sobota 7. ledna 2023

Interview - AGGRESSION - Devastating thrash metal that burns with a dark flame!

Interview with legendary thrash metal band from Canada - AGGRESSION.

Answered Denis “Sasquatch” Barthe, thank you!

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Ave AGGRESSION! Hello to the Canada! At the beginning of the conversation, I would like to tell you one short story. Sometime in 1993, I got perhaps a thousand times played a cassette from my friend. On one side was your "The Full Treatment" album and some punk on the other side. I was then orthodox thrash maniac, and I didn't take this album out of the player for a month. I didn't even know what the cover looks like or who you are. Then you came back, in a completely different lineup, I searched in the old box for hours to confirm that it was really you. So, the question at the beginning - Why did AGGRESSION stop several times their activity and how did the rebirth happen? If I'm right so the only original member is Denis?

Sasquatch: Hey Deadly Storm Zine, Denis “Sasquatch” Barthe here. Yes, I am the only original member from a band that saw the light of day in 1984. The answer is simple: prison, drugs, family life and having the ability to perform the original material at its face value prevented the band from an ongoing career. The rebirth occurred when promoters were more interested in booking AGGRESSION than my previous band CRADLE TO GRAVE. King Fowley from Deceased contacted me about playing Defenders of The Old festival in NYC and the rest is history. Finding amazing local talent was also a key factor.

I am an old dog, I formed my opinion on music in the nineties, when everyone recognized each band from other. Sometime a month ago a friend came to me and started to recommend some young thrash bands. I stared at him for a moment, shaking my head in disbelief, then saying, "If you want to hear a pure thrash, listen to "From Hell with Hate". The next day he returned, his eyes wide and repeated over and over, that he hadn't heard such a good sound for a long time. Where did you record the album and how did you achieve such a moldy analog sound? Did you edit songs anyway?

Sasquatch: All the tracking was done here in Vancouver, BC CANADA. We went to Park Sound Studio for the drums and Screen Machine Production for bass, guitars, and vocals. Mixing and mastering was done by Ryan Vincent Mullins at Apollo Audio Alt out in MISSOURI, USA. He was critical in the creation and replica of that “analog” sound you are referring to. Highly recommend him to any bands looking for pro quality at a decent price.

I still have the album on the stand in a place of honor and every time I need to clear my head from today's shits, I play it. It's like therapy for me. Do you know what really killed me? Cover! It's such a beauty that I had to order a T-shirt immediately. I know he was painted by José Antonio Vives; I just don't know who he is? I couldn't find information about him. How did you get together? And how did the idea for the theme come up?

Sasquatch: That’s all Dave Rotten from Xtreem Music’s idea. He is the one who put us in touch with Jose. And what a bang on idea! What a cover. We recently have been using my daughter *Madison Savoie* for artwork (2021 Field of Nightmares) however due to work responsibilities, she wasn’t available this time around. We will keep working with her in the future. I have been thinking about using the “From Hell” title for quite a few years however always felt something was missing. By adding the *With Hate* to the title, it truly represents where the world is at in 2022. We simply told Jose to capture something “busting out of hell…”. Did he ever nail it…

I remember that I was always fascinated by the old interviews with SODOM, where the redactor asked them how they recorded new albums. Mostly they answered that they met in the rehearsal room, got madly drunk and then make a new record. Not perfect, but with a great energy. How does AGGRESSION record? Is it still party or are you older settled gentlemen? :))

Sasquatch: I usually come up with the musical skeletons at home and then bring the material to our drummer Ryan Idris who filters the ideas first. Kyle Hagen our bass player then joins in and discuss time signatures and enhance the product with his extensive musical theory knowledge. Our lead guitarist Dave Watson then adds to the mix and provide different perspective on riffs, song structure and overall feel of the songs. Then bang, it’s done. Dave also wrote the instrumental “Precise Execution” and “Worthy of Death” (I added the lyrics) from our last record while Kyle wrote the instrumental “The Inner Circle”. Truly it is a team effort. I would not say that we “party” like we used to in the 80’s however there is alcohol and other party favorites involved in the creative process. You can fill in the blanks.

Who is AGGRESSION main composer? Is it Denis? Or are you all involved? And who has the last word? By the way, I must also mention the work of the Ryan on drums. That's kind of fire, this guy must have dynamite in his hands, right?

Sasquatch: I do most of the writing musically and pretty much all lyrics however as mentioned above, it is a team effort. No one has the last word, and it is a democratic environment where we use unanimous voting. If one doesn’t like a part, we change it. It does create some friction occasionally however we always come up with a solution. Our drummer Ryan Idris is key in the ongoing success of this reformed Aggression. And you will keep hearing from him increasingly. He is a multi-talented individual and a sought-after talent.

We recently interviewed German band PROTECTOR and veteran Martin Missy told us how great it is to see young guys in ragged jeans jackets at the shows. Thrash metal is experiencing a new boom, at least here in the Czech Republic. How does it look like in the Canada? And one more thing, please try to compare the current concerts with those in the 1990s. It is a big difference?

Sasquatch: Yeah, it is the same here in Canada and shows are often sold out even though maybe on a smaller scale than Europe. The interest is increasing, and the followers keep coming. I wish fans of Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax would support local talent more however it is a quality over demand problem. If young bands keep working on their craft, improve their material and performance, metalheads will show up. The economy being in the tank doesn’t help either. As for your 80’s-90’s comment, those concerts of a long time ago will never be replicated and should not be. Different vibe, different time lived by individuals at a specific time of their lives. Let’s create a 2022 vibe and live in the moment. I personally would like to see more stage diving. That was fun!!

I must admit that I still have a few dreams that I want to fulfill. I'd like to see AUTOPSY live. And then AGGRESSION. But do you play in Europe at all? Generally, are you band which like to perform a lot or are you choosing carefully?

Sasquatch: AUTOPSY rules! We toured Europe on two separate occasions. Once with German metallers “Hateful Agony” in 2016 and again in 2019 with Brujeria, Venomous Concept and SANGRE. We played Czech Republic on two separate occasions and loved the fans’ reaction and hospitality. What a beautiful country with amazing people. Heavy Metal rules supreme out there!! We love playing and touring. Some of our best memories occurred on the road. We are due for another European adventure.

You will probably agree with me that your label Xtreem Music is doing a great job. The guys have the same taste for bands as I do! In addition, they also release vinyl, CD, cassettes. We fans are excited and if I meet them once, I will give them a deep compliment, but how do you see their work from the position of the band? Are you satisfied? And how did you get together?

Sasquatch: We could not be happier with Xtreem Music and the work Dave Rotten and team are doing. Over the years we have become good friends. He is a terrific guy. I forgot how we met and how it started but it was around 2015/2016 and we did three releases with Xtreem. Fantastic product and professional organization. We have nothing but positive comments about the work they do. Also, easy to deal with, down to earth, sincere, and humble.

I guess I'm not going to be wrong if I write that you'll be a lot like me. I mean during the day we work to make a living for the families, and as soon as it goes, we spend time by metal. And I chose, like you, the real, dirty one. That's why I met a lot of great people. Do you hold as a band together? I mean if you just go for a beer and talk. I have a feeling lately that everybody around (on example at work) just stares to the phones and then doesn't know what to say.

Sasquatch: well, you aren’t wrong. We kinda live separate live with separate friends however we meet at the jam space 3-4 times a week. If we don’t go, I personally miss the guys. I do see Ryan more often since he is dating my daughter Melody however, we often go see concerts all together and try to promote/attend local metal shows and be involve in the local scene. We do need to provide some attention to the ladies in our lives as well as family support/functions. That’s probably why we enjoy touring so much where we can disconnect, act like buffoons, do crazy stunts together and bond as a band. Work is also a big giant inconvenience.

You play old dirty thrash metal. And you play it exactly according to the old practices which I like so much. But the time has changed. We have a lot of new technologies, of course the internet, which is a good servant, but a bad master. What has changed for you as a band? Did you have to adapt, change your mind? Just because everyone can comment (express himself, or just spit) today everything without understanding it requires a completely different approach.

Sasquatch: the dynamic of the jam space is the same for me personally and it is where I feel the most “at home”. It is my sanctuary. The music is the same and we are still influenced by the same bands we were light years ago: VENOM, SLAYER, CELTIC FROST, BATHORY and company. What changed is social media and how you promote your band. It is a job, and we are still learning how to do it properly. Comments, positive or negative don’t bother us. We accept criticism for what it is however in the end we will keep doing what we are doing. No one ever told us what to do and it won’t change now. In that regards we are as punk as it gets. Time on earth is a privilege not a guarantee, you must live it as you see fit.

On the end I would like to thank you very much for the music you do, for the interview and for everything. It's nice to hear true genuine honest thrash metal today! Wish all good to you in all directions and I firmly believe that I will finally see you live. I will buy you beer.

Sasquatch: thank you DEADLY STROM ZINE. The music we do comes from our heart and soul, and we appreciate your support. Looking forward to meeting you and drink that beer! Hail Metal!!