středa 18. srpna 2021

A few questions - interview with death metal band from USA - HEXORCIST.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from USA - HEXORCIST.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

- Hexorcist was created in early 2019 with the idea of playing Music we wanted to listen to. We grew up listening and admiring the early wave of Death Metal, when Black, Death and Thrash Metal were very similar. Our main influences are early Morbid Angel, Possessed, early Death and Slayer. With the new resurgence of Death Metal in the last decade we wanted to do something different while still paying homage to the pioneers of the genre.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

- We recorded the full length in the same studio we recorded the demo. Is called The Shack, and it was recorded by Ferny Coipel. We wanted to obtain that late 80’s sound, specially for the guitars so all guitars are recorded using an 80s guitar amp and head. we used old Peavey amps for the bass and guitars, we were lucky that Ferny Coipel understood exactly how we wanted it to sound, he’s a true magician of the black arts.

- We also didn’t want an over produced sound, or too polished. We wanted to keep some of the raw sound you get while rehearsing. Drums, guitars and bass were recorded live at the same time. The mastering was done by Loic Fontaine from Krucyator Studios. The mastering managed to keep the sound natural while at the same time giving it some heaviness.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

- The CD version was limited to 1000 copies through Memento Mori, Cassette was limited to 100 copies through Godz ov War, and the vinyl which is coming out at the end of August will be limited to 300 copies. We really wanted to release it in all mediums and were lucky enough to work with three great labels to make it possible.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal

- The lyrics are all written by the guitarist. When we started the band we discussed lyrics and we wanted to keep that old school spirit when lyrics were about Evil and Satan. The lyrics have to represent the band’s ideologies and sound. He does his best work when he’s drunk out of his mind, somehow alcohol inspires him. The lyrics are fueled by scotch, vodka, anything our guitar player can get his hands on, the lyrics are combination of hatred, disassociation, and references to things that that come from various sources (ie old grimoires, strange literature, etc) most of the lyrics were actually written in one night in a stream of consciousness (he was probably hammered)

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

- The logo was created by Morbid Art. I became familiar with their work when he created the logo of my other band Gnosis, and I will not use anyone else. The Artwork for the album was done by Art Militia, I have for a long time been a fan of his artwork and when he posted that painting it fit perfectly with my vision for the album cover. We are hoping to work with him in future releases. So far we only have a Bandcamp, and a Facebook page. I think social media along with many of the printed and online zines are very important for newer bands to get noticed by people. It used to be in the old days that tape trading and printed zines were the only way to know new bands, but times have changed and so have the mediums of promotion.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

- We worked with three great labels for the release of Evil Reaping Death. We reached out to a few labels and Memento Mori, a label with a great history of Death Metal releases, approached us first and offered to release the album on CD. We were then approached by Unholy Prophecies and Godz Ov War to release them on vinyl and cassette. We are very happy with the way everything turned out. Initially we had no idea the demo and the album were going to be so widely accepted. All three labels have done a great job of promoting the album and getting it out for people to listen.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

- Man that’s a 20 page question right there. But if I had to choose a few I’d say bands I admire would be Absu, Morbid Angel (Early), Kat, Mercyful Fate, Zemial and Darkthrone. Inspiration when playing really comes from what the guitarist plays. As a drummer I try to follow the feeling of the music to the best of my abilities. To me it has never been about showing off, as a drummer my intention is to make the music flow together. The guitar player listens to much the same, also maybe even more Polish Bands, Dragon, Destroyers, Imperator, etc also we both like these bands as well as a lot of Eastern European bands from Hungry like Pokolgep, Ossian, and he’s really into Sarcofago and the Brazilian and South American stuff as we all are.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

- Yeah we sent the demo to a lot of labels. Some never answered, and some answered when we had already agreed to a deal with other labels. We sent it to Invictus, Hammerheart, HHR, NWN, and a few more. Some answered back and really want to work with us, let’s see what happens once we record our second full length.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

- We haven’t played any live shows, and we are not really planning on it at the moment. We talked about it when we first formed the band. Locally we have no support, or following so if we end up playing live in the future it will definitely not be a local show.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

- Right now we have an already recorded split that will be released through Godz ov War on 7”. We got plans to enter the studio and record two more songs for another split with a great Mexican band. After that we are going to focus on new material for a second full length, hopefully to be recorded next year. I don’t really have any expectations, I just want to make music I’d want to listen to and keep releasing new material. This is Death Metal, you don’t play this music to get famous or make money.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

- Easiest way to get a hold of us through our Facebook, Band. And Hexorcist. We are grateful for all the people that have supported us by buying a copy of the album, or the digital version.