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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#dammnatorum. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 26. června 2023

Recenze/review - DAMMNATORUM - In Umbra Mortis (2023)

DAMMNATORUM - In Umbra Mortis
CD 2023, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

Vznáším se na hladině a už dávno mi není zima. Moje tělo necítí bolest, jenom duše, ta hoří jasným plamenem. Už dávno totiž vím, že podobnou hudbu budu poslouchat i po své smrti. Až mě oběsí, až se utopím, až spadnu navěky do hlubiny. Zatím jsem jen tichým stínem, který žije ve tmě. Rád a s chutí nasávám atmosféru starých hřbitovů, mám rád, když se mi muzika dostane i do morku kostí. A je mi vcelku jedno, jestli se jedná o slavnou kapelu a nebo začínající smečku jako jsou polští DAMMNATORUM.

Na jejich debutové album jsem narazil vlastně náhodou. Jen tak jsem se procházel záhrobím a najednou jsem uslyšel z jedné staré kobky mrazivý black death metal. Kapela pochází z Polska a již během prvních poslechů jsem si podupával do rytmu a kýval se jako starý hrobník. Smrt byla zase jednou hodně blízko!

Na "In Umbra Mortis" naleznete velmi chutně namíchaný koktejl ze tmy, špíny, hnisu a melodií, které vám způsobí zástavu srdce. Hodně k tomu přispívá čitelný a masivní zvuk (Szymon Grodzki). Pokud jste, stejně jako já, fanoušci dlouhých stínů a a ráno uléháte do svých rakví, neváhejte ani chvilku. Dostanete album, které má v sobě velkou porci zajímavých motivů, pochmurné atmsoféry. Rozdrtí vás na prach! Přiznám se bez mučení, myslel jsem si, že bude jednat o další "první album kapely", které mě nebude bavit, ale opak je pravdou. Novinka řeže tou správnou stranou nože. Je po okraj narvaná tlakem, takovou tou špinavou energií, která vás zcela pohltí. Budete se, stejně jako já, topit v ledové vodě, rozpadat se na malé kousky. Desku ale budete poslouchat i na druhé straně, na onom světě. Tohle je hudba pro všechny pro prokleté, pro démony, kteří rádi a s chutí ocení dobrou hudbu. DAMMNATORUM jsou řádnými členy polského podsvětí (BEHEMOTH, HATE, AZARATH), zazní ale i vlivy třeba takových BELPHEGOR nebo odkazy na klasickou americkou školu. To ale není tak důležíté, hlavní je, že vám bude rozdrásán obličej do krve. Poklekněte ve starém sklepení, sepněte ruce a pokorně čekejte, až se objeví Satan! Vznáším se na hladině a už dávno mi není zima. Moje tělo necítí bolest, jenom duše, ta hoří jasným plamenem. Stejně jako tohle album! Temné, mrazivé black death metalové inferno z hlubokého podsvětí! Démonická záležitost!

Asphyx says:

I'm floating on the surface and I'm not cold anymore. My body feels no pain, only my soul, which burns with a bright flame. For I've known for a long time that I'll be listening to music like this after I'm dead. When I'm hanged, when I drown, when I fall into the deep forever. For now, I am but a silent shadow that lives in the darkness. I like to soak up the atmosphere of old cemeteries, I like it when music gets to my bones. And I don't care if it's a famous band or an up-and-coming pack like Polish DAMMNATORUM.

I came across their debut album actually by accident. I was just walking through the beyond and suddenly I heard chilling black death metal from an old dungeon. The band comes from Poland and during the first few listens I was already stomping to the rhythm and swaying like an old undertaker. Death was once again very close!

On "In Umbra Mortis" you will find a very tasty cocktail of darkness, dirt, pus and melodies that will make your heart stop. The clear and massive sound (Szymon Grodzki) contributes a lot to this. If, like me, you are a fan of long shadows and and you lie down in your coffins in the morning, don't hesitate a moment. You'll get an album that has a large portion of interesting motifs, gloomy atmospheres. It will crush you to dust! I'll admit without torture, I thought this was going to be another "band's first album" that I wouldn't enjoy, but the opposite is true. The new one cuts with the right side of the knife. It's packed to the brim with pressure, the kind of dirty energy that completely consumes you. You'll be drowning in ice water, like me, falling to pieces. But you'll also listen to the record on the other side, in the other world. This is music for the damned, for demons who like and appreciate good music with gusto. DAMMNATORUM are proper members of the Polish underground (BEHEMOTH, HATE, AZARATH), but you can also hear influences of such as BELPHEGOR or references to the classic American school. But that's not so important, the main thing is that your face will be torn to blood. Kneel down in the old dungeon, clasp your hands and wait humbly for Satan to appear! I'm floating on the surface and I'm not cold anymore. My body feels no pain, only my soul, which burns with a bright flame. Just like this album! A dark, frosty black death metal inferno from the deep underworld! A demonic affair!

01. Te Coram Sto 
02. Per Mortem Vado 
03. Exitium 
04. Furor Priscus 
05. Necrophagus 
06. Aokigahara 
07. Animarum Pernicies 
08. Tenebrae 
09. Diluculum Rubrum 
10. Vobis Mors

Interview - DAMMNATORUM - interview with death metal band from Poland.

Interview - DAMMNATORUM - interview with death metal band from Poland.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Ave, greetings to our metal brethren! We formed the band in November 2018. The current lineup consists of Mateusz "VESPER LOCUST" Wilczewski on lead vocals, Piotr "DZIABI" Nadoski on guitars, Robert "MAX" Wiśniewski on bass guitar and backing vocals, and Dariusz "MEF" Karwecki on drums.

We describe our style as death/black metal. It's just how we feel our music. We combine heavy death metal riffs with gloomy one-string black metal melodies. However, everyone perceives our music in their own unique way and has the right to define it as they wish.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The drum recordings, mixing, and mastering were done by Szymon Grodzki of INVENT SOUND STUDIO, who is also a guitarist for Polish bands SAMMATH NAUR and GNIDA. Karol Korniluk, the guitarist of OVER THE UNDER, handled the guitar and vocal recordings at his own recording studio under the same name.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Currently, we have a release of 500 compact discs. I must emphasize that this number significantly decreases with each passing day :D. Nowadays, purchasing a physical album supports the band and allows for a tangible experience. It's also cool to have the band members' autographs (upon request). Our recordings are available on 26 streaming platforms. It's a convenient way to listen to your favorite music.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

The authors of the lyrics are Robert "MAX" Wiśniewski, Dariusz "MEF" Karwecki, and former vocalist Krzysztof "FIODOR" Ledworowski. lyrics tell the story of the dark side of life. Before writing the lyrics, we choose a topic and discuss it. We had a problem with uploading our video for the song "AOKIGAHARA" on YouTube. It's a forest in Japan where bodies of suicide victims are found near tourist trails. It doesn't look good when someone sings about it... The lyrics of "NECROPHAGUS" are also a true story. It serves as a warning and presents the story of a serial child killer named Tsutomu Miyazaki.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The band's logo was created by Dariusz "MEF" Karwecki, who handles streaming media, stage costumes, and overall band image. We operate together on Facebook. We consider social media to be very important—it's an effective way to spread our creativity

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We recorded the entire material with our own financial resources. We wanted to save time and ensure good quality. At the beginning of our activity, it's difficult to find a record label that would invest in a metal band. Now, having a single and an album under our belt, we are willing to collaborate with the right company.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

That would be a question for our leader Robert "MAX" Wiśniewski, who created 90% of the material XD. Seriously, you might like a band or a riff, but if you idolize them, you lose the opportunity to create something fresh and surprising. It's very difficult because, as the classic saying goes, everything has already been created.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

The album was released recently. Yes, we will consider where to send our albums.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We still play too few concerts, but maybe that will change after the album release. Every performance is important to us, each one is a new experience. The best concert is the one where you have a great time with the audience and there are no technical issues :D.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

When it comes to goals, we simply want to keep playing. We enjoy the atmosphere of concerts, having a beer, and talking to people.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

The easiest way is to contact us

Other platforms:

Thank you, see you at the concerts!

Thank you for the interview.
