pondělí 10. ledna 2022

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Spain - UNCONSECRATED.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Spain - UNCONSECRATED.

Answered Dave G. (Guitars), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Lo primero muchas gracias por darnos esta oprtunidad de dar a conocer a mas gente todo lo que Unconsecrated se refiere.

Los comienzos de la banda fueron un poco extraños ya que conoci a robert acutual guitarra de la banda en un caluroso verano de 2006,en plana calle nos paramos a hablar sin conocernos y surgio la idea de crear una banda de death metal, ninguno de los 2 habiamos tocado anteriormente ningun instrumento, nos compramos nuestras guitarras y gracias a utlizar el famoso Guitar pro empezamos a componer nuestros primeros temas 6 temas en menos de 2 meses,la cual dio forma a nuestro primer demo titulado Unconsecrated cemetery, mas tarde compusimos mas canciones para dar forma a Dark Awakening nuestro segundo demo.

Todo fue muy rapido y Dans Crypt Recs nos ficho para poder sacar ambas demos en CD, Neceistabamos un cantante y un bajista asi que encontramos a Kent de la banda noruega Unspoken para que cantara y al bajo contamos con la ayuda de Lorenc de la banda Ered.

En 2010 Matt del sello Dark Descent Recs nos ficho para sacar un EP en su label, pero a la vez de este ficha Lorenc ya no seguia en la banda ni Robert, contacte con 2 amigos de mi ciudad Overlord de la banda black metal Warcult como guitarra y Jacobo a la bateria.

Grabamos 3 temas nuevos y un instrumental compuesta por Javi Felez de Graveyard, el EP salio el 31 de Octubre de 2010 en Un edicion limitada de vinilo color verde y negro.

El año antes de sacar el ep yp ya cree mi propio sello discografico llamado Dark Blasphemies Records y cuando salio editado el EP la banda dejo de funcionar y me dedicque al sello exclusivamente.

A finales de 2019 volvi a retomar la banda pero Kent nuestro vocalista ya no estaba interesado en cantar en ninguna banda y me toco buscar a alguien tan bueno para sustituirlo, de pura casualidad esuchando un dia una banda chilena llamana HNAGASH me quede impresionado por la voz del cantante y pense que seria perfecto para UNCONSECRATED, contacte con el y acepto inmediatamente a formar parte de la banda, yo tenia mas de 50 riffd compuestos desde el 2008 asi que todo iria mas rapido, por problemas personales Overlord no continuo en la banda y Robert volvio a formar parete de ella,Jacobo salio de la banda y Azathoth de Hnagash y paso a ser nuestro bateria y cantante, gracias a ANDY deVrykolakas me puse en contacto con Jorge de From The Abyss el cual se unio como bajista.

Gracias a estos cambios pudimos grabar nuestro album debut con 8 temas despues de 11 años de silencio.

First of all, thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to let more people know what Unconsecrated is about.

The beginnings of the band were a bit strange since I met robert acutual guitar of the band in a hot summer of 2006, in the flat street we stopped to talk without knowing each other and the idea of ​​creating a death metal band came up, none of the 2 we had previously played any instrument, we bought our guitars and thanks to using the famous Guitar pro we began to compose our first songs 6 songs in less than 2 months, which led to our first demo entitled Unconsecrated cemetery, later we composed more songs to shape Dark Awakening our second demo.

Everything was very fast and Dans Crypt Recs signed us to be able to release both demos on CD, we needed a singer and a bass player so we found Kent from the Norwegian band Unspoken to sing and on bass we had the help of Lorenc from the band Ered .

In 2010 Matt from the Dark Descent Recs label signed us to release an EP on his label, but at the same time Lorenc was no longer in the band nor Robert, I contacted 2 friends from my city Overlord from the black metal band Warcult as guitar and Jacobo on drums.

We recorded 3 new songs and an instrumental composed by Javi Felez de Graveyard, the EP came out on October 31, 2010 in a limited edition of green and black vinyl.

The year before releasing the ep yp I already created my own record label called Dark Blasphemies Records and when the EP came out the band stopped working and I dedicated myself to the label exclusively.

At the end of 2019 he returned to retake the band but Kent our vocalist was no longer interested in singing in any band and I had to look for someone so good to replace him, by pure chance listening to a Chilean band called HNAGASH one day I was impressed by the voice of the singer and I thought it would be perfect for UNCONSECRATED, I contacted him and I immediately accepted to be part of the band, I had more than 50 riffs composed since 2008 so everything would go faster, due to personal problems Overlord did not continue in the band and Robert returned to form part of her, Jacobo left the band and Azathoth from Hnagash and became our drummer and singer, thanks to ANDY from Vrykolakas I got in touch with Jorge from From The Abyss who joined as bassist.

Thanks to these changes we were able to record our debut album with 8 songs after 11 years of silence.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Toda la grabacion ha corrido a cargo de Robert en lo que a la guitarras se refiere el desde su casa se grabo todo, las voces y baterias se grabaron en un studio en chile y lo mismo paso con las pistas del bajo que se grabaron en cuba, cada uno de un pais diferente, menos Robert y yo que somos de la misma ciudad.

Todo elm sonido masterizacion y mezcla la ha hecho robert y solo puedo decir que ha hecho un trabajo espectacular mas sabioendo que no tiene ningun estudio sobre la materia. All the recording has been carried out by Robert as far as guitars are concerned, he recorded everything from his home, the voices and drums were recorded in a studio in Chile and the same happened with the bass tracks that were recorded in Cuba. , each one from a different country, except for Robert and I who are from the same city.

All the sound mastering and mixing has been done by robert and I can only say that he has done a spectacular job, knowing that he does not have any study on the matter.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Bien la edicion es de 500 CDS para que hacer mas?? ha salido de momento solo en CD por mi sello Dark Blasphemies Records pero tambien para los nostalgico Pathologically Explicit lo sacara en una edicion super limitada en vinilo de 300 copias y alguna novedad mas que aun no puedo desvelar. 

Well the edition is 500 CDS, why do more? It has been released for the moment only on CD by my label Dark Blasphemies Records but also for the nostalgic Pathologically Explicit I will release it in a super limited edition on vinyl of 300 copies and some more news that I still cannot reveal.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Todas las letras las ha compuesto Azathoth nuestro bateria y cantante menos un tema titulado Immortal Winds que lo compuso Alex de la banda death metl Krypticy.

Hable con Azathoth y entre los dos decidimos los titulos de las canciones, luego el fue libre de hacer y adecuar las letras a su gusto.

All the lyrics were composed by Azathoth, our drummer and singer, except for a song titled Immortal Winds, which was composed by Alex from the death metal band Krypticy.

I spoke with Azathoth and between the two of us we decided the titles of the songs, then he was free to make and adapt the lyrics to his liking.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

El logo y portada fue hecho por Rob Smits el mismo dibujante del Slumber of sullen Eyes de Demigod o Avulsed entre otros.La portada se creo en 2009.

Las redes sociales creo que son importantisimas ya que gracias a ellas puedes llegar a todo el mundo en un instante al igual que puedes ponerte en contacto con fans o cualquier cosa que desees.

The logo and cover was made by Rob Smits, the same cartoonist from Demigod's Slumber of sullen Eyes or Avulsed among others. The cover was created in 2009.

I think social networks are very important because thanks to them you can reach the whole world in an instant as well as you can get in touch with fans or whatever you want.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Graciosa pregunta ya que Dark Blasphemies Records es mi propio sello no queria que lo editara nadie mas en Cdm queria tener el control, puede que sea un fallo pero bueno nadie metia presion de tiempos y puede dejar el producto hecho a mi gusto,De momento estamos teniendo muy buenas criticas, tambien comentar en el tema que da titulo al album Reveal Of The Dead, Anders Strokirk cantante de NECROPHOBIC mete un backing vocals, fuen un honor que nos echara una mano.

Funny question since Dark Blasphemies Records is my own label, I did not want anyone else to edit it in Cdm I wanted to have control, it may be a failure but hey, no one put time pressure and can leave the product made to my liking, At the moment we are having very good critics, also commenting on the theme that gives title to the album Reveal Of The Dead, Anders Strokirk singer of NECROPHOBIC puts a backing vocals, it was an honor that he gave us a hand.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Si tienes el CD podras ver una extensa lista de gracias de bandas que me han inspirado de siempre date cuenta que yo llevo escuchando death metal desde 1988 asi que te puedes imaginar, pero por nombrar algunas serian las clasicas: NIHILIST, DISMEMBER, ENTOMBED,CARNAGE,GRAVE, NIRVANA 2002,UNLEASHED, DEATH,MORBID ANGEL….

If you have the CD you can see an extensive list of bands that have always inspired me, realize that I have been listening to death metal since 1988 so you can imagine, but to name a few they would be the classics: NIHILIST, DISMEMBER, ENTOMBED, CARNAGE , GRAVE, NIRVANA 2002, UNLEASHED, DEATH, MORBID ANGEL….

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Si poco a poco los sellos de todo el mundo van recibiendo sus copias y como te dije antes la respuesta es muy buena, yo creo que es el mejor material que hemos compuesto siempre y cuando te guste el Death Metal sueco de los 90,esto puede parecerte agradable y disfrutar de 43 minutos de puro Death Metal.

If little by little the labels from all over the world are receiving their copies and as I told you before the answer is very good, I think it is the best material we have composed as long as you like Swedish Death Metal from the 90s, this can seem nice and enjoy 43 minutes of pure Death Metal.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Nunca hemos tocado y nunca tocaremos esa es la cruda realidad somos una banda de studio y aparte d elas distancias entre componentes la vida de cada uno por motivos de trabajo no nos daria tiempo a poder hacer giras, una pena pero es la realidad.

We have never played and we will never play that is the harsh reality we are a studio band and apart from the distances between components, each one's life for work reasons would not give us time to tour, a shame but it is reality.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Si te soy sincero tenia pensado que ya no compondria mas material nuevo para la banda oeri al ver la respuesta de la gente las ganas han aumentado y seguramente en breve me ponga a componer temas nuevos, solo espero que no tardemos 11 años en sacar material nuevo, pero todo se vera. 

If I'm honest with you, I had thought that I would no longer compose new material for the band oeri, seeing the response of the people, the desire has increased and surely soon I will start composing new songs, I just hope that it will not take 11 years to release new material , but everything will be seen.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Bien hay varias vias buscandome como David Garcia en Facebook o Unconsecrated, dark Blasphemies Records tambien en Instagram, pero la mejor forma y mas rapida es por medio de email el cual es;

Well there are several ways looking for me like David Garcia on Facebook or Unconsecrated, dark Blasphemies Records also on Instagram, but the best and fastest way is through email which is;

Thanx for the interview.

Muchas gracias a ti por darnos esta oportunidad y todo el mundo que quiera una copia del nuevo album que no dude en escribirme . Stay Sick!!

Dave G.

Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity and everyone who wants a copy of the new album, feel free to write to me. Stay Sick !!

Dave G.