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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#dripped. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

čtvrtek 13. února 2025

Recenze/review - DRIPPED - Utopia of Euphoric Envisionment (2025)

DRIPPED - Utopia of Euphoric Envisionment
EP 2025, Ungrateful Dead Promotions

for english please scroll down

Měl to být den jako každý jiný. Těšil jsem se, až přijdu z továrny, sednu si a pustím si nějakou dobrou hudbu. Dám si pár piv a zapomenu na současný divný svět. Jenže se něco změnilo. Lidé se začali navzájem zabíjet a během několika hodin nastala apokalypsa. Jakoby z každého vylezly na povrch ty nejtemnější myšlenky. Vše ovládl chaos a smrt byla na každém rohu. Nezbývalo, než se zase jednou zavřít do podzemí a počkat, až to přejde. Jako soundtrack ke konci Země jsem si narval do hlavy nové EP australských brutalistů DRIPPED.

O téhle smečce jsem již u nás na stránkách psal. Odkazy na recenzi a rozhovor naleznete dole pod dnešním článkem. Letos pánové pokračují ve své krvavé řeznické práci. Nadále rozvíjejí morbidní myšlenky a vybrušují svůj styl k dokonalosti. Novinka hoří opět zevnitř i na povrchu a spálí vás na popel.  

Už jste se někdy přehrabovali v čerstvých, ještě teplých střevech? Měli jste ruce od krve a dívali jste se do očí ještě trošku živého pacienta? Pokud ne, tak nevadí. Ani nemusíte. Podobné pocity zažijete i při poslechu nového EP "Utopia of Euphoric Envisionment". Je to krutá, hnisavá a masivní záležitost. Ocení třeba fanoušci PUTRIDITY, CONDEMNED, DISGORDE a dalších nadšených patologů. Zničující a zároveň velmi dobře čitelný je zvuk (Sasha Borovykh - mixing, mastering). Za povedený považuji i obal, který ve mě evokuje spoustu dystopických myšlenek. Navíc je prostou pravdou, že si v tomto stylu hodně vybírám. Na DRIPPED se mi líbí hlavně způsob, jakým jsou skladby napsány. Mají v sobě drive i sílu, takovou tu pradávnou touhu ničit. A tak se zase jednou spokojeně kývám do rytmu a můj nůž je od krve. Skladby přede mnou mokvají a pálí, jsou návykové a rád se k nim opakovaně vracím. Můj mozek se vaří ve vlastní šťávě a vypadá to, že mi brzy vyskočí z hlavy. Líbí se mi takový ten nakumulovaný vztek, zdravá nenávist, které ze songů odkapávají. Jedná se o opravdu hodně ošklivou, krutou a děsivou záležitost, o masakr, o drtičku kostí, která vás rozemele na prach. Nezbývá mi nic jiného, než doporučit všem, pro které je tento styl srdcovou záležitostí. Měl to být den jako každý jiný. Těšil jsem se, až přijdu z továrny, sednu si a pustím si nějakou dobrou hudbu. Dám si pár piv a zapomenu na současný divný svět. Jenže se něco změnilo. Lidé se začali navzájem zabíjet a během několika hodin nastala apokalypsa. Nezbývalo, než se zase jednou zavřít do podzemí a poslouchat tohle EP stále dokola. Hnilobný, surový, totálně devastující brutální death metal! Budete zničeni krutou a nekompromisní silou!

Asphyx says:

It was supposed to be a day like any other. I was looking forward to coming out of the factory, sitting down and listening to some good music. Have a few beers and forget about the weird world we live in now. But something's changed. People started killing each other and within hours the apocalypse happened. It was like everyone's darkest thoughts came out. Everything was in chaos and death was on every corner. There was nothing to do but go underground once more and wait for it to pass. As a soundtrack to the end of the Earth, I popped the new EP by Australian brutalists DRIPPED into my head.

I've already written about this pack on our website. Links to the review and interview can be found below today's article. This year the gentlemen continue their bloody butchery. They continue to develop morbid ideas and grind their style to perfection. Once again the new release burns inside and out and will burn you to the ground.

Have you ever rummaged through fresh, still warm intestines? Have you had your hands covered in blood and looked into the eyes of a patient who was still a little bit alive? If not, that's okay. You don't have to. You will experience similar feelings when listening to the new EP "Utopia of Euphoric Envisionment". It's a cruel, festering and massive affair. Fans of PUTRIDITY, CONDEMNED, DISGORDE and other enthusiastic pathologists will appreciate it. The sound (Sasha Borovykh - mixing, mastering) is devastating and at the same time very clear. I also consider the cover as hilarious, which evokes a lot of dystopian thoughts in me. Moreover, it is a simple truth that I choose a lot in this style. What I like about DRIPPED is the way the songs are written. They have drive and power, that ancient desire to destroy. And so I'm once again swaying contentedly to the rhythm and my knife is bloodied. The songs before me are wetting and burning, they are addictive and I like to return to them repeatedly. My brain is boiling in its own juices and looks like it's about to pop out of my head. I like the kind of accumulated anger, the healthy hatred that drips from the songs. It's a really really ugly, cruel and horrifying thing, a massacre, a bone crusher that will grind you to dust. I have no choice but to recommend it to anyone who has their heart set on this style. It should have been a day like any other. I was looking forward to coming out of the factory, sitting down and putting on some good music. Have a few beers and forget about the weird world of today. But something changed. People started killing each other and within hours the apocalypse happened. I had no choice but to go underground and listen to this EP over and over again. Rotten, raw, totally devastating brutal death metal! You will be destroyed by a cruel and uncompromising force!


01. Utopia of Euphoric Envisionment 
02. Surreptitious Lucidity 
03. Exodus Indoctrinate 
04. Stagnant Insurrection 
05. Cherophobic Ecstasy 
06. Dystopiate

Ewza Lambert - All instruments, Guitars
Brad Wreford - Guitars
Jared Thornton - Bass

pátek 28. července 2023

A few questions - interview with brutal death metal band from Australia - DRIPPED.

A few questions - interview with brutal death metal band from Australia - DRIPPED.

Answered Ewan (guitar), thank you!

DRIPPED - Rituals of the Red Sun (2023):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

My name is Ewan and Im on Guitar, Brad - Guitar, Will - Vocals, Jared - Bass, Vlad - Session Drums. We are Dripped and we are from Perth, Western Australia. We play Brutal Death Metal. Or Slamming Brutal Death to some.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The new album was recorded not long after the EP had released, I had written most of it already but had to wait sometime before Vlad was able to record drums. I did the Guitars and Bass, and recorded Wills vocals also at my house. I then sent the album to Sam Marwick at Slam Machine Studios for Mixing and Mastering.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Im not sure exactly how many copies were produced, but the album so far is only available on cd, digital downloads and streaming on all platforms. Our label (Ungodly Ruins Productions) is situated in Russia, so times are hard for them right now as far as merch production goes.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Will is responsible for most of the lyrics, I wrote a couple and helped edit the rest. We were mainly focused on the rise and fall of humanity, and the need to worship some form of monolithic totems for no good reason. Very dystopian approach to civilisation and religion and the need to reproduce as a race.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Our friend, Vad, from Ungodly Ruins Productions designed the logo for us. He also takes care of our graphics, while I run our own merch site and socials. Social media has been vital to promoting our music, though it can be overwhelming with many other bands to contend with as far as promotion goes. Im on the fence when it comes to spotify, its very handy for getting our music out there, but I think bands can benefit from Bandcamp more.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Ungodly Ruins Productions (Russia). I have worked with this label for 10 years now so I feel a sense of loyalty to Vad and his label. Ive had previous albums released with Ungodly so it was just right to do so. Its been a great learning curve for both of us I think. Im very satisfied with Vads work, and hopefully the current status in Russia will dissipate sooner than later so we can continue this great partnership.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

So many bands to choose from, Gorgasm, Visceral Bleeding, Spawn of Possession, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy.. Inspirations for Dripped though were Inherit Disease, Putridity, Disgorge, Defeated Sanity, Disentomb, Molested Divinity and Devangelic.. basically any brutal death metal band.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

I didnt really need to. I think I sent 3 songs to Vad at Ungodly and he was immediately interested in releasing the ep. And so far the response to Dripped has been amazing.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

About 15 gigs now we've played. All in Australia so far of course. Clubs or festivals we dont mind either. We just finished up a tour with our friends in Putrescent Seepage from South Australia, we definitely played some of our best shows whilst with them, and probably one of worst haha.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Weve just released an album and completed a tour, so we will pump the brakes a little bit as far as performing goes. But I am well into the next EP for Dripped. So hopefully not too long between releases this time. We would love to travel overseas sometime soon also, maybe we can get in touch with promoters and organise some trips/tours in the future?!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

People can find us on instagram or facebook if they need to contact us. Or at

Thanx for the interview.

Thank you!! \m/ - Ewan

středa 26. července 2023

Recenze/review - DRIPPED - Rituals of the Red Sun (2023)

DRIPPED - Rituals of the Red Sun
CD 2023, Ungodly Ruins Productions

for english please scroll down

Díval se do jejích očí a fascinoval ho její pohled. Právě jí prořízl hrdlo. Krev pomalu stékala po cukajícím těle. Dělal na jatkách celý život, ale pokaždé se v podobných chvílích zasnil. Jaké to asi je, pomalu umírat? Bolí to? Existuje život po životě nebo jsme jen kusy masa, které skončí rozložené v zemi? Fascinovala jej bolest a utrpení. Měl doma sbírku hnusných filmů a také neodbytný pocit v hlavě. Slyšel hlasy, zlé a děsivé hlasy. Nejhorší je, že se nikdy z téhle noční můry neprobudil.

Stejně jako mnou popisovaný kus šíleného hororu, je i brutální death metal určený převážně jenom pro fanoušky stylu. Ostatním přijde příliš rychlý, nekompromisní. Na australské DRIPPED jsem narazil vlastně náhodou. Jako první mě zaujal obal (Inhumar Flesh Media), který je opravdu nádherně morbidní. Desku jsem si pustil a ztratil se ve špinavé stoce plné mrtvých těl a zkažené krve.

Australané vás vyvrhnou zaživa. Vytáhnou vám střeva z břicha a vystřelí mozek z hlavy. Nová deska je šílenou jízdou přímo do pekla, rovnou na patologii. Pokud máte rádi smečky jako PUTRIDITY, CONDEMNED, DISGORDE a podobné kapely, které kombinují chlad, temnotu a zběsilý smrtící kov, bude se vám líbit i to, co hrají DRIPPED. Pánové vám vypálí cejch s logem kapely rovnou na kůži. Skladby jsou napsány s jediným účelem. Totálně vás zničit! Popraskají vám všechny kosti v těle. Pro poslech doporučuji obléknout zástěru, kterou nosí zkušení řezníci. Jinak budete špinaví od zkažené krve a kusů shnilého masa. Pánové pitvají s elegancí starých patologů. Deska není určena pro slabé povahy, v určitých momentech je i trošku monotónní, ale to je možná způsobeno tím, že poslouchám velké množství hudby. Jinak je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Líbí se mi masivní, krutý a dynamický zvuk, který si zachovává čitelnost a syrovost (Sam Marwick, Slam Machine Studio). Tihle šílenci ale nejsou další stejně hrající skupinou v řadě. Naopak, zaujali mě svým přístupem. Je slyšet, že pevně věří své kruté práci. Po řemeslné stránce je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Navíc mám velkou chuť na syrové maso, na další pitvu, na hnusný hororový film. Díval se do jejích očí a fascinoval ho její pohled. Právě jí prořízl hrdlo. Krev pomalu stékala po jejím těle. Dělal na jatkách celý život, ale pokaždé se v podobných chvílích zasnil. Jaké to asi je, pomalu umírat? Teď už to vím, je to hodně podobné, jako poslouchat "Rituals of the Red Sun"Brutální, hladová death metalová bestie, která vás roztrhá na kusy! Zkažené maso, hozeného přímo do ksichtu!

Asphyx says:

He looked into her eyes and was fascinated by her gaze. He had just cut her throat. The blood slowly trickled down her twitching body. He'd worked in slaughterhouses all his life, but he'd always fallen asleep at times like this. What must it be like to die slowly? Does it hurt? Is there life after life or are we just pieces of meat that end up decomposing in the ground? He was fascinated by pain and suffering. He had a collection of crappy movies at home, and also an insistent feeling in his head. He heard voices, evil and terrifying voices. Worst of all, he never woke up from this nightmare.

Like the piece of insane horror I described, brutal death metal is mostly for fans of the style only. Others find it too fast, too uncompromising. I came across Australian DRIPPED by accident. The first thing that caught my attention was the cover art (Inhumar Flesh Media), which is really beautifully morbid. I put the record on and got lost in a filthy sewer full of dead bodies and rotten blood.

The Australians will eviscerate you alive. They'll pull your guts out of your stomach and blow your brains out of your head. The new record is a mad ride straight to hell, straight to pathology. If you like bands like PUTRIDITY, CONDEMNED, DISGORDE and similar bands that combine coldness, darkness and furious death metal, you will also like what DRIPPED play. The gentlemen will burn a brand with the band's logo right on your skin. The songs are written with one purpose. To totally destroy you! They'll crack every bone in your body. To listen, I recommend wearing an apron worn by experienced butchers. Otherwise you'll be filthy with rotten blood and pieces of rotten meat. The gentlemen dissect with the elegance of old pathologists. The record is not for the faint hearted, it is even a bit monotonous at certain points, but that may be due to the fact that I listen to a lot of music. Otherwise everything is in the best order. I like the massive, harsh and dynamic sound that retains clarity and rawness (Sam Marwick, Slam Machine Studio). But these madmen aren't the next band in line playing the same way. On the contrary, they have impressed me with their approach. You can hear that they firmly believe in their harsh work. Craft-wise, everything is in the best order. Plus, I'm in a big mood for raw meat, for another autopsy, for a nasty horror movie. He looked into her eyes and was fascinated by the look in her eyes. He'd just slit her throat. Blood was slowly trickling down her body. He'd worked in slaughterhouses all his life, but he'd always fallen asleep at times like this. What must it be like to die slowly? Now I know, it's a lot like listening to "Rituals of the Red Sun". A brutal, hungry death metal beast that will tear you apart! Rotten meat thrown right in your face!

01. Rituals Of The Red Sun 
02. Ominous Aura 
03. Endogenous Decline 
04. Relics 
05. Somnambulant Divinity 
06. Infinita Oblivium 
07. Celestial Exile 
08. Labyrinthine Tomb 
09. Rebirth Algorithm

Ewan - Guitar
Will - Vox
Brad - Guitar
Jared - Bass
Vlad - Drums