čtvrtek 8. června 2023

News! - PERRACIDE - Silence The World - official video (Emanzipation Productions)

PERRACIDE “Silence the World” official video

After announcing its new project PERRACIDE and its debut album “Underdog”, Perra Karlsson is now back with his friends and a brand new song. The track will also be released as a promotional video. “Silence The World” has that commanding, authoritative riffing that is the footprint of the Swedish underground scene, plus a few extras. One of them is the fact that Perra himself takes the lead vocalist role in it - the only track in the album where this happens. The second one is Hempa Brynolsson (guitar player in Darkened, AngelBlast, and Ordo Infernus, ex-Excruciate) handling some non-usual (on this album) keys and piano to add an extra layer to the song. The third one is Simon Wizén (bassist in Nominon and guitarist/vocalist in Valkyrja and Die Hard, ex-Ondskapt) handling bass, guitars, and backing vocals and given free rein in the compositional department, alongside Perra himself.

All this makes “Silence The World” one of the most interesting tracks on “Underdog” - one that adds extra dramatic feeling and darkness to the record and which sets Perracide as one of the most interesting things to happen to extreme metal this year.

"Lyrically "Silence the world" is about telling all the people I hate to go fuck themselves, at least that's the short version”, Perra Karlsson comments about the song. “If you dare to dig deeper, the lyrics are extremely personal to me as an individual. It actually took me half a century to reach this spot, and it has been a wild and almost inhuman ride, with tons of health issues and "You will never make it!" along the way”.

“Thanks to all my brothers and sisters of Metal around the globe that I have recorded and performed music with the last couple of decades; You know who you are, and you all kick ass the whole lot of ya's - And yes, you better believe it; WE ARE PACK!"

"You have all been so damn supportive and sometimes pushed me (almost too hard) through the rough times, but hey, no one ever said brotherhood is easy. To give up wasn't really an option, so to speak. Now I can actually say that it felt good to grow a pair and tell the rest of the world, who wasn't supporting me, to FUCK OFF! Even though it often led to conflicts and watching the enemies lining up ready to punch the shit out of me at times. Fight fire with fire. Don't fear the ones who think they're better than you, spit in their faces and make them envy you. There's no surrender when you're aiming for the top, right?”, he concludes.

Anyone that’s kept half an ear to the extreme metal underground during the past three decades should be familiar with drumming phantom lord Perra Karlsson. From his humble beginnings in Wortox/Altar via early standout bands like Suffer and Nasum to showcasing his unique drumming in legendary acts like Nominon, In Aeternum, Benediction and Deströyer 666 and also lending his blasting skills to newer acts like Kvaen, Devil’s Force and AngelBlast the list of his contributions to metal seems almost endless.

After a lifetime spent in the underground with a never fading dedication to the craft of metal his name has become synonymous with hard work and a true love for all things metal. Frustrated over the lack of activity in his current regular bands at the time, Perra used his discontent to fuel the fire of creativity and as a result “Underdog” was born.

To realise this monster of an album the drum-lord extraordinaire issued a call to arms that was answered by a squadron of legends from the metal underground seldom gathered on one record. With stand-out performances from the likes of Marc Grewe (Morgoth, Insidious Disease), Hellbutcher (Nifelheim), John Zwetsloot (Dissection, Cardinal Sin), Anders Jacobsson (Nasum, Necrony, Axis of Despair), Dave Hunt (Benediction, Anaal Nathrakh), Jörgen Sandström (Grave, Entombed, Torture Division), Simon Wizén (Valkyrja, Die Hard), K.K. Warslut (Deströyer 666, Bestial Warlust) and Gord Olson (Darkened) this beast will not be denied nor disappoint.

The album consists of fourteen slabs of undeniable metal magic. Five of the tracks being new and original songs showcasing the versatility and extremity of Perra and his chosen brothers in arms. Perra initially wrote and demoed the songs on drums only, so that the involved musicians could write guitar riffs and add leads and finally the guests vocalists and bassists could complete them with their parts. The remaining tracks are fresh renditions of Perra’s favorite tracks from the myriad of legendary acts he’s been a part of that really drives the point home. This is 45 minutes of crushing metal that nobody should miss out on!

Brace yourselves and prepare to suffer the Perracide!

“Underdog” will be released on CD, LP (180gr black vinyl, limited to 300) and digital formats via Emanzipation Productions on June 23rd, 2023.

Digital single:


