pondělí 10. dubna 2023

Interview - SATHANAS - A bloody black death metal ritual that reeks of tainted blood!

Interview with blackened death metal band from United States - SATHANAS.

Answered Paul Tucker (Guitars, Vocals), thank you!

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

SATHANAS - Psalm Satani (2022):

Ave SATHANAS! Greetings to the catacombs! When I wrote a review of your last album "Necrohymns" four years ago, I thought, damn it, this band would be worth an interview. I listened to the album over and over again. The morgue massacre, exactly as it should be, I thought. Can you please introduce us to SATHANAS? How did you get together? I'd be interested in your very beginnings.

I´m Paul Tucker. vocal and guitar of Sathanas. there's bill Davidson on bass. Adam stacho on guitar and Jim Strauss on drums . we started back in 88.releasing the ripping evil demo. then having full lengths such as black earth. armies of Charon. thy dark heavens. hex nefarious. entering the diabolic trinity .crowned infernal. nightrealm apocalypse .la hora de Lucifer. worship the devil. necrohymns. and psalm satani. few other mcds.eps.

Let's go to the new album „ Psalm Satani"… I've had it at home for and I listen to it over and over again. I really enjoy it! This is the perfect exhumation of old death metal! How was the record created and what has changed in the six years since the last act?

Trying not to change much. Work on keeping the Sathanas style and sound. Released through a different label Vidar records for this one.

I've been listening to death/black metal since its inception and you know what still fascinates me about it? Sound, yes, that dusty, moldy sound. You sound like a mix of ancient albums from BATHORY, SODOM, NECROPHOBIC, GOATLORD, ACHERON, NECROPHAGIA, NUNSLAUGHTER. How did you manage to achieve such a great sound on the novelty? It is great angalog sound!

Well we recorded at the same studio as the previous releases. With engineer Nick Kucel.he got a good idea what we should sound like. Also mastered by Sverker Windgren of Sweden.. no we haven't used analog in years. Just don't use too many effects.

The theme of your lyrics is nihilism, satanism. Where do you get inspiration and which authors are your favourites? Do you have any movies that you can watch all the time? How were the lyrics created and who is their author? Do you also read books? Which one influenced you the most?

From old occult books. Witchcraft . demonology. satanism. Lavey. Crowley. Cavendish. Alot of ideas just come to me. I watch all kind of movies. Still like the old hammer films. Dracula so forth. Guess I get ideas from those also. mostly books . Writings on dark topics. You could call it that. forever battle against good and evil. This is what Sathanas always wrote about.

How did you actually get into playing death metal? You can feel from your music that you are also a fan of true death! When did you start playing and what bands did you go through? What about the first concert? Who was your role model and whom did you admire in your beginnings?

listening to metal at a young age. Yes the metal acts like Maiden. Sabbath. Priest. Accept. then Bathory. Venom. Hellhammer. and many more. First band I was in was Monstrosity.. not the Florida band. We did a reh. demo. Then I formed Sathanas. breaking up couple years later. I formed Bathym. Releasing a demo and 7 inch. Had band problems do I reformed Sathanas. Been going since 93. First concert was Quiot Riot. White Snake and Armoured Saint. Armoured cancelled. Role models.. maybe Tony Iommi. Randy Rhoads . Glen Tipton. Dave Murray.. to many to count. Then more extreme bands later.

The theme of the concerts is also connected with the previous question. How are SATHANAS with them? Do you play often and often? Do you prefer festivals or smaller clubs? And are you even willing to travel far? Aren't you attracted to a longer tour?

We enjoy playing shows. Our area is limited. Mostly have to travel to play. Lately we been playing a decent amount of shows. Hopefully more this summer. Both are cool to play. Fests give more people a chance to see us. We travel when we need to. Heading to ny. in a day to play fest with Acid Witch. Tour would be great. Just finding promoters to pay to fly us over. That's the problem.

You come from Pennsylvania and you play extreme death metal. Our readers would certainly wonder how the death metal scene works in Pennsylvania. To tell you the truth, so lately I hear only the great bands from there. Does this mean that the scene there is so strong at the moment? What about concerts, how many people coming to them?

Pennsylvania scene seems to be coming back. Opening a few clubs . Good bands . It's not too bad right now. we've had good turnouts. Actually some more than expected.

From your music is possible to feel that you are influenced by American death metal old school and as well by the old European bands. How do you feel about it as a fan? Do you prefer the original death metal of the 1990s or do you get inspiration as well from the new albums? If yes so, I am wondering which bands had the greatest impact on SATHANAS.

In the beginning I was influenced by bands like Venom. Sodom. Bathory. I feel we have some those sounds. But we work on having our own sound. The 90s had some great releases. Entombed. Carcass. Bolt Thrower.. Death. Autopsy.. Suffocation. I listened to more death back then.. also Marduk. Mayhem. Old Morbid Angel.

What does death/black metal mean to you? Is it a lifestyle, a hobby, relaxation? How would you define it? You can easily embark on philosophical considerations.

Combination of styles. That work together. I just call it Sathanas metal.

A necessary question at the end. What is SATHANAS planning in the coming months? What can we fans look forward to?

More shows. New merch..shirts also writing and recording new material for later this year.

Thank you so much for the interview. I'm leaving for work in a minute. I'll go around the cemetery. It is clear what will play in the player - "Psalm Satani". And really loud. I wish the album the best possible sales and I hope that it will reach as many listeners as possible. Good luck to you in private! Death metal forever!

Thanx brother. And for the support. Keep in contact. I'll keep you up on Sathanas!!