sobota 24. června 2023

Interview - UNDEAD - Old school death metal ride straight to hell!

Interview with death metal band from Spain - UNDEAD.

Answered V. Repulse (Vocals, Guitars), thank you!

Recenze/review - UNDEAD - Putrefactio (2023):

Ave UNDEAD! Greetings to Spain. I hope everything is fine with you. I was really looking forward to your new album „Putrefactio“, I have always had a lot of fun with previous demos and previous album „Existential Horror“ and I was happy to come back to them. How did the new piece come about and why did it actually take so long?

Thanks, glad you enjoy our stuff! We started working on our new album, “Putrefactio”, in early 2020, just a few months after “Existential Horror” was released. Our initial plan was to play our first album live during 2020-2021, and release the new album during 2022, but the pandemic hit and all our plans went to hell. As many people, we suffered economically and mentally during these years, with the uncertainty of losing our daily jobs or even our house, in my case. I had to move out and reform my new home from scratch. So, these kind of things didn’t help the process. After the pandemic we tried touring as much as we could with “Existential Horror” because we think it’s a great album and it would be a waste not to present it live. We recorded our new album during the summer of 2022 and we sent the master to our label like a month after. But, this is no new info that the vinyl factories have big and constant delays. Their lead time is like 6-9 months… So all these factors are the reason of 2 years and a half gap between albums. In my opinion it isn't that much. The underground is slow and we need time to spread the album properly considering our small budget on promotion for each album.

I must say that the news literally cut me open. It is dense, massive, dark and at the same time cold as a corpse's hand. That's exactly how I like it! The mix is signed by Dan Swanö. Did you record directly with him or did you just mix the record? How did you feel about going to the studio and how did you manage to get such killer material?

For the writing process in UNDEAD we try to keep it fresh and honest all the time. So we have a strict policy to delete every riff, structure or even “almost finished songs” that doesn’t work for us. If we get stuck on a progression or structure we delete it. No questions asked. No egos. No attachments. It just goes to the trash. Sometimes it’s frustrating but we try to trust the process, and I think it’s working. I can write a thousand good riffs but if the progression doesn’t work or the song doesn’t feel that flows right, it doesn’t matter how good the riffs are. I’m thinking all the time to deliver a song, an experience, a feeling that expresses myself… and I think is the only way to really connect with us in the first time, and then, with someone else.

We recorded the whole album in Madrid between different studios and then, we sent all the tracks to Dan for mixing/mastering. The drums were recorded at Anti Studio and the rest, in our humble studio, that it’s closer to a home studio in fact. This time, I didn’t take like two or three full days in a row to record all my parts. I took small sessions after my daily job for the guitars, and man, that was exhausting. It was like a never ending session. And most of the time I felt like an extension of my daily job. So, I’ll try to avoid this strategy in the future hehe. This time I put much effort into the details and feelings on each riff, each picking and solos. I think it was a success and you can sense it on the record. For the vocals I condensed the recording in two weekends and that was much better. I took the same strategy to focus on the details. It was challenging for me, and of course for A.Von Hell, who recorded/assisted me and helped me on the whole process.

I always take the recordings as a whole and you underestimated not only the sound but also the cover. Chris Kiesling (Misanthropic-Art) is great painters. How did you get together and how did the packaging come about? Did you have any requirements or did you choose from already prepared paintings? And how the cooperation went.

There are an infinite amazing artists out there but I think it’s important to find the right one for each work. I followed the work of Chris / Misanthropic Art for some time. I like his work so much and how he uses different styles on each cover or piece of merch as well as his attitude. He isn't afraid to follow his ethics and express them. When we decided the principal theme and title for the album I automatically thought of him for the cover. We only sent him the title for the album and a small description of the concept but any draws or stencils. We gave him full freedom for his creativity. I think it’s the right way to work with a creative artist. He did a fantastic job. He got the idea and delivered one of my favorites from his portfolio until today.

Texts are an integral part of the album. It states that you deal with death. So classic death metal themes. What are the lyrics to „Putrefactio“ about, who is their author? Where did you get your inspiration for?

A.Von Hell is the mastermind behind most of the lyrical work on UNDEAD. This lyric isn’t an exception. The concept of this song and the album is the alchemic state of Putrefactio. As an aspect of the Nigredo, is a state of rottenness and the dissolution of the matter, and the first step necessary to generate a better one. The gold in this case. Is a deep concept and you can find several analogies on gnostic texts or religions, for example to the path of wisdom or illumination.

And what about concerts? What about them in Spain? Do fans go to concerts or do they just sit in front of the internet? I need a club, beer, girls!

Spain is a market or scene a little contradictory. You can find some gigs that sell all the tickets in a few days and other ones with like 20 guys in the audience. I think it isn't easy to explain but I believe there are some clear factors. The people are looking for some quality and authenticity. You can see the bands have a good reputation and are “hard working” get the support of the audience, and then, the public turns on loyal fans. The advertisement is so important and that’s a point to improve in the underground shows. The venues are another big problem with overrated prices to rent and with abusive terms for the bands. So each year after another it’s getting harder to access a sustainable deal. I think it is a global problem right now and not only a Spanish one. The metal clubs and discos I think work properly, the ones who are still alive after the pandemic. Always fun to visit and share some beers, or whatever you drink, with some local metalheads.

What about the underground scene in Spain in general? Do you meet somewhere for death metal? What about the fans? Do they support the bands?

On one hand there are some really good bands here but on the other hand there are a ton of them, that in my opinion, isn't a great loss for the scene if some just split up. Maybe they are good musicians, but they don't say anything to me. They are void of creative content or just they try to copy some other bigger bands. These last years you can feel and see like a revival of death metal bands. Some of the classical Spanish bands are back and a few new ones appear with interesting material. I think the fans are loyal and they want to attend and support the bands with nice material and the right attitude. But you must be constant if you want to get the attention of the audience. Most of the bands release an album, and a few months after they just disappear. And this is a problem.

Do you have any dreams with the band? In the underground you have a good name, but you want to move somewhere higher? I mean, are you attracted to a tour with a big name, to play at a big festival, to release another record at a well-known label? What dreams and vision do UNDEAD have?

I have no limits in mind for UNDEAD, so I definitely want the band to grow as much as it would be possible. The underground is fun, but there is no sustainability here and a lot of limitations to express all I had in mind, like a big propper sonic and visual production. My big dream is to play in Wacken. When I started in my first band that was the goal to say "I made it". Still is. But for now I try to go small "dream" after "dream”. I accomplished a few of then right away, like working with Dan Swanö or receiving nice feedback from some musician friend I admire. The next one is to go touring in Europe with my partners in crime.

What does death metal mean to you? Why did you choose this style? How did you get to it and what kind of musicians were your role models when you started? Do you perceive death metal "only" as music or is it also a lifestyle for you? You can look at this page philosophically.

Death metal must be loud, dangerous and furious, and for me, it's not just music. It's a statement in my life. It's how I embrace and express my demons, my freedom and the cult of Death in a sonic way. I enjoy the Swedish school so much, but also some American bands from the north and the south. Each region has something that inspires me. Like the coldness and melodies from Swedish bands, the compact sound from north american bands or the rad attitude from south american bands.

I started playing different styles as a teenager like melodeath, or whatever you name it, classic heavy metal and black metal. But I always wanted to form a band like UNDEAD. More focused on a death metal context and old school sound but with no limitations to add crust, thrash or black touches, because the classic death metal is limited to me. And limitations are boring and killers of honest creation or expression.

Do you have a band in your area that you would recommend to us? And what are people going to see when they are going to clubs in Spain?

Some Spanish bands I recommended are Balmog and Crisix. I think both are working really hard and have interesting things to say. And they are receiving attention.

The rock-metal clubs in Spain usually are fun. Some nice people, tons of beer and loud music. Not always my favorite plan to do but it works to hang around sometimes.

What can we look forward to from UNDEAD in the upcoming months?

We'll continue with the promotion of "Putrefactio" and start touring over Spain. Right now we're booking the final dates and have started the rehearsals already. We'll release a new video clip too. And at some point of the year, we'll start writing again. So we'll be busy!

Thank you so much for the interview. I'm going to play the new „Putrefactio“ again. It's great! Good luck and I hope that we will meet somewhere at the concert and have a beer together!

It would be fun. First beer is on me! Thanks for having me, the good wishes and support. Cheers!

Recenze/review - UNDEAD - Existential Horror (2019):
