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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#instigate. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pátek 5. srpna 2022

Recenze/review - INSTIGATE - Unheeded Warnings of Decay (2022)

INSTIGATE - Unheeded Warnings of Decay
CD 2022, Everlasting Spew Records

for english please scroll down

Našel jsem další amulet, vyřezaný z kostí oběti. Děsivý výraz, pach krve, smrt a násilí. Vše působilo záhadně a temně. Kolem se vznášely temné představy zvrácené mysli. Doslova jsem cítil, jak do mě zajíždí ostrý nůž, jak mi odřezává maso od kostí. Jak mě pálí mozek a v břiše se usadil strach. Je tu ale ještě něco divného, zvláštního, jiného. Otevřu CD přehrávač a v něm naleznu nové album maniaků INSTIGATE.

Jedná se o surový, syrový death metal té nevyšší kvality. Riffy jsou bolestivé a již od začátku je zcela jasné a zřetelné, že jsou pod muzikou podepsání zkušení muzikanti z kapel jako BLOODTRUTH, DEMIURGON. Najednou jste přímo v lavině, uprostřed tsunami. Nebo na místě, kde se stal nějaký násilný čin. 

Pokud bych měl tvorbu INSTIGATE k někomu přirovnat, volil bych smečky jako MISERY INDEX, ROTTEN SOUND, SUFFOCATION, DYSCARNATE. To by bylo ale příliš jednoduché. Ve skladbách jsou zakomponovány velmi zajímavé momenty. Poslech se tak stává opravdu pestrou záležitostí. Kombinace nenávisti, vzteku a chladu připomíná stará opuštěná jatka, kde jsou do zdí stále otištěny bolest a utrpení. Krvavý obal, zvuk jak z márnice a skvělá celková produkce všemu dodává na ještě větší přitažlivosti. Je to jako se dívat na rozhovor se sériovým vrahem. Bestialita, nízké pudy, ale také zvědavost a snaha pochopit. S touhle nahrávkou to mám velmi podobné. Zpočátku jsem byl stržen do víru a rozsekán na kusy, ale časem jsem začal objevovat i jednotlivé nápady, ukryté pod povrchem. Někdy je nutné se podívat i na odvrácenou stranu našeho světa, do země nekonečných stínů. Někde tam muselo vznikat i nové album "Unheeded Warnings of Decay". Mezi amulety z kostí, vyřezaných za hodně hnusných okolností. Smrtící kov nikdy nebyl pro slabé povahy a INSTIGATE se rozhodli jít až na jeho samotnou a krutou podstatu. Jedná se první dlouhohrající počin a měl bych trošku přivřít oči. Jenže nemusím. Vše je v nejlepším pořádku. Masivní, hutné, divoké a zcela zničující. Death metal s krvavým cejchem smrti!

Asphyx says:

I found another amulet carved from the victim's bones. A terrifying expression, the smell of blood, death and violence. It was all mysterious and dark. Dark images of a twisted mind floated around. I could literally feel a sharp knife plunging into me, cutting flesh from bone. As my brain burned and fear settled in my stomach. But there's something else, something strange. I open the CD player to find a new album by the maniacs INSTIGATE.

This is raw death metal of the highest quality. The riffs are painful and from the beginning it is quite clear and obvious that the music is signed by experienced musicians from bands like BLOODTRUTH, DEMIURGON. Suddenly you are right in the middle of an avalanche, in the middle of a tsunami. Or in a place where a violent act has taken place.

If I had to compare INSTIGATE to someone, I would choose bands like MISERY INDEX, ROTTEN SOUND, SUFFOCATION, DYSCARNATE. But that would be too simple. There are some very interesting moments embedded in the tracks. It makes listening a really varied affair. The combination of hate, anger and coldness reminds of old abandoned slaughterhouses where pain and suffering are still imprinted on the walls. The bloody cover, the morgue-like sound and the great overall production adds to the appeal. It's like watching an interview with a serial killer. Bestiality, low instincts, but also curiosity and a desire to understand. I feel very much the same with this record. At first I was swept up in the whirlwind and cut to pieces, but over time I began to discover the individual ideas hidden beneath the surface. Sometimes it is necessary to look at the other side of our world, the land of endless shadows. The new album "Unheeded Warnings of Decay" must have been created somewhere there. Among the amulets of bones, carved under very ugly circumstances. The deadly metal was never for the weak of character and INSTIGATE decided to go down to its very and cruel essence. This is the first full-length album and I should close the eye a little . But I don't have to. Everything is in the best of order. Massive, dense, ferocious and utterly devastating. Death metal with the bloody stamp of death!

01. Witness Of The End Times
02. Haruspex
03. Liturgy Of Emptiness
04. Atonement
05. Indoctrinated Reborn
06. Obliteration
07. Resurrection Denied
08. Embrace The End
09. Seeds Of Cain

A few questions - interview with death metal band INSTIGATE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band INSTIGATE.

Answered BORCIA and SRC, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

BORCIA: Instigate's idea was born during Demiurgon and Bloodtruth’s "In Sanguine Veritas Tour", in 2019. We were really in tune during the long transfers between concerts, it was a really fun experience.

Discussing the ideas to develop on a new project, just talking about the nuances of death metal that we had not yet explored in the other formations, was a very natural process. As for the drums we have always had extraordinary musicians as guests, first with Kevin Talley for the promo "Echoes of a Dying World", then with Francesco Paoli in full length. So, we needed an equally good drummer for live performances on a permanent basis. Edoardo was a real stroke of luck and arrived just in time to appear in the video "Indoctrinated Reborn". And who knows if the future holds some other surprises for the Instigate crew;)

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

BORCIA: We live very far from each other, so each of us has developed their own ideas independently (obviously exchanging opinions, etc.), some at home and some in the studio. For example, I (Borciani Stefano) recorded the voices at the Art Distillery Studio in Modena. Then Stefano Morabito thought about mixing everything, in his 16th Cellar Studio, and the result really thrilled us!

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

BORCIA: For now, "unheeded warnings of decay" has been printed on cd and cassette, but I don't know how many copies have been printed. I know the album will be out on vinyl in the next few months, and we're really looking forward to hearing it!

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

BORCIA: All the lyrics were written by me, Borciani. Being the sole author of the lyrics gave me the opportunity to write a concept album for the first time in twenty years. Through the 9 texts of the album, I retrace the cycle of beginning, self-destruction and rebirth of a civilization that ignores, precisely, the unheeded warnings of decay.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

SRC: The logo was made it myself. Usually I take care of all layouts, social artwork etc. About website, we use Bandcamp as our official store and I took care about all the art. I love do it! We have Instagram and Facebook band pages and everyone in the band take care about it. Social medias are really important in the music scene, people can take a listen to your music if they found it on it.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

BORCIA: "Everlasting Spew" is a label much appreciated by fans of extreme music, guarantor of the quality of the bands that we care for and of which we are users first. We were satisfied with previous experiences with Giorgio and Tito, through our other projects, so relying on them was a natural choice, which gave us the opportunity to best present our proposal to the public.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

BORCIA: I could make a long list of the bands and genres I like, but not to get too bored I'll just raise the horns to Immolation, Vile, and Dying Fetus.

SRC: In the last few years I changed my playlists. Usually, I used to listen to some brutal death metal like Decrepit Birth, Vile, etc… but, since I’m getting older, I refocused my musical preferences in something different like Misery Index, Dyscarnate, Criminal Element, more “groovy”. Some of Instigate’s riffs are influenced by this music, of course.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

SRC: To be honest, I still can’t remember how many and which because we sent a ton of emails. Labels usually don’t reply to you if you are a new band or if you are not well known in music business; anyway, we received a lot of replies with some proposal. We decided to sign a deal with our bros in Everlasting Spew because we know them from a lot of years and because they gave us one of the best proposal.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

BORCIA: Unfortunately, even though we have had many live experiences overall, we are all very busy with our work, so our lives will be sparse. We plan to play in some festivals, unfortunately we cannot anticipate anything yet, but we have some big news ready!

I personally love tours, in those 10/15 days all worries fade into the background and there is only the music, the band and the ever-changing audience in front of which you have to do your best possible performance. It is really exciting.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

BORCIA: We can't wait to announce some news, but for now we can't say more. We are working on the new material, so for sure there will be a sequel to "Unheeded Warnings Of Decay".

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

BORCIA: You can find Instigate on Facebook, Instagram and all those online channels for which I feel a healthy distrust. But don't worry, Stefano (Rossi Ciucci) loves them!