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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#panzerkrieg666. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

středa 8. května 2024

Recenze/review - PANZERKRIEG 666 - Westerweiterung (2024)

PANZERKRIEG 666 - Westerweiterung
EP 2024, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

V jejich očích bylo stále možné spatřit touhu po krvi. Leželi již několik desetiletí zavření ve starých katakombách. Prokletí nebo oslavovaní, podle toho, jaká byla momentálně situace a nálada ve společnosti. Stále s rezavými zbraněmi v rukou, s pachem střelného prachu. Nevím, co se stalo, asi že německá black death metalová četa maniaků PANZERKRIEG 666 vydala své třetí EP, ale nemrtví jsou znovu připraveni k boji. Proti nebi, proti lidským bestiím.

Občas se mi dostane do rukou hudba, okolo které nejdříve opatrně chodím, sem tam si ji poslechnu, ale vím, že potřebuje delší čas na prozkoumání. Němci hrají surový, bestiální death metal a chladem a špínou nasáklý black metal. Obojí zamíchané v koktejlu, který připomíná plyn yperit, použitý v první světové válce. Již po prvním poslechu bude vaše tvář stejně zohavená. Tohle je totiž divoce antihumánní hudba, která vytahuje na povrch veškeré temné lidské myšlenky. 

Jak již sám název kapely i jednotlivých skladeb napovídají, tahle smečka se zaobírá ve svých textech válečnou tématikou. Historie je zde uchopena opravdu velmi zkušeně a opravdově. Pro mě je vždy hrozně důležité, jestli kapelám jejich hudbu věřím. Tentokrát jsem pochodujícím vojákem, jdoucím přímo na smrt. Ležím v zákopech, s bodákem připraveným k útoku. Možná se nikdy nevrátím, možná už nikdy neuvidím světlo. Zohavený nenávistí, stále přidávám hlasitost na svém přehrávači. Pokud se vám líbí tlak a černá energie, kterou dovedou vytvořit třeba MARDUK, BEHERIT, BLASPHEMY, budete spokojeni i s EP "Westerweiterung". Je to válka, ve své nejhnusnější podobě, její chlad, na kusy roztrhaná těla. Je to nářek pozůstalých i mučených. Tento styl je dle mého velmi náročný v tom, že málokdo umí vytvořit opravdovou  a reálnou atmosféru. Němcům se to povedlo na výbornou. Jsem rád, že jsou ještě dnes skupiny, které dokáží na veškeré hrůzy, kterých je náš druh schopen, upozorňovat. A dělají to velmi uvěřitelným a zkušeným způsobem. Žádné zbytečnosti, žádné kompromisy. Jenom bolest a utrpení. Z riffů doslova odkapává krev, na bicích se válejí lebky nepřátel. Historie by nás měla varovat, ale my jsme příliš slabí. Místo toho, abychom se poučili, znovu pochodujeme v zástupech. Další tanky drtí nevinné, smrt je zase jenom jméno. Utíkáme do krytu, modlíme se k Bohu, který nás dávno opustil. Vím jen jediné, nové EP se opravdu povedlo. A to po všech stránkách. Zvuk, obal, produkce i celkové provedení. Vše je podřízené jedinému. Totálně vás zničit. V jejich očích bylo stále možné spatřit touhu po krvi. Leželi již několik desetiletí zavření ve starých katakombách. Prokletí nebo oslavovaní, podle toho, jaká byla momentálně situace a nálada ve společnosti. Stále s rezavými zbraněmi v rukou, s pachem střelného prachu. Black death metalový blitzkrieg, který vás rozdrtí ohromující silou a tlakem! Budete spáleni na popel!

Asphyx says:

You could still see the bloodlust in their eyes. They had been locked in the old catacombs for decades. Cursed or glorified, depending on the current situation and mood of society. Still with rusty weapons in their hands, the smell of gunpowder. I don't know what happened, I guess German black death metal maniac squad PANZERKRIEG 666 released their third EP, but the undead are ready to fight again. Against heaven, against human beasts.

Occasionally I get my hands on music that I walk around cautiously at first, listen to it now and then, but know it needs more time to explore. The Germans play raw, bestial death metal and black metal soaked in cold and filth. Both mixed in a cocktail that is reminiscent of the yperite gas used in WWI. After the first listen your face will be equally disfigured. For this is wildly anti-human music that brings to the surface all the darker human thoughts. 

As the name of the band and the individual songs suggest, this pack deals with war themes in their lyrics. The history here is grasped in a very experienced and real way. It is always very important for me to believe in a band's music. This time I'm a marching soldier, going straight to my death. I'm lying in the trenches, with my bayonet ready to attack. I may never come back, I may never see the light again. Overwhelmed with hatred, I keep turning up the volume on my player. If you like the pressure and black energy that the likes of MARDUK, BEHERIT, BLASPHEMY can create, you will be satisfied with the EP "Westerweiterung". It's war at its ugliest, its coldness, its bodies torn to pieces. It is the lament of the survivors and the tortured. This style is very difficult in my opinion, in that few people can create a true and real atmosphere. The Germans did it perfectly. I am glad that there are still groups today that can draw attention to all the horrors of which our species is capable. And they do it in a very believable and experienced way. No frills, no compromises. Just pain and suffering. Blood literally dripping from the riffs, skulls of enemies rolling on the drums. History should warn us, but we are too weak. Instead of learning our lessons, we march again in crowds. More tanks crush the innocent, death is just a name again. We run for cover, pray to a God who left us long ago. I know only one thing, the new EP has really succeeded. In every way. The sound, the cover, the production and the overall execution. Everything is subordinate to one thing. To totally destroy you. You could still see the bloodlust in their eyes. They'd been locked in the old catacombs for decades. Cursed or glorified, depending on the situation and the mood of society at the time. Still with rusty weapons in their hands, the smell of gunpowder. A black death metal blitzkrieg that will crush you with overwhelming force and pressure! You will be burnt to ashes!

1. Satan 2
2. My Uniform
3. Wunderwaffe
4. Westerweiterung
5. Panzerkrieg Panzerschlacht

HvS - Guitar, Bass
MvM - Vocals
Machine - Drums

A few questions - interview with black death metal band from Germany - PANZERKRIEG 666.

A few questions - interview with black death metal band from Germany - PANZERKRIEG 666.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

We were founded in the end of 2021. We know each other for years and played in some Deathmetal bands before. Some say it´s Black Metal other say it´s Deathmetal or Blackened Deathmetal. We´re just doing what we´re doing. So listen for yourself and decide on your own.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We did everything on our own. So we´re literally spoken independent and don´t want to rely on someone else.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

„Westerweiterung“ is our third EP and we produced 500 copies of each release. It´s available as a digipack CD. Of course it´s also digitally available as well as for streaming. Some tapes will also be produced for sure in the near future.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I write the lyrics alone (MVM vocals). They are about war or the history of war. However, we will also take up other topics in the future.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

All of our artwork is commissioned. That's the only thing we can't do ourselves. Social media is very important for an underground band these days. Without that nothing works anymore.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

For our first release we had a label. After that we stayed independent. As a band you only benefit from a bigger label. Otherwise you can do everything on your own. But we are grateful for any support.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We were most often compared to Marduk but we can no longer understand that. We listen to all types of metal. Like I said, we have known each other for a long time and we´re friends. We just play the music we like and don't really think about what the final product will sound like.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We did in the beginning and the response was very positive. As I said if it´s no bigger label you can stay independent.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We haven't played with Panzerkrieg 666 live very often. The black metal scene is even more niche than the death metal scene. But we've been playing in the extreme metal scene for 20 years. We generally like to play live and you live the moment and focus on the current situation.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We just want to keep going and release new music every year if possible.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Your can contact us directly at We are on social media such as Facebook, Instagram etc. Check us out on Bandcamp if you wanna grab some merch and CDs. We appreciate your support. . You can also visit our homepage

Thanx for the interview.
