čtvrtek 15. prosince 2022

Info - New EP from thrash death metal band INCARCERATED!


INCARCERATED is a Thrash/Death Metal band emerged and based in London in 2021 by guitarist/vocalist Lander da Silva and bassist Andy Butler. Later, with the entry of lead guitarist Rafael Rojo and drummer Alberto Pesco, the line up was complete.


In 2021 Lander met Andy and started looking for other musicians with the purpose to create a Thrash/Death metal band influenced by bands like Slayer, Sepultura, Kreator, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse and Death. Soon, guitarist Rafael Rojo and drummer Alberto Pesco joined INCARCERATED with other influences and new ideas starting the creative process and writing songs based on Lander’s riffs.


All INCARCERATED members are experienced musicians from other bands around the world, being an international musicians band based in London.

In 2016 the Brazilian guitarist/vocalist Lander moved to Italy and then rooted in London. After his previous death metal band The Sceptic splits he joined other bands like Keelhauling and Decrepid before meet Andy Butler (ex Divine Chaos) and drummer Nikolas Zikos, who left the band after a few rehearsals. Lander and Andy straight away got in touch with a lead guitarist called Rafael Rojo. Rafael previously had a melodic death metal band in his home country of Spain called Exilium and another band after moving to New York because of work issues. Finally after a long search and many auditions INCARCERATED found Alberto Pesco, a Metal/punk drummer who had played with Apocalypse Addiction performing concerts around Europe and UK, he liked Lander riffs and promptly accepted to join the quartet.

In 2022, INCARCERATED started self-producing an EP with four songs which theme lyrics are about death, hate, judgement, religion contradictions and mind imprisonment This EP started to be recorded on the 2nd of April, in the beginning of November a single for the song Lapidation was released on streaming platforms and then the full EP with 4 songs was released in 19/11/22 self named INCARCERATED.

Artwork layout and photos were designed by Peterson Marti, Icon by Moises Alves, logotype by Ciarán Nolan, EP was produced by Incarcerated and mixed/mastered by Marc Pascual in Spain.

INCARCERATED is also planing to record it’s first full length and a first UK tour for the year of 2023.

Band name: Incarcerated
Location: London - United Kingdom
Band members:Lander da Silva - Guitar/Vocals
Rafael Rojo - Lead guitar
Andy Butler - Bass
Alberto Pesco - DrumsGenre: Thrash/Death MetalInfluences Thrash and Death metal
Performance style: Thrash Metal
Record label: Independent
Contact information:

Phone: 07576756556 (Lander)

Booking agent: band email

Spotify link:

iTunes link:

YouTube link: