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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#abjectmentor. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

sobota 16. prosince 2023

Recenze/review - ABJECT MENTOR - Abominaciones (2023)

ABJECT MENTOR - Abominaciones
CD 2023, Awakening Records

for english please scroll down

Bylo už pozdě večer. Nikam se mi nechtělo. Jenže jsem musel. Poslední měsíce umírá spousta lidí. Kopu další hrob a přemýšlím, proč tomu tak je. Někteří mluví o nějaké starodávné chorobě, která se znovu objevila. Otevřu dveře do márnice a beru do rukou lopatu. Venku je už tma a potom zaslechnu divný zvuk. Otočím se a jedna mrtvola se na mě usmívá. Zvedne se a zapne play na přehrávači, který leží na jedné staré rakvi. Vypadá to, že dnes už nic neudělám. Nakloní se ke mě a prokousne mi hrdlo. 

Vítejte na mexickém hřbitově. Dnes nám tu hraje debutová deska maniaků ABJECT MENTOR. Kapela, která se dala na stranu temnoty. Album se mi ihned dostalo do žil. Není divu, je plné morbidních melodií, divokých rytmů a mocného vokálu. Jedná se o smrtící koktejl shnilých nápadů, které kapela posbírala na dávno opuštěných pohřebištích. 

Pánové neobjevují nic nového, ani se nesnaží do hudby přinášet nějaké nové trendy. Naopak, všechno je staré, náležitě plesnivé, hnusné a ohavné. Mám to takhle rád a proto jsem si dával jejich novou desku "Abominaciones" rád a často do hlavy. Nejlépe večer, když už byly stíny dlouhé a nemrtví lezli z hrobů ven. Inspirací zde bylo to nejlepší z devadesátých let minulého století. A to jak evropská (PESTILENCE, MORGOTH, BOLT THROWER), tak americká škola (OBITUARY, MASSACRE). O to ale nejde, dnes je každý někomu podobný. Pro mě je hlavní, že cítím ze skladeb poctivost, takovou tu prašivinu, kterou máme my, staří death metalové psi tolik rádi. Dal jsem si před lety závazek, že budu podporovat právě podobné smečky. Dovedu si představit, že zavítám na koncert kapely, dám si pár piv a pak skočím do mosh-pitu. Vše je totiž zahrané velmi ověřitelně, opravdově, od srdce. Kývám se spokojeně do rytmu a i když jsem na malém hřbitově nad městem, představuji si, že jsme se vydali na dlouhou cestu bez konce. Tohle je ryzí hudba ze starých mexických pohřebišť. Z míst, kde byly pořádány krvavé rituály. Troufám si tvrdit, že se první dlouhohrající album kapely povedlo. Nemám žádných námitek proti zvuku, ani proti obalu (Julian Felipe Mora Ibañez). Vše je v nejlepším pořádku. Dejte mi do rukou lopatu, musím vykopat další hrob! Venku je už tma a potom zaslechnu divný zvuk. Otočím se a jedna mrtvola se na mě usmívá. Zvedne se a zapne play na přehrávači, který leží na jedné staré rakvi. Vypadá to, že dnes už nic neudělám. Nakloní se ke mě a prokousne mi hrdlo. Prokletá kobka byla otevřena! Old school death metal z onoho světa!

Asphyx says:

It was late in the evening. I didn't want to go anywhere. But I had to. A lot of people have been dying these last few months. I'm digging another grave and wondering why that is. Some talk about some ancient disease that's resurfaced. I open the door to the morgue and pick up a shovel. It's already dark outside and then I hear a strange sound. I turn around and a corpse is smiling at me. He gets up and turns on the play on the player that's on top of an old coffin. Looks like I won't be doing anything today. He leans over and bites my throat. 

Welcome to the Mexican cemetery. Tonight we have the debut album from maniacs ABJECT MENTOR. A band that took the dark side. The album got into my veins immediately. No wonder, it's full of morbid melodies, wild rhythms and powerful vocals. It's a lethal cocktail of rotten ideas that the band picked up in long-abandoned burial grounds.

The gentlemen are not discovering anything new, nor are they trying to bring any new trends to music. On the contrary, everything is old, properly moldy, ugly and disgusting. I like it that way and that's why I've been putting their new album "Abominaciones" in my head happily and often. Preferably in the evening, when the shadows were long and the undead were crawling out of their graves. The inspiration here was the best of the 90s. And it was both European (PESTILENCE, MORGOTH, BOLT THROWER) and American school (OBITUARY, MASSACRE). But that's not the point, nowadays everyone is like someone. For me the main thing is that I can feel the honesty from the songs, the kind of dirt that we old death metal dogs like so much. Years ago I made a commitment to support such bands. I can imagine going to a band's show, having a few beers and then jumping into a mosh pit. It's all played very authentically, genuinely, from the heart. I sway contentedly to the rhythm, and even though I'm in a small cemetery above the town, I imagine we've embarked on a long journey with no end in sight. This is pure music from the old Mexican burial grounds. From places where blood rituals were held. I dare say the band's first full-length album was a success. I have no objections to the sound or the cover art (Julian Felipe Mora Ibañez). Everything is in the best order. Put a shovel in my hands, I have another grave to dig! It's already dark outside and then I hear a strange sound. I turn around and a dead man is smiling at me. He gets up and puts on a play on a player that's on top of an old coffin. Looks like I won't be doing anything today. He leans over and bites my throat. The damn dungeon has been opened! Old school death metal from the other world!

01. Intro 
02. Abominaciones 
03. Miasma 
04. Blasfemo 
05. Abject Mentor 
06. El Miedo Apegado A La Fé 
07. Apóstol Del Mal 
08. Mala Vida 
09. Viaje Eterno

Tony Díaz - Guitar & Vox
Kevin Díaz - Bass
Kevin Brandon - Guitar
Luis de Luna - Drums

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Mexico - ABJECT MENTOR.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Mexico - ABJECT MENTOR.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hello, we are ABJECT MENTOR, we are a band that was founded at the end of 2020 in Aguascalientes, Mexico; with the purpose of making death metal in the style of the 90s with the current sound.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

In this title we work together trying to maintain a solid style between the songs without being changes of another style, but always maintaining death metal. Our close friend Fer Castro was the one who was in charge of giving the peculiar sound to the album using a very deep distortion, very intense voices and an aggressive drums which makes it unique to our album "abominaciones”.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

It is a single edition and limited to 1000 copies by Awakening Records in which it will be handled in physical Cd and digital format.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

The author of lyrics is Tony Diaz (guitar and voice) and the purpose of the lyrics is only to show the raw side of reality, the day to day in an environment where you live fast, where death is the order of the day, we do not talk about death as something we profess but as the reality of today's world.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo was created by Tony Díaz, our networks in terms of handling and graphics are in charge of that on some occasions we ourselves as a band and at other times we support ourselves with Blacksmith media. Social networks are very useful since they serve us in terms of promoting our music, events and merchandise, so we try to be active in the main networks.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We are working with Awakening Records and we are very happy to be working with them, they have given us the necessary attention that a label should have, in addition to the fact that for us it was a great thing to work with an international label.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Our musical tastes are very varied since we like it from the progressive rock of the 70s to the most brutal of recent years, we take inspiration from bands such as Gorefest, Morbid Angel, Sadus, Possessed, Necrot, Blood Incantation, and more.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

To be honest, we did not want to work with other labels nor did we previously seek to work with any, because the plan was to release the album on our own.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We have had around 50 shows including home shows, in small bars, in public forums, in terms of sound we prefer shows at festivals/forums but in terms of energy we prefer shows in small places.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We have in mind to compose music all next year, release some singles that we already have ready and we would like to achieve a few more dates in Mexico and maybe in a few years go down to the South of Latin America or visit the other side of the world.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

To contact us, send a message to any of our official Facebook and Instagram pages or an email to

Thanx for the interview.