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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#encrypment. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 12. prosince 2022

Recenze/review - ENCRYPMENT - Dödens födsel (2022)

ENCRYPMENT - Dödens födsel
CD 2022, Nuclear Winter Records

for english please scroll down

Až jednou nastane nukleární zima, tak vylezou z děr všichni nemrtví. Budou se toulat ulicemi opuštěných měst a hledat všechny prokleté. Všude bude hrát jen death metal a já budu konečně spokojený. Někdy rád objevuji nové kapely, jen tak, náhodně. Tentokrát musím poděkovat jednomu našemu čtenáři, který mě na tuhle švédskou smečku upozornil. Ano, ENCRYPMENT jsou ze Stockholmu a hrají přesně tím způsobem, který mám tolik rád.

Divoce, neurvale, přesto chladně a temně. V jejich hudbě se mísí vlivy smrtícího kovu, crustu, grindcore a black metalu (podobně jako třeba u STRIGOI, VALLENFYRE). Najednou vstoupil do mého těla nekonečný mráz. Myšlenky měly barvu krve a nevěděl jsem, jestli jsem živý nebo už dávno mrtvý. Poslouchal jsem totiž "Dödens födsel"

Pokaždé, když se setkám s novou kapelou, tak poslouchám velmi pozorně. Věnuji každé desce spoustu času a teprve až pak usednu a sepíšu pár slov. U "Dödens födsel" jsem si začal ihned podupávat nohou a bouchat pěstí do stolu. Novinka má v sobě obrovské množství černé energie, nasbírané snad někde v severských lesích. Když jsem pak vyrazil brzy ráno do práce a ulicemi se toulaly jenom stíny, měl jsem opravdu pocit, že nemrtví povstali. Prašivý zvuk, nepříjemný a jedovatý vokál, ale hlavně spousta nápadů a nálady podobné stavům lidské mysli po apokalypse. Tore Stjerna (Mayhem, Nominon, Desultory, Insision, Repugnant, Paganizer atd.). Obal vytvořil Jesse Peper a tak mám jistotu, že po formální stránce je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Líbí se mi, že nejsou ENCRYPMENT jen dalším, dnes tolik typickým klonem "starého dobrého švédského death metalu", ale přinášejí do tohoto stylu i spoustu svých nápadů. Líbí se mi kombinace stylů, podobné jedovaté koktejly velmi rád ochutnám. Je to vlastně jednoduché. Přistupuji k muzice stejně jako před více než třiceti lety. Buď mě rozseká a baví mě a nebo jdu dál. Tentokrát jsem se zastavil a strávil s nahrávkou spoustu krásných morbidních chvil. Mohu vám ji jenom doporučit. Z podzemí vylezli další z démonů, kteří přesně ví, o čem je opravdová reálná smrt. Říkají si ENCRYPMENT a zabíjejí na potkání. Chladná, temná, ďábelská modlitba za všechny nemrtvé!

Asphyx says:

Once nuclear winter occurs, all the undead will climb out of the holes. They will roam the streets of abandoned cities looking for all the damned. Only death metal will be playing everywhere and I will finally be satisfied. Sometimes I like to discover new bands, just like that, randomly. This time I have to thank one of our readers who alerted me to this Swedish pack. Yes, ENCRYPMENT are from Stockholm and they play exactly the way I like so much.

Wild, unruly, yet cold and dark. Their music mixes the influences of death metal, crust, grindcore and black metal (similar to STRIGOI, VALLENFYRE, for example). Suddenly, an endless cold entered my body. The thoughts were the color of blood and I didn't know if I was alive or long dead. I was listening to "Dödens födsel".

Every time I meet a new band, I listen very carefully. I spend a lot of time on each record and only then do I sit down and write a few words. At "Dödens födsel" I immediately started stamping my foot and banging my fist on the table. The novelty contains a huge amount of black energy, perhaps collected somewhere in the Nordic forests. Then when I went to work early in the morning and only shadows roamed the streets, I really had the feeling that the undead had risen. Dusty sound, unpleasant and poisonous vocals, but mainly a lot of ideas and moods similar to the states of the human mind after the apocalypse. Tore Stjerna (Mayhem, Nominon, Desultory, Insision, Repugnant, Paganizer, etc.). The cover was created by Jesse Peper, so I'm sure everything is in the best shape in terms of form. I like that ENCRYPMENT are not just another clone of "good old Swedish death metal", which is so typical today, but they also bring a lot of their own ideas to this style. I like the combination of styles, I am very happy to taste similar poisonous cocktails. It's actually simple. I approach music the same way I did more than thirty years ago. Either he cuts me and enjoys me or I move on. This time I stopped and spent a lot of beautiful morbid moments with the recording. I can only recommend it to you. Another of the demons came out of the underground, who knows exactly what true real death is about. They call themselves ENCRYPMENT and they kill when they meet. A cold, dark, diabolical prayer for all undead!

01. Dödens Födsel
02. Liens Praktfulla Dans
03. Silver Tongue
04. Central Disharmoni
05. Existens I Ambivalens
06. Plågospiral
07. Poisonous Salvation
08. Withered Hands

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Sweden - ENCRYPMENT.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Sweden - ENCRYPMENT.

Answered Marcus, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Marcus: ENCRYPTMENT was formed in 2015 to play music influenced by both extreme metal and punk. In recent years the sound along with the influences has shifted slightly. We play Death Metal.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The album was recorded in Necromorbus Studio. The studio is actually an old church located in the countryside and that made for a truly great atmosphere while recording. Tore Stjerna produced the album together with us, as well as handled the mixing. Alan Douches of West West Side Music did the mastering.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Initially released in 500 copies on CD and 150 on cassette. The LPs will arrive some time in 2023.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Marcus: The lyrics are written both by me and Christoffer. The foundational themes of the lyrics deal with death, life and spirituality, but they are obviously spiced with a lot of sub-themes such as drugs, madness and decadence… We feel that the lyrics are equally important to the music and therefore spend a lot of time getting them the way we want them.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Marcus: The current logo is made by me and I handle most of the visual side of the band. The cover art of ”Dödens födsel” was painted by Jesse Peper.

I definitely realize the importance of a social media presence these days, but seeing bands revoltingly upload videos of every other rehearsal and other type of similar nonsense is quite absurd, especially in a Death/Black Metal context. We choose to upload relevant things that need to be uploaded for people to keep up and that’s it.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Marcus: Nuclear Winter Records. Anastasis who is the owner of the label definitely has the right intentions and completely understands and respects the essence of Death Metal. This is exactly what we wanted to find in a record label.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Marcus: ”Idolise” is perhaps not the right word here, but some of the bands we are influenced by in different ways would be Funeral Mist, Teitanblood, Kaamos, Morbid Angel, Skitsystem, Autopsy and Vorum.

We get inspiration from all over and any artform, be it paintings, books or music. Also meditation and things related are very good tools for some things to find its way to one’s mind.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Marcus: We were in contact with a few, but decided to work together with Nuclear Winter Records due to NWR being one of the few labels these days that really understand what Death Metal is all about.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Marcus: Not too many as of now, mostly smaller venues which are great in some ways and terrible in other (usually not the best sound etc.). We had a recent show in Trondheim in Norway at a classic punk venue and it was craziness in every way imaginable. Perfect.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Marcus: Start writing for the next record and play more shows. I want to achieve exactly what we have right now - a perfect platform of expression and spiritual exploration of Death and what lies beyond.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Marcus: Instagram, Facebook or Bandcamp.

Thanx for the interview.

Marcus: Thank you.
