pondělí 29. dubna 2024

Interview - SUFFERSYSTEM - Old, moldy death metal that brings out your darkest thoughts!

Interview with death thrash metal from Germany - SUFFERSYSTEM.

Answered Daniel and Kirk, thank you!

Ave SUFFERSYSTEM! Greetings to Germany. I hope you're doing well in these crazy times. Recently, I had to order your new CD „Disintegration of the Individual“ as a fan of old school death metal. They are great and is literally killing. How and when did SUFFERSYSTEM get together and why did you choose to play old moldy death metal? Please take us through the band's history.

Daniel: Thank you very much for the compliment! I'm glad that you like the album and that you're enthusiastic about it. We are also very big old school death metal fans, which I think you can clearly hear.

Dirk: We are old school we had no other choice. In 2002 we decided to invest a little time in making music together. Always with the idea of capturing the old spirit of our own favourites. That hasn't changed to this day. The song structures are always based on the good old days. In our opinion, songs should always stay in your ear or inspire you to bawl along. That is always the basis of our songs.

„Disintegration of the Individual“ is your six album. How did it originate? If I compare it with the previous EP „Torn in Rotten Flesh“ (2021), it seems faster, sharper, darker. How do you see it? Where and how did you want to move?

Daniel: There is definitely something to it! You've already recognised that correctly. There have always been variations in speed at SUFFERSYSTEM. Basically, however, we are travelling in somewhat faster realms. We didn't want to tread water with "Disintegration", but we didn't want to lose our trademarks. I think we succeeded quite well.

Dirk: Do you think so? I think 'Torn in rotten flesh' is a bit heavier, more brutal, both in terms of the songs and the sound. But there are always exceptions in one direction or the other on the last three albums.

When I listen to the record, I feel like I did in the 1990s. I discovered music then and I still listen to it to this day. How did you manage to make such a dusty sound? Where did you record this album and who mixed your album?

Daniel: That's exactly how it should be! The 90s sound had a huge influence on me. Death metal was "en vogue" at the time. In fact, it wasn't until the mid-90s that it really clicked for me. Since then, I haven't been able to get away from it. SUFFERSYSTEM has always had rough edges and that's a good thing. Dust is great, haha!

Dirk: Personally, all my musical tastes are based on the early days of 1989-1993. Back then as well as today, I also love listening to thrash metal as well as death metal. I think you can hear that in the guitar riffs. As semi-professional musicians you don't have a huge budget. That's why we always record our songs at home. According to the motto, learning by doing. Without resorting to today's standardised plug-ins or dynamics. The ear determines the sound and the feeling determines the power of the songs. That's why no album is perfect - we're not perfect either. Authenticity comes first. In order to master the album for the Vinylmaster with the perfect sound, we asked Jörg Uken from Soundlodge Studio to make it sound as raw and natural as possible.

The cover is also subject to the old days. This year's one evokes in me the memory of old covers. Maybe it's the way of painting or motif, I don't know. What exactly is it supposed to represent in relation to your music? And who is author of this cover?

Daniel: For me, the cover is a further development of "Torn in rotten flesh". The hand takes centre stage on both albums. The nice zombie lady stands for decay, fits the music perfectly and also captures the 90s vibe. This time we didn't hire an artist. I'm sure some of you will be rolling your eyes: I have been working intensively with AI for a while. That's how this picture came about. We discussed whether we should go down this path. In the end, however, we decided in favour of it. It was deep in our minds. Of course, an artist could also have realised this idea. Time and costs ultimately made the decision for us.

Dirk: Personally, I have absolutely no prejudices against AI. Of course, the resulting image must be independent and other works must not be recognisable. This cover reflects our joint creativity, both in the songs and in the overall design of the medium. All decisions remain in our hands.

The lyrics on the new album are traditional, classic, death metal. They seem good to me. How did they originate? Where do you get inspiration for them?

Daniel: Since I've mainly taken over the lyrics, I let the music inspire me. Dirk writes a song and gives it to me in rough form. With the lyrics I try to underpin the mood of the songs in words. What sounds good as a song title? Which theme fits the music? These are the first things that go through my head. Our society offers enough material. You only have to switch on the TV, the PC or stare at your mobile phone to come across some sick shit. Sometimes writing is quick, sometimes it takes longer. Recognisability is very important to me. Catchy sing-along parts are a must here and there!

You released album by the Black Blood Records. Why did you choose this label? Have you sent promo recordings to major publishers, for example? What was your experience with that?

Daniel: With SUFFERSYSTEM we did everything ourselves for many years. After "The End Of Ends" we thought we'd proactively go looking for a label. BLACK BLOOD has many black metal bands in its label repertoire. Björn was therefore very pleased that a death metal act came knocking. The work on a new album then began very quickly. The label search started with a letter of motivation, a detailed biography and I mean a reference to Bandcamp / YouTube. I can't remember very well, but I'm sure there were some big publishers involved. The market is full of bands. It's difficult to get a foot in the door somewhere. You usually don't get a response from larger companies. But I also think that they're being slammed every day. I prefer smaller labels that at least give feedback. The collaboration with BLACK BLOOD RECORDS is going really well! Björn already gave us a completely free hand with "Torn In Rotten Flesh". "Disintegration Of The Individual" was in its final stages when we offered him the album. We are particularly pleased that he will release it in 2 versions on vinyl in addition to the digipak. To round things off, there will also be a tape. We took care of that ourselves again.

You come from the beautiful city - Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia. What's your metal scene like? Does underground work for you?

Daniel: Dirk is originally from Essen. He also moved to Hattingen a few years ago, where his wife is originally from. The whole Ruhr area is a metal mecca! In the club scene, the Turock (formerly Roxy) is where a lot of the action is. The baton was passed on from the Zeche Carl many years ago. I was able to experience a lot of concerts and metal discos there when I was young.

Dirk: I grew up in the north of Essen, between bands like Charged, Anton B, Darkness and Kreator. All these bands had their rehearsal rooms in the Zeche Carl. Legendary death metal concerts also took place there. All the big bands of the early 90s played there. If it hadn't been for that time, my musical career could have been completely different. These influences cannot be denied...

In your production is possible to hear the influence of MORGOTH, ASPHYX, PESTILENCE, DEATH, AUTOPSY, how do you percive the importance of those bands in the development of death metal? Why and what do you like on old school scene?

Daniel: The importance of these bands is very big for me personally! I love Death and Asphyx! Pestilence has its phases. It's a real shame that MORGOTH are no longer around! Jagger also did a good job as Marc Grewe's replacement, even if it wasn't the same, of course. The guys recorded "Resurrection Absurd" in Hattingen back then. That closes the circle. BOLT THROWER are also at the top of their game! With DEFECTED DECAY, we have another project on the go where you can clearly hear these influences. Fortunately, there are now many bands that incorporate these old trademarks into their music. So the 90s sound remains alive even beyond the bands mentioned!

Dirk: Very true, these are exactly the bands that characterise my style, and that's exactly how it should be.

Nowadays, most people download music online and they only use its digital form. How do you as a musician feel about this issue?

Daniel: We are still collectors! For practical reasons, I also make MP3 CDs for my car. Basically, though, I much prefer to have something in my hands! So I definitely need more space at home, haha. I don't have a subscription to any streaming services or anything like that, but I can understand the younger generation who use them. But the artist usually doesn't benefit from it, you have to be aware of that.

Dirk: I hate YouTube etc. (smiles) ...perfect for a quick listen. But the small artist just needs his sales of media like CDs and LPs. And honestly, without holding a nice CD/LP in your hands, metal is hardly any fun. So all streamers are just followers...(smiles)


Are there any albums which have caught your attention recently?

Daniel: I always try to be up to date, which unfortunately I don't always manage due to time constraints. At the moment I'm listening to the new SKELETAL REMAINS up and down. But I'm also increasingly buying older discs again. Not that I don't already have most of them, but I like to treat myself to one or two of them on vinyl. And then there's that space problem again!

Dirk: There's a wide range of music on offer every week, and as Daniel mentioned, the new Skeletal Remains and Suffocation albums are running smoothly for me. But I've just discovered an older album by THE RAVEN AGE for me, cool heavy, fat production with brilliant melody lines.

Do you know or listen any Czech bands?

Daniel: Does MASTER count? KRABATHOR is definitely included. ROOT also come to mind. I thought SILENT STREAM OF GODLESS ELEGY was pretty cool during my doom phase. Everyone probably knows GUTALAX. The guys are also very active live.

Dirk: Krabathor with the LIES album !!! And Hypnos,...otherwise I would be grateful for more tips !!!

Daniel: HYPNOS, of course!

What are SUFFERSYSTEM´s plans for the next few months?

Daniel: We are now looking forward to the release, which will probably have to wait until May, as the pressing plant was unfortunately unable to keep to the production schedule. We haven't actually discussed what will happen next.

Dirk: We are still active in other projects. So our priorities sometimes shift, depending on how things are going. But I'm definitely of the opinion that SUFFERSYSTEM definitely have something to say! We've always been able to improve a bit so far. That keeps us curious and fuelling our thirst for action.

Thank you so much for the interview and I wish you many sold albums, hundreds of crazy fans and tons of good ideas.

Daniel: With pleasure! We have to thank you! We wish you continued success with the DEADLY STORM ZINE! Keep Metal alive and support the underground!