's world, it is necessary to flush the brain with honest music. "Carnal Pollution" serves excellent for this purpose. A dirty death grind that kicks asses to everyone who upsets you during the day. Once, I cut deep into the flesh, and the wound became inflamed, disinfection did not help, nothing helped. If I had this new record back then, it would cut out spoiled meat without an anesthetic. Here, the album is playing for all those who have not forgotten to perform an autopsy, the band comes back and inspires with their own records and does it great again! "Carnal Pollution" is like a collision with a truck full of bones and rotting flesh! A disgusting, soaking, public death grind core autopsy that really worked. The patient died!


01. Disintegration
02. Carnal Pollution
03. Obsequial Orchestration
04. Oral Consuming

Pharmacist – guitar, bass, vocals
Therapeutist – drums
Guest solo guitar - Andrew Lee

A few questions - interview with death grindcore metal band PHARMACIST from Japan.

A few questions - interview with death grindcore metal band PHARMACIST from Japan.

Answered Stefan, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hello! Pharmacist was started in the beginning of 2020. The idea of the name was there a bit earlier, but there was some time spent on which direction should the genre be taken. In the end it kind of aligned naturally as the music creation started, there was no limitation set up, and as much as it was interesting and exciting to make, I decided to proceed.

Of course with some obvious references from our music and artwork, the main genre is death metal and goregrind, altough for me personally it is more death metal, as goregrind has evolved in more extreme ways nowadays, and that is absolutely fine.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Most of recording are taking place in VoidLab studio in Tokyo, and this time it was no exception. Instruments and vocals are mostly recorded there, and mixing / mastering is also at same place on-site. Usually it is me and Inari R. at the mixing board, searching for the right decisions toward the idea.

We have known each other for quite a while and worked on many other projects together, so each time it is a pleasure and fun time to work again.

It is sort of "Disney trip" for me every time, since I enjoy the process and working with nice and professional people only makes it more easy.

Each time, we try different things, different approaches and HW/SF. Once the initial idea is achieved and release is out, it is not so interesting to spend tons of time again on repeating the same thing, basically charging people again for the same thing with different artwork.

So every time we are looking if something new can be done. There is no chasing the ideal vision, as long as it fits the character of music.

For latest two release ("Feeling Young" - split with Fluids, and "Carnal Pollution") we made the production more clear and precise, more surgical, as there are more thrashy riffs and less pitch shifted vocals. It worked out well, but I wouldn't say that using same formula for next release is something exciting now. Let's see!

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

We released all the formats besides vinyl at the moment. Which is on horizon but taking a bit of time.

Mostly we work with not huge but dedicated places, so numbers are limited to some degree, however we are making repress if needed most of times.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I write most of all stuff including lyrics. For me lyrics are nice addition, but we do not print them anywhere yet.

Idea comes from the music - what is the scenery, what is the vibe. More than lyrical gore content, for me it's more helping to keep vocal lines more diverse, both with rhythm and pronounciation.

Mainly the theme is related to medicine, anatomy, forensic medicine, pharmacy.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Bryan Brady made the logo and I think still he did absolutely great job! For most of artwork, Adam Medford from Strange Creature Collages did all the fantastic work, also Fernando from Black Hole Prods and Adrian from Grotesque Records. I am happy with all the works, even though we do not have constant dedicated one person, all related people did their best and it looks good still.

We try to maintain social media pages to update people on news, but usually it is more like a weekly update, with some exceptions.

I do not use it often personally, and I don't know about details on how to use, say, instagram, story sharing, video upload etc.

But this is a great way to stay connect and update any news.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Black Hole Prods did the main release for "Carnal Pollution". We had conversation started from last year to cooperate on some release in future, and once I had more window to prepare the material, we started preparations. I've got all the help and assistance I needed, also Fernando did amazing job for preparing artwork and layout designs. This time it was full booklet pages print!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

There are plenty great bands in most of the genres which I am listening to on occassion, all of the are interesting in their own unique way or just has more personal connection to me.

It could be Vio-lence, Horrendous, Possessed or Lymphatic Phlegm, or, say, Ornette Coleman, depending on the day, each could inspire in their own way.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

No, most of times if labels are interested they contact, if the word of mouth reaches them and they like the music and are interested.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Just keep making music is enough great plan for me. Considering live gigs is also an option, but it is rather more unreleastic in current circumstances.

Also maybe make a music video? Video for a themed album for about 50 minutes? Increase more donation activities, maybe have some more great guest talents, or write small soundtrack for some horror movie? Let's see!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Email directly or email from bandcamp is the best way! Of course facebook or instagram is also working, but I cannot check it as often as I wish, and some messages are getting in "spam" queue etc.

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