úterý 6. října 2020

Interview - FOETAL JUICE - We basically wanted to write the most aggressive death metal album we could.

Interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - FOETAL JUICE.

Answered drummer Rob Harris, thank you!

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Recenze/review - FOETAL JUICE - Gluttony (2020):

Ave FOETAL JUICE! I have never found any interview with you in Czech language. I will ask you first to introduce the band to the readers who do not know you yet. You can start from the beginning and take us throw the whole history of FOETAL JUICE. 

First of all thanks a lot for your brilliant reviews of our last 2 albums. We really appreciate it. 

Foetal Juice started back in 2005. It was a project by 4 friends from high school who were hugely influenced by bands such as: Gorerotted, Desecration, Vomitory, Entombed, Deicide, Vader, Malevolent Creation, Napalm Death and all sort of other extreme bands. 

We came up with the name Foetal Juice because we were sick of every band taking everything too seriously. We wanted to write serious music but take the piss out of everything whilst doing it. 

Dark humour has always been central to our influences as a band. 

Over the first 8 years we were finding our style and playing everywhere we could. In that time we managed to record a few demo’s, an EP and release a couple of live recordings. 

In 2012 we recorded about 10 songs that was supposed to be our debut album. I can’t really remember what happened to it but for some reason we only ended up with 5 songs completed. These songs were offered towards “A Split Worst Than Death” with BTK, Zombified, Nailed and Decimation. This split CD was released on Grindscene Records and as a result we toured the UK and Ireland with Desecration, BTK and Zombified. 

In 2013 we recorded 5 songs for the “Big Trouble In Little Vagina” EP. Around this time we also got invited to play our first Major Festival, Extremefest in Germany. 

In 2015 we released a split with Human Landfill and our first video for “Albert Grindstien.” The next year we were invited to play Obscene Extreme Festival And Bloodstock. 

Since then we released “Masters of Absurdity” via Grindscene Records and have played all over Europe and the UK promoting the album. 

In 2018 our vocalist Sam stepped down and was replaced by a long time friend, and member of UK black metal band Burial as well as Wolfbastard, Derek Carley. 

2019 saw us playing all over the UK and venturing into Portugal and Spain with our friends in BTK. Half way through the year our bass player stepped down and was replaced by Lewis Bridges from UK thrash band OND. 

This gave me (Rob) and our guitarist (Ry) the opportunity explore our writing technique and try to go heavier and much more aggressive then we previously have. 

At the end of 2019 we went to Foel Studios and recorded “Gluttony” with Chris Fielding (Napalm Death, Conan etc). 

“Gluttony” was released by Gorehouse productions on 12 June 2020. 

We had so many good plans to promote “Gluttony” in 2020 but like everything for everyone in 2020, these plans were all cancelled. 

Luckily for us, the majority of our shows have been pushed forward to 2021. These shows include: 

Incineration Fest (UK) 

Nice to Eat You Deathfest (CZ) 

Fuck The Commerce (DE) 

Stonehenge Festival (NL) 

as well as many shows between all of these too. 




Donna Kababy



Foetal Juice EP



A Split Worse than Death



Big Trouble in Little Vagina



Rectal Implosion vs Foetal Juice



Foetal Juice / Human Landfill



Masters of Absurdity







This year, you have just released the new album „Gluttony“. Again, it's a dark, harsh and honest death metal. Did you access to the recording process differently than last time or did you choose verified practices? 

Recording wise we pretty much did the same as the previous album. We book 10 days with Chris Fielding at Foel Studios and try to twat it out as quickly and accurately as possible whilst getting throughly shit faced for 10 days. 

This band has always been about enjoying yourself so we intend on doing that at every opportunity. Essentially at the studio. 

The new album seems to me more complicated, perhaps initially less accessible, at the same time incredibly dark and evil. Was it intentional? How did the album originate and how did you compose the music? 

I think we were more pissed off when we were writing “Gluttony.” We basically wanted to write the most aggressive death metal album we could. All of the music was written by me and Ryan and I think that helped to be honest. It’s easier to impress one person than it is to impress 4 at the same time. 

We have added a lot more influences from the different genres we are into. There is much more, grind, punk and black metal in this album. 

I think me and Ryan work in a style that is constantly trying to impress each other. Always seeing how far we can push each other. We are also each other’s worst critics and I think that shows in the constant riff attack style of the album. 

I have a „Gluttony“ in my MP3 player and I have to say that this album literally engulfed me. These are not just great ideas but also sound is simply devastating. I'm sitting in the tram, and suddenly I find myself shaking my legs. I have a feeling to start moshing. If I weren’t so old, I would probably start to. Where did you record and who is signed under mastering? 

We recorded the album with Chris Fielding (Napalm Death, Conan, etc.) at Foel Studios. He has also mixed and mastered “Gluttony.” 

Chris is great to work with. He really pushes you to give that extra 10% in the sessions. He also gives you a few ideas along the way, which I think is really helpful. 

Who is the author of lyrics on „Gluttony“? What are they talking about? Where do you get inspiration for themes? 

Me and Ryan put together most of the lyrical ideas on this album. With Ryan writing probably 80% of the content and Derek arranging and changing the lyrics to fit the songs better. 

The general theme of the whole album is basically us looking at the greed and selfishness of humanity. 

We were quite inspired by the general disgust in the way everyone is these days. That’s why the name “Gluttony” summed up the album perfectly. There isn’t a single person who wouldn’t be in that layer of hell. 

Who is signed under the cover of „Gluttony“? I like his work very much. How did you choose the motif for cover? 

The artwork was done by the amazing death metal artist, Roberto Toderico. We have had a few t-shirt designs done by him in the past and thought he would be great for the album. 

We basically asked him to draw his version of Dante’s Infernos Gluttony layer of hell. I think he did a great job of it. 

When we look back at the beginning ... What was the first impulse to found the band? And why the brutal death metal? It's not the typical style which can would give you great "glory". 

We have always been huge death metal fans. It’s the genre that gives us the most pleasure to play live too. 

Starting a band isn’t about the “Glory,” it was just about doing what we love to do. We have never (and probably will never) made any money from this band. Every penny goes straight back into Foetal Juice. Either in merch, petrol, recordings or anything else the band needs to progress. 

You come from Britain and you play extreme death metal. Our readers would certainly wonder how the death metal scene works in Britain. To tell you the truth, so lately I hear only the great bands from there. Does this mean that the scene there is so strong at the moment? What about concerts, how many people coming to them? 

The extreme metal scenes as a whole are great in the UK at the minute. There are so many good bands in all genres coming through, although I would say the Black Metal or Slam scene in the UK is taking off way more than the pure Death Metal scene. I think all that are poking through at the minute are the ones that have been working hard plucking away in the UK scene for years. It’s just a bit shit that as soon as we have so much talent to take to Europe, COVID and Brexit exist to stop any progress. (At least we have got an incredibly intelligent and trustworthy man in charge of the country who is sure the guide us through this shit storm). 

From your music is possible to feel that you are influenced by American death metal school and as well by the old European bands. How do you feel about it as a fan? Do you prefer the original death metal of the 1990s or do you get inspiration as well from the new albums? If yes so I am wondering which bands had the greatest impact on FOETAL JUICE. 

I think the good thing about us is that we are influenced by all kinds of extreme music from, Dismember, Entombed, Vomitory, Kaamos, At the Gates, Deicide, Cannibal Corspe, Death, Dissection, Immortal, Vader, Insect Warfare, Terrorizor, Desecration, Napalm Death etc. 

I would say the main death metal influences are of the older styles but we also take on a lot of grind and black metal influences too. Basically anything aggressive catches our attention. At the minute bands like Weigidood and Cryptopsy and Kaamos are in heavy rotation for me. 

What about you and concerts in general? Are you a band that goes for concerts anytime you can or you are picky about where you will play? Do you have a dream, maybe a group you would like to go with for a tour or festival, a city where you would like to perform? 

We love playing everything we can to be honest. Of course we would love to play big festivals and tours, we are always up for any offers that come our way. This year would have been great for that but we get to look forward to coming over to the Czech Republic for Nice To Eat You Deathfest and possibly a few more dates next year. We are very much a “if you book us, we will come.” Kind of band. 

At the end of the day, we just love playing shows and we love playing shows more if we get to get drunk and watch some other great bands afterwards. 

I'm going to listen again your new album „Gluttony“. I have to say that for me personally, this is basically a perfect death metal work. Totally inferno. I wish big success to your record and to get this album to as many people as is possible. This album deserves it. I wish you all the best in your personal life. Whatever you do and the last words are yours. If you want to tell something to fans, labels, promoters, you have space here..... Thank you for the interview and I am looking forward to seeing you live! 

I’m really glad you enjoy the album. It’s been a pleasure doing the interview for you as well. 

As for a message to the fans, watch this space! We have got so many great things coming up next year (if we can go ahead with it all). 

Snuff fest (UK) 

Nice To Eat You Deathfest (CZ) 

Fuck the Commerce (DE) 

Incineration Fest (UK) 

Stonehenge Festival (NL) 

And many shows between as well as others that we can’t announce yet. 

Please take the time to check out everything on our label Gorehouse Productions as well as all of our other projects: Burial, Wolfbastard, OND and Necronautical. 

Thanks again! Stay fat!

Recenze/review - FOETAL JUICE - Masters of Absurdity (2016)

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