neděle 23. října 2022

Interview - CONSUMPTION - Death grind attack of the most terrifying zombies!

Interview with death metal band from Sweden - CONSUMPTION.

Answered Håkan Stuvemark (Vocals, Guitars, Bass), thank you!

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx. 

Recenze/review - CONSUMPTION - Necrotic Lust (2022):

Ave CONSUMPTION! I’m just listening to your new record „Necrotic Lust“, and I feel like as if I am closed in some tomb together with CARCASS, EXHUMED, ENTOMBED, BOLT THROWER, REPULSION, CARNAGE, DISGRACE, GENERAL SURGERY. The record has a great sound. Where did you record it and how satisfied you are with it? Did you have the "last word" concerning the resulting sound?

Hi there! That‘s great to hear! Like a little review saying that. Yeah the production is superb I‘d say.A massive punch! The recordings were made at our places. Vocals, guitars and bass at my place, drums at Jon‘s and the lead guitar at Ludvig‘s. I sent the stuff to Ronnie Björnström for mix and as said it turned out sounding superb. I didn‘t interfer more than that Ronnie and I tested guitar sounds.

How was the new material for album „Necrotic Lust“ created? How exactly CONSUMPTION writes the music?

The music more or less just happens. Sometimes I get an idea or two at work but mostly the riffs just come with a snap when I sit down playing. I‘m spending about 1-1.5 hour per song with the guitar and bass and arranging a song. Usually other bands/projects I track four guitars plus additionals but in Consumption it‘s only two guitars because o

„Necrotic Lust“ has dark and morbid cover art. Who is an author? I really like his work. How did you actually choose the idea of the cover and what exactly illustrates?

Felipe Mora is the one! He‘s agreat artist. Normally I‘m good with good title and artworkunrelated to each other but this time did the opposite. First I got the title from the song Necrotic Lust which I think was titled Morbid Songs of Pus at first. Ayyways, I had the both titles in mind. An eerie old man and lady playing on instruments made out of bones and such, dark enviroment and 1800‘s clothing UK style which is a little salute to the UK grind. With those details (and maybe some more) and the type of color scheme Mora got to work and he sure nailed it. Fantastic result!

Could you reveal us who is an author of the lyrics and what is their background? Where did you take inspiration for certain topics?

There are three authours and I‘m not of them. It‘s Rogga Johansson, Amine Elmhamdi and Per Albinsson and basically I told them to write whatever they wanted though less kind is preferable.

The new album was released on CD by Hammerheart Records. The label has a very good name in the underground and does a great job! How did you actually put it together? You released your last record on Iron, Blood and Death Corporation.

Yeah they‘re doing good! Well, the first album was as you said released on IBDC and not long after the release I was contacted by Hammerheart wanting to do a reissue on the Recursive Definitions album on CD and Vinyl. We agreed pretty soon to release the next, this album, album there.

Going through your work, you've come a really long way since your last album. The new one seems more raw, better. It is obvious that you as a band are still working on yourself. How often do you rehearsal together? Are you a "hard-working" band, which practices regularly or are you more „punk“ in the rehearsal task?

It‘s a little more thinking overall in the writing, maybe it‘s more about the structure And of course the vocals The vocals is in my opinion much better now. First album was made in high speed and the dark vocals there was pitched down a bit. No pitching on the new album. I was more secure as well and gave it a few more minutes tracking the vocals.. We haven‘t played together but we will! I‘m currently working on getting a complete lineup toegether. It‘s me, Jon and Ludvig this far. What it‘ll loook like in (soon) in the future we‘ll see and we will as well see who‘s behind the mic, me or someone else. I can tell I‘m not born with the skill to play and sing simultanesoulsy.

In the case of your band, it is very good to see your development, each album is better, and you are also gradually better and better musicians. Do you have some goal, which you would like to achieve? Someone wants to release an album with a large label; other wants to play on one stage with some famous band. What about you?

I believe it‘s more, in my case, to create something that I‘m very satisfied with and have it released and hopefully a number of people likes it But yeah….a good label is preferable of course and I‘m not out for a major label , a label doing what they are supposed to do is always good, Play live is of course one fun thing which gives the opportuity to visit some places having good food and so. When I was 15 and we got the album deal with Wombbath the dream was tours, getting rich on the music and all that but yeah it was just a dream. Sometimes I say this is the best hobby in the world.

Having Jeff Walker singing one song on the new album was goal indeed. The best thing that happened in 2021!

Can you recommend some new albums, which impressed you at the latest time?

Unfortuneatly not more than one. I rarely listen on music, actuually not very interested, but when I do it‘s not often death metal I‘m eager to look for except for old gems, can be odd stuff for inspiration sometimes.

But there‘s this album I relly enjoyed. I‘ve never paid much interest in them before though I‘ve liked a song or two I‘ve had heard but I felt I had to check this new album. Ghost‘s new album. Great piece!

Do you know and listen to some metal bands from the Czech Republic?

Nah, I can‘t brag that I do. I got to hear a few at Symbolic Open Air when we played there with Wombbath recently. Good stuff!

We are slowly approaching the end of the interview so I would like to ask one more philosophical question. How would you define the death metal style? What represents this music for you and why did you choose exactly this genre?

Ouch….very good question. ….it‘s very wide….some narrow minded people says it must be like this or that because that‘s `´genuine´. It‘s always been quite wide which I like, Since the begining you‘ve been able to find so many different sounding bands and with that said one can‘t say death metal Must sound just like THAT!

What CONSUMPTION is planning for the next few months?

I guess not too much the nearest future but should of course start some time to go through the songs/riffs and think about the future. First of all where at the start tracking the next Wombbath album. One thing at a time!

Thank you for the interview and I wish you a lot of sold CDs, hundreds of crazy fans and tons of great ideas.

I hope! I don‘t know any selling numbers but I think it‘s going pretty good! Great ideas are always coming out, all projects and new Consumption stuff.

Thank you!