Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#Clactonian. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#Clactonian. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

středa 14. srpna 2024

Recenze/review - CLACTONIAN - Dea Madre (2024)

cassette 2024, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

Probudil jsem se uprostřed noci a musel jsem vstát. Nevěděl jsem proč a jak, ale mé kroky vedly do nedalekého lesa za městem. Našlapoval jsem opatrně a kolem mě žhnuly ve tmě krvavé oči. Intuice nebo osud mě zavedly do staré jeskyně, o které se říká, že v ní straší. Hluboko v podzemí jsem nalezl kusy roztrhaných těl. Zahnívající mršiny, o kterých dosud nikdo nevěděl. Díval jsem se do tmy, poslouchal novou demonahrávku italsko-finských maniaků CLACTONIAN a věděl jsem, že už se nikdy nevrátím.

Sem, hluboko pod zem, do nekonečných chodeb podsvětí patřím. Kdysi dávno jsem se zařekl, že podobou shnilou hudbu budu podporovat, psát o ní a hlavně - poslouchat. Pamatujete přelom osmdesátých a devadesátých let minulého století? Klasické pohřby do země? Pokud ano nebo se o tuhle dobu zajímáte, jste tu správně. Tahle nahrávka se vám totiž rozpadne v rukou jako mrtvolný prach. 

Kapela vznikla v roce 2023 a sešli se v ní zkušení muzikanti (ASHEN TOMB, SVNTH, KLEPTOCRACIA, THETODONCION), kteří začali hudbu s jediným jasným úmyslem - totálně vás zničit, roztrhat. Podobných počinů mi chodí každý den na recenzi desítky, je nutné filtrovat. CLACTONIAN mě ale ihned přesvědčili na svoji stranu. Jednak mají prašivý a přesvědčivý zvuk, ale hlavně - líbí se mi jejich styl (volně inspirovaný ARCHGOAT, BEHERIT, BLASPHEMY, BLACK WITCHERY). Navíc jim věřím každý tón, každou notu. Měl jsem před sebou hromadu nových CD na recenzi, ale raději jsem volil "Dea Madre". Protože se jedná o surový, neotesaný, v určitých momentech primitivní a starodávný metal zahraný způsobem, který mám rád. Takhle se kdysi hrávalo ve starých katakombách, v klubech, kam přišlo jen pár pravověrných. Zaujme i obal, odkazující na Willendorfskou Venuši, i velmi dobře zahraný cover od amerických black metalistů VON. Mrzí mě snad jenom jediné. Chtěl bych víc skladeb, dlouhohrající album, abych se mohl ještě více ponořit do hlubiny. Možná je v tom kus nostalgie, protože jsem na podobné hudbě vyrůstal, ale i přesto (nebo právě proto), si prvotinu těchto tmářů opravdu užívám. Vychází na kazetě a digitálně na bandcamp. Pokud jste jako já starými archeology nebo jen milujete nade vše nahrubo nasekanou tmu, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Budete spokojeni vy, i všichni děsiví démoni. Probudil jsem se uprostřed noci a musel jsem vstát. Nevěděl jsem proč a jak, ale mé kroky vedly do nedalekého lesa za městem. Našlapoval jsem opatrně a kolem mě žhnuly ve tmě krvavé oči. Intuice nebo osud mě zavedly do staré jeskyně, o které se říká, že v ní straší. Hluboko v podzemí jsem nalezl kusy roztrhaných těl. Zahnívající mršiny, o kterých dosud nikdo nevěděl. Díval jsem se do tmy. Starodávný, prašivý, hnilobný black death metal, u kterého se rozpadnete v prach! Mršina ve značném stádiu rozkladu! 

Asphyx says:

I woke up in the middle of the night and had to get up. I didn't know why or how, but my steps led me to a nearby forest outside the city. I tread carefully, and the bloodshot eyes glowed in the darkness around me. Intuition or fate had led me to an old cave said to be haunted. Deep underground, I found pieces of dismembered bodies. Rotting carcasses that no one knew about before. I looked into the darkness, listened to the new demo tape by Italian-Finnish maniacs CLACTONIAN and knew I would never return.

This is where I belong, deep underground, in the endless corridors of the underworld. Once upon a time, I vowed to support, write about and, most importantly, listen to rotten music. Remember the turn of the 1980s and 1990s? The classic burials in the ground? If you do, or are interested in that era, you've come to the right place. Because this record will crumble in your hands like dead dust. 

The band was formed in 2023 and it brought together experienced musicians (ASHEN TOMB, SVNTH, KLEPTOCRACIA, THETODONCION) who started music with one clear intention - to totally destroy you, to tear you apart. I get dozens of similar acts to review every day, it's necessary to filter. But CLACTONIAN immediately convinced me to their side. First of all, they have a dusty and convincing sound, but most importantly - I like their style (loosely inspired by ARCHGOAT, BEHERIT, BLASPHEMY, BLACK WITCHERY). Moreover, I trust them with every note, every note. I had a bunch of new CDs to review, but I preferred to choose "Dea Madre". Because it is raw, unpolished, at some moments primitive and ancient metal played in a way I like. This is how it used to be played in the old catacombs, in clubs where only a few true believers came. The cover artwork, referring to Willendorf's Venus, and a very well played cover by American black metallers VON are also interesting. I have only one regret. I would have liked more songs, a long-playing album, so I could delve even deeper. Maybe there is a bit of nostalgia in it, because I grew up on similar music, but even so (or maybe because of it), I really enjoy the first album of these darkies. It's out on cassette and digitally on bandcamp. If like me you are an old archaeologist or just love rough-hewn darkness above all else, don't hesitate a moment. You'll be happy, and so will all the scary demons. I woke up in the middle of the night and had to get up. I didn't know why or how, but my steps led me to a nearby forest outside of town. I tread carefully, and the bloodshot eyes glowed in the darkness around me. Intuition or fate had led me to an old cave said to be haunted. Deep underground, I found pieces of dismembered bodies. Rotting carcasses that no one knew about before. I looked into the darkness. Ancient, dusty, putrid black death metal that will make you crumble into dust! Carrion in a considerable state of decay!

01.Bone Ritual
02.Dea Madre
03.White Thunder
04.Lamb (Von cover)

G.E.F. - vocals
R.P. - guitars
K.H.P.K. - bass
V.P. - drums

K.L. - all guitar solos

A few questions - interview with black death metal band - CLACTONIAN.

A few questions - interview with black death metal band - CLACTONIAN.

Answered Giuseppe Emanuele Frisone (vocals), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Clactonian is a new band formed by Italian and Finnish individuals who play in other bands such as Thecodontion and Ashen Tomb among others, with lyrical themes dealing with prehistory and the Paleolithic Age in particular. Infact, the Clactonian was an industry of flint tool manufacture that dates to the lower Paleolithic (circa 400.000 years BP).

This entity was born in 2023 from the minds of G.E.F. and K.H.P.K., then we immediately found the other members. Music-wise, we are influenced by the early days of black and death metal.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

It wasn’t very easy, because our first demo Dea Madre was recorded between three countries, considering guests: Italy, Finland and Poland. This means almost all instruments have been recorded in different studios. After that, we sent all to Jacopo Gianmaria Pepe (also guitarist of Italian prog/death metal band Bedsore) of Le Trombe degli Angeli Studios, who took care of production, mixing and mastering. He did a really good job.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Dea Madre was released on an undisclosed number of copies – the exact amount won’t be unveiled – on a transparent red cassette edition. It is also available on digital download through our Bandcamp page. Since it’s only a demo, we decided to not upload this work on Spotify and other streaming services.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

G.E.F. (also from Thecodontion and other bands) is in charge of songwriting, lyrics and concept development. Lyrics are simple and shouted, because they try to recreate the instinctive aspect of the primitive forms of language among primitive men. These songs cover various themes, all related to prehistory and human life in the Paleolithic, with a focus on the dark and mysterious side of existence (so: primitive rituals and nature worship). We think that those lyrics match well with the atmosphere created by the songs.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Clactonian’s logo was created by Nicola Redavid, who also has a black metal solo project called Sentiero dei Principi, plus other non-metal projects. The artwork of Dea Madre, instead, has been made by Maurizio Mollo, a friend of us who studies and works in the comics field. The artwork in particular would deserve a special mention because it depicts the famous Venus of Willendorf, with an additional monstruous feeling.

Social networks can help spreading the word and communicating some relevant news/info about the band, but we think they shouldn’t be the only things a band has to care of.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We have contacts with many labels etc, but since this was a demo, we chose to self-release it. Some of us have experience with online promotion and stuff like that, so we feel that having a label wasn’t necessary. We’re pretty satisfied with the coverage we reached so far, so yes, self-releasing Dea Madre was probably the best choice.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

The biggest inspiration for this project was, is and will be mighty Beherit from Finland. That’s it. But we listen to a lot of stuff, so there are many references in our music even though we play a minimal and straightforward form of black/death metal, after all.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Yes, we did. But as we told you, we decided to self-release the demo so we sent stuff to labels mostly for having some feedback and nothing more. All feedback was great, and we found this very encouraging.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We haven’t play any gigs yet. It’s not easy playing shows with an international lineup, but we would like to play some in the future. Clubs and festivals are both fascinating for different reasons, the most important thing is having a good organization behind the show. If it’s well organized and people are having fun, it means it’s a success.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We already wrote a nice amount of songs, now we’ll refine them and plan our future releases. There are many goals we would like to reach in the future, but the most important thing for us is staying true to ourselves. No compromise!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can contact us via email at or you can find us on Facebook, Bandcamp and Instagram.

Thanx for the interview.

Thanks for your interest and support.
