pátek 9. října 2020

Interview - PUTRID - We are, mainly a black death metal band.

Interview with black/thrash/death metal band from Peru - PUTRID.

Answered PUTRID, thank you!

Translated Petra, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Recenze/review - PUTRID - Antichrist Above (2020):

Ave PUTRID! I haven’t found any interview in the Czech language with you, yet. So please, first introduce the band to our readers who don’t know you. You could start from the early beginnings and describe the whole PUTRID history. 

Hails, Putrid was formed ten years ago. Those who were present on the first line up, came from some other bands which were disbanded. Primarily, the singer and I were the ones who composed the songs and decided the direction of the band. He (Juank – our previous singer) had to quit for personal reasons and more or less since then everything falls upon my shoulders as a main composer and lyricist. At the time we have a lot of splits but only two albums: The Triumph of Impurity (Lord of the Flies records- Italy) and Antichrist Above (Godz of War Prod- Poland). We are, mainly a black death metal band. 

I’m just listening to your new record „Antichrist Above“ and I feel like as if I am closed in some tomb together with SARCÓFAGO, IMMORTAL, MARDUK, MORBID ANGEL, IMPIETY, HEADHUNTER D. C. . The record has a great dark sound. Where did you record it and how satisfied you are with it? Did you have the "last word" concerning the resulting sound? 

We recorded it at our own recording studio (Putrid Bunker). We were there like 4 days straight for all the recording takes. But almost a month between mixing and mastering. It was something great recording at our own studio because we were very confortable recording with our own sound. 

Regarding the satisfaction that this implies, I think that it sounds better than everything we have ever done before, but due to time contraints we couldn’t improve it. Perhaps later on we will be able to improve the audio and do something about it, but at the momentit sounds good under the given circumstances. 

How was the new material for album „Antichrist Above“ created? How exactly PUTRID writes the music? 

The last three Putrid Productions have been, basically, under my authory. The arrangements have been a cooperation between all members, but music and lyrics have been composed almost exlusively by myself, with the exception of a song in which Sacrifier is co-author. 

The idea is that I’ve always come with a riffing structure and the bpm of the song in order to give the drummer more control over the songs. We always make a draft and under a blackboard which we have at the studio, structure the tempos, riffs, repetitions, bridges and finales. We make a very home made recording and with that we come back to the next rehearsal. There are tracks in which we have changed almost 60-70% of the riffs and we end up doing a completely new track, different from the first shots, but this is done because we can allow ourselves the time to write songs during the rehearsals.


„Antichrist Above“ has dark cover art. Who is an author? I really like his work. How did you actually choose the idea of the cover and what exactly illustrates? 

Do you remember Mortuary Drape’s cover art? That’s the basic idea. Look, as a matter of fact everything is connected within this album, but I think that very few people have realised this because nowadays they look more complex ways to reception in Metal. People are looking to feel themselves more special regarding the quantity of weird bands they can get hold of and listen to, which to me, is a real waste of time. The idea for the cover was mine, as I already told you, based on Mortuary Drape’s AWD cover art, but this goes hand in hand with the lyrics and what we look with the music itself. Our objective was sounding totally aggressive and we wanted, for the cover art, something which will not take away the attention to that fact. False complex matters already present on Metal, generally, is something which not only bore me to death, but also I despise them. 

Could you reveal us who is an author of the lyrics and what is their background? Where did you take inspiration for certain topics? 

The subject related to the lyrics have achieved the desired result. I remember that, during one of the first album reviews, someone said that Antichrist Above doesn’t bring anything new regarding its construction, but that fact wasn’t vital for the album, because Metal, nowadays became so „gentle“ that more bands like that are needed. When I read that, I was pretty pleased, because that guy completely understood what we wanted to achieve with the album. When I sit down to write those lyrics, I did it with the will of writing the most simple and direct lyrics I had ever done, with the idea that those who expected to find stupid mysticisms on a new band could just fuck off. The lyrics had to go hand in hand with the music and the music we made was violent and dirty. It would had been something totally stupid writing poetry under that musical frame; so it was also a big FUCK OFF to you and your ritualistic weekend bands. 

You play music as old as death/black/thrash metal itself. How do you perceive new directions in the death metal? I mean mixing with death core or technical death metal? Do you have any favourite bands in “modern metal”? 

As a metter of fact I’m not aware of the new bands which are popping out nowadays. There are few of them which I have got, but it’s because they are from my country. If you mean about modern metal...I think that since the early 2000 there’s nothing you could say that it could be labeled as novel. Perhaps what Kapala and Tetragrammacide are doing nowadays, but it doesn’t convince me the noisy sound they make anyways. I know that they’re doing it just fine and getting a proper response, but I don’t share their way of doing metal. 

From my country I’m listening very much to Perverse Rites and from Germany to Attic, who are the heirs of Mercyful fate, that is the new stuff I’ve got lately. 

What about PUTRID and concerts? Do you play a lot? Are you going on tour or you are choosing only bigger festivals? And what about touring over Europe? 

Well, pandemic fucked up all 2020, so we didn’t even had the time to rehearse during all this time. However, we have already 6 new tracks ready to be completed which will be included on the third album, but we won’t release any new material until 2022 or so. However, we will be working during the next year on a compilation album containing the entirety of our splits plus some covers from bands such as War (Sweden), Holocausto (Brasil) and Dios Hastio (Peru), plus some other bands. 

We will record this and after that we will work with the songs already written and those which we’ll write in the future in order to have a wider variety to choose from. Playing in Europe would be great but I imagine that taking a band like us to play over there should be very expensive, including plane tickets and else. I know that there are currently bands who pay for their own tickets and then they try to make some money to cover their own costs when they are there. If we had a reliable organizer we could be able to do just that, but we don’t know anyone over there who goes through that and guarantees us that we’re not going to face any trouble. 

Can you recommend some new albums, which impressed you at the latest time? 

Sure thing! As I told you, Perverse Rites from Peru and Attic from Germany. After that, I’ve got some stuff which I already had on CD, but I wanted it on vinyl anyway. It is difficult listening to new bands under this pandemic context. I hope that during the course of the next year many productions will be released with the time that the bands had available to compose new material. 

Do you know and listen to some metal bands from the Czech Republic? 

Evocation, Krabathor and, of course Maniac Butcher (I’ve got a vinyl signed by Barbarud Hrom). 

We are slowly approaching the end of the interview so I would like to ask one more philosophical question. How would you define the death/black/thrash metal style? What represents this music for you and why did you choose exactly this genre? 

It is somewhat difficult to answer such a question because , at least regarding putrid, Things weren’t totally planned. When Juank reunited us, he told us that he wanted to play on a band influenced by black metal punk, something in between Misfits with Darkthrone., something more alike to Carpathian Forest’s „He’s Turning Blue“, but, as you can see, things have changed a lot during the course of 10 years. What could be said is that things should fall by their own weight. It is also true that this style is not very hyped nowadays because everybody are trying to use robes and incense on their shows which is garbage to us. I think that Putrid’s own style carries the biggest possible honesty, without any single space within the cannons of modern Metal. 

What PUTRID is planning for the next few months? 

Start rehearsing these songs we want to cover, it is planned to be a double album, so we are at it right now. I think that playing out of the country is a little difficult. At some given time we’ll do it. We have had some offers to go to Canada, but nothing is certain yet. We care more about recording anyway. 

Thank you for the interview and I wish you a lot of sold CDs, hundreds of crazy fans and tons of great ideas. 

Thanks to you for the real support. We hope that one day we’ll be able to have a beer with you, either on a tour in your country or on a visit from you to Peru.

Recenze/review - PUTRID - Antichrist Above (2020):

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