středa 18. listopadu 2020

A few questions - interview with death metal band from USA - REVELER.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from USA - REVELER

Answered Cruciatus, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 


Hails Jakub! First of all thank you for the interest towards our music endeavours. Reveler was formed in Transylvania, Romania in the summer of 2018 by Cruciatus (Vocals / Guitar) and Tenebra (Bass Guitar) shortly after Digestio (Drums) joined the band. Reveler uses nicknames and a fictional location (Dunwich, US) to encircle the horror / gore concept of the band. Reveler was created with the clear intention to play Death Metal the way we know which is simple filthy and rotten with gore-drenched horror inspired lyrics, heavy riffs focused in catchy rather than technical songs. We enjoy Death metal in its seminal form. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 


We recorded the new demo tape the same way we did with the past 2 productions, I'm in charge of the recording, mixing and mastering of all our material. Tenebra is my wife and we record all our music productions at our mini home studio, here in Romania. Our first drummer Digestio recorded his drum parts in south Texas where he lives. After the recording of our first demo tape (Disgorged Viscous Spews, 2018) Digestio left the band. With the advent of the recording of our second demo tape (The Hour of Fright, 2019) we welcomed Exhumus in the band as the new drummer, he recorded his drum parts in Northern Mexico where he lives.The recording process for the latest demo (Disembodied Excursions) was basically the same way. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

CRUCIATUS: Disembodied Excursions demo was released on tape format limited to100 copies on solid grey and solid black tapes manufactured in the US. And on CD limited to 100 copies on std jewelcase Manufactured in Asia. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 


I do write all the lyrics and music as well, usually the lyrics came out after the music is done, I do choose to write about horror and gore, some sort of short horror stories if you will, I do think that this topic goes hand in hand with death metal very well . 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 


I drawn the Reveler logo, as I already did for other bands, labels, etc (Death in Pieces Recs, Necrorite, Necrotum, Demoted, Trve Kvlt studio, among others) and I do all the graphic design related to Reveler as well, I did the cover artwork for the second demo tape (The Hour of fright), but for the new one (Disembodied Excursions demo) the artwork was made by Black Winter from Mexico. 

Social media networks are very important thing nowadays yes, I'm an old banger who used to trade tapes / demos back in the late 80's early 90's, was hard back then to be updated with new bands / releases, we were relaying in what the 'zines / mags had to say or recommend once per month or in the case of zines, every 6 months or even a year! The kids of today are one click away of new bands / music / info etc. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

Cruciatus: We are active in other bands besides Reveler, so the labels usually contact me to ask about any new projects / recordings that I'm involved with, this way if they like what I'm currently doing they come out with an offer for the next release, Macabre End Productions from Mexico released the MC tape version of the new demo, they are very proffessional with their releases, we are very pleased with the results of course, Narcoleptica Productions from Russia contacted us, interested in handling the CD version of the demo, they did it as a co-release with another 3 labels (Cianeto Discos, brazil, Careless 'Demo“ Recs, Kazakhstan and Viceral Vomit Recs, Costa Rica), they did an awesome job as well! 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 


We all have different taste in metal, but we all have almost the same influences, the early death metal bands that we used to listen back then and left a mark on us indeed such as: early Death, Slaughter, Chakal, Deceased, Repulsion, Necrophagia, Necrovore, Autopsy, early Asphyx, Grave among others 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

Cruciatus: Not really, I've crossed words with Rotted Life Recs from the US, but they have a very tight schedule for this year, they shown interest but it was impossible to do it in time, due their schedule of course. Some other labels like Unhloy Domain Recs from Italy and Tenebrous Aberrations Prods from the US, wanted to release the new demo tape, but we chose Macabre End Prods from Mexico, because they are super fast putting out their releases. 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

Cruciatus: We do not play live unfortunately, it is about logistics I guess, our drummer lives in Mexico and us in Romania, it's kind of difficult to coordinate. Reveler is more of a studio band I believe, anyways we had some invitations to play live, some festivals here in Europe and in America, we couldn't decide yet due the Coronavirus pandemic going on, hope to set something in the near future, after this nightmare ends, of course. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

Cruciatus: Are plans for a few splits in the upcoming months, then we want to start to write new songs for the debut full length album to be released sometime next year, but nothing in concrete yet, just speculations for now. Our plans for next year are first of all to focus in our main band Vorus, to write and record the second full length album, then new Reveler stuff. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 


Reveler can be reached here: E-mail:, bandcamp:, on Facebook: 

Thanx for the interview. 


Thanks to you for the awesome questionary and for the interest and space given to Reveler, we really appreciate it! Keep up the good work! 

In Death... Cruciatus / Reveler

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