Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#SEREMENT. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#SEREMENT. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

sobota 22. června 2024

Interview - SEREMENT - Powerful, raw, cold black death metal that awakens the most terrifying demons! A beast that will tear you apart!

Interview with black death metal band from Greece - SEREMENT.

Answered Andreas (vocal), thank you!

Recenze/review - SEREMENT - Abhorrent Invocations (2024):

Ave SEREMENT! I am currently listening your new album “Abhorrent Invocations” and I can´t help but think that this is the kind of music which will be played during the end of the world. I think it is a great masterpiece. How do you feel about your new album? Have you received any feedbacks? From fans for example? Have you played new songs live already? Do they work?

Greetings, thank you very much for your kind words! We are very excited about are new album and we think it sums up all the hard work of the past few years! We already received very good feedback just like yours from our friends, from our fans, from other online magazines and reviews. Although we haven't done yet an official release live for the album, we've played two gigs with this material and the feedback we took was very very good.

How do SEREMENT compose? Are you a traditional band who go to the rehearsal room and compose or you prefer going online and send your ideas via email? I am really interested in your composing process.

First ideas of songs come from our guitarist (Manolis) which he composes the guitar parts and send them over for the others to check. After that we go to the rehearsing room and we put together the drums the bass and the vocals and everyone does his part equally to create each song.

Lyrics are a separated topic of SEREMENT. Who is the author of your lyrics? And what are your lyrics about? Where do you find inspiration for your songs? The lyrics on “Abhorrent Invocations” just fit so perfectly to the music. What was first – music or lyrics?

The authors of the lyrics are Andreas (vocals) and Manolis (guitar). They are talk about blasphemy, death, war, apocalypse, society, politics, stories taken from movies & novels, myths... We don’t have a specific thematology. Our initial skeptic was to write songs that they shake you up, themes with a dark perspective for sure, but also with the grace of resistance and awakening. We are against everything that oppresses the masses and the society, that oppresses the mind, the soul and body.

We found inspiration everywhere.

We create lyrics and music seperetaly and when the time for the magic merge comes, then we read all the lyrics and listen to all the music again and we’re trying to make the best match.

Also your cover is amazing and it fits with the music! I am frightened with the cover. How and why did you choose Misanthropic Art? Did you hear any of your songs to create the cover?

Thank you Jakub! We don’t want you to be afraid (hahaha).

We chose to work with him because we follow Misanthropic-Art for many years and we knew his works and the quality of them. We wanted to raise our standards with this release and we think we picked a very nice artist for our artwork, in order to achieve it.

We sent to him the lyrics of the album along with some descriptions and pictures
(we already had in mind the artwork scene) and he achieved this amazing result!

The sound of the album is great. It is dark, cold and sharp at the same time. Which studio did you chose for recording? Did you have any opinions about the final sound and mastering, were you able to change anything?

Thanks again! We recorded the album at Ignite music studio and our friend George Christophoridis did the mixing and the mastering. As a Death Metal and Black Metal fan himself he immediately understood what we wanted to sound like so the mixing process was very smooth and on point.

The new album was published by French Dolorem Records. Why this label? Were you satisfied with their work?

Alex from Dolorem records actually approached us via Facebook and at this point we would like to take the chance and thank him for that! He came up with a pretty good deal for CDs and we work together and with the Mexican Iron, Blood and Death Corporation for an LP version that will come later this year. The whole thing exceeded our expectations for the first studio release especially, because we a very new band.

You have been playing since 2022. How was the beginning of your band? How did you create the band and what was the first impulse to build something death metal? Did you have any idols?

The original lineup of Serement consisted from 4 of 5 members of our previous band Blessed by Perversion, which counted 12 years in the Greek death metal scene. We wanted a new and fresh beginning and a different musical and lyrical approach and that's the reason why we did this project. We had idols when we were younger but now just wanted to express ourselves via this music and not just mimic someone but always try to serve Death Metal and heavy sound in general.

You can see how much you enjoy your music in your band. Do you have any target which you want to hit? Someone wants a famous label, the other one might want to play on big festival.

The biggest and most achievable goal for our band is to go outside of Greece and play maybe a tour in Europe or other countries of the world.

How is it to play death metal in Greece? Do you have a lot of fans on concerts? Do fans support bands? Do they buy CDs, merchandise, etc.? When you organize an event how many people will come?

We have a pretty decent Death Metal scene here in Greece that's more like a community of bands. We pretty much know each other and we always try to support either by buying merchandise or attending gigs and festivals. When we play live, we try to think it as a gig between friends and that's more fun for us and for the people that come to see us. Typically, in a concert the crowd will be between 1 and 200 people (hahaha).

Death metal is a demanding hobby and an even harder lifestyle. What does it mean for you? What do you enjoy most about it and how do you perceive it? How did you actually get to him?

Well for us death metal is the music that we grew up with so we try to recreate the sounds that we always liked. This alone makes it the best way for us to express ourselves and it's always a challenge to be able to play like that and always get better so the most demanding part is the practice that we have to do.

I deliberately ask this question to all bands to do some promotion for the future. Please tell us what SEREMENT is planning soon? What can we look forward to?

For this year we are planning to release our new album in an LP and then try to do as many lives as possible to promote it. Also, we may upload some videos from the recording process or some playthrough videos of some songs, but that's something that is under conversation for the time.

Thank you so much for the interview and I wish SEREMENT a lot of sold CDs and only sold out halls. Be happy in your personal life. I am looking forward for your next death metal apocalypse!

Thank you so much for this interview and for giving us chance to talk about ourselves and to promote our music.

Cheers to everyone!


čtvrtek 16. května 2024

Recenze/review - SEREMENT - Abhorrent Invocations (2024)

SEREMENT - Abhorrent Invocations
CD 2024, Dolorem Records

for english please scroll down

Postava sklánějící se nad nebohým tělem. Krev a utrhané maso. Tichá ulice blízko hřbitova. Vše se opakuje s krutou pravidelností. Je to člověk a nebo zvíře? Lidé se bojí vycházet ven. Nikdy nevíte, kdy přijdete na řadu. Oběti jsou pochovávány v mělkých hrobech. Někdy mám pocit, že nápisy na jejich náhrobcích žhnou, svítí do tmy. Za márnicí jsem zahlédl děsivý stín. Vrčení. Jsem roztrhán na kusy s nelidskou zuřivostí. Stejně jako při poslechu prvního dlouhohrajícího alba black death metalových SEREMENT z Řecka.

Je to jako se procházet po místech, kde se stalo něco zlého. Těžká, mrazivá atmosféra, tolik známá z děsivých snů. Ano, nová deska "Abhorrent Invocations" je takovou šílenou noční můrou, nejen pro všechny fanoušky stylu. Pánové na to jdou ostře, nekompromisně a zároveň jsou temní a suroví, jako noci na hřbitově. 

Určitě znáte ten pocit, že když si nějakou hudbu poslechnete a říkáte si - ano, to je přesně ono. Máte potom na výběr z mnoha dalších nahrávek a stejně si nakonec poslechnete "Abhorrent Invocations". Alespoň u mě to dlouhou dobu takto fungovalo. Skladby jsou totiž napsány velmi naléhavě, uvěřitelně. Morbidnímu zážitku hodně prospívá i masivní, čitelný zvuk (Recorded & Mixed by George Christoforidis at Ignite Music Studios). Líbí se mi i obal od Misanthropic Art, který mě volně inspiroval k napsání dnešního úvodu. Řekové nám umíchali velmi chutný, jedovatý koktejl. Jednotlivé motivy se velmi dobře poslouchají. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako BELPHEGOR, IMMOLATION, MORBID ANGEL, nebo to, co hrávali BEHEMOTH kolem roku 2000, mohlo by se vám líbit i tohle album. Má v sobě něco děsivého, zničujícího. Připomíná mi starodávnou chorobu nebo příběhy, které lze číst ve starých knihách. O inkvizici, o utrpení, o bolesti, o démonech i bestiích, které nejsou z našeho světa. Pánové, nejen že perfektně zvládli své hrobnické řemeslo, ale přidali i něco navíc. Obrovskou porci černé energie, která se dle mého nedá naučit. Musíte ji mít v sobě, musíte věřit tomu, co děláte. Z téhle desky je to cítit na několik kilometrů. Je to stejné, jako když otevřete dveře do pekla a vyvalí se na vás zatuchlý pach smíchaný se sírou. Až jednou půjdete v noci domů, vezměte to kolem hřbitova. Jen si dávejte pozor, kdo stojí ve stínu. Možná to je příšera z vašich snů, možná přízrak temnoty. Nikdy nevíte, kdy přijdete na řadu. Mocný, syrový, chladný black death metal, který probouzí ty nejděsivější démony! Bestie, která vás roztrhá na kusy!

Asphyx says:

A figure bending over the poor body. Blood and torn flesh. Quiet street near the cemetery. Everything repeats itself with cruel regularity. Is it a man or an animal? People are afraid to go outside. You never know when your turn will come. The victims are buried in shallow graves. Sometimes I think the inscriptions on their tombstones glow, glow in the dark. I saw an eerie shadow behind the morgue. A growl. I am torn apart with inhuman fury. Just like listening to the first full-length album of black death metal SEREMENT from Greece.

It's like walking through a place where something bad has happened. The heavy, chilling atmosphere so familiar from scary dreams. Yes, the new album "Abhorrent Invocations" is such a crazy nightmare, not only for all fans of the style. The gents go at it with a sharp, uncompromising edge that is at once dark and raw, like the nights in a graveyard. 

I'm sure you know that feeling you get when you listen to a piece of music and you think - yes, that's it. Then you have many other records to choose from and you still end up listening to "Abhorrent Invocations". At least for me it worked like that for a long time. Because the songs are written in a very urgent, believable way. The morbid experience is greatly helped by the massive, clear sound (Recorded & Mixed by George Christoforidis at Ignite Music Studios). I also like the cover art by Misanthropic Art, which loosely inspired me to write today's introduction. The Greeks have mixed us a very tasty, poisonous cocktail. The individual themes are very easy to listen to. If you like bands like BELPHEGOR, IMMOLATION, MORBID ANGEL, or what BEHEMOTH used to play around 2000, you might like this album too. It has something terrifying, devastating about it. It reminds me of an ancient disease or stories that can be read in old books. of the Inquisition, of suffering, of pain, of demons and beasts not of our world. Not only have the gentlemen mastered their tomb craft perfectly, but they've added a little something extra. A huge dose of black energy that I don't think can be taught. You have to have it in you, you have to believe in what you're doing. You can feel it for miles on this record. It's like when you open the door to hell and a musty smell mixed with sulphur rolls out. When you go home one night, take it past the cemetery. Just be careful who's standing in the shadows. Maybe it's a monster from your dreams, maybe a ghost of darkness. You never know when your turn will come. Powerful, raw, cold black death metal that awakens the most terrifying demons! A beast that will tear you apart!

Hereafter the tracklist of "Abhorrent Invocations":
1. Stench of Torment
2. Sworn
3. Frozen Dawn of Death
4. Malevolent Mist Over the Mount of the Deceased
5. Forging the Darkness
6. Honor of the Leech
7. No Reflection for His Shadow
8. Subliminal Enslavement
9. Κατάβαση Ψυχών

Andreas Moschopoulos / Vocals
Manolis Kouelo / Guitars
Vaggelis Nanos / Bass
Vaggelis Vasilopoulos / Drums