úterý 20. června 2023

Interview - PHLEBOTOMIZED - A dark, cold, progressive doom death metal trip through eternity!

Interview with legendary doom death metal band from Netherlands - PHLEBOTOMIZED.

Answered Tom and Alex, thank you!

PHLEBOTOMIZED - Clouds of Confusion (2023):

Ave PHLEBOTOMIZED! Greetings to the Dutch underground. It's a great honor to interview you. You know, this is how I make my youthful dreams come true. The bands I liked in the 90's are forever in my heart. You guys have a place there, too. But let's get to the new album. I first heard it a few months ago when it came in for review. And I have to write that I felt cursed. Everything else went by the wayside. Thank you so much! How was the record created? Did you make any process changes? Because I find the new stuff more melodic, more atmospheric.

I can't help but ask. All true death metal fans love your classic albums from the 90s. You took a break in 1997 to come back in 2018 with the album "Deformation of Humanity". From what I've observed around me, the record was a bit of a shock to a lot of fans. At the same time, in the 90s you were often compared to NOCTURNUS for example. Personally, I love it when bands come back, but you know, metalheads are one of the most conservative listeners. To me, you guys have moved on and are definitely moving in the right direction. When you guys came back on the scene, what was the "plan"?

First, thank you very much for feeling that we have chosen the right direction. In 2011 we were approached to re-release our demo DEVOTED TO GOD and our EP PREACH ETERNAL GOSPELS on CD and vinyl. That was the start until the re-formation of the band in 2013. We wanted to do a release show in honor of the re-released Format. After that show, 4 of the original members decided to continue with the band. After that we did shows at home and abroad for 3 years and then it was time for a new album, to go in a new direction and also to get new shows that way. Then we started writing DEFORMATION.

Of course, the return also involves personnel changes. From the original line-up, only Tom Palms remained. I understand that he was always the main composer, author, organizer? If it's not a secret, why did PHLEBOTOMIZED break up in 1997? Did you break up in a good way?

In the beginning of the band, LAWRENCE PAYNE and TOM PALMS wrote 90% of the music. Lawrence also wrote the lyrics. The band disbanded in 1997 because the direction in which the band developed was not carried by the entire band. In addition, some members were in a lesser phase of their lives, which caused the cohesion that used to exist to crumble. In the end, I think we broke up in a pretty good way at the time. Even now I still see and speak to several guys from that time of the band and I can count myself lucky that some of them are still very good friends of mine.

Was it difficult to find new musicians? For example, there is a shortage of good drummers in the Czech Republic who even want to play death metal. Not to mention singers. But you managed to put together a "new" band of great musicians. There are seven of you, which is a big number. Anyway, I have to ask, are PHLEBOTOMIZED a permanent band with all the members or are they just hired musicians?

The line up we have now has been stable since 2017. As for finding new musicians: the vacancies we post on the internet were quickly filled. Ben – vocals and Rob – synths joined in 2015, Dennis – guitar in 2016, Alex – drums and Andre – bass followed in 2017. Thijs joined us in 2019 as a replacement for me as I had to have surgery on my left wrist. No one has been hired.

I have such a "problem" with this year's new release "Clouds of Confusion". I can't stop listening to it. I work at a computer and so I'm stamping my foot to the beat all day, joining in on the choruses until I feel a bit like a fool. The album literally got into my veins. Mostly because of the sound. Where did you record the album and who is responsible for the mixing and mastering?

Thank you for this great compliment. We recorded the album in Germany with JORG UKEN. He has worked with bands such as GOD DETHRONED, SINISTER and ANVIL in the past. His studio is called SOUNDLODGE. He is very involved during the recordings and is just a craftsman. The mixing and mastering is usually done by him and one or more band members. The sound created on CLOUDS is transparent but also very heavy. The low, the middle and the high are very well separated from each other.

I'm always interested in how a new song is created. In your case, I assume the main themes are from Tom. How are the others involved? And what is the process of creating a new song for PHLEBOTOMIZED?

The process goes like this: Tom writes 80 to 90% of the song structures and connects riffs of himself and other band members and writes the songs. Alex our drummer gets the freedom to fill in the songs his way. As for the synthesizer parts, Tom usually writes 20 Maybe 25% of the ideas after which Rob gets the songs sent and can go wild on the other 75%. The hardest part of the process is finding the right sounds that add something to the song. As for the lyrics and vocal lines, they come from Tom, but Ben definitely has the freedom to adjust things so that they can be sung by him. This time Thijs has added two solos to the album and BOB WIJTSMA, who also plays in the band EX Libris and has played with AYREON, has added a solo to the song BURY MY HEART REPRISE. He has also played bass parts for 4 songs.

The cover art is by Russian artist Andrey Khrisanenkov. Again, I have to give a compliment. Great theme. How did you choose it and why Andrey? How does the cover relate to the music?

We found ANDREY's work on the internet and found his work very beautiful. He also created the artwork of our EP PAIN, RESITANCE SUFFERING. The artwork of the new album symbolizes the title. The tree symbolizes man. The roots of the tree symbolize how strongly grounded we are, grounded and how strong we are in life. The branches symbolize flexibility, how flexible are you to deal with new situations. The clouds that cloud the branches a bit represent uncertainty/confusion. The angels and demons fighting each other symbolize the inner struggle, good and evil. The rays of light that shine through our logo symbolize hope, the hope that things will turn out well. Actually, the album is about the transition to another phase in life.

What are the lyrics on the new album about and who is the author? What is the main concept and message of the new album?

The lyrics are, beside the song A UNITY YOUR MESSIAH YOUR PRE CLAIMED? , written by TOM. Side a, which is written in 4 parts is about the transition to another phase in life. They are thematically connected and tell a story. Side b goes in several directions. In general, you could say that on side b questions are asked, including: how is it possible that people commit crimes and can justify that because they believe in a Messiah who would proclaim the truth. Why is it so important for humanity to leave something of themselves behind while knowing that this life is finite and that one cannot escape death. Why is it so difficult to deal with disappointments, with frustrations, with goals you want to achieve, to live in peace with yourself? Who decides? You or me? How is it possible that humanity is so stupid? Why not sit a little more in the middle together, flattening the extremities that used to be there and still are today so that we can all live in peace.

What about PHLEBOTOMIZED and concerts? I know you were at last year's Brutal Assault, but unfortunately I was sick at the time. Aren't you planning a tour for the new album? I'd love to see you in a small club somewhere.

Too bad you weren't at brutal assault last year, it was cool to play there. Due to the aftermath of Covid, a tour to promote the new record is unlikely to succeed. But what is not can always come 😊. We have 4 shows planned for this year.

What I like about death metal is its diversity. I can listen to slow, doom influenced, fast with grind or dark with black metal. Music has been a part of me pretty much my whole life. It's a relaxation and a lifestyle. What does it mean to you? How do you perceive it and how does music influence your life? 

Music certainly influences my life, as a person you grow through the things you experience in your life and I notice as you get older your taste in music becomes more diverse.

What are PHLEBOTOMIZED planning in the next few months? And would you like to say something to fans, labels, promoters? 

Here's your chance... we are trying to get more shows to promote the new record and reach more people through the socials. to the fans, thanks for all the positive reactions to the new record, this is much appreciated, you guys rule.

Do you want diversity and the sound of the 90s on your tour or festival? Book Phlebotomized

Thank you for the interview. I listened to "Clouds of Confusion" over and over while writing the questions. It's a really great album. Thank you so much for it and actually for all the music you play. I wish you as many CD sales as possible, crowded shows and I'll look forward to seeing you live somewhere. Tace care! PHLEBOTOMIZED FOREVER!

You are welcome and thank you for this opportunity and your enthusiasm. keep listening to the record and you will discover something new every time 😊.

Be yourself and Carpe Diem

PHLEBOTOMIZED - Clouds of Confusion (2023):
