sobota 20. ledna 2024

Interview - SADISM - Dark, dusty death metal, from the old cursed Chilean burial grounds!

Interview with legendary death metal band from Chile - SADISM.

Answered JP, P, RR, thank you!

Recenze/review - SADISM - Obscurans (2023):

Ave SADISM! Greetings to the Chilean catacombs! When I was preparing for this interview, I found all the albums I have from you over the weekend. I found out that the first demo that came to us was record „ Tribulated Bells“ from 1992. Do you know what is interesting? I haven't found a weak record in your entire discography. How is it possible? Do you have a recipe for that? So many years to keep the bar of quality so high?

JP: Well it's simple, it all starts with the friendship that we have with Ricardo since we were very young, and of course our music addiction, Can you imagine this for more than 3 decades?, and we still have the enthusiasm for making albums and tours, and we believe that we do better through the years, this keeps us active and today we are reaching our tenth album OBSCURANS, we don't know if over time we have been able to keep a stable a composition line ‘cause in this long path we have changed in all aspects. OBSCURANS defines it very well the time goes by and our clear idea ​​what we want and like to do.

Anyway, the „Obscurans“ is out and immediately become my most played albums. While listening, one feels that it has returned on the timeline back to the 1990s. It's excellent! How was it created? And how does SADISM create new material?

P: Definitely, these songs were created incorporating many ideas and formulas from our past. We focus on a short period of time that is quite intense of total concentration and dedication indeed. We composed the 12 songs of OBSCURANS during 3 months, after that another 3 months into recording studio

I always liked the sound of your albums. “Obscurans” is no exception. Where did you record the album, it was again at JP Donoso and Israel Yévenes at Sadestudio, Santiago, Chile? How did you get such a dense sound? Seems to me as if it was recorded in analogue way or am I wrong? The sound of the record seems to me similar like the sound of previous album „The Sadistic Key Elements“. Do you talk a lot about how the record should sound or do you leave it to the sound masters?

JP: I feel very flattered by your question, thank you so much, and once again since 2002 on our 4th album “SUMMON”, I have recorded and done the sound production in my own studio “Sadestudio”, and I have really seen very surprised in OBSCURANS with the general comments about it, I feel really satisfied with this production when I see that the dark and analog sound is appreciated. Technically this album is digitally recorded on a hard drive and software, but…, we took care of using analog sound, tubes and microphones, which I maintain throughout the editing and mixing process.

I'm an old-school fan and I'm a big fan of record covers. The man behind "Obscurans" are Patricio Saavedra and Ricardo Roberts. The theme is so cool to me that I put it on my desktop on my computer. Can you tell us how the motif relates to the music on the new album? How did you guys get together and how did the cover for the album come about?

RR: Well, I must clarify that Patricio only makes and modifies my digital drawings, it is not an easy job, however I must emphasize that the authorship of all the cover graphics and logos from the band have always been my creation. First, the models are designed and then the final drawing is delivered to a graphic designer (Patricio in this case) in this way the final product is reached. In this process we see details that the designer proposes to us and we proceed to make the arrangements. In Obscurans I wanted to reflect the dark side of the factual power of the church and religion and I think it was more than achieved. In this way an incredible mantle was created that includes the 12 songs on the album that talk about exactly the same topics.

You have played since 1988 and you have a relatively stable line-up. This is not very common. Have you never had a submarine disease? Did you had different opinions, how should your music sound? You know, someone prefers blondes, another brunette. Then a few sharper words are enough. Someone once wrote that the band is like a family. What about SADISM?

JP: We have been through many situations in so many years, and there are two of us since 1988, what we have done since that year is the identity and basis of Sadism's music. On the other hand, the lineup changes in the band have been in the strings, guitars and bass. About sound and composition, we have always agreed, also for art concepts and there are almost no differences of opinion, we know very well what we should do and we concentrate on that.

Today is good in having the Internet. At least I can remotely look at your concerts. Although it is not perfect, because the sound on you-tube is always weird, but according to all available information - you perform mainly at big festivals? I'll write it straight, I'd really like to see you live, but there's no opportunity. Aren't you going on tour? I could imagine you, MASTER and maybe you can take AUTOPSY then my dream would come true. Well, seriously - what about SADISM and concerts? What would you say on a trip to Europe with a stop in our country? If I'm not mistaken, you guys played Obscene Extreme recently. I'm afraid I couldn't make it.

JP: We have been touring for some years and also participating in festivals, in your country we were at OEF in 2015, also in 2022 we were at other shows in places like Mladá Boleslav and Litoměřice. Well…You missed out !!

Just yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend in the pub about how everything has gone crazy over the past years. Everyone has the internet in the pocket, young people are more influenced by pictures and videos than by music and lyrics. Nobody reads much, we agreed that a lot of things are more superficial. Maybe it is different in America, but in the Czech Republic I see it every day. Music is not different. How do you perceive changes in society as a musician? We have a lot of new technologies, recording studios are better equipped, ideas can be sent over the Internet.

JP: Despite the distance, the situation here is exactly the same as everything you have mentioned. I have belonged as a musician to this scene since the late of 80’s, and with this I mean that I see many generations and there are many changes and behaviors for the world. Also, on social networks it is so evident that people don’t read and they get information faster with an image, I can’t fail to mention that it happens mostly with youngers or teenagers. On the other hand, and my vision of society, in many countries and even more so in South America, I think that art and culture have a secondary importance, so it seems that the information that people consume through social networks seems to be enough.

Another is the world, also in terms of labels, publishing. SADISM is a band which for me is synonymous for underground death metal. We have bandcamp, youtube, labels can spread your music faster and reach more people. But you know, vinyl is vinyl, cassette tape and CD also has its magic. Did you had to change your approach to publishing your music? Or do you still drive old school way and the no novelties don‘ t bother you?

JP: Definitely, we would not be able to make an album if it were only published digitally and in apps. I understand very well that in today's world it is the most popular thing and we hope that it will also be a very good complement to the main product, which for us is vinyl, the cd and tape. Personally, as a music fan, due to my lifestyle and activities I don’t use a smartphone to listen to music and I have nothing against those who do. I also do my best to have as little activity as possible on a smartphone, although for my job I do have to be connected all the time. It is difficult for me to understand what dependence on the telephone causes in society, but today the majority of people behave that way and we have to accept it for mental health.

You founded the band in 1988. Všichni jste ale kdysi stáli jste u začátku něčeho nového. I old deadly school. I like it because it sounds dirty, raw. What was actually the 1990s and your beginnings? Please remember for us. Which bands do you like to go to see? Who were your idols? Feel free to add some cheerful story, surely you have a lot of them.

JP: In our beginnings we sounded dirty and raw not because we sought it, it was because we had limited musical knowledge, precarious technical conditions and little money for a production, which is why for us it is very strange to see current people who seek to sound that way. In our album number 9 “The Sadistic Key Elements - 2021” we wanted to pay tribute to the bands that we listened to in the mid and late 80’s, and they prompted us to create our band, I think the most important story about it is that in our country and the Government that we had in the 80’s, there were no tours and shows by international bands, even for the beginnings of the bands in Chile and also our history, many times we ended up detained by the police for no reason, they only entered the shows and They brought random people. So, we only knew international bands through their albums and fanzines of that time, that was our means of information.

I ask this question to every band and your opinion really interesting me a lot. What does death metal really mean to you? How would you define it? You can hear a lot on the SADISM records that you put everything in your music that it is played by the heart. I see it as a fan. So what death metal means to you…?

RR: “Death Metal” for me means an important part of my life, it is part of my lifestyle which has not changed since I started listening to it, a portal that has instructed me and has opened up enormous cult aspects such as literature, art, spirituality and the love for life itself and that together have increased my cultural heritage during all these years. On the other hand, it has been the style that has allowed me to be more critical and a fan of other styles. However, you don't just spend the whole day listening to it since the magic of creating music is being able to enjoy other styles that enrich your creative capacity to do the work we develop with SADISM.

Finally, a classic but important question. What are SADISM preparing in the near future? Can we look forward to a new album? Alternatively, and I firmly believe in this, will we finally see you somewhere on a club tour in Europe?

RR: Of course… At this moment we are giving shows in our country, a few days ago we launched OBSCURANS and it was an incredible show, with many followers, friends and family. At the same time, an European tour is already being planned for 2024, perhaps the second half of the year, but we haven't settled it up anything yet. Regarding the fact that if we want to continue making good albums...?, of course…there is a long way to go...we love that we do, new works will definitely come, reissues of old albums by our new label and new works in the short and medium period of time. Sadism non stop my friend..!

Thank you very much for the interview. I really appreciate it. I'm an old SADISM fan and actually one of my dream come true. I wish you a lot of sold out concerts, so that the fans will tear your hands off with merchandise and I will enjoy more of your music. Hopefully I'll see you live. Good luck in your personal lives. SADISM RULES!

RR: First of all, thank you for your constant support and good wishes, all the best for you and for Deadly Storm 'zine. A hug from a distance and it will be a pleasure to meet you sometime. Best regards & big Hails for all Sadismaniacs..