neděle 10. března 2024

A few questions - interview with sludge death grind band from Australia - RESIN TOMB.

A few questions - interview with sludge death grind band from Australia - RESIN TOMB.

Answered By Matthew Budge (Vocalist)

Recenze/review - RESIN TOMB - Cerebral Purgatory (2024):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Resin Tomb was founded in 2019, we started as a 3 piece, became a 4 piece by the time we wrote the "Unconsecrated // Ascendancy” 2-Track, and have now been a 5 piece since the writing of ‘Cerebral Purgatory’. We play DIssonant-Death Metal, that's heavily influenced by Blackened Grind.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We are very fortunate to have Brendan Auld (Pip) from Black Blood Audio as our guitarist/songwriter/producer. At the time of writing Cerebral Purgatory, Pip was still operation Black Blood Audio from the studio he built under his house. Pips a mad man, he would stay up writing demos until all hours of the night, sending us through mixes at 3am in the morning. He wrote all the demos in around 2 weeks, and then as a unit we fine tuned them for awhile, then recorded. Everything was recorded in house by Pip at Black Blood Audio (except for drum tracking, it was still recorded by Brendan, but at Qsound Audio Services at the Gold Coast). He then took care of all the mixing, and we sent it off to be mastered by Arthur Rizk.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Vinyl: 200 Copies (2 Variants)

CD: 300 Copies

Tape: 100 Copies

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I (Budge - Vocalist) wrote all the lyrics for this album. Every song is a short story about a horrible death or equally shit existence. The futility of existence can be brutal. I've always found real life much more terrifying than an exaggerated Hollywood concept. Life is disposable and that is absolutely terrifying.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo was created by a dude called Necro Frost. He's an Indonesian artist, check him out on Instagram. As for the Bandcamp, that's all taken care of by our Bassist - Mitch Long, he works in design so it's very handy having him on board.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you?

Transcending Obscurity hit up Pip about releasing a Snorlax record via them, and he already had a label for that project, so he sent Kunal the demos for the Cerebral Purgatory and he was keen immediately, so we actually didn't shop it around, we already really liked Transcending as a label so when he was on board we ran with it.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

It varies from each member, but some notable band favourites are; Artificial Brain, Gorguts, Ulcerate, Hexis, Disentomb, Wiegedood, Dragged Into Sunlight, Wake, Primitive Man, Whorls, Teeth, Faceless Burial and Dead Congregation.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

No, only Transcending Obscurity.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

It’s hard to say, if I had to guess I'd say maybe like 30ish gigs as Resin Tomb. Festivals are nice for an interstate gig as they tend to have a larger audience to try and convert, but we also love a good intimate club show in your hometown.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We would love to do some touring in the near future. It's difficult to predict, we are all between 33/34, so we are at the stage in our lives where we are buying houses, having kids and getting married. Resin Tomb is a huge passion for us all, but the stars have to align pretty nicely for us all to have time to do anything big together.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

We are pretty responsive on both Instagram and Facebook Messenger (more so Instagram) and we can be contacted via email at

Thanx for the interview.

