neděle 16. května 2021

A few questions - interview with death/thrash metal/grindcore band from Italy - CAMERA OBSCURA TWO.

A few questions - interview with death/thrash metal/grindcore band from Italy - CAMERA OBSCURA TWO.

Answered Alberto Penzin, thank you!

Recenze/review - CAMERA OBSCURA TWO - DOD (2021):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Ciao Jakub, sure. I basically formed CO2 soon after leaving my original band Schizo. It took me a couple of years to find the right people to play with and to understand what kind of stuff I wanted to play in the first place. Not to mention learning to play some guitar (mostly on the sofa, especially lately, thank you COVID) in order to properly write all the music. We had a couple of different members, a few gigs here and there and then I decided to move to Poland soon after having finally completed the lineup with the guys I had in mind since the inception of the band. I would say the thing we play is a mix of different forms of extreme metal me and guys usually listen to: death metal, thrash metal, old “slow” grindcore, some good hardcore too. Simple stuff but with a slightly different twist.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

This was actually a pretty uncommon process. Basically, we started from the vocals and reworked all the songs we had already demoed before with Giulio (Cripple Bastards) on the mic from there. We molded the arrangements from the ground up and the rest came along quite easily natural, having already all the riffs. Our drummer Peppe Orlando owns his own studio, so he can record the drum tracks on his own (he just need a guy pushing the REC button while he’s in the other room tracking behind the drum kit). Guitar player Cinghio is also at the helm of Kick Recording Studio, so he can track himself too, as well as me and Andrea’ basses, and he took care of the mixing as well. We were supposed to send all tracks to for the mastering to Brad Boatright at Audiosiege but in the end Cinghio’s own mastering sounded more accurate and on-point, so he handled that too. Haldor Grunberg at Satanic Audio helped me with some additional tracking, and I plan to work with him again for the next songs, at his new facilities in Warsaw. I have a few new noise-drone effects to try implementing and he’s really into that stuff.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Selfmadegod Records released the album on CD, and we’ll soon have a MC re-release too, on Reborn Through Tapes Records in Italy. Digital, Bandcamp of course (check SMG Records page) while vinyl will happen when our next album T.O.D. will be out as well, one release per side. Last but not least if you’re a lazy ASS you can still find us on bloody Spotify right here: 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Me. I do have this big notebook where I pen down rhymes, phrases and ideas, and I go back there for all song titles and full song lyrics. I used the same method back in my early Schizo days too. I remember reading David Bowie employed a similar technique. Topics, it’s the standard doomy bleaky apocalyptic esoteric against religion very negative shit kind of theme I have always dealt with. But I am a positive guy too, eheh!

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Again me. But it was then tweaked and better executed by our trusty designer Szymon Siech aka V.B.R.R.T.R.D. Yeah social media and all are of key importance nowadays, so despite not liking to overdo with too many posts we have our little pages where we put up news on semi-regular basis. A necessary evil, I’d say.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you?

Selfmadegod Records. I knew that Karol was a pretty stand-up guy so I approached him “escorted” by a friend at Obscene Extreme festival and we basically agreed to do this thing together. Damn deal done, as Entombed would say. So far so good I have to say. Looking forward to be releasing more stuff with them.

Which bands do you idolize and where do you get your personal inspiration?

Well, if we’re talking about idolizing, I have to say Venom no less. I was totally crazy about them in the eighties (and still am, actually). Welcome to Hell was the album that completely changed my perception of music and the main reason for me starting to play bass. Still on the topic of bass and idols, Lemmy of course is and will always be God. Period.

Did you send your record to some labels - which ones? How was the response?

Nope. We signed straight from the beginning with Selfmadegod Records, as I told you before. No need to send a demo to other labels.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We played a few shows back then in Italy with the previous lineup. A dozen or so I guess. Not many places to play down there. I like club gigs more because it’s kind of a better “intimate” feeling and you can easily get an energy feedback back from the audience when you’re playing. Not counting the fact that you usually play with your own gear therefore can get a more accurate sound. Festivals on the other hand are also kind of cool, given the right conditions and overall “good vibe” natural environment. You play in front of more people and that is not a bad thing per se.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

That’s an easy question for me to reply to: writing new stuff, releasing more music, playing. That’s all I ask basically. Conquering the world, maybe next time around.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

I suppose Facebook is the easiest way. Go there and do write us / get in touch if you want to. In any case we do (almost) always reply. Our contact email address is if you prefer that.

Thanx for the interview.

You’re welcome mate. Thank you for your support and appreciation. Catching up somewhere soon, hopefully.