"Old school death metal" band SYMBTOMY from Czech Republic just released their "DEMO#1" with three songs and three vocal guests - Johan Jansson (INTERMENT), Jonny Pettersson (WOMBBATH, JUST BEFORE DAWN, HENRY KANE,... ), Ralf Hauber (REVEL IN FLESH). The band is tribute to 90's era and 90‘ death metal itself.
Album title: DEMO#1
Recorded at: Dejvy's Hell / HollySound Studio
Mix/Mastering: Holly / HollySound Studio
Production: Dejvy / Holly
Cover art: Jakub N. Rusek
Song titles:
- 1. The sounds of perverse thoughts /guest - Jonny Pettersson
- 2. The taste of human trophy / guest - Ralf Hauber (REVEL IN FLESH)
- 3. ...and the knife cut surgically / guest - Johan JANSSON
contact/booking: symbtomy@symbolic.cz