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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#breedingchaos. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 21. října 2024

Recenze/review - BREEDING CHAOS - Distant Planets (2024)

BREEDING CHAOS - Distant Planets
CD 2024, Great Dane Records

for english please scroll down

Poslední dobou se mi zdají sny o létání. Vznáším se nad naší zničenou zemí a je mi tak nějak divně. Mrtvé oceány, lesy bez stromů, celé mi to připomíná staré sci-fi knihy, které se staly krutou skutečností. Možná ještě existuje naděje. Adrien Bousson totiž namaloval francouzské melodické death metalové kapele BREEDING CHAOS obal, na kterém je snad vstup do jiné, lepší dimenze? Nebo ne? Netuším.

S čím jsem si ale absolutně jistý je, že se mi novinka a zároveň první dlouhohrající album "Distant Planets" líbí. Je po okraj narvané zajímavými motivy. Melodie jsou surové a chladné zároveň. Kapela se zbytečně nepodbízí, když je to potřeba, tak pořádně zatlačí na pilu. Dokáže ale i zjemnit a hrát si s náladami jako šelma se svojí kořistí. Když mě přistálo originální CD v mé poštovní schránce, byl jsem zvědavý. Těšil jsem se a tak trošku se bál zároveň. Mé obavy ale byly rozptýleny hned prvním poslechem. Z reproduktorů se na mě vyvalil melodický death metal, který rozhodně stojí za pozornost. 

Líbí se mi, že si kapela dala záležet na dobrém, masivním a chladném zvuku (Didier Bautzmann - recording, mestering, mixing). O obalu jsem již hovořil, ale víte co mě zaujalo asi nejvíce? Způsob jakým jsou skladby napsány. Novinka je velmi pestrou směsí. Pořád se něco děje, nenudil jsem se ani chvilku. Byl jsem samozřejmě, stejně jako pokaždé, když se mi dostane do rukou nějaká nová kapela, trošku skeptický, protože znáte to, dnes vítězí kvantita nad kvalitou, ale zde jsem spíše nadšený. Kývám se do rytmu, podupávám si nohou, představuji si, jak stojím na koncertě v první řadě. Objevuji spolu s kapelou nové, vzdálené planety, bojuji s vetřelci, nasávám vesmírný prach. Znovu se ptám, odkud pochází temnota a odpovědí jsou mi chladné a ostré melodie. BREEDING CHAOS na to jdou poctivě, nebál bych se napsat postaru. Vyhnuli se současným plastovým a nudným produkcím. Navíc mají rozhodně co říct. A potom ještě jedna drobnost. Mě baví novou desku poslouchat a rád se k ní vracím. A to přesto, že tenhle styl nebývá zase tolik častým hostem v mém přehrávači. Tady ale vše hoří jasným plamenem. Spousta dobrých nápadů se zde potkává se zvláštní podmanivou atmosférou. A tak se vznáším nad naší zničenou zemí a je mi tak nějak divně. Mrtvé oceány, lesy bez stromů, celé mi to připomíná staré sci-fi knihy, které se staly krutou skutečností. Možná ještě existuje naděje. Nebo ne? Odpověď musíme hledat v našem vlastním svědomí. Francouzi mi byli velmi dobrými průvodci při mém letu do neznáma. Rozhodně vám je mohu doporučit. Temný a chladný, mocný a syrový melodický death metal! Na konci vesmíru je absolutní tma! 

Asphyx says:

I've been having dreams about flying lately. I'm floating over our ruined country and I feel kind of weird. Dead oceans, treeless forests, it all reminds me of old science fiction books that have become a harsh reality. Maybe there's still hope. Because Adrien Bousson has painted a cover for the French melodic death metal band BREEDING CHAOS, which perhaps shows an entrance to another, better dimension? Or is it? I have no idea.

But what I am absolutely sure of is that I like the new and first full-length album "Distant Planets". It is packed to the brim with interesting themes. The melodies are raw and cool at the same time. The band doesn't undercut itself unnecessarily, when it needs to, it pushes hard. But it also manages to soften and play with moods like a beast with its prey. When the original CD landed in my mailbox, I was curious. I was excited and a little scared at the same time. But my fears were allayed on the first listen. Melodic death metal rolled out of the speakers and was definitely worth my attention.

I like the fact that the band made sure to have a good, massive and cool sound (Didier Bautzmann - recording, mestering, mixing). I already talked about the cover art, but you know what impressed me the most? The way the songs are written. The new album is a very varied mix. There is always something going on, I wasn't bored for a moment. Of course, like every time I get my hands on a new band, I was a bit skeptical, because you know, nowadays quantity wins over quality, but here I'm rather excited. I'm swaying to the beat, tapping my foot, imagining myself standing in the front row at a concert. Discovering new, distant planets with the band, fighting aliens, sucking in space dust. I ask again where the darkness comes from and the answer is cold and sharp melodies. BREEDING CHAOS go at it honestly, I wouldn't be afraid to write it the old fashioned way. They have avoided the current plastic and boring productions. Plus, they definitely have something to say. And then one more little thing. I enjoy listening to the new album and I like coming back to it. And that's despite the fact that this style is not a frequent guest in my player. But here everything is burning brightly. A lot of good ideas meet here with a strange captivating atmosphere. And so I'm floating above our ruined country and I feel kind of weird. Dead oceans, treeless forests, it all reminds me of old science fiction books that have become a harsh reality. Maybe there's still hope. Or is there? The answer must be found in our own conscience. The French were very good guides on my flight into the unknown. I can certainly recommend them to you. Dark and cold, powerful and raw melodic death metal! There is absolute darkness at the end of the universe!

1- Distant planets
2- Magnetic interactions
3- Among the gods
4- Accretion rate
5- Pillars of creation
6- Gamma afterglow
7- Birth of the abyss
8- Abysmal sorrow
9- Stone cross
10- Bitter closure

Line up:

A few questions - interview with melodic death metal band from France - BREEDING CHAOS.

A few questions - interview with melodic death metal band from France - BREEDING CHAOS.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Ave ! We are Breeding Chaos, a band founded in late 2019 by Bruno and I, here in Marseille, in the south of France. We happen to be long time friends and already played in a band together about 25 years back !

We play death metal, mainly influenced by the old school scene (USA, UK, SWE) from the early '90s, with a touch of tech/prog here and there.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We rented a large rehearsal room in Marseille, and recorded the whole album in a short week. We called on Didier, a friend of ours for the recording, mixing and mastering, same as we did for our first release, the 2023 EP "Diffraction Matters". We are very glad of his work and the overall quality of the sound on this new release.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Only 500 copies of this album are available, only on digipack format. Of course, it is also available on any streaming platform, and you can also buy a digital copy on our Bandcamp. So far, we haven't thought of using vinyl or cassette medium, but why not, maybe for future releases, if the audience is intereted !

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Bruno, who is our singer, is the main songwriter, but I also wrote a few songs. We deal with a number of topics : Greek Cosmogony, religion, the decay of mankind, but we have several songs talking about astrophysics, describing some fascinating phenomenons in the observable universe. We also have a song inspired by a poem by T.S.Eliot called "the Hollowmen".

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

I made the logo, with hints from Bruno ; we wanted a kind of logo who spoke by itself, readable and with a design identifiable with the death metal style. The cover artwork for Distant Planets was made by Adrien Bousson, who is a professional graphic artist who worked for numerous bands such as Khonsu, And Oceans, the Algorythm, Obsidious...

Bruno runs the Bandcamp website and Youtube profile, and both of us deal with the social networks (Facebook, Instagram mainly). These are necessary media nowadays, to hope and reach out to the whole metal community worldwide.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you?

We managed to have a deal with Great Dane Records, which is doing an awesome job on promoting our album. Also, the quality of the digipack is great!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration from?

We are all fond of death metal, but really like other metal sub-genres such as black metal, thrash, or prog. Each of us has a particular journey as a music-lover and musician, and I believe that's what enriches and diversifies our composing.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Bruno sent our EP to 3 or 4 labels, but luckily Raphael from Great Dane Records listened to it, he was immediately convinced and offered us to release our first album.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Throughout the past year, we played a dozen of gigs so far, mainly in the south of France, but we are eager to hit the road and explore a much wider area, from small venues to the wildest festivals !

Bruno pretty much handles all of the booking, which is a hard task. Many of the concert halls are uneasy to get to, and some of them didn't survive the Covid time.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We are already working on new material for the next album, but we most likely will test the new songs on stage before getting to record them.

Also, we have an unreleased song wich will appear on a compilation in a couple of months, so stay tuned !

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Of course, we are always happy to exchange with our listeners, by instagram or facebook, or, we will be happy to share with you about music and anything you want. See you soon !

Thanx for the interview.
