čtvrtek 9. prosince 2021

News! - New videos - ODDLAND - Unity - NEEDLESS - Planet Oblivion

Oddland “Unity” official video

Finnish progressive metal alumni ODDLAND return with a second digital single and video from their upcoming studio album “Vermillion”. Just like their previously released track from the same record, “Unity” shows a tight and intense-sounding approach, rhythmically complex and rich in melodies and emotions. Another strike before the full-out progressive attack that will be the Finnish band’s full-length album in 2022.

"The idea behind "Unity" is best represented in the lyric line "do we own what we are"", the band comments. "What if the individual does not really exist so strongly like it is emphasized in today's world and our consciousness, thoughts and experiences are actually reflections of a greater unity, space and universe that we are all a part of. The lyrics play with the idea that a shift into this direction might not be such a bad thing for humanity. The song itself has that trademark Oddland feel with an infectious rhythm and layers of vocals creating a beautiful harmonic balance that might make you want leave this one on repeat".


Founded in 2003 in Turku, Finland, Oddland's forward-thinking delivery melds aggressive tones, spacious textures, and glorious melodies into a seamless and cohesive entity.

Following a string of successful demos, the band was signed to Century Media for the 2012 debut album, "The Treachery Of Senses". Mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö, the record was greeted with a barrage of critical acclaim, including praise from top-tier publications like Rock Tribune, Metal Hammer, Inferno, and many others, and praised as the best prog-metal record ever recorded in Finland!!

Oddland recorded the magnificent follow-up album "Origin" at Fantom Studios (Insomnium, Korpiklaani, Oranssi Pazuzu) after which it was mixed and mastered by Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir) and released worldwide through Sensory Records in 2016. Containing a bit more than forty-five minutes of music, the album bears a theme that ties deeply into the lyrics and extensive artwork, with a separate piece of art being created for each of the nine songs, by Egyptian artist Mohammed Essam.

Oddland has performed at a number of festivals including FME, Tuska, Headway, and Progpower Europe, been touring Europe twice, both as support act for Persefone and as split headliner, in addition to many shows alongside the likes of established acts including Soen, Leprous, Swallow the Sun and Omnium Gatherum. It's a great live band that leaves nothing to be desired.

And here we are in 2021 – with the brand-new third, album, named "Vermilion" ready from these Finnish masters of prog. With an insanely amazing production that takes the listener into the universe of Tool and mixes that super production with a perfect blend of musical twists that would startle any Leprous, Pain Of Salvation or even Faith No More fan, you just can't go wrong.

"Vermillion" will be released in early 2022 via Uprising Records.

Sakari Ojanen: vocals, guitars
Joni Palmroth: bass
Ville Viitanen: drums
Jussi Poikonen: guitars

Single pre-save link:



Needless “Planet Oblivion” official video

“Planet Oblivion”, the third digital single and video to be known from the upcoming album of Needless, is perhaps the most “different” track off the whole record. It’s a rhythmically complex and multi-layered track, with some exotic melodies running behind the main theme and it features the haunting vocals of Thy Catafalque’s Martina Horvath. The perfect otherworldly element to the closing of the sci-fi concept of “The Cosmic Cauldron” and certainly one of the tracks to be remembered for the future from the whole collection.

"This is the first song in our band's history, which can be considered as a "ballad" in our own interpretation", vocalist Ádám Foczek ponders. "We tried to implement some 70's rock vibes with using real synthesizers, but the crown jewel of this song is definitely Martina's voice. About the story: In this penultimate chapter, one must face the makers of the Cosmic Cauldron, and meet a terrible fate, which will doom all the universe".


Needless was founded during the winter of 2004 in Dánszentmiklós, Hungary. The band started as a home project, and slowly evolved into an active group for the year 2014. Their music basically consists of traditional elements of melodic thrash and death metal with the atmospheric side of black metal with some progressive elements.

All mixed up into a fierce blend of aggression and ferocity, with mythical themes and nihilistic contemplations about humankind in the lyrics. In 2015 the band came up with their first accountable release called "The Dark Spirit of Ages" EP, which received critically positive feedback. After its release, Needless did several shows in its home country with bands like Aggression, Nervosa, Nuclear, Dew-Scented, and Flotsam And Jetsam.

“The Cosmic Cauldron” will be released in CD and digital formats, on January 7th, 2022 via UPRISING! Records.

László Bánfalvi - bass
Kasper Botond - drums
Tamás Bárány - guitars
Ádám Foczek - vocals
Fogl Botond - guitars

Digital single:



Photo by Kristóf Lányi
