pondělí 9. května 2022

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Spain - INTOLERANCE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Spain - INTOLERANCE.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Well, we started the band at summer 2015. Play a few gigs, recorded a demo in 2016 and put the band on hold in 2017 till 2020, when we started to rehearsal again and record an EP. At summer 2021 we recorded our first album and play a few gigs aswell.

We play Death Metal mostly influenced by the late 80´s and 90´s bands.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We recorded it at Sin/Con pasiones, a studio from our hometown, Zaragoza, by Marc. It was mastered by Javi Felez at Moontower Studios in Barcelona.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

The CD version comes from Memento Mori (Not sure but about 300-500) Tape version by Godz Ov War (100 copies) and Vinyl version by Fucking Kill Records (200 copies)

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

The lyrics are written by our past Vocalist, C.

Sadly he left the band a month ago so now we´re working with a new line up.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The first version of the logo was done by our drummer, D.

The new version was made by Carla ( CL.Artworks), she´s the girl who also made the cover artworks of the EP and the album aswell.

We don´t care too much about social media, of course is a big medium to spread the music, shows, new merchandising, etc... if you use it in the right way. I think it´s a bored and stupid medium if you use it only to upload stupid selfies at the rehearsal place all the damn time.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We are very happy with those labels I mentioned a few questions before and also with Life After Death, the label who edited our past EP. All of them are serious guys and it´s easy to work with them, the deals are fair and the copies they send to us are fair enough too so only good words for them!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Well, there are too many to name all of them haha but for the EP we were inspired by the swedish scene and for the album we were mostly inspired by bands like Bolt Thrower, Morgoth or Convuse to name a few. We are now working on new songs but we are not focused on sound like this or that, I think we are starting to get a personal sound and that´s exactly what we were looking for.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Sadly not too much till today because was difficult to had free time to play with the past formation. But hopefully with the new line up we will be able to play as much as we can!

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Well nowadays the future plans are starting to roll up with the new line up, look for some gigs and write new songs for a second album.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Sure, you can get the copies of our releases at our bandcamp:

Also you can follow the band at facebook and instagram as: Intolerance Death Metal.

Thanks for the support!


Thanx for the interview.