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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#beyondthevoid. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

neděle 8. ledna 2023

Recenze/review - BEYOND THE VOID - The Machinist (2022)

BEYOND THE VOID - The Machinist
CD 2022, Great Dane Records

for english please scroll down

Nemůžeš utéct jinak, než zemřít. Zla je kolem už příliš mnoho. Ranní zprávy na internetu, dezinformace, lidé s prázdným pohledem, pochodující ulicemi. Už se nejedná o děsivé představy vizionářů, ale o krutou realitu. Slabší povahy páchají sebevraždy a ostatní se toulají prostorem jako těla bez duše. Svět se řítí do záhuby a můžeme si za to sami. Staly se z nás stroje, šílené stroje bez emocí, bez duše, bez svědomí.

Na tenhle příběh z devadesátých let jsem si vzpomněl, když jsem začal poslouchat první dlouhohrající album francouzských death metalistů BEYOND THE VOID. Je stejně chladné, kruté a temné. Jako dávná vize jednoho spisovatele. Atmosféra nahrávky je velmi podmanivá, uvěřitelná, silná a šílená. Jako současný svět.

Pokud bych měl přirovnat hudbu těchto Francouzů ke slavnějším kolegům, volil bych jména jako CANNIBAL CORPSE, CARCASS, ANAAL NATHRAKH, THE BERZERKER, ABOYRM. Jedná se o velmi jedovatý a chutný koktejl, který je postaven na pevných death metalových základech staré školy. Přidávány jsou potom velmi vkusně black metalové i industriální technické vlivy. Výsledkem je velmi třaskavá směs, která vám doslova vybuchne v rukou. Skvěle ošetřený je i zvuk -  ostrý, čitelný, chladný a drtivý zároveň. Hrozně se mi líbí, jakým způsobem jsou skladby napsány. Nikde nic nechybí, nikde nic nepřebývá. Riffy se na mě sypou jako lavina z kostí, kamení a zbytků těl prokletých. Je pro mě hrozně příjemné chodit ulicemi se sluchátky na uších, nasávat atmosféru těkajícího města a užívat si hudbu. "The Machinist" je pro mě velmi zajímavým albem, ke kterému se rád a často vracím. Pokud mě štve všechno kolem, pokud udělám tu chybu a podívám se na zprávy, pokud je všude až příliš jedu, pustím si BEYOND THE VOID a vyčistím si hlavu. Zapomenout nesmím ani na parádní obal, který krásně podtrhuje to, co se na desce odehrává. Krutá, chladná, šílená smrt. Death metalový masakr lidské mysli!

Asphyx says:

You can't escape except to die. There's too much evil around. Morning news on the internet, misinformation, people with blank stares marching through the streets. It's no longer the frightening imaginings of visionaries, but a harsh reality. Weaker natures commit suicide and others wander the space like bodies without souls. The world is falling into ruin, and it's our own fault. We have become machines, mad machines without emotion, without soul, without conscience.

I was reminded of this story from the nineties when I started listening to the first full-length album by French death metallers BEYOND THE VOID. It is equally cold, cruel and dark. Like a writer's ancient vision. The atmosphere of the record is very captivating, believable, powerful and insane. Like the contemporary world.

If I had to compare the music of these Frenchmen to their more famous colleagues, I would choose names like CANNIBAL CORPSE, CARCASS, ANAAL NATHRAKH, THE BERZERKER, ABOYRM. This is a very venomous and tasty cocktail that is built on solid old school death metal foundations. Then added very tastefully are black metal and industrial technical influences. The result is a very shattering mixture that will literally explode in your hands. The sound is also well treated - crisp, clear, cold and crushing at the same time. I really like the way the songs are written. Nothing is missing, nothing is missing anywhere. The riffs are showered on me like an avalanche of bones, stones and the remains of the bodies of the damned. I find it terribly enjoyable to walk the streets with headphones on, soaking up the atmosphere of the flowing city and enjoying the music. "The Machinist" is a very interesting album for me and one that I like to come back to often. If I'm annoyed by everything around me, if I make the mistake of looking at the news, if I'm eating too much everywhere, I'll put on BEYOND THE VOID and clear my head. Not forgetting the awesome cover art, which beautifully highlights what's going on on the record. Cruel, cold, crazy death. Death metal massacre of the human mind!

01. Prelude To The Storm
02. Beyond The Void
03. From The Sky
04. Hymns Of Annihilation
05. Mother Earth
06. The Shadow In My Mind
07. If You Had Been Me
08. Among The Ruins Of Dead Civilizations
09. Maruta
10. The Machinist

Antoine GRASSER :Guitar
Maxime LE CORRE : Drums
Cyril COZZA : Vocals
Antoine BIEBER : Guitar
Laurent SCHMITT : Bass

A few questions - interview with death metal band from France - BEYOND THE VOID.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from France - BEYOND THE VOID.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hello ! We are Beyond The Void, from France. Since 2018, we play death metal which navigates between brutality and finess with oldschool, progressive and modern touches. Our first album “The Machinist” was released in November 2022.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

This first album was mainly self recording in the home studio from Antoine Grasser, guitarist and principal composer from this project. Drums were recorded at the Black-Up Rec Studio.

Jamz from Razorback Studio has produced the album.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

It’s our label, Great Dane Records, who has released 500 digipaks from this new album.

You can also find it in digital on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify and more other platforms.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

It’s Cyril COZZA, our singer, who wrote the lyrics. They deal with the destruction of the planet by men, who are both actors and spectators of their own extinction. Wars, madness, overexploitation are themes dealt within the album.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

It’s Sebastien MOCKERS, our first singer who created the band logo.

Laurent GREDER, painter and drummer from the death metal band Post-Mortem, has made all the paintings from the album The Machinist.

We don’t have any website and we mainly use Facebook and Instagram for our communication. the most important thing is the work around the music, but today it is not enough, it is also necessary to know how to communicate to make the band spread its music.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

The Machinist was released by Great Dane Records, a french label. We contacted him, he appreciated our project and proposed that we work together. It’s a good opportunity to work with a label for the fist album, it brings seriousness, and allows a communication with networks different from ours.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We don’t idolise bands, but we appreciate a lot of bands, and each musician have differents influences. However, we all meet around bands such as Death, Cannibal Corpse, Obscura, Atheist. The inspiration comes from the multitude of influences that we each have and put together in our music.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We went directly to Great Dane Records who agreed to release this album. He signed us while we were working on preprods.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

The band was found in 2018 and we played 8 gigs before the release of the new album.

The Machinist was released in November 2022 with a release party in the concert hall from Colmar in France with Mercyless and Post-Mortem.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We work on the second album and we want to play a lot of gigs in France and beyond.
Metal is something that shall mainly live with gigs !

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

We have a Facebook Page : , an Instagram : beyondthevoidmetal and a Youtube channel :

You can contact us by mail : beyonthevoidmetalband[at]

Thanx for the interview.

Thank you !