úterý 13. prosince 2022

A few questions - interview with funeral doom metal band from Finland - ARCHE.

A few questions - interview with funeral doom metal band from Finland - ARCHE.

Recenze/review - ARCHE - Transitions (2022):

1. Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

E: Arche was founded in 2014 when I asked Panu, our former guitar player, if he was interested in recording, mixing and producing some songs I had composed during the years. Ville joined Arche as a drummer and as a trio we made our first EP “Undercurrents”. Panu was at the helm of the production. Arche plays atmospheric funeral doom with emphasis on melodies.

2. Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

V: "Transitions" was recorded in Eerik's home studio, in the peaceful and remote countryside woods where he lives. The album was self-produced by the band. The foundation and framework for the songs was made as pre-production demos based on Eerik's compositions.

The recordings progressed without haste as arrangements took their final form and all parts and layers fit together nicely. We also decided not to hone the takes forever and left some humane imperfections in. Our friend and colleague Jani Harttunen provided us with microphones for the drum recordings, helped out with some additional engineering, and contributed with additional backing vocals.

I mixed the album at home, which also took its time being a meticulous process with the two of us sharing notions and paying attention to subtle details and nuances, and for the balance and spatial sound depth to complement the atmosphere of the songs.

A friend and colleague Henry Bomb mastered the album nicely, giving it the final touch so it not only sounded but also felt right. We are quite pleased how the record turned out.

3. How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

E: “Transitions” will be out on December 16th in CD (edition of 500 copies, first pressing) and digital formats. Vinyl (edition of 200 copies) will be out next year around April.

4: Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

E: I have written all the lyrics. On “Transitions” they are mainly observations on my life and surrounding world, cycle of birth and death, hope and sorrow.

5: Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

V: The cover art for "Transitions" was commissioned by the band from Nate Burns of Revolting Worship, who provided a fine piece of work. The album's layout was designed with Eerik's brother Henri and all graphical choices were made purely aesthetically. The band currently has no official logo.

As we know, in this digital age social media functions as the primary way for bands and artists to promote their music and to directly communicate with their followers. Arche being no exception. In our case it's our Facebook-page hosted by the band.

6. Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

E: After the release of “Undercurrents”, I wrote to a few labels and Kunal answered soon, that Transcending Obscurity was interested in releasing our next recording. I already had some song ideas, but it took us a few years to make sure that the quality was good enough. So the label had to wait for us to complete the material. They have done a great job at promoting us, with the merchandise and for having patience waiting for our art to find its final form.

V: Amidst all the adversities of global pandemics and several months of pressing plant delays, Kunal Choksi is doing a dedicated and good job with his label Transcending Obscurity. Having his hands full with a diverse roster of underground bands from all over the world, giving them visibility and bringing their music available by releasing physical records globally. Takes tenacity and deserves recognition.

7: Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

E: As a guitarist and songwriter my favorite metal artist was Miika Tenkula of Sentenced. Especially on the Amok and North From Here -albums. His playing style has had a great impact on how I play.

As I’m writing songs for Arche, I actually try to limit listening to other music. It would interfere with my creative flow. I usually just pick up my acoustic guitar and “if the stars are right”, so to speak, everything comes naturally. As I live in a small rural village, the silence in the winter and the sounds of nature in the summer are important in the creative process.

V: There are countless diverse bands and artists who I personally enjoy, admire, and consider an influence musically and expressively. Too numerous to list here.

8. Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

E: I did send “Undercurrents” EP to some underground labels getting maybe one or two replies. When I wrote to Transcending Obscurity, Kunal was interested in releasing our next album and we were pleased to begin co-operation with his label for our full-length album.

9. How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it’s (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

V: So far we have played only two club shows in Finland. The first show in Tampere, and the second in Helsinki as a support act for funeral doom pioneers Skepticism. The shows were done with two live session players. Our intention is to do more gigs in the future if the occasion is right and we'll manage to assemble a stable live line-up while working out all the logistics of rehearsals, expenses etc. A dedicated indoor or outdoor festival with kindred bands and artists would perhaps be the preferred type of platform for our style of music.

10. What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

E: I have enough raw material written for the next album, but it’s still impossible to say when we are going to start the recordings. Maybe next year.

We are probably going to activate as a live band and play some carefully selected shows if people want to see us.

V: We'll continue creating our kind of music, maybe explore our creative expression, see where it takes us, and see what the future brings.

11. How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

V: We can be contacted through our Facebook-page or via e-mail:

12. Thanx for the interview

E: Thank you!

V: Thank you for the interest!