středa 15. prosince 2021

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Netherlands - NECROTESQUE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Netherlands - NECROTESQUE.

Answered Dave Blummel, co-founder and bass player, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Dobrý den Jakub and Deadly Storm Zine!

Let me begin by expressing our gratitude for this opportunity to make ourselves known to the beautiful country that is the Czech Republic!

To answer your question; Necrotesque was founded in the spring of 2020 by Arjan (guitars) and myself (bass guitar). After a considerable amount of experience in previous bands that were mainly focussed on Doom Metal (Dead End and Into the Arcane), we had the desire to take it up a notch and start writing and playing our interpretation of uncompromising Death Metal. We invited our good friend Harald (ex-Dead End, Pictura Poesis and Daemonos) to pick up his drumsticks for us and he gladly accepted. After a few auditions, Lodewijk (ex-Plague) completed the band as vocalist. The four of us came together and sure enough the sound and feeling of our combined input created a Death Metal variation that hovers somewhere between the original Swedish Old School and the American School. Maybe that’s something typically Dutch. If we consider our predecessors; Pestilence, Gorefest, Altar and Asphyx to a certain extend we might come to the conclusion that Dutch Death Metal is a melting pot of the two greatest Death Metal schools.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

All guitar tracks are home recordings. Drums and vocals were recorded in a studio. The production and mastering was done by Rick, drummer of Dutch Heavy Metal legends Martyr and owner of Rarerecordings. Apart from the occasional annoyed wife or neighbour, the whole process went smooth.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Our debut e.p. “The Necrotic Grotesque” is currently available for digital purchase on Bandcamp. In February 2022, Brutal Insanity Records, a fantastic Dutch underground label, will be releasing our e.p. on cassette (50 pieces) and CD (200 pieces). We are also considering releasing our e.p. on vinyl.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

The lyrics for the first track on the e.p. “The Necrotic Grotesque” were written by Arjan (guitars). It sets the stage for whom the Necrotic Grotesque actually are; vile beasts, lurking in the depths of a fictional hell, feeding on the blood and flesh of the doomed.

The lyrics for the second track, “Demonic Sadist”, were written by me. I come from a totalitarian religious upbringing and had to need to ventilate some of my frustrations. That is why I wrote about a fictitious entity who punishes those who were religious fanatics, assuming they would go to heaven as a reward for being pious but actually putting themselves up for eternal suffering.

The lyrics for the four remaining tracks were all written by Lodewijk. “ResErection” is about a person who revives corpses by having intercourse with them.

“Permafrost” tells the story of the war between Russia and Finland in 1939, also known as the Winter War. It paints a picture of how many soldiers were frozen to death.

“Mental Automutilation” is very much open to interpretation. Everyone has issues with something. Giving in to obsession is one way to go. Fighting it is another option. What the subject in this song chooses is up for the listener to decide.

Lastly, “Relentless Assault” was chosen by me as the title because I wanted to pay tribute to the first Death Metal band I was ever exposed to. The band “Relentless Assault” were a group of teenagers in my hometown of Gemert, the Netherlands. I was probably 15 years old when they performed at the school I was attending. Being blown away by the aggressive drumming and hellish vocals, I decided that one day I would be playing in a Death Metal band. That dream come true. Lodewijk then wrote the lyrics for this track drawing from his experience in historical re-enactment and his passion for Viking history.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

I drew a sketch of the logo and it was elaborated by an external illustrator. Arjan created the rest of the artwork and set up social media and our website. We appreciate the importance of digital media, especially in these difficult times in which it is virtually impossible to just play gigs and reach out to people the way we would prefer; up close and personal. We are getting reports from all corners of the world on how our music is received in a fantastic way, from Mexico to Russia. Without social media this would have been nearly impossible so we are very grateful for that.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We have chosen to collaborate with Brutal Insanity Records from the Netherlands. They are a smaller label, invested in the underground scene. The reason why we’ve chosen for them is because of the level of support they give. Our individual experience with bigger labels is not the best, to say the least. We appreciate a label when they actually visit the gigs we will be playing. A label that speaks through actions, not just words. And we know Roy and Thomas from Brutal Insanity Records as fanatical music fans who will do just that.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We are inspired by our Dutch predecessors; Gorefest, Pestilence, Altar and Asphyx. We simply cannot deny that they have paved the way for the current Dutch Death Metal scene. We also appreciate the American school. Bands like Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, Nile, Dying Fetus and ultimately Death. Then there is the Swedish school with Entombed, Dismember, Unleashed and Grave. But we also enjoy newer bands like LIK and Carnation.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Our music was released just a mere few days ago, so we are now in the process of booking our first official gigs. We prefer gigs where the audience is passionate about music. It doesn’t really matter if it’s indoors or outdoors as long as the people attending are there for one reason; to mosh as violently as they possibly can. We have a great passion for Eastern-Europe and we have ties with Czech, Slovak and Slovenian venues so we are looking forward to touring. Hopefully this will be possible in 2022.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Now our debut e.p. is released, we are in the process of writing our first full-length album. Meanwhile, we just want to play gigs, everywhere! Our ultimate goal would be to be considered one of the Dutch Death Metal bands who paved the way for the next generation of Death Metal bands. Plus, we want fans to reminisce and say in a few decades; “Remember that Necrotesque gig? That was fucking brutal!”

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Fans can contact the band through Bandcamp, Facebook, Instagram and email. All links are available on Even better, we encourage our fans to come over and have a chat with us after our shows!

Thanx for the interview.

Questions answered by Dave Blummel.