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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#deathpath. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

čtvrtek 22. prosince 2022

Recenze/review - DEATHPATH - Hate within (2022)

DEATHPATH - Hate within
CD 2022, Kvlt und Kaos Productions

for english please scroll down

Plesnivé kosti se postupně rozpadají v prach. Lebky se smějí do ticha. Jsem na další návštěvě ve starých katakombách. Hledám nové kapely, které umí vyjádřit hudbou zdejší atmosféru. Hnis stéká po zdech a nemrtví se smějí do ticha. Musím až do těch nejtemnějších kobek, abych potkal démony. Tentokrát si říkají DEATHPATH a hrají starý, prašivý smrtící kov.

Španělé zaujmou ihned morbidním zvukem. Řeže a pálí, žhne a mrzne. Přesně takhle to mám asi nejraději. Mrtvolné nálady se vznášejí kolem a hroby se otvírají. Zombie lezou z děr a touží po čerstvé krvi. Jsem jednou z obětí. Usmívám se, když přecházím na druhou stranu, na onen svět. Poslouchám totiž novou nahrávku "Hate within".


Pokud máte rádi smečky jako MASSACRE, OBITUARY, MORBID ANGEL, MORGOTH, BOLT THROWER a další legendy žánru, budou se vám líbit i DEATHPATH. Kapela se toho rozhodně nebojí, útočí napřímo, postaru, s pověstnou jiskrou v oku. Zabíjet se dá různými způsoby a tenhle patří k těm nejkrutějším. Líbí se mi, že je album uvěřitelné, syrové. Mám opravdu pocit, že jsem na návštěvě starého hřbitova. Píší se devadesátá léta minulého století a krev v žilách je zkažená. Pánové dokázali nahrát desku, kterou musí ocenit každý, kdo čerpal inspiraci v márnicích, na patologii nebo v dávno opuštěných katakombách. Čeká nás další hrob, další rakev. Exhumace může začít. Stačí přidat hlasitost. Vypadá to a potvrzuji, že vše je v nejlepším pořádku. Zvuk, obal, nápady, vše sedí na svých místech. Songy smrdí starobou a zkaženým masem. "Hate within" bych doporučoval poslouchat za tmy, až vyjdou do ulic černé stíny. Zhasněte všechna světla, zapalte svíce a přivítejte zlé démony. DEATHPATH jsem dosud neznal a jsou pro mě velkým překvapením. Ve Španělsku se probudila další bestie. Je děsivá, morbidní a nezná slitování. Poslouchejte pozorně! Svět je zase jednou hodně temný. Plesnivá, hnisavá exhumace starého death metalu! 

Asphyx says:

The mouldy bones gradually crumble into dust. The skulls laugh into silence. I'm on another visit to the old catacombs. I'm looking for new bands that can express the atmosphere through music. Pus drips down the walls and the undead laugh into the silence. I must go to the darkest dungeons to meet the demons. This time they call themselves DEATHPATH and play old, mangy death metal.

The Spaniards are immediately captivating with their morbid sound. It cuts and burns, it glows and freezes. That's probably my favourite way to play. Dead moods float around and graves open. Zombies crawl out of holes and crave fresh blood. I'm one of the victims. I smile as I cross over to the other side, to the other world. I'm listening to a new record called "Hate Within".

If you like bands like MASSACRE, OBITUARY, MORBID ANGEL, MORGOTH, BOLT THROWER and other legends of the genre, you will also like DEATHPATH. The band is definitely not afraid of it, they attack straight, old-fashioned, with the proverbial sparkle in their eye. There are many ways to kill, and this is one of the cruelest. I like that the album is believable, raw. I really feel like I'm visiting an old cemetery. It's the 1990s and the blood in my veins is tainted. The gentlemen have managed to record a record that must be appreciated by anyone who has drawn inspiration from morgues, pathology or long-abandoned catacombs. Another grave, another coffin awaits us. The exhumation can begin. Just turn up the volume. Looks and confirms that everything is in perfect order. The sound, the cover, the ideas, everything fits into place. The songs reek of old age and rotten meat. I'd recommend listening to "Hate Within" in the dark when the black shadows come out. Turn off all the lights, light the candles and welcome the evil demons. I wasn't familiar with DEATHPATH before and they are a big surprise to me. Another beast has awakened in Spain. It's terrifying, morbid and has no mercy. Listen carefully! The world is once again very dark. A moldy, festering exhumation of old death metal!

Morbid Masquerade
Butcher - fresh Meat
Hate within
No Death no Glory
Heritage of Fear
War on holy Ground
Coward left to die

Mario Christiansen - Vocals
Jordi Catany - Drums
Floren Betti - Bass
Biel Marin - Guitar
Frank Pietsch - Guitar


A few questions - interview with death metal from Spain - DEATHPATH.

A few questions - interview with death metal from Spain - DEATHPATH.

Answered Frank Pietsch (Guitars), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Mario Christiansen - Vocals
Jordi Catany - Drums
Floren Betti - Bass
Biel Marin - Guitar
Frank Pietsch - Guitar

DEATHPATH was founded in the summer of 2016 on Mallorca, Spain, and four of the original band members are still in the band. The idea was and is to play traditional Death Metal as it is, but without any borders.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Because of Corona, we had a lot of time to work on the new album. Two years after our first album "Summoning the Beast", which was released in 2019, we went to the DST-Studio here in Mallorca in December 2021 to record the album "Hate Within". The recordings dragged on until March 2022, after all we all still have a regular job to do. The album was mixed and mastered in April and May by Michael Hahn at Rosenquarz Studios in Lübeck, Germany. Michael distinguished himself by his professional way of working, he always brought new suggestions and also numerous constructive proposals to the production. We are very satisfied with the result.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

I can't say how many CDs were produced in advance by our label Kvlt & Kaos Productions. I'm sure our label boss Christoph will be able to cover any demand. For direct distribution by the band on site, at concerts or via Bandcamp, the band has initially requested 300 copies. We will see if this is enough after the great response after the release. In addition, the album is of course also available digitally and also as a cassette via our label.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Our singer Mario writes all the lyrics. They often deal with typical Death Metal topics, such as war, religion, and also moral values, which are processed in the lyrics. Mario always has a very good hand for that.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Our logo has evolved over several years. In the end, an Asian artist made the final logo for us. We are extremely satisfied with the final result.

The cover artwork for the album was designed for us by a local artist Jorge Yiyi Garcia. For all other layout we now have a permanent layout artist Joan from Voidgazer.

In today's world, the social network is taking on an increasingly important role. Physical sales are declining more and more. So it goes without saying that you can get DEATHPATH through all the usual channels (Spotify, Youtube, Bandcamp, etc.). Furthermore, we try to keep our fans up to date via the usual channels like Facebook or Instagram.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

After receiving several offers from a few labels in spring 2022, we decided to go with Kvlt and Kaos Productions. The offer was very fair. The label is still relatively young but growing fast. The communication with Christoph, the label boss, was very open and honest from the beginning. Christoph is highly committed, has a broad community and supports his bands wherever and however he can. Especially for the release of the album, the cooperation was excellent, especially in the social network.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Ich denke, man könnte sagen, dass DEATHPATH hauptsächlich von den klassischen Death Metal Bands inspiriert ist. Das geht über die skandinavischen bis hin zu den US-amerikanischen Bands. Natürlich haben die einzelnen Bandmitglieder selbst auch ihre speziellen Vorlieben, die man vielleicht hier und da heraushören kann, aber im Endeffekt bleibt es DEATHPATH.

I also think it's important to mention that our songs ultimately still get their final polish in the rehearsal room itself, classically like in the old days. Not the way many bands do it today, designing complete songs and albums on the computer, and that's how the songs sound and feel.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Of course we haven't sent out the album "Hate Within" now. We are in good hands with our label now.

During the search in spring, a few labels contacted us, be it here in Spain, Germany or elsewhere. I don't want to mention names here.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Gigs is a good keyword, after our first album "Summoning the Beast" Corona took all the wind out of our sails, we had to cancel some gigs. Of course, we are mainly on the road in our home region, Mallorca and Spain, but it is very difficult to get gigs regularly, because the scene and the people in charge here are already very fixated on the established bands and local labels. In the summer, however, we were able to play two really great gigs in Hamburg and at a festival in Berlin. So, if anyone reads this, DEATHPATH is always ready to play live, whether in front of 500 or 50 people.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We're already writing new songs again. But of course we want to present the album live as often as possible in 2023 in order to further establish ourselves in the scene and make a name for ourselves.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Thanx for the interview.