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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#formlessoedon. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

sobota 19. srpna 2023

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Philippines - FORMLESS OEDON.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Philippines - FORMLESS OEDON.

Answered Rozel Nikko (Vocals, Bass, Guitars), thank you!

Recenze/review - FORMLESS OEDON - Streams of Rot (2023):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hello, this is Nikkō of Formless Oedon. We are a death metal band based in the Philippines that formed sometime in 2019.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We record everything remotely. Then, after we finished all the songs we meet at a DIY studio in our drummer’s home and finalise each one, to even out some edges, correct some mistakes if there are any, etc. Andrei, our drummer, is the one in charge of all the sound engineering. He’s a vituoso at mastering and mixing, so he does all that. I’m the primary songwriter and lyricist, but this time in the debut, I’m paired with Jayson in terms of songwriting. In fact, he wrote a majority of the guitar parts in the album. He’s an amazing guitarist and he really delivered on this one.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Memento Mori released the album on CD. I think there are 500 or so copies. I’m not really sure.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I write all the lyrics and set the theme for the music. I think `dark fantasy‘ is a more accurate description for the lyrical themes. I try to weave and create a different story that’s inspired by some media or literature that inspired me at the time. In fact, there is a song in `Streams of Rot‘ that’s about Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross. If anyone can catch the hidden message in the lyrics of this particular song gets a prize from us. Email us with your answer. I’ll be waiting.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Our good friend Jerz did the original and revamped logo. I gave him some pointers on what I’d like the logo to look like and he really did an amazing job. Most of the layouts were edited by me. I also manage the websites and social network that we have. I think they are really important if you want fans and potential followers to keep up with what you release.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Here’s the thing, Memento Mori reached out to us and offered to sign us when we release a debut album, and sure enough we did. Raul, the head of this label, is a great guy. He really supports up-and-coming bands that he sees potential in, regardless if the band is a draw or not. He truly believes in the underground. Very few labels actually do that. Let alone big labels like his.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

A shit ton of them. Too many to list down. But I get inspiration from everywhere. Even outside metal. It’s always important to explore.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

No, we’ve never done anything like that before.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We self-depricatingly call ourselves Showless Oedon for a reason. We haven’t played live, yet. One of our members has a serious medical condition that disables him from playing live.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We’re not the „going to rule the world“ type of band. We just want to make music and that’s all.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

We have a Facebook page and an email address. You can always contact us though these.

Thanx for the interview.

Thanks for giving us the time!

Recenze/review - FORMLESS OEDON - Streams of Rot (2023):

pondělí 14. srpna 2023

Recenze/review - FORMLESS OEDON - Streams of Rot (2023)

FORMLESS OEDON - Streams of Rot
CD 2023, Memento Mori

for english please scroll down

Tvé oči si musely nejdříve zvyknout na tmu. Na absolutní tmu. Slyšíš nářek a děsíš se každého zvuku. Pod nohama ti křupou staré kosti a na stěnách visí těla oběšenců. Každý z nás si představuje záhrobí jinak, ale pokaždé je to stejné. Do duše ti pronikne chlad a ty přemýšlíš, jestli si ještě v našem vesmíru, v naší dimenzi. Svět za oponou je děsivější a šílenější, než ty nejhorší noční můry. O hladu, v zimě, pomalu umíráš, znovu se rodíš. Staneš se nemrtvým, kterého z transu vytrhne pouze dobrá hudba. My, staří démoni, moc dobře víme, že jedinou pravou ozvěnou ze záhrobí je poctivý death metal.

Tentokrát poslouchám nové album "Streams of Rot" od filipínských FORMLESS OEDON. Již od prvních společných okamžiků se jedná o velmi prašivou a morbidní záležitost. Zaujal mě obal, který u mě evokuje svět H.P. Lovercrafta (autorem je Andrei Alemania, který je podepsán i pod velmi syrovým a chladným zvukem). 

Pokud máte rádi kapely jako MORBID ANGEL, PESTILENCE, MASACRE, CIANIDE, DETERIOROT, INCANTATION, SKELETAL REMAINS a další temné maniaky, budou se vám líbit i FORMLESS OEDON. Filipínci exhumovali staré hroby velmi elegantně a zkušeně. Jsem rád v jejich společnosti. Pomalu přidávám hlasitost a najednou jsou v mém pokoji oživlé mrtvoly. Slyším nářek prokletých a užívám si každou skladbu, každý tón. Neznám nic lepšího, než zhasnout všechna světla a sestoupit do nekonečných chodeb podsvětí. Pánové jsou mi velmi dobrými průvodci. Připadám si jako starý archivář, který se vrátil po časové ose zpět do devadesátých let minulého století. Tehdejší dobu jsem zažil v její největší slávě. Patří tam i tihle šílenci. Není to ale jenom dobře zahrané retro se vším, co k tomu patří. Osobně mě přesvědčilo hlavně odhodlání, opravdovost a ryzost. Přirovnal bych to ke staré mokvající ráně, která se zdála být dlouhé roky v pořádku. Při poslechu "Streams of Rot" začne ale znovu pálit, bolet a začne z ní postupně vytékat hnis. Určitě to znáte moc dobře jako já. Skupina vás musí přesvědčit. Sednete si, nejlépe v chladu, klidu a tmě a začnete poslouchat. Pomalu se kýváte do rytmu, vychutnáváte si jednotlivé melodie, abyste nakonec řekli - ano, to je přesně ono, taková muzika koluje i v mých žilách. FORMLESS OEDON na to jdou postaru a dělají to opravdu moc přesvědčivě. Je dobré vědět, že někde je svět ještě v pořádku. Krev není voda, tu jen tak nevyměníte. Troufám si tvrdit, že podobné choroby nakazily i mě. Album nelze jinak, než doporučit všem, kteří žijí v temnotě. Hnisavý, morbidní, starý death metal! Zlo přichází z absolutní tmy!

Asphyx says:

Your eyes had to get used to the darkness first. To absolute darkness. You hear screaming and you're terrified of every sound. Old bones crunching under your feet and the bodies of the hanged hanging on the walls. Each of us imagines the afterlife differently, but it's the same every time. A chill enters your soul and you wonder if you're still in our universe, in our dimension. The world behind the curtain is scarier and crazier than your worst nightmares. In hunger, in winter, you die slowly, you are born again. You become an undead who can only be snapped out of his trance by good music. We old demons know that the only true echo from beyond the grave is honest death metal.

This time I'm listening to the new album "Streams of Rot" by Filipino FORMLESS OEDON. From the very first moments together it is a very dusty and morbid affair. I was intrigued by the cover artwork, which evokes the world of H.P. Lovercraft (the author is Andrei Alemania, who is also responsible for the very raw and cold sound).

If you like bands such as MORBID ANGEL, PESTILENCE, MASACRE, CIANIDE, DETERIOROT, INCANTATION, SKELETAL REMAINS and other dark maniacs, you will also like FORMLESS OEDON. The Filipinos exhumed old graves very elegantly and expertly. I am happy in their company. I slowly turn up the volume and suddenly there are reanimated corpses in my room. I hear the cries of the damned and enjoy every song, every note. I know nothing better than to turn off all the lights and descend into the endless corridors of the underworld. The gentlemen are very good guides. I feel like an old archivist who has gone back in time to the 1990s. I lived through that era in all its glory. That includes these lunatics. But it's not just a well-acted retro with all the trimmings. Personally, it's the dedication, the sincerity and the genuineness that convinced me. I would liken it to an old swelling wound that seemed to be fine for years. But when you listen to "Streams of Rot", it starts to burn again, it hurts and it starts to ooze pus. I'm sure you know it as well as I do. The band must convince you. You sit down, preferably in a cool, quiet, dark place, and you start listening. Slowly swaying to the rhythm, enjoying the individual melodies, and finally you say - yes, that's it, that's the kind of music that runs through my veins. FORMLESS OEDON go about it the old-fashioned way and do it very convincingly indeed. It's good to know that somewhere the world is still okay. Blood isn't water, you can't just change it. I dare say I've been infected with similar diseases. I can't recommend this album to anyone who lives in darkness. Putrid, morbid, old death metal! Evil comes from absolute darkness!

01. Heavenly Abomination 
02. Voidspawn... 
03. ...In The Flesh 
04. Calcine Purification 
05. Consolamentum 
06. Beyond Eclipse Of Time 
07. Streams Of Rot

Rozel Nikko - Vocals, Bass, Guitars
Jayson Gonzales - Rhythm Guitars
Jonathan Miranda - Lead Guitars
Andrei Alemania - Drums