sobota 27. března 2021

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Indonesia - DETRITIVOR.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Indonesia - DETRITIVOR.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

- Thanks for the interview, Detritivor is an Indonesian Death Metal band, formed in Yogyakarta Indonesia around mid 2009.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

- We were start recording our new album on December 2019 targeting it will be finish on April 2020, but bacause of the pandemic it get delayed until October 2020. About production sound, mixing and mastering handled by Arif Wahyu Ramadhan.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

- For now our label Brutal Mind had released 500 copies CDs so grab it fast before it out of stock. It also available in various digital platforms like Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, etc. We looking forward that it can be release in cassette and vinyl.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

- The lyric was written by our vocalist and like most of Death metal band our lyric is not far away from blood, corpse but especially in our song is about a serial killer.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

- The logo of the band was created by Pandu Mahendra (ex Brutal Corpse, Venomed) and about the graphic if you means is the artwork of cover album it was created by Donny D. Novaz. Of course social networks is important because by that everyone in the whole world can hear your music and we can spread our energy and spirits through our music to the world.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

- Before we’re released this album we had released our demo content of two killer songs in 2019 and finally in same year we signed contract with our label Brutal Mind, this label based on Jakarta Indonesia. Brutal mind is one of the biggest Brutal Death Metal record label in Indonesia with distribution range worldwide so there is much more people can hear our music.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

- We like to hear Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Monstrosity, Malevolent Creation, Deicide, Vader, Suffocation, Death Vomit (Indonesia) and more stuffs similar like those. We get inspiration especially for the lyric is mostly from the movie.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

- No we haven’t sent our record to another labels because we have contract with our label Brutal Mind so the record for this album is released by them.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

- From this album was released we haven’t any gigs yet, it because of the pandemic. Our goverment doesn’t allow it considering of healthy protocol, but before this pandemic we had many gigs and all of it is awesome gigs we can’t choose one for our best gigs ever because every gigs have their own energy and new experiences for us.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

- We will keep playing Death Metal music. We hope that we can always produce something great with more brutality and more people can hear and enjoy our music.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

- They can find us on Facebook Page ( @detritivordeath ), Instagram ( @detritivordeath ), Email ( )

Thanx for the interview.