pátek 19. července 2024

A few questions - interview with thrash metal band from Chile - ABREAKTION.

A few questions - interview with thrash metal band from Chile - ABREAKTION.

Answered Roran Fatehatred (guitar / vocals) and Javier Salgado (guitar), thank you!

Recenze/review - ABREAKTION - Bornhatred (2024):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Roran: Abreaktion is a rethinking, we could even say a project that was maintained for a long time as a hobby, even knowing that it has potential, we had not given it the value it deserved. The band has had milestones since 2012, when with a fretted guitar, chaotic feelings and the desire to express something, they turned to the first song. The style that emanates from the center is the classic thrash metal of the 80s/90s, where riffs with speed and a technicality barely in construction gave the sound that we can identify.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Javier: We recorded our “Bornhatred” EP at Lion’s Roar Studio in the second half of 2023. We spent a lot of time polishing each of the songs in detail so that the final result was as exact as possible as we imagined it. Since we did not yet have a label at the time we started recording, the truth is that we did not have any type of ties or commitments to third parties, so we were able to do everything exactly as we wanted it to be. Regarding the producer, Cristian León, we have all already worked with him several times on other projects, since he is experienced within the underground metal circuit and that made things a lot easier in terms of technical aspects. Basically, we arrived at the studio knowing exactly how everything would happen and the result left us more than satisfied; the EP sounds killer as fuck!!!!!


How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Javier: Chaos Records (Mexico) released 300 copies in CD format and a cassette edition is in the works as well. We are also currently working on getting a cassette edition released by a Chilean label, but there have been some setbacks regarding the deal we are trying to make. In any case, it is certain that there will be a Chilean edition on tape, either under a label or independently.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Roran: I write the lyrics. Each of them has a different context, but at the same time they have feelings that together are the most common in a meaningless adolescence/adulthood. Resentment and hatred.

"Empty promises" talks about how sometimes we come across people who are scared of any commitment, either because of their shortcomings or insecurities. It is one's duty to know what kind of people is around him and get rid of those who do not contribute anything to its life. It's a current reflection, rather than what I could reason at the time of composing and writing it.

"Pyromaniac" is a bit of a peculiar creation, as it may seem inconsistent with the meaning of the disorder it describes. However, it captures the impulse of wanting to destroy everything with something as easy to handle in our era as fire. The first member of the band supposedly suffered from this disorder, which led me to translate that energy into catchy riffs and lyrics, resulting in a powerful song.

In "Amnesia Chronicle", I realized my own reality, marked mainly by depersonalization to fit into a world of appearances and false friendships. This happens in every context; Nobody is one hundred percent authentic. Even transparency seems like a dream, which leads me to feel contempt for both others and myself, for forgetting who I really am.

Insomnia and constant anxiety about our future as human beings in an uncertain world is what I try to transcribe in 'Mental Torture'. Sometimes we think too much and other times we get carried away; We need to find a consistent balance to live life. Otherwise, we simply become crazy and addicted, as society seems to want us to be.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Javier: The first attempts to create a good logo for the band were sketches and drawings that we tried ourselves. We had many difficulties, to be honest, because we wanted to achieve something that was striking but sober, and that respected the style we play, while also being as original as possible (not easy with 40 years of development in this music style...). When we had a more or less defined idea, we contacted Bastián Velásquez (an artist who has done covers for Ripper, Demoniac, Mayhemic, etc.), and after a couple of observations (including indicating inspiration from the Donkey Kong Country logo haha), Bastián finished the work; he is a great artist and we were very happy with the result. Regarding visuals and social networks, for the moment, I am the one who mostly takes care of that aspect. I think it is as important as any mass media was in the past or will be in the future. Currently, we are in talks with a visual artist who might take care of it, so I can have more time to focus on other aspects of the band. Abreaktion is growing!!!

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you?

Javier: Chaos Records handled the release of our EP. I had already worked with them on another project called "Deviants," where they released an EP, and I was really satisfied with their way of working and their ability to distribute the material both physically and online. This was why we contacted this label directly once the EP was ready. They liked what we had done, and we made the deal. So far, everything has been positive.

Which bands do you idolize and where do you get your inspiration?

Roran: The 80s and 90s marked a before and after in my life as a thrash metal listener. During that time, songs that are now considered classics emerged from bands like Kreator, Sodom, and Exodus. In particular, Kreator became my muse, with "Coma of Souls" being the most special album for my inspiration and composition. Secondly, there is Sodom, with their iconic album "Agent Orange." Later, I discovered that the legendary guitarist Frank Blackfire had worked on both albums. At the time, it seemed like a coincidence, but I later realized that his contribution to these bands was a great source of inspiration for me.

Did you send your record to some Labels? which are the labels? How was the response?

Javier: Regarding labels outside of Chile, we only sent it to Chaos Records because we were really convinced that they would do a good job. In Chile, we have been in talks with Dissonant Death Records and Sepulcro Prod, but we haven't closed any deals yet. Overall, we are happy with the reception the EP has had; many people are asking about it, and we are eager to prepare a live release date.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Roran: Honestly, we have had few performances, although we can highlight different aspects in some of them. Without a doubt, the best was in Rancagua, an unforgettable show that I would like to repeat due to the warm reception from the people. There, we were able to deliver one of our best performances, and it was also our first time in a different city.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Roran: We continue working, although in a more discreet way. At least we try to incorporate a new song every two months in our next performances. As for material, we have something in limited distribution in mind, as we want the next thing we show to be a musically devastating explosion.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Javier: The quickest way to contact us is through the band's Instagram, "abreaktion," as it is the platform we check most frequently. For dealings with labels, gigs or press, ideally our email And for those who seek the insatiable desire for noise and hateful speed, attend our shows, because that’s where the brave are seen! And if you bring a beer, even better, hahaha.

Thanx for the interview.

Recenze/review - ABREAKTION - Bornhatred (2024):