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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#bonesnap. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 27. listopadu 2023

Recenze/review - BONESNAP - Inhale the Void (2023)

BONESNAP - Inhale the Void
EP 2023, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

Otevřel jsem staré rezavé dveře a sestoupil dolů. Sklepení, ve kterém byl vchod do podzemí. Nevím, jak to máte nastavené vy, ale já poslední roky moc nemusím světlo. Poslouchám metal možná až příliš dlouho a po těch více než třiceti letech si hodně vybírám, co si pořídím do své sbírky. Musím z hudby cítit sílu a energii. Nadšení a musejí mi praskat kosti. Polské black deathaře BONESNAP jsem objevil víceméně náhodou. Všude kolem mě byla tma a v jedné kobce se ještě svítilo. Hořel tam oheň a hrála se muzika, které mě ihned přikovala na zeď. Někdy se toulám jenom tak, bez cíle. A objevím kapelu, která mě opravdu baví.

Je to nahrubo nasekaná tma. S chladným a drtivým zvukem (Mastered by Paweł 'Janos' Grabowski at JNS Studio, Mixed by Julian Konowalski), s obalem (Cover artwork and layout design by Maciej Kamuda), který mi připomíná staré vyschlé mumie, opředené pavučinami. Po formální stránce je vše v absolutním pořádku. To by ale bylo v dnešní podivné době málo. Poláci přidávají něco navíc. Kus shnilého masa, které vám hodí přímo do obličeje.

Je to masakr, ale inteligentně a chytře složený. Skladby v sobě mají drive a sílu, takovou tu patinu, která lze velmi těžko popsat. Zkrátka a jednoduše, když jsem před lety zakládal tyhle stránky o undergroundové muzice, měl jsem na mysli právě smečky jako BONESNAP, které budu podporovat. Šest propracovaných songů, které zní jako hřeby do rakve, které vám jednou zatlučou, abyste nemohli utéct z hrobu. Během celého EP se vine jako jedovatý had takový zvláštní neklid, chvění, chcete-li. Silné melodie jsou kombinovány se zničujícími pasážemi. A tohle všechno je zabaleno do krvavé mlhy. Zhasněte všechna světla a přivítejte ve svém přehrávači přízraky ze starých plesnivých hrobů. Záměrně nebudu tvorbu kapely k nikomu přirovnávat, udělejte si názor sami podle přiložených ukázek. Já mohu jenom potvrdit, že návštěva katakomb ve společnosti těchto tmářů byla pro mě vždy velmi příjemná. Prosévali jsme mezi prsty prach, drtili staré kosti a exhumovali jenom ty nejkrásnější mrtvoly. Jasně, pánové a dáma neobjevují nic nového, ale rozhodně se nespokojili jen s dobrým řemeslem. Naopak, cítím a slyším, že dali do hudby kus sebe samého, obrovskou porci nadšení pro temnotu. Všude kolem mě byla tma a v jedné kobce se ještě svítilo. Hořel tam oheň a hrála se muzika, které mě ihned přikovala na zeď. Někdy se toulám jenom tak, bez cíle. A já zase jednou vím, že jsem zde správně. Protože "Inhale the Void" hoří jasným černým plamenem. Uvrhne vás do absolutní temnoty. Smrt je zase jednou velmi blízko. Black death metalové inferno s příchutí chladu, bolesti a šílenství! 

Asphyx says:

I opened the old rusty door and went downstairs. The basement, which was the entrance to the underground. I don't know what your setup is, but I haven't been too fond of light lately. I've been listening to metal for maybe too long, and after more than thirty years I'm very selective about what I get for my collection. I need to feel the power and energy from the music. The enthusiasm and my bones must be cracking. I discovered Polish black deathtars BONESNAP more or less by accident. It was dark all around me and there were still lights on in one dungeon. There was a fire burning and music playing, which immediately pinned me to the wall. Sometimes I just wander around, aimlessly. And I find a band that I really enjoy.

It's rough-hewn darkness. With a cold and crushing sound (Mastered by Paweł 'Janos' Grabowski at JNS Studio, Mixed by Julian Konowalski), with a cover (Cover artwork and layout design by Maciej Kamuda) that reminds me of old dried up mummies, covered in cobwebs. Formally, everything is absolutely fine. But that wouldn't be enough in these strange times. The Poles add something extra. A piece of rotten meat thrown in your face.

It's a massacre, but intelligently and cleverly composed. The songs have drive and power, a patina that is very hard to describe. Quite simply, when I started this site about underground music years ago, it was packs like BONESNAP that I had in mind and that I would support. Six sophisticated songs that sound like nails in a coffin that will one day hammer you so you can't escape the grave. Throughout the EP, a strange kind of restlessness winds like a poisonous snake, a trembling if you will. Strong melodies are combined with devastating passages. And all this is wrapped in a bloody fog. Turn off all the lights and welcome the ghosts from the old moldy graves in your player. I'm deliberately not going to compare the band's work to anyone, make up your own mind by looking at the attached samples. I can only confirm that visiting the catacombs in the company of these obscurantists has always been very pleasant for me. We sifted the dust between our fingers, crushed old bones and exhumed only the most beautiful corpses. Sure, the gentlemen and lady weren't discovering anything new, but they certainly weren't content with just good craftsmanship. On the contrary, I can feel and hear that they put a piece of themselves into the music, a huge portion of passion for the darkness. It was dark all around me, and in one dungeon there were still lights on. There was a fire burning and music playing that immediately pinned me to the wall. Sometimes I just wander, aimlessly. And once again, I know I'm right here. Because "Inhale the Void" burns with a bright black flame. It plunges you into absolute darkness. Death is once again very close. Black death metal inferno with a taste of cold, pain and madness!

01. Prologue 
02. Beyond The Walls 
03. Eclipse 
04. Inhale The Void 
05. Under The Blind Eye 
06. Parasocial

Arkadiusz Bzdyra - drums
Jakub Kiliański - guitar
Olga Proficz - bass
Patryk Suseł - vocals

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Poland - BONESNAP.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Poland - BONESNAP.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hey. Jakub, guitarist of Bonesnap here. We are a death metal band from Poland, we were founded in the south-eastern small industrial town Stalowa Wola where we all lived at the time. I joined a band around 2018 as a second guitarist. We were called Impostor at that time, guys had some songs composed and did a couple of local shows. Its music was mostly groove/death metal, but with our drummer Areks fascination of black metal it all concluded with us releasing one black metal track, you can check it out here: .The plan was to finish material for demo, record and release it and continue to do concerts. But when I joined we started to experiment with riffs, doing new songs with different, more deathish style. Most of the old songs were reworked or completely scratched. One and only song from this era is on our EP “Under the blind eye”. As the time passed we all moved to Kraków for college/work. At that time Olga joined the band as our new bassist and we changed our band name to Bonesnap due to Impostor being taken by another polish band. All the recordings were done there; we are operating in Kraków to this day.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

All tracks are home recorded, we did that successively in January/February this year. Mixing is done by Julian Konowalski and for mastering we chose Paweł “Janos” Grabowski.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital,
vinyl, cassette)?

We did 200 copies of CDs which are available on our bandcamp, you can find our EP on almost every single streaming platform as well.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

All of the lyrics were written by our vocalist Patryk. And what are all these about? I can just wonder( he completely refused to explain any of its meaning besides just saying it’s about satan every time we asked haha), he took some inspiration from Behemoth’s Nergal lyrics writing. For me they are so metaphorical and not straight forward but yet all of them has its own story. I easily came with some references. “Beyond the walls” is about events in 1992 thriller “candyman”(You can hear a well known line from this film in our first track” Prologue”). “Eclipse” is about the final arc of the anime “Berserk”. And “parasocial” for me is clearly about the horror of abortion. But they are just my personal interpretations of his lyrics. Maybe one day he will decide to reveal some of their mystery which i will gladly share with you haha.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What
about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Logo was created by a great artist from India “casusartem”. I highly suggest you check his work out, it’s sick! Album cover and all graphics designs were created by artist Maciej Kamuda, check him out as well. As the social media goes we are just trying to inform everyone interested about concerts, new music and cd availability. As a fun fact i can tell that our band name was taken after a unique item from my beloved game “Diablo 2”

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We decided to release the EP completely independent. We never considered going with a label, because we weren’t known and had none of the material released even as demo tracks. In fact we planned this EP as a demo, but as we were working on it and adding tracks, it became an EP.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

For me as a main songwriter it’s definitely Death. It was my first band to get me into death metal. I adore Chuck Schuldiners songwriting, albums “Symbolic” and “Human” are my tops in death metal to this day. I am really into every band which was following his steps like Obscura or Necrophagist. As modern death metal goes we are taking inspiration from such bands as Decapitated or Aborted. As I said earlier our drummer Arek who is also taking a huge part in songwriting is really into some black metal bands such as Mgła, Dark Funeral, Batushka. We are trying to incorporate black metal elements in our songs to give them an extra edge and also as an excuse to just play some blast beats haha.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Not really, we are concentrating now on doing gigs, and working on new material.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it is (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

And about gigs haha. We did only one on October 20 this year. We had only 4 members for most part of the year, when we were recording material. We kicked out our guitarist, and were searching for a new one, then the new one left 3 months after joining. We decided on doing a gig after we met our current guitarist Filip Konopka, which was a month before the event. I personally think our material is much better with all the double guitar work.I like clubs more than festivals as they are much more atmospheric and style of the bands is better matched. Our first show was a blast and we can say it was the best and the worst concert we ever had haha.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Playing concerts, making sick music, that’s about it.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can reach us via Facebook page We all have access to it so you can ask specific questions to each one of us.