neděle 12. března 2023

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Poland - TORTURED CORPSE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Poland - TORTURED CORPSE.

Answered Necro Inspector (Drums), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Tortured Corpse was formed last year on my initiative, i.e. Necro Inspector (Drums) a moment later Greg joined me and that's how we started working on the first songs ... some time later we were joined by the vocalist Agressor, whom we met one day at the gym doing triceps training.. .(hahaha) together we started to write compositions. Artur (Bass) joined us in January. I am very happy with the current line-up. I have people who are 100% dedicated to Oldschool Death Metal and excellent musicians. We're here to Play Obscure old school Death Metal in the style of the best albums of the 90s, nothing more!

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

"Rites Of Putridity and Death" is our debut EP or MCD if you prefer because the material lasts less than 26 minutes. I am personally very pleased with the material contained on "Rites...., the more that the material was created in only 2.5 months at a crazy pace and thanks to my brothers that they managed to create it all in such a short time! The whole thing was recorded in our rehearsal room, it's not a hundred, but tracks because we really have a lot of music recording equipment. Mastering and mixing was done by our guitarist Greg, and he really did a great job! it's raw, dingy, like in the 90s... just like we wanted.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

"Rites Of Putridity and Death" is our debut EP or MCD if you prefer because the material lasts less than 26 minutes. I am personally very pleased with the material contained on "Rites...., the more that the material was created in only 2.5 months at a crazy pace and thanks to my brothers that they managed to create it all in such a short time!

The whole thing was recorded in our rehearsal room, it's not a hundred, but tracks because we really have a lot of music recording equipment. Mastering and mixing was done by our guitarist Greg, and he really did a great job! it's raw, dingy, like in the 90s... just like we wanted.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

All lyrics are written by Agressor. They are about death, torture, serial killers, and everything that is disgusting. The song "Hellbound" is our little tribute to the movie Hellraiser II. We all think it's the best part of this series. After "Hell on Earth" this series does not exist for us. It's getting worse from film to film ... on the next material there will be a text dedicated to "The Return Of The Living Dead 3" that's all I can tell ... it will be our little tradition ... I'm not young and perfect anymore I remember the days of VHS tapes and rentals when you would go and take tons of horror movies like Evil Dead, Zombie 2, Puppet Master, Shocker and many more. It was a great time. It's our little homage to those old iconic movies and times.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo was made by our friend from Hungary, we are very pleased, we think it is very oldschool and fits perfectly with our music. The young artist Magdalena Mielnik, very talented, is responsible for the front cover. Greg had the whole vision for the cover, and he handled it all. It matched our music perfectly. Everyone says that it is associated with Cannibal Corpse and that was our assumption very well. "Tomb Of The Mutilated" is a great album... what more can I say...(haha) Of course, I think that social networks, forums, etc. are very necessary nowadays. we can reach many places around the world thanks to Bandcamp or YouTube .... in the past, flyers were photocopied and sent in letters, stamps were smeared with soap to be used again .... those were beautiful magical times ... now it is gone and there is a lot of it missing .... now thanks to the Internet everything is at your fingertips .... unfortunately we have such times and we have to use it.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Sent out probably two hundred e-mails asking about the release of our material, enclosing a full promotional package along with music files .... I got at the moment .... 17 replies .... it shows how label bosses approach new bands, they can't even write back "thanks for the info but fuck you". It's very sad such ignorance .. well ... release Jewelcase CD will take care of the Spanish Hecatombe Records. (500 pieces)The cassette comes out at the Chinese Huangquan Records. (100 pieces) We would also like to know about releases of our material on other continents as well as on LP. If anyone is interested in working with us, feel free to write.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

There's really a lot of it.. the first four Cannibal Corpse, Immolation, Incantation, Dismember, old Grave, old Morbid Angel, Sadistic intent, old Vader, Morpheus Descends, Infester, old Samael.... I sit a lot in old classic albums with years 80/90. It was the best time for metal. It will never come back. Of course, I don't listen only to OSDM...a lot of Black Metal with Archgoat, Immortal,Dark Funeral or Marduk at the forefront...there's a lot of it...

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

As I mentioned earlier, I sent a lot of e-mails with our material and I only got a dozen or so replies... as a curiosity, I also sent inquiries to the label in your country - I didn't get a single answer my e-mail .... well.....

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

The stage debut is yet to come, it will take place on April 7. We already have two more shows booked. Personally, I don't like big festivals like Brutal Assault, too many people and swamps for me haha..we're leaning more towards underground club's fucking underground Death Metal! However, if we get an offer to play at a bigger festival, we will definitely consider it... it would be a nice experience for each of us. Concert organizers write to us if you are interested, we certainly guarantee a solid Death Metal punch and a lot of corpses after the concert (haha)

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

At the moment only promoting "Rites Of Putridity and Death" I think it's a really good death metal scrap and deserves it. We would like to record a two track 7 EP this year. These are the plans. Full debut no earlier than 2024, we're in no rush.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can contact us via email or via the website and private message as well as What's up. I encourage everyone who wants to cooperate with us to contact labels, magazines or concert organizers. No email or information will remain unanswered.. what do we want to achieve? we do what we love...simply....all we do is our sincere passion and dedication to metal....forever...I've been doing this for over 30 years...and that will never change.. ..hope we can play some gigs and record some more crushing material....

Thanx for the interview.

Thanks Jakub for the time and place devoted to us in Deadly Storm Magazine! Check out "Rites Of Putridity and Death" if you like really old school Death Metal! Death To False Metal!!!.

Necro Inspector (Drums)