středa 11. ledna 2023

A few questions - interview with death metal band from the Netherlands - DEMORALIZER.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from the Netherlands - DEMORALIZER.

Date: 28-12-2022

Answered guitarist Yuri, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hello there, Yuri guitarist from the band Demoralizer over here! To start off with a short introduction:

Demoralizer is a new death metalband from the Netherlands. The band was founded by me and our bassplayer Jacco in 2019 after after our previous technical deathmetal project Shredding the Masses broke apart. It took over a year to find our drummer Pascal and our vocalist Reinder before we could finally start writing some death metal songs together.

Interesting to note that our vocalist Reinder, was execially a death metal drummer in a technical death metal band “El Chupacabre“ after his band felt apart, he wanted to explore his grunting & gutteral metal vocals in another metalband. So we were happy we got in contact with Reinder while we were searching for a vocalist.

Our drummer Pascal is our most experienced bandmember, he played in several death / black metalbands such as: Vermin, Syncardion, Chainsaw Surgery and other studio projects with Dark Attic Records. He was the last bandmember wo joined us, before we could finally start working as a band.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

For me, as the only guitarist and responsible for most of the songwriting, I started recording all the guitar tracks for our EP at the beginning of 2021. Our plan was to record the guitars first, then the bass guitar and finally the drums and vocals in the studio. It’s in a reversed order, but during COVID I could record a lot already from home.

In november that year when I finished like 95% of all my recordings a became very ill and was diagnosed with cancer. In 2022 I had to recover from 2 surgeries and had to undergo radiation- and chemo therapy. In between all that I managed to finished the songwriting and recordings for our EP and in June we recorded our video from our song “Alive to Die“

In July the vocals and drums where recorded in the studio with our producer Roelof Klop I know Roelof for many years and he has allready done succesfull productions for many metalbands. He was also reponsible for the mixing proces. The mastering was done by 2 times Grammy Award and 3 times Latin Grammy Award winner Nacho Molino

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Because of our current situation with me still beeing threated with chemo-therapy and missing a second guitarist. It was not important for us to press cd’s or vinyl as in our situation we can’t do any gigs and we have no label or distribution agency to sell cd’s online. So a digital release is most convenient for us right now. You can buy our music at our Bandcamp page: or stream us on many platforms such as: Spotify, Amazon Music, Youtube Music, Deezer, Soundcloud.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

All lyrics are created by our vocalist Reinder. Also our first intro song:“ The Stones of my Tomb“ the music was mostly written by him. He often mentions that he just likes the angry emotion and attitude that comes with grunting and screaming, so the lyrics kind of reflect that. Most things are about thing you might notice in your life if you are a bit (hehe) demoralized. The state of the world, state of ones own life or psyche. Themes are mostly nihilism, fatalism, or good-old-fashioned just seeing stupid shit in the world and not agreeing with it, and wanting to shout as loud as possible that humans can do some weird dumb stuff. Reinder said he can be a bit introverted and ruminate a bit on people being annoying. Other than that he’s not an angry guy.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo is designed by Mike Hrubovcak from

Interesting fact: Mike was also the vocalist of the band Monstrosity a few years ago.

The art-work of our EP is done by Kiandra-Visual, this guy is an exceptionally skilled drawer and managed to create art-work based our the concept we described. Definitely worth to check out his port-folio.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We do not have or had a label at all, everything is self released by us.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

I cannot speak for every bandmember, but for me personally the bands who inspired me most are e.g. : Necropagist, Cannibal Corpse, Jinjer, Chimaira, The Zenith Passage, The Faceless, Haken and lot’s of other different bands.

You check my Spotify playlist if you are interested to know more:

But what’s most important to mention, is that every bandmember has it’s own inspirations and has it’s own creative space in the band during our songwriting proces to express himself. I only write the guitars for the song structures as a base for every song. Then and every other bandmember adds his own creativity until our songs are complete and meet our requirements.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

No we did not send any promo’s to any label at all. Our focus was to launch a digital release on every major streaming platform. We mainly our digital promo to many E-zines, radio‘s and websites to get reviews, interviews and airplay. So far the reactions our EP release are very positive and more reviews will be published in the near future and we look forward to it.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We have not done any gigs so far. The reason for this is first of all we still miss a second guitarist. And secondly because of my diagnosis I am still under hospital threatments, that‘s why we had no chance to perform any gigs yet. So we can’t really say as band what kind of gigs we prefer most.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

At this moment we are in contact with a second guitarist. We hope he will join us soon permanently and we can present him as a new member of the band. Also my chemo-therapy will finish in january 2022, if my situation remains stable as it is now we can definately think of planning gigs. And if that would happen I would definately want to press pysical copies of our EP. I think most guys in the band really want to get on the stage and blow some people away!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

The easiest way for fans to get in touch with us is via Facebook, just sent us a message and it will be me answerring your messages 😊 .

Here a link to our Facebook page:

For other inquiries such as interviews, promotions, gigs and labels you can contact us by email: demoralizerdeathmetal[at]

Thanx for the interview.

You too Jakub! Hope this was interesting for you as well for the readers of Deadly Storm Zine.

If you or your readers want to know more and stay up to date about Demoralizer make sure you check the links below to our channels:

