sobota 17. dubna 2021

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Spain - IMPUR.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Spain - IMPUR.

Answered Edgar Bravo, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hi Jakub, we are Impur Death Metal from the island of Mallorca, Spain. The line-up is Alex Correa and Risto Orihuela on guitars, Miguel Ramis on bass, Pep Comas on drums and I Edgar Bravo on vocals. Impur is formed in mid-2019, although most of us have been in extreme metal bands on the island. Let's say our style is heading towards classic death metal, but it also has a personal touch of the influences of each member of the band

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The production of 'Slaves Of Decay' is made by Impur and by Miguel A, Riutort A.K.A. Mega at the Psycosomatic studio in Mallorca at the end of 2021. Mega is a professional musician who has worked as a tour sound engineer with bands like Morbid Angel, Cryptopsy, Vltimas, Samael, Abbath and many more. He was in charge of the recording, mixing and mastering and his work was very important for our debut EP to have that power in production, we are lucky that he is from Mallorca too and with the pandemic he had time to record us.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

'Slaves of Decay' went on sale on April 17 on CD with 200 limited copies and also came out on all digital platforms (Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, Bandcamp ...).

Soon it will also be released in a split under the Russian label Wroth Emitter.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I was in charge of the lyrics of the EP 'Slaves Of Decay', all of them were written in 2019 except for some adjustments that were made at the last minute in the studio with Mega but in general the concept was created before the pandemic. Perhaps when reading them I can give a current vision of the world, I think that Death Metal has always had a pessimistic vision of humanity especially because of the elites that dominate the world, so songs like "Slaves Of Decay" and "Destruction Is Reborn "are focused on that premise. For the theme of 'Infinite Curse' it is about the condemnation that continues from generation to generation when parents inherit their existential frustrations to their descendants, it is a lyric about internal struggles or even about human degradation.

Who created the logo and artwork of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The Impur logo is the work of the Spanish designer César Valladares who has worked with bands such as Asphyx, Krisiun, Graveyard (Spain) ...

The cover was made by Venezuelan artist John Quevedo Janssens who has worked with bands like Stygian Dark, Voracious Scourge, Nocturnal Hollow ...

We think that social networks are important for bands, I think the greatest benefit as a musician is that they listen to you anywhere in the world and that is currently very easy with social networks, we are receiving positive comments from Asia, Russia, whether buying cds or by Bandcamp. Thanks to social networks we will carry out the split that I mentioned before in Russia, these things without internet maybe they would not happen and if they happened it would not be so fast.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

The label is BH Records, it is a label created by us from our previous band called Cerosity and it seemed like a good idea for our debut due to the copyright issue and in order not to waste so much time looking for labels we decided to release it on our own and for now we are getting a good response, even better than we expected.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

In general in Impur we have similarities in classic death metal bands like Death, Benediction, Unleashed among many other legends.

Personally, as a vocalist, I was inspired by the sound of the German band Mangled Torsos and their album "Drawings Of The Dead" that I remember having on CD when I was 11 years old and I tried to emulate the voice playing with 2 radios. . recorders, in one music and in another I recorded the music with my voice, then I practiced the guttural voice haha Another band that inspired me to sing in those years was the Colombian band Masacre, they have a Latin American death metal style, more primitive and brutal than what you used to hear, powerful voice and lyrical theme of a real problem, without fiction and all sung in Spanish.

Currently we have musical inspiration in different genres of rock, heavy and extreme metal but when it comes to creating music we feel more used to old school death metal.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

At the moment, as I was saying, we wanted to go fast with the debut of the band and we have not touched the doors of the labels, but then when we record our first album if we would like to send the material to some labels.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

As Impur we have not played live because with the pandemic it is impossible for now but being 4 former members of Cerosity let's say that we have already played together live. We hope as soon as possible to present our EP live either at open air festivals or in concert halls.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
For now, continue to have the dynamics that we have with this EP, working on the songs in the rehearsal room and polishing them in the recording studio. At the moment we have a lot of material but we have to return to normality regarding the restrictions since there are still them, at least on the island where we live. Eventually, we hope it's this year, they record the first album or a longer EP.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Through Facebook / Impurband, Instagram / ImpurBand, or our email if you want to get a copy of the Ep 'Slaves of Decay' it is for sale on CD at Discogs or you can also write to us directly at our email address

Thank you for the interview.

Many thanks to you for the support and for the interview, I have visited the Czech Republic several times I have even been to the Brutal Assault and the extreme metal scene is incredible, greetings from Spain to all the readers of DEADLY STORM ZINE!!


Link - Impur - Slaves Of Decay Full EP

Link - Impur - Destruction Is Rebor - Lyric Video

Link - Impur - Slaves Of Decay Official Video

Link - Impur EP Teaser

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