středa 1. listopadu 2023

Interview - ONE DAY IN PAIN - Old school Swedish death metal forged from the finest steel! Massacre in the morgue!

Interview with death metal band from Sweden - ONE DAY IN PAIN.

Answered Niclas Olsson, thank you!

Recenze/review - ONE DAY IN PAIN - In Pain We Trust (2023):

Ave ONE DAY IN PAIN! Nicke, I'm listening to your new album "In Pain We Trust" right now and I feel like I did in the 90's when my friend and I would always come from the store or the post office, sit down at the record player and listen to the new stuff over and over. Damn, the new album is really good. How did the idea to start ONE DAY IN PAIN come about? Please take us through the history of the band.

Oh im very happy that you like our new album! Thanks A lot!

The story of ODIP starts in April 2020 when I was home sick in Covid for 6 weeks and Im that kind of person I need to do something the whole time and I can not sit still. So i was really bored to be sick and I have my home studio in my apartment so I get the idea to start write song I love to listen to. I write all the music and recorded all guitars, bass and when I was ok I record the drums in our rehearsal room I have with my other band Putrid Vision. I have work little bit with Rogga Johansson (Paganizer) and help him to record drums for his projects so I ask him if he will write lyrics and do the vocals on this 10 tracks for Imperial Fires. He say yes and when we finish all the tracks I ask Håkan Stuvemark (Wombbath) mixed and mastered the album! Im not the lead guitarist player så I ask 10 friends to do the soloparts in the tracks. I what means for only a project but I get a record deal with Cryptorium Records in Sweden. After that I think I need to go forward and look after members who will do this live! So I start a band called One day In Pain, and the name of the project comes from the first song I wrote like the same name. Thats the story!

You are the main songwriter, author and also a well-known drummer who has played in a lot of great bands. But on ONE DAY IN PAIN's first album "Imperial Fires" (2020) you are signed on all instruments and vocals. Does that mean you've been doing guitar and vocals for a long time? I don't want to flatter you too much, but the album is great in all aspects! Can you tell us how you started as a musician? What was your first band? Was it LEPROSY? Do you have any formal musical training or are you self-taught?

I play all guitars (Not Soloparts), Bass and the drums, Rogga Johansson do the Vocals on Imperial Fires. I’m a happy amateur on guitar and bass, my main instrument is drums and my first real Death Metal band was Leprosy and I have learn myself to play all instruments, No fucking teacher can teach me to play, Ilook very much of other people what the do when they play and I practice a lot and learn myself.

If I understand correctly, on your next album "Doomsday Congregation" you have already invited other colleagues to help you with the music. Does that mean that they also composed the music? Or are you still signing everything, but they just took over your ideas? I wonder how the selection of musicians went? When I look at the promo photos and read the names, I think you must have met in a pub somewhere in Stockholm. Or am I wrong?

I write all music and Ludde (Vocalist) write all lyrics. I will have the control over the music the Fredrik & Jakob (Guitarists) comes with ideas when we rehearsal the tracks and Andreas (Bass) do hes stuff and I don’t say something about hes playing, he surprise me every time LoL!

Jakob and me play in Putrid Vision together so I ask him if he will join the band. Ludde & Fredrik I dont know before I ask them and Andreas, we know each other for 25 years.

We can probably agree that the old Swedish sound is great. You guys did a great job on the new album "In Pain We Trust". I think he's rattling a bag full of bones! It's a massacre and at the same time the sound is clear, lively and animalistic. Who is responsible for the sound and where did you record?

We record the drums & bass live in Studio Fluff in Västerås and Andreas Moren (Bleeding Utopia) helped us with the recording. Fredrik & Jakob do the guitars in there home and Ludde do the vocals in the rehearsal room. Andreas Moren ramp the guitars and mixed and mastered the album.

Anyway...the album is hilarious in every aspect. I love the black and white cover artwork. I think it suits death metal the best. Who wrote the theme to "In Pain We Trust"? His work reminds me of my favorite Mark Riddick.

I do the cover design but the arts was a guy called PilgrimCoffin from Indonesia.

Are ONE DAY IN PAIN a band or more of a project? Do you also perform live? Swedish death metal is always very strong for me in concert. If the band can play it, and of course you can? Have you performed anywhere before? Are you planning to?

We are a band today and have played live 5-6 times now and we will contuine like a band.

You experienced the time of the greatest glory of death metal from Sweden in the 90s. You played in a lot of great bands. I'm from the Czech Republic and only some information was coming to us back then and mostly with a delay. How did you experience everything back then? What was it like to live right in the middle? What about the concerts? Did you go a lot?

I try to go on concerts when I have time for that, I have a daughter to take care of I try to support the local bands att Club Fredagsmangel who is a local Metalclub in Stockholm.

What about today? What is your scene like? There are a lot of new, young bands trying to play the old way. Some of them are pretty good. But everything has changed. Technology, we have the internet, (a)social networks? How has that influenced you? How do you perceive these changes as a musician?

Nicke: I love to see this song kids who play this old stuff and really know how we do that! Swedish upcoming bands in the old stuff is Xorsist and Impurity. Yong kids and they nailed the old stuff excellent.

What does music mean to you? Do you make a living out of it? Does it work at all? Or do you work in a completely different field and music is a hobby and relaxation for you?

I have a full-time work and its a more little of a hobbies for me, we rehearsal 1 times in week, but I write a lot of music in my home.

What are you planning with ONE DAY IN PAIN in the coming months? How are things going with the label? Are you looking for one?

Last Friday we have releaseparty and play live, December 9 I go back to my hometown in Helsingborg when everything started for me and we will play live there! After that we start to practice the fourth album like I already have written, then I hope more shows and festivals next year. We will stepped up more now.

Thank you so much for the interview and especially for your music. I really appreciate it. I'm very glad that even as an old dog I still have something to listen to. Thanks a lot! Have a great personal life!

Thanks a lot for asking me to do this! Take care!

Recenze/review - ONE DAY IN PAIN - In Pain We Trust (2023):

Recenze/review - ONE DAY IN PAIN - Doomsday Congregation (2021):
